• By -


Looks like a fun haul imo! I can say that the Destroy All Humans 1 & 2 remakes that came out a few years ago did justice to the originals. They are in a different art-style and change a few things (not bad changes). I had as much fun as I did with the PS2 versions. But the PS2 versions are worth keeping imo since they have some issues with emulation and the darker/more realistic art style still makes them unique.


Agreed. I’m glad the remakes got more people into the games but the art style they chose was terrible. Also buggy as all hell I’ve heard. IMO seems the way to go is emulation/OG copies


Honestly the newest remake was so good graphically, and they ironed out a bunch controls but unfortunately, a lot of the edgier jokes and content was cut. That's what made the games so great their dirty and toeing the line jokes. I couldn't finish the remake bc they didn't feel the same.


Was the second one fixed? I remember it being incredibly buggy and as such havent tried it again


Mileage may vary but I played the Steam version and don’t recall experiencing any issues. I played it off release too but I might’ve just been lucky.


I never played Destroy all humans, which one is the best? 1 or 2 for PS2? 


Both are good. 1 is shorter than 2. 2 has a lot more variety and adds features that weren’t in the first game. Imo 2 is better cause it’s simply an improvement of the first. If you are someone who is busy or doesn’t have too much free time for games I’d say go for part 1 and see if it’s a game you’d enjoy then later pick up 2.


ok thanks for letting me know, you have a good day my friend 


These games are really good. I honestly wouldn't buy anymore until you've beat them all or at least figured out if you like them or not. It's already a respectable collection. You don't want any of these in the backlog.


For sure, thats a smart idea. The only ones I’m wondering if I’ll like are Sly Cooper (only because I hear 2 is way better), Destroy All Humans and Price of Persia. But yeah I’ll play them all and I got 90 days to return any I dont like.


Destroy all humans is pretty addicting. Most sequels of this generation are more or less the same game as the previous except devs had more time to work on them and make them better in every way. Although, theres a lot of original titles that have their own unique qualities. Jak and Daxter for example. Way different than the rest of the Jaks.


You got comments how sly cooper 1 and destroy all humans are both good, I’m here to assure you Prince of Persia is good. The fighting may feel dated but it’s sorta the first iteration of the combat you see in the Arkham games if you’ve played those. The real draw of the game though is the art style and the tone that come through from the environments. The game just has a real cool look and feel and all the architecture and level design are well done in a way that makes the rooms look pretty functional. And there’s a cool time reversal mechanic for when you mess up a jump or fight. It’s not very long, one of my favorite games on the system and the middle link at Ubisoft between Splinter Cell and Assassin’s Creed.


Sly cooper 1-3 are incredibly fun games. 2 being my personal fave.


Psi-ops is an underrated game in my opinion. I don’t know if it holds up but I played it back when it came out originally and I had loads of fun


Psi-ops was really unique up until Control imo. I loved the hell out of it, and for that reason I’m a bit scared to go back to it.


You’ll definitely need a controller that comes with pressure sensitivity or you won’t get too far. There’s a training flashback that makes you utilize it to proceed.


You have HOURS of top class entertainment right there. Enjoy


You'd better not be returning Ratchet & Clank.


Metal Gear Solid 2 still holds up today




I played MGS2 first and I was able to follow along pretty well. Granted, It would have made the experience much better but regardless. It can be done and still have a fun time.


Ratchet and Clank 2002 is fun, but Going Commando (2), Up Your Arsenal (3), and Deadlocked/Gladiator(4) would have better gameplay overall. I would play 2002 first because when you get strafes, you never go back.


I am playing the first one now. What a fun game!


Buy the other Jak and Daxter games. Also, Soul Reaver 2 and Blood Omen 2 are must haves.


I would play the first Blood Omen and Soul Reaver before playing those. Gives a lot of context considering the lore.


Don't sleep on that Psi Ops game. It's fantastic. Also you should get Urban Reign. And if you get it, there are cheat codes and one allows you to let player 2 control any normally AI teammates so they cna help you beat people up


I’m not gonna sleep on Psi-Ops, I never played it, but I ALWAYS hear its a criminally underrated game, and no one who has played it said anything other than it’s fantastic. I might play that one first honestly


If you like psychic powers and holding dudes in the air, shooting them, then launching their bodies at other enemies, you're in for a treat. Lol


Wanna hang out, smoke some weed, fill our bellies with diet soda, and play Burnout Revenge for the PS2?


