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I had a wide-screen rear projection before, they're great but struggle with dark areas, if you go inside a cave you won't be able to see where you are going very well.


*Pops in mx vs atv unleashed* where we're going we won't find caves


I loved that game as a kid


Honestly the gameplay holds up. At least the racing


That soundtrack molded me.


Burnout 3: Takedown did that for me, and subsequently ruin every racing game that came after. What an amazing time that was.


Oh hell yeah


I'm not planning on taking that thing to a cave


Believe me. You don't wanna XD not for how heavy it is


Any time those are dim, chances are good there's layer after layer of dust across the bulbs behind the screen. Taking the screen off, or the frame, or somehow getting back there (some models may open up in the back) just to wipe the bulbs down works wonders.


That actually wasn't an issue. My dad who is a licensed electrician did a couple of times open the TV up during its lifespan for maitenance. One time a bulb went out and red colours were gone so that got replaced easily, the TV was with my family for a solid 40 years until we sold it for a smart TV replacement. The smart TV broke on its own in a year XD


Also clean the back of the screen trust me it will make a huge difference 


Back in the early 80s my boss gave me a huge projection screen television, I can't remember the size but it was like 5 foot wide and heavy as hell. I've played my Atari and Sega Genesis on it, but was always a bit dark if playing in a brightly lit room and forgot about sitting on the side, if you weren't looking head on it was like seeing a faint rainbow effect and darker. Ahhhhhh, those were the days. I actually left it when I moved and the landlord thought he was getting a deal. It was on its way out because there were picture burn spots from pausing the game and leaving it for extended periods of time. That was mostly from Joe Montana Football. Lol.




Not sure how gaming is any worse than watching TV on it but that’s on your parents. My guess is they were finding an excuse for you to not play on the big TV so they could use it They probably also though about burn in but TV stations with logos plastered in one spot are just as bad


My parents said the same thing. They said it would leave "ghosted images" on the screen. Such BS, they used it for the same shows all the time that had the same things in the corner and there was never ghosting.


To be fair they could just be stupid and not know any better when it comes to this


They probably just don't want the kid using the TV because they wanna use it themselves lol


It was a fake belief that went around. It's no different from any bullshit excuse you can come up with for new technology. The thing is back then people literally didn't know any better as it was harder to actually verify information.


Except on plasma screens I’ve certainly ghosted a image to a tv with a Super Nintendo with TMNT turtles in time 😂


Burn in is a thing but it goes away after a day or two. Just don’t leave it on one screen for too long and you are 👍


believe it or not CRT TVS can get burn in, if you leave a game on pause for days it will happen 




A rear projection tv just uses small CRT's. Which had less issues with burn-in towards the later end of CRT sales. However Plasma screens had a huge issue with burn-in, just like OLED.


You cannot give these TVs away after laying $4k years ago. If this was a dinosaur it would be an extinct wooly mammoth.


Well in the manual it says it's a *potential* risk of damage, so your parents probably took it and rolled with it much like my parents who were very much by the books to an extreme fault


They weren't by the books on anything except that damn TV and it drove me nuts.




😂 They probably just didn’t want you hogging the TV


As a parent, I can confirm I sometimes stretch the truth to convince my kids there's a good reason for the word no


That's just another lie dads tell their kids like if you turn on the light in the car the cops will pull you over.


Yea usually when I’d game on these TV’s they were specifically used as the gaming TV separate from the “main” TV in the living room or whatever


lol…never heard that one before


There were warnings not to hook game systems to those old TVs. Never stopped us from doing it though lol.


Just boomers not understanding technology. My parents said it about crts. Said big tvs would break with games hooked up to it.


Probably seen it on an old game commercial.


Grandparents said the same thing when I tried to do so with theirs...screen was always oranged-out though


Yep, classic made up parent excuse. Literally they had no actual knowledge about video games or the systems but sure they know it’s gonna break the tv. That’s why they make it so you can plug into the tvs, to break them!


I too, was not allowed to have video games in the main TV room. That's what Midwestern basements are for.


Threw my back out just looking at this picture




Yup, think I need an ambulance just for looking at the picture! Quick someone call emergency...


Nah. Rear projection sets aren’t that good. I’d take a smaller 27in CRT or one of the 32in + CRTs over this


Most aren't. I have one that was beautiful, but it was a * very* high end set from 1992. I have a Holy Grail Trinitron that I would gladly trade to get my Pioneer rear projector working again.


Get a CRT instead Rear projection TVs look terrible


It would probably damage the PS2 if you set that tv on top of it.


Worst picture quality of any tv type. Don’t waste your time.


There were many excellent widescreen HDTV rear projection TVs in the early 2000s. I know because I had one and it had a wonderful 50 inch image. It was also properly calibrated. It also cost a bit over 2000 dollars. It was around 2010 before there was anything worth replacing it that was the same size and reasonable price. They were way, way better than the dim early standard definition rear projection TVs from the 1990s. But, yes, I wouldn't waste my money on one today.