I’m not gonna lie, that Smiling Friends episode is a big reason I got tempted to finally buy a PS2, love that show. “This is embarrassing its like YOU’RE NOT EVEN PLAYING”


FFX and SotC are masterpieces


GTA: Vice City and GTA:Vice City Stories


VCS is underrated asf


I second this, GTA 3 is good but vice city is sooooooo much better. Debatably better than SA depending on preference.


I love that in the year of our lord 2024, people are still discovering and playing PS2 for the first time!! Cheers fam! Enjoy! Btw, maybe mod it if your technical know how is decent so you can play some great horror games like Silent Hill, Fatal Frame, and Siren (the latter has a steep learning curve and you probably will have to have an online guide at the ready).


finally fantasy x is so good that would be the first game i hop on, i never got a chance to play it on the ps2


Its a masterpiece, I played the remaster on PS5 about 85% of the story, but I just feel like theres something special with playing the original on a real PS2. I’m hyped


It’s too railroady in parts imo. Not saying it wasn’t a good or bad. Just ok.


X-Men Legends


Tony Hawk Underground


Welcome to the third place 👏


ssx tricky ssx 3


Prince of Persia will make you notice something; games are much easier nowadays. It's quite a hard game, not really combat wise but puzzle wise. As a kid I couldn't get past one of the environmental puzzles. As an adult I noticed this was not only because I was a kid, haha. I only never played destroy all humans back then (know it was a cult game) and psi ops. Rest are pure gold!


You should get burnout revenge for the ps2. This way you can smoke weed play the game and fill your stomach with soda while having a bomb around your chest


Jak and Daxter still holds up really well. I think the remaster for FFX is honestly the way to go.


few gems in there


Huh I definitely prefer the pal cases


I HIGHLY recommend the Onimusha series. I just replayed the first one, and I will admit the story and acting isn't great, but boy, oh boy, do I love massacring demons in feudal Japan.


Ape Escape 2 and 3. You already have some heavy hitters but why not get some more?


You should pick GTA Vice City too


Half life. Although no auto saves, it's still fun. Including a campaign exclusive to the ps2 it has a head to head mode. Making it REALLY FUN with friends. You gonna need the memory card


I'd say get gta vice city while you're at it. Also, if you end up liking ratchet & clank then i would definitely recommend getting the second and third game as well. Really fun platformers.


Bully, it's my favourite game of all times.


Def Jam fight for NY Burnout 3: Takedown Need for speed: Underground 2 True Crime: NYC Jak and Daxter 1-3, and Jak X Spiderman 2 Ratchet and Clanck Ace Combat 5: Unsung War


Ace Combat Holy Trinity (Shattered Skies, Unsung War, Zero).


Hot dang, that’s a killer’s row of games right there! You got a good haul, no doubt! As for any other games to get, it really depends on what your interests are. If you’re into racing, getting Gran Turismo 3 or 4 or Burnout 3 would be a good next step. Kinetica is a nice and underrated futuristic racing game that I will never not sing the praises of. If you like sports, there’s fantastic arcade-y titles like the NBA Street (Vol. 2 is my personal favorite) series or more realistic games like NFL 2K5 or NBA Live 05. Also, look into the extreme sports side of things with the Tony Hawk series and SSX. If RPGs are your thing, then invest in Kingdom Hearts (start with 1), Wild Arms (3’s a good time), or the Xenosaga series. Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance is a good western RPG for the console, too. Also, keep adding to the series you have here! The following 2 Prince of Persia games are great, as are the next three Ratchet and Clank games. The Jak series can get… a bit polarizing, but they’re all still good games if you wanna get into it.


This is the most complete answer lol. Thanks man. I’ve heard much about Burnout, with Burnout 3 and Burnout Revenge people saying are must plays. Weirdly, even though I’m super into sports and play sports regularly, sports games arent usually my thing. But, I’ve heard NBA Street Vol 2 & NFL Street are really good, like you said. I’ve already played all the mainline KH games and love them, might want to get 1&2 in physical form for the collection at some point. I’ve heard great things about Xenosaga too, but never played or seen them. I appreciate your input 🤝🏻


Why don’t you just play them and find out for yourself lol


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Get devil may cry 3 special edition


Definitely pick up Kinetica if you can find it. It's a futuristic racing game unlike any other. A massively underrated gem imo.


Kill.Switch is a cool cover shooter. As is Winback. A remake of an n64 game.


you’ve actually got some pretty good games right there brother


That is a nice set of games. If you haven’t played *GTA: San Andreas* you’re in for a treat. It remains my favorite in the series.


Finally, a collection of games posted on here that I wish I had


sorry for the oncoming wall the closest thing for what to return: gta3 is what i call a museum piece, very important historically but not great to play compared to what came later suggestions for what to pick up: anything with armored core in the name dark cloud 2/chronicle devil may cry 1&3 (not 2) dragon quest 8 ff10-2 and 12 kingdom hearts 1&2 metal gear solid 2&3 (preferably substance/subsistance if you can get you hands on them) shin megami tensei nocturne & digital devil saga 1&2 spider-man 2 star ocean 3 way of the samurai (idk about the second one) xenosaga 1-3 zone of the enders 1&2 i have more suggestions but they're all much more obscure and/or somewhat disliked and people seem to hate anything longer than a tweet nowadays


these are all goated (can’t speak personally on psi-ops as i haven’t played it, but i have heard good things) i love 3d platformers and adventure games the most, so ratchet & clank, sly cooper and jak & daxter are some of my fav game series of all time. i recommend to get the rest of the games in those series. ratchet & clank 2 and sly cooper 3 are my personal favs of each respective series (jak 1 is my fav of that series but you got that covered) i would definitely recommend okami, its my all time fav game and started out as a ps2 exclusive. beyond good & evil is also a must-have.


You should definitely get Splinter Cell, Metal Gear Solid, and 007


Excellent choices and I’d keep them all I’d highly recommend you get the rest of the grand theft auto series. God of war 1+2 and definitely get metal slug anthology, manhunt 1+2, berserk, and if your into retro games I’d buy sega genesis ultimate collection.


These are all bangers


Idk what Psi-Ops is but the rest of those games are great.


Psychonauts and Dynasty Warriors 4 are some favs. Your collection is actually quite solid despite not being that big. Like you already have a ton of replay value there.


Make sure to get a copy of Manhunt 2. It's a great horror game made by Rockstar


Crash Twinsanity is one of my favorite Crash games ever definitely worth getting imo


Definitely should try Prince of Persia & FF 10




Manhunt 1&2


For sure jack and daxter is a solid trilogy


The warriors game is awesome


This is a respectable collection now look into getting a Free Mcboot memory card or something of the such and getting everything and everything you want to play on there it’s surprisingly easy.


Great choices. OP. Would highly recommend the sly cooper series


Omgosh prince of Persia !!!! I forgot about that grail !! Nice selection


Gotta get mw3 and bo2. Also play shadow asap


Try Jak & Daxter and Ratchet & Clank. They were my top two favorites probably 😅


Try picking up rule of rose


Haul is solid, guessing you went for cheaper/common stuff but you got good stuff For some other reasonably priced games: dark cloud 2, bully, katamari, primal, sly


All three Sly Cooper games!


Solid games there. I'd recommend Dark Cloud. It's a good RPG thats cheap. Same with shin megami sensei nocturne and id also recommend something like A Dogs life if you want something quirky and weird.


Resident Evil 4


Shadow of the colossus is such a good game your going to love it


Looks good to me, nice spread


Prince of Persia was a fun game


Get Metal Gear Solid 2 Substance and MGS 3 Subsistence, they are the definitive version of the mgs games for the PS2, i would also recommend the Budokai and Budokai Tenkaichi DBZ games


I would definitely keep Ratchet and Clank, absolute classic


You are going to be occupied with San Andreas and final fantasy x! Long fun games Ratchet and clank and jack n daxter are fun af but the sequels are even better


Every one of these is a banger.


Get the rest of the ratchet and clank games including ratchet deadlocked


Check with games with blue on the bottom of the disc as they are CDs and just think you should check because my ps2 doesn’t work with CDs


Psi ops is an awesome playthrough, so is the GTA series. I'd pick up Beat Down Fists of Vengeance, Final Fight Streetwise, The Warriors, and The Punisher. Check them out and let me know what you think.


Play PoP sands of time or J&D first. Can’t go wrong with those. Also pick up some PS1 games. You can’t go wrong there too.