Those are... not good.


Every instruction manual tells you not to play on this screen. I hate that I listened to the warnings and missed out on some epic gaming.


Why though why instuction manual says don't use this tv


Screen burn in lol you're gonna have Sora's healthbar permanently on the bottom right corner of your TV


I can’t imagine that this is any worse than people watching the same channel day after day as most channels had static logos that would burn in onto people’s TVs. News channels are especially bad with this because of their logo and the large block that contained text


yeah I had a old plasma lg tv when I was a child I was watching a lot of cartoon network so cartoon network logo burned to screen but after years later I quit watching tv cartoon network logo vanished from the screen I felt said for some reason


Projection screens of this era were highly susceptible to burn in from static images. The warnings made it sound like it would immediately break it so my 11 year old mind thought it was true.


I don’t even know if it’s true or not because I haven’t bothered with a plasma screen since, but I remember my dad was always really worried about burn in on our plasma screen in the mid 2000s so I used just pause games for no reason once in a while to get stuff off the screen. Probably made no difference lol.


Not guna lie I don’t think I’ve ever in my life read an instruction manual for a gaming system lol


I hate sound like a Boomer here but I’m guessing you never had a drive home with a new game from the store or rental house.


Family had one of these. And a PS2. I loved doing Picture in Picture (PIP). There’s nothing like watching TRL and then like 1/4 of a floating screen playing FFVIII or MGS3 lol. I miss my childhood man. I could almost hear this TV turn on.


Did sound like this “shhhlakk”


These TVs were godawful


I remember growing up the few moments I had the opportunity to hook up my ps2 up to that type of tv. Having friends over and spending the night as we played battlefront 2, madden, nba 2k. So many great memories


That was my reason for posting this tv picture to remember the great nostalgia as a child or what ever age


Dang… I found a beefy top of the line Sony Old Tube Tele that looked about this size, I found it working at a thrift store for like 30$… If I had the room I would’ve gotten it. 


My grandparents had one of those 🤣


Pretty sure I played on this exact TV growing up


Thank you for showing me this. When I was a kid, we used to have many boxing Pay-Per-View nights in which all family and friends got together to eat, drink, watch boxing matches and sleepover (us kids). This was the TV my aunt and uncle had in their house.


Time machine


I actually still have one set up next to my flat screen and it has my PS2, Dreamcast, Xbox, SNES, N64, & Gamecube plugged into it.


I would play all the ratchets and clanks


We had a Pioneer 1991 model rear projector. I thought it looked great, and this tv saw me play Killzone and Battlefront online around 2006. I remember getting S-Video cables for my 360 and playing soooo much Halo 3 online, and I remember Disney’s Cars looking like the best animation I’ve ever seen. Just wish I got some S-Video cables for the PS2/PS3! 13-year-old-me even figured out how to get 5-point surround sound… which is where the problems began, because apparently this can create a magnetic field which created a blue sort of shadow on the tv’s image? Anyway, in 2010 my sister convinced our dad to get us a 42-inch LG 120hz tv. Got some official gold-plated PS2/PS3 component cables which I mainly used at my friend’s house. Gosh I miss the mid-late 2000s…


Those were great times for me also!! ahhh halo 3 I still say the online sayings while I play other first person war games. Like if I get a multi kill you’ll catch me saying “KILLING FRENZY” just like halo 🤣


Or if one of my friends kill’s themselves by accident I’ll say out loud like halo “SUICIDE “I got it down to I say it exactly lol


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7Y5WiM7TWY&ab\_channel=TheLoudHouseFullEpisode](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7Y5WiM7TWY&ab_channel=TheLoudHouseFullEpisode) :DDD


I have a 40" rear projection TV that I used to use game on with my PS2, Gamecube, Dreamcast and OG Xbox. I even watched DVD's on it too. While I don't have it with me at the moment, it's at my parents and my hope is to eventually plug it back in for some OG gaming. I never had an screenburn issues, but I also wasn't playing for hours on end. I do hope it still works though.


I used to have that same TV.


great for most games. Not usable for light guns


There is one for sell near me for 50€, is it good?


If its blurry its normal , the crt projectors inside need cleaning after a while because some rear projection tv are not dust proof or loose the proofing after a while.


Perfect for an arcade unit


Plus what game?


I sent my controller through one of these playing a rented Tekken Tag.


I've never seen one in person before. It the screen glass?


Nah it's just a thin plastic


That sounds awful


Yeah I think I was in 7th grade, rented tekken tag and kept getting wrecked at last boss on whatever that hard difficulty was, ended up throwing the controller at the floor but it bounced straight through the TV. Funny now, sucked then!