Most if not all of these are hits


Try to get « Rayman 3 », « Devil May Cry » real Gem, also « Dragon ball Tenkaichi 3 » this is the real childhood 🤝😁


Prince of Persia is an awesome game, one of my favourites of all time. Prince of Persia spawned Assassins Creed. Sands of Time has a great story and the graphics, I think, are stunning too. Game just has a great atmosphere and great characters. I’d definitely give it a good go. Warrior Within and Two Thrones are also good and quite different.


never played psi-ops but the rest are all definitely good games


Jak and Daxter and Ratchet and Clank were my childhood. I still play them to this day. Definitely check out the follow up games after you beat them. Jak 2 was revolutionary to child me


Jak 2 and Jak 3 are rly good, while having VERY different gameplay and vibes than Jak and Daxter. Recommend grabbing them if you come across them.


Get on Prince of Persia: Warrior Within if you like The Sands of Time. It’s grim, more mature, and feels a bit like a metal album at times. It bonkers, but utterly brilliant. Cannot recommend Warrior Within enough.


Turok, Old Call of Duty that I can’t remember the name of, any GTA you can find for it, seeing as you have 2/3 of the ones I know the names of, Vice City is the one that comes to mind. played this for hours as a child lol. There’s a few crash bandicoot games for it too. The God of War games, of course, need to be mentioned. Silent Hill, The Burnout series (at least 5 of them that I can recall for certain.) Scarface (at the time I was a child and it felt like GTA. Only ever played before I was able to read so I was really young, so idk what the game is even like besides that it is GTA Esque. This should be a good start for ya!


Some suggestions: Final Fantasy XII is a great game, although you might actually be better off playing the remaster version as they added a lot of quality of life improvements. I liked GTA Vice City and Vice City Stories. Had a blast and I think you'll like it if you like San Andreas. And Tekken 5 is great if you like fighting games.


I wouldn't recommend returning any of them, as you have a nice variety of solid titles. Hope that you enjoy your gaming sessions, OP.


San Andreas is probably the funniest game ever made. Get yourself a load of body armour and go do some gang wars!


Jesus christ


All gold mate! Enjoy


Oh man!!!


Persona3 FES if you don't mind something JRPGish -- SMT Nocturne if you don't momd JRPGs and fancy yourself a masochist


PoP was such a fun game. The old days where we'd take turns playing a mission and I remember one time my mate as he was falling used the reverse time skill, but not enough in length that he still fell on the hole. Funniest thing ever 😂😂😂


Jak 2 and 3 are musts if you like the first one. The lack of either Metal Gear Solid 2 or 3 is wrong. Metal Gear Solid 3 is the best game on PS2


impeccable taste


Fack i miss prince of persia.. that game is awesome


Pick up Gran Turismo 4


Final fantasy X was a good one. All the gta games are worth a play through. Look into getting Dark Cloud, Metal Gear 2, God of War, and the Jak and Daxter series. All those were awesome. They make an adapter that has every game loaded into it. Google "ps2 adapter games hdd" it should come up.


Nah all those games are at least fun. I would play through want you have and then expand on some of the series. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City immediately comes to mind for that series but I would probably play that before San Andreas just because San Andreas was so big and innovative for the series it makes it a little harder to go back to older games. And then for Ratchet and Clank and Jak and Daxter I would get their sequels. R&C: Going Commando and R&C: Up your Aresonal are tied with the original with being some of the best games of all time on the PS2. And Jak and Daxter has Jak 2 and Jak3 which are really fun, then a spinoff comabat racer Jak X that continues the story after 3 and Daxter that is a PSP port to the PS2 that takes place between 1 and 2 which is fine. Then there was the last game Jak The Lost Frontier but it both looks bad and wasn't very fun, it was another PSP port but it didn't fair as good as Daxter. But all things considered you have a nice little collection going on there.


Oh, man. Jak & Daxter used to be my JAM.


The sands of time will always be one of my favourite games,


" Aweeeee sheeeeet. Here we go again." - CJ


I don't know about Psi-Ops and Destroy all Humans, but the rest are good games, and you should at least play them before getting rid of them.


FFX is great. Just try and get Haste and Reflect learned before getting to Mt Gagazet


You have 4 good games.


Great pick ups!!!


star wars battlefront games on ps2 never get old. grab those and a couple gran torismo games


Super solid haul!


Dark Cloud/Dark Cloud 2!


The rest of the Ratchet and Clank collection, the whole Sly Cooper series. Some old school Need for speed’s if you’re into racing games. Grand theft auto vice city is a must as well


Almost looks like a ps2 starter pack


Metal Gear Solid 2 & 3


Get some capcom fighting games in there


If you move up to ps3, a good guide for you will also be to follow these series’ and studios. There’s so many good games in the ps2 and ps3 generations.


Kingdom hearts 1 and 2, sly cooper, mgs3 just to name a few. You have hundreds of hours of fun there already lol start with shadow of the colossus.


Gran Turismo 3 and 4 are awesome (especially 4) if you're a car person. Metal Gear Solid 2 is a really amazing game too, one of my faves of all time.


The Simpsons hit and run is a classic. Also burnout revenge. You can invite your friends to play while you smoke weed and fill your bellies with diet soda.


Play Final Fantasy X, Shadow of the Colossus, or Jak and Daxter first. Those are cult classics that still have pretty big followings to this day and they are incredibly fun. FFX is a JRPG so it's a lot of grinding but the story more than makes up for the amount of grinding required (also Yuna best girl). Jak and Daxter is a pretty big puzzle platformer with a pretty damn good story and challenging minigames that make you feel incredible when you finally beat them. Shadow of the Colossus is like a massive boss rush with every Colossus being a level in and of itself. Definitely very challenging but taking down those massive beasts can sometimes feel so rewarding but at the same time so bittersweet because of the stories surrounding each one.


Sonic Unleashed


These are some absolute classics! Have fun man. I’ve played almost all of these games and they’re all fun


Some of the smackdown games


Disney extreme skate adventure. It’s like Tony hawks… but with woody


Don’t play GTA SA before III. It will be hard to go back.


Sly Cooper games!




Dark Cloud 1/2, Ico, Metal Gear Solid 2/3...


You picked up not only some of the best PS2 games, but also some of the literal best games of all time there.


The main one I would say you should pick up is vice City just to complete the GTA trilogy. Imo San Andreas is the best one so you do have yourself covered.


Shadow of the Colossus is the best one there. All fun though


Star Wars Battlefront 1&2


Definitely pickup INinja, Smugglers run and mx vs atv unleashed


Sly Cooper


Final Fantasy XII if you didn't play Zodiac Age already. Dance Dance Revolution if you can find some decent dance mats. I still buy used PS2s just so I can keep playing DDR.


Gta 3 is a great game!


Probably the entire series of Tokyo xtreme racer, that includes the third game, zero, drift one and two.


Psi Ops is soooo good man. You are going to have a blast with it!


Sly Cooper trilogy Any Kingdom Hearts game, Especially 1. But Especially 2. But *especially* 1. Scooby Doo! Night of 100 frights. Disney’s Stitch: Experiment 626. Also, if you like Jak & Daxter, be aware that Jak 2 & 3 are great, but MASSIVELY different in tone. So buckle up and play those.


The Sly Cooper Trilogy!


Psi ops will always hold a special place in my heart


Hell yeah, Psi-Ops was my favorite PS2 game. It's unfortunate that it's abandonware that will never see a re-release or remake.


Oh yeah, return San Andreas. That game causes you to be violent and shoot up schools.


Get Devil May Cry 3 for sure


Star Wars Battlefront 2 from Pandemic studio :) classic game from 2005 and Half Life


Which more?? I'd say you're locked and loaded for a good while. I say play through all those then get more. You've got some absolutely solid titles right there. Though when you do get more I suggest, • Jak 3 (2 was eh for me, 3 is the GOAT) • Dragonball Z Budokai 3 (If you're a fan of DBZ) • Pac Man World 2-3 (Fun and charming) • Guitar Hero (any) • Lego games in the PS2 era are underrated. Any Star Wars Lego Game • Force Unleashed (Honestly the PS2 version kinda slaps) • Sonic Unleashed was alright on PS2. 'cept that final Egg level. Absolutely drop me off and leave me with that level. • If your PS2 is a model that is backwards compatible I highly recommend any PS1 disc games you can get ahold of. Happy gaming!!! I miss the PS2 days.


Wow sweet memories those were ..! Glad to see someone still playing those ..! Get god of war 1&2 , sly cooper, final fantasy xii, burnout, metal gear solid 3 and prince of Persia warrior within , those were masterpieces Cheers ..!