Awful picture quality


Too big!!


I used to play N64 on a TV like this at a church my family went to. The other memory is these people had this TV & played a lot of Dance Dance Revolution I mean that was probably around 2007-2008-ish


this looks like my exact setup from the 2000s… good times


PS2 does not look that good on these TVs, especially when they are so large since it was basically like 480p render for most games.


I remember


I saw one of those and wanted to take it home with me, but I didn’t have the chance to do it. And I always imagined the PS2 startup being displayed on it.


is that a rear projection TV? those things burn in after 10 seconds, and you cant see the edges of the screen, since the lamp is in the centre


So much Guitar Hero in college. Bought a giant one of these off Craigslist for like $100, it was amazing.


I’ve got mine plugged into my 65” 4k tv and it looks absolutely amazing 😀


Got jump scared by nostalgia, what a day


These are the Dodge Ram 2500 of televisions


Me every Saturday night in 2003. Good times.


Omg I can feel the hum of the screen just by looking at this! Hhhh the memories 🥰


Had a similar tv to this back in the day.


Yep, had one. Also bought the 5 connectors cable for 480p.


American Dad.


welcome, nighthawks. we’ve been expecting you.




I remember playing f zero x on this bad boy, I would smoke weed and get put into another dimension with these TVs. The sound quality in those speakers were fantastic, way more bass than you’d expect


I actually had this TV before It was great until it stopped working


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^KindAd8658: *I actually had this* *TV before It was great* *Until it stopped working* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


This how I experienced my ps2 actually. Back in 2009 I had played a whole bunch of sonic games on it. Miss those days


I’ll bring over Twisted Metal.


This big beast was how I initially played on my PS2 back in the day. Though it was awesome. 😎


Never had a tv like that growing up but I remember going to a friend's house that had one of those in a huge den and playing guitar hero on it. Great times


Best front left/right speaker placement.


i still have one sat there just for og games.. its harder to find a good crt where i am 😭




Want there burn in issues?


Had a TV like this growing up, but I never got the chance to play games on it. We ended up tossing it out before I had the chance…


I really didn't like these TVs- maybe I'm mixing them up but this looks like one of those TVs that had that weird, textured magnifying plastic you'd see on cheap magnifiers? I swear they were overly dark and the image just felt muddy. My friend had one and I played games on it twice and was shocked how bad it looked- then made worse by his lil' brother taking crayons to the front of it. They, never came off.


Its not the season for a heater.


My father still has one. Refuses to get rid of it. Picture sucks. Don’t get one


A mate had one of these, remember us hooking up his n64 and 4 Way Goldeneye. Taking a shot of tequila each time we lost. Also had a Sony Rear projection 55 inch TV, untill the Matrix unit died. Almost as expensive as the TV. Oh yes those bulbs weren't that cheap either.


I only recommend these if you have some hardcore nostalgia/ other than that i would stray. But if it's already in you're home make the best of it. The speakers on these sets are phenomenal.


If you had rich parents lol


We blew one of these out when playing Marvel 2 nonstop back in the day


Ooooh, I could feel that...


I can taste the input lag and bad viewing angles from here. These things were so massive lmao I don’t know how anybody got em in their house


Man my family had one and back then that was a huge screen. When I had a chance I'd hook up my PS2. When friends came over we played Halo until morning.


That’s what I played my ps2 in my childhood. Late at night playing silent hill 2…


Midnight club circa 2005 with the sub whoofer shaking the screen one of my favorite gaming experiences ever


The Mr. Bean TV we always dreamed of


Yeah until it's time for a new tv and gotta bring that bad boy up the stairs lol


These tv’s were terrible with glare


This TV looks terrifying lmao I can't fathom how heavy this thing is 😂😂😂


This is for the Xbox, the ps2 goes in the bedroom on the tube tv Xbox supported hd and had a component video cable pack , and Xbox games regularly ran at 60fps where ps2 was lucky to hit 30fps sometimes.. Look at red dead revolver for an example , I was blown away when I bought it on Xbox after playing it on ps2 at my friends. Soooo much smoother


Ps2 has the most 60fps games of any console


I had one of these as a kid. Well my family did lol. Amazing how technology has advanced. TV’s are pretty light now in comparison.


Honestly, I'd love to take a Dragon's Lair board (and laserdisc if it's the original and not Arcade1Up's version), and put them inside one of these.


Pics like this is why my PS2 will rot away in a box.  My back hurts looking at it


Yes. I had a Samsung dlp for a long time, replace the lamp with a new one and they get bright AF. Mine was a 07 model that even had HDMI ports for hd systems. My PS3 and 4 worked well on it. It was a 61 inch screen so plenty huge and the PS1/2 looked much better on it than on a LCD


I'd just use an LG C3 and PlayStation emulation.