Psi-Ops!! ♥️


Jak ❤️


Eyy, I just started playing Jak & Daxter again a couple days ago. Definitely pick up Sly Cooper, Rachet & Clank if you enjoy the banter. Aside from that, grew up on Hack & Slash like Dynasty Warriors and JRPGs like Rogue Galaxy, Final Fantasy, etc. Keep it up!


If you can find it sly cooper and the jak games are classics


Fantavision, katamari 1 and 2


A great choices :)


Look for dot hack games the original 4 are great games but hard to collect, dark cloud 1 and 2 are very good, need for speed underground and most wanted are awesome. It's a great system, probably the best.


If you like ffx (which you should it's great) there is x part 2 which I recommend.


It's a bit of a rarer game, but if you can find it for relatively cheap, Graffiti Kingdom is super delightful. You play as prince Pixel, guided by boxy dog with a gold bangle named Pastel, in a world where it look like a "daycare-toychest mimic" threw up everywhere. Your "weapon" for the game is a magic wand that can turn you into playdough sculpture lookin creatures, whether it was one you captured, got a card for, or made yourself.Your end goal is super simple, defeat the aptly named bbeg "The Devil", rescue, and return the kingdom back to normal. It also has a VS option where you can fight in fighting ring versions of some of the game levels, with any of the creatures you have. The game would have been awesome for next gen consoles because of how powerful the creation tool is. You get to draw out your own parts in 3d space and choose what function they have, adjust opacity on each part, thickness, weather its round all the way, flat on one side, or both like a cylinder. As for the functions you can pick, legs and arms are obvious ones, but you also have wings and tails, a function to draw a part for a breath weapon or to make a weapon that shoots things, a head function where the head will immediately point to the nearest enemy, a function for slashing or bludgeoning weapons, and a bunch of other artistic ones to make your creatures even more detailed. Creating the creatures have two parts, and the second part is choosing what their gait and idle animation is like, what their voice sounds like, powers, and name. The beginning of the game intro is super cute with its "storytime" vibe. What it lacks with its delightfully bad voice acting and simply written story and characters, it makes up in ✨️*awesome*✨️ level design. My favorites are the underwater level and the chess/ cards tower. I cant remember what they were called, my b ^^;. When i would play it more often, i would frequently loose myself in the levels because of how big and detailed they were. They also remind me of dreams i frequently had as a kid and bring comfort to me like waking up late on saturday moring as a kid in the early 00s, watching pokemon all day, and playing with all your megablox dragons. Which is incidentally the time this game came from.I've played it so many times already I lost count, but I can never get sick of it.


Those are all pretty good games. I would also recommend Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3, Smuggler's Run 1 and 2, and Kingdom Hearts... Just based on the games you already have.


Jak and Daxter FTW


Those games r good u should get metal gear solid 2 and 3 tho and manhunt


Pick up The Suffering and The Suffering Ties That Bind.


Scarface and manhunt


Just play shadow of the colossus-don’t stop! Best it. Best game ever


Vice City?


Jak amd daxter all time favourite. I heard shadow of the colossus is a favourite if alot of people too


You are missing SSX:Tricky. No other SSX games,… just tricky


GTA Vice City, Scarface the World is yours, Devil May Cry 1 & 3


All solid games! My first two owned games at the age of 4 was Ratchet and Clank and Sly Cooper, and they STILL are some of my favorite games to date. You can never go wrong with GTA titles, the Jak series is basically another R&C type series but fun in its own ways, Destroy All Humans! is also one of my favorites and I need to pick it up for my own collection as well. I haven’t played Psi-Ops or Prince of Persia, but I haven’t really heard anything bad! Enjoy your start my dude!


Nice games find “War of the Monsters” such a fun amazing game you will like it.


Some recommendations: DBZ Budokai Tenkaichi 3 (my favorite fighting game of all time) Need For Speed Underground 2 Star Wars The Complete Saga Spyro: The Eternal Knight


FFXII Half Life


I don't know how much time you have to dedicate to playing, but you picked up some great games that'll require a lot of hours to finish. But, since you asked: I finished all of the Ratchet and Clank and Sly Cooper games on the PS2. They're all great. I didn't like Jak and Daxter as much after the first game. Can't remember why. Silent Hill 2 and 3 Psychonauts Resident Evil 4 Devil May Cry 3 GTA Vice City Metal Gear 2 and 3 Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3