What is this tv I had one when we had a ps2 and Xbox at my parents and it was a amazing just can’t remember what happened to it


Oh I had this and played San Andreas on this, wasn’t that impressive tbh




They suck to be honest. I have one and don’t use it because of how terrible there are when you enter a dark area which in games 6th generation hardware happens a lot!


You can't or it'll get image burn


That's not really a thing with RPTVs.  


Maybe not image burn then. I was always told not to hook my ps2 up to my grandparents tv when I was younger because the cable guy that installed it said it would damage it or cause lines in it or something


Interesting, my family had a similar RPTV and we had a Wii and 360 hooked up for about a decade. no problem, other then the colour being a little washed. That and recalibrating every weak. but recalibrating all the time is just part of the RPTV fun. I think your grabdparents just didnt want you pkaying games on their nice tv? all you need to do is turn brightnes and contrast down from the default of 100% down to around 80%. Then you are safe from any burn in.


My dad won one of those in a raffle when I was a kid, I still remember playing Ratchet and Clank on my birthday all day with him way back! I thought we were rich lol


We had one of these when I was a kid-- in fact I think it may have been this exact one. It wasn't great--the image was always very blurry. Of course as others have mentioned, it was stated time and time again not to hook game consoles up to it. Originally I wasn't allowed to, but after a while my mom relented and allowed me to hook my PS2 up to it. Of course that's when the image began to die and turn to an odd orange color. Not saying the PS2 was the cause, but of course mom blamed the PS2. I wasn't able to do a color-based puzzle in Final Fantasy X because the entire display was orange by that time. Burn-in was also a problem-- various random shapes and weird artifacts were in ghost form all over the display.




I still have a rear projection TV in storage. Needs aligned and a new bulb.


🗣BBL TVs from back in the day aka Big Booty TVs!


Had this back in the day. Little did I know I had it all


Ah, pixels large enough to use as dinner plates


Crank that bad boy to max volume and let the boot up screen play.... Dude's house would be leveled.


Bro. I had a simple Sharp tv/vhs. This is that wealthy people tv.


That TV looks like a struggle to work with.


RPTVs aren't so great. They have a fair bit of input lag and wash colours. CRT or a plasma is where it's at.


I remember when we had one.


Heaviest thing I had to help my parents move around whenever we rearranged the house.


I remember my dad and I going to Best Buy on Black Friday in the mid-2000's and he just had to have one of these because it reminded him of one of his favorite restaurants/dive bars that had these. Terrible television. I got my first LCD to use with my Xbox 360, a Westinghouse, and that was a trash TV, too. While it was nice to have HD graphics, that TV would get awful burn-in.


My dad had one of these up until last year when I got him a new 65in tv. He was so stoked, made me happy.


My dad got a projection tv in like 2014ish I think and loved it so much when it got to the point where changing the lamp didn't fix it, he bought another one recently. It looks absolutely terrible but for some reason he loves it, probably because it's a dirt cheap price per inch, as in you can get a 65" for free and they have tons of component, composite, and hdmi inputs. I recently modded his old ps2 for him and we hooked it up, looks awful. My ps2 on a 55" 4k smart tv and a cheapass aliexpress hdmi adapter looks magnificent in comparison, and isn't really anything special. If you have the room for that big projection tv, you're much better off with a CRT. At least in my area I see reallyyy nice CRTs still being given away for free on Facebook marketplace. Older people or just non gamers cleaning out their basement often don't know that CRTs can be valuable now and don't even think to look them up before listing them for free.


Shadow the hedgehog on this...


Been there...done that.


Used to have that set up...


I feel old seeing this TV.🤣


Used to play on one as a kid.


Never would I ever tolerate a display as hostile to motion as a rear-projection television. 100% a waste of space.


Your fam was touching paper if you had this back in the day lol


Rear projection TVs are typically very low resolution + horrible viewing angles. I had one that I got for free a while back and it was useless. You're far better off with a CRT or a projector if that's what you're after.


= Me as a kid in the living room on the couch playing Jak and Daxter after my parents gone to bed. Turned down to about 5 volume. And playing till I fall asleep on the couch whilst leaving my PS2 on because I had no memory card 💀🙃


Atv off-road fury 1 and 2


I played Ps2 back in the day on one of these, size was cool but picture sucks


Those things are heavy asf, I remember having to Sawzall mine in half when we moved. Get a crt bro 😭


No f that I wanna carry this one on my back up the stairs to my room


We had a tv like this as a kid and we got rid of it sometime 😓 I will forever miss it :((


This is identical to what I had. 😂


Bro is that thing like 54 inches or what?


the dream


Brought me childhood Nostalgia seeing this


Peak Setup




I had a 52" Magnavox projection tv. Got to play my PS2 on it temporarily. Crazy Taxi looked so amazing on it