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2022. I never had a PS2 as a kid, but I’m loving it like it were my own.


Gotta love the adult money buy. I did that with a ps3, was too broke for it in my 20s but picked up the bundle I always wanted just last year.


Didn’t even buy it, old lady whose kids are well out of college just gave it to me.


Even better! Enjoy playing the ps2 catalogue. What games r in ur backlog?


same. I now have a catalog of games for it. would have liked this thing as a kid considering that I also watched DVDs often back then as well


I was working in an EB at the time of the launch (yes, I'm that old), and I'd had mine pre-ordered for months. Most of the staff did, in fact. And we actually got the systems weeks before the launch date and had them stacked up in the back room; we'd been getting games for several months ahead as well. We also had a demo machine that wasn't supposed to go on the floor until launch day, but we were able to hook it up and play in the back...so we were playing PS2 games long before most anyone in the U.S., I'd say. There was no such thing as "midnight launches" in those days, so the staff met after work the night before to go over the next day. But really, it was just so we could all buy our PS2s the minute the computers ticked over to 12:00 and unlocked the sale. I remember my receipt said something like 12:07 a.m., and while I'm betting other stores had the same idea, I know I had to be one of the very, VERY first in the country to actually own the console. :)


Do you still have your staff t-shirt we all wore for launch?


Ha, no. I wish I did...I should've kept that damn receipt, too. But I remember feeling all sorts of special and excited when wearing that shirt on launch day, and watching all those people clamoring for the PS2...all the while knowing mine was safely at home under my bed, just waiting for me along with 4 games and a memory card (I swore I wouldn't play until the long work day was behind me; didn't want to play all night and go in in the morning).


During December 2001. My two first PS2 games were Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 and Grand Theft Auto 3. Ah, memories...


GTA3 was one of my first games as well. Street Hoops also.


In 2005 my dad came to get me at school (I usually took the bus home) on the last day before summer break and said I needed to get home ASAP. He was silent the whole way, I was scared something bad had happened. But when we got home, he surprised me with a brand new PS2 Slim and Mega Man X8 on the TV (I was a huge Mega Man fan). I didn't even know the PS2 existed at the time. The PS1 was the only console I'd ever known. I can't even describe how exciting it was when the controller vibrated while playing. That summer was the happiest time of my life. I wish I could go back.


Still a Mega man fan?


Yes, I still play Mega Man game every now and then. As you can guess, X series is my favorite.


Cool, I was born in 2005. It was until around 2009 my dad bought a fat ps2 at a local pawn shop with some games, some of them were SOCOM 1, Spyro, NFS MW, Cars, Transformers, Pac-Man World. My dad didn't have much at the time but he still did whatever he could to give me these memories. I still didn't know english yet btw, so I never made much progress lol. The love was definitely there though. I have lots of good memories of when I would play with my dad and my cousins.


Like a lot of people, I got my PS2 shortly after GTAIII was released. That very SCPH-30003 is my main PS2 to this day. The disc drive is on its way out these days, but that's not so important when I've got a 2TB HDD packed full of games in the back of it.


2024 😎




2003, after saving my pocket money and birthday money for at least half a year.


Don’t quite remember, but probably between 2005-7.


About 4 years ago, a friend of my mom had an Ex who left it behind, she was nice enough to let me have it.


My cousin was loaded and got a PS2 super early but he would leave the console with me on the weekends because he knew I'd be stoked about it and he wasn't using it anyway (hard to play ssx when you're out at the club). Those weekends were LEGENDARY. I'd rent the games I read about in the video game mags (mostly EGM) and invite all of my friends over to experience this thing all of our broke parents weren't going to buy for us for at least another Christmas. Unforgettable. I still thank him every time I see him and he gets a huge laugh out of it.


5 months before launch, i was one of the lucky ones who managed to get a console before everybody else in the netherlands. but unfortunately, for 5 months, i could only play with the demo disc until i could buy games on launch day lol


I firstly encountered PS2 maybe in 2003. Bought my first one last year at a local police department.


How does one buy consoles from the police?


I think he purchased it off FB Marketplace and that was a safe meeting place


I'm pretty sure Facebook didn't even exist back then.


Long story short. I had an agreement with some lady from local craigslist analog to meet with her at a police department. She just came out from PD handed me the PS2 with some peripherals grabbed the money and left inside the PD. She was dressed civilian.


first contact was in 2003, but only got one in 2007 (I think?) lol was busy with PC and PS1 at the time.. the FOMO was much less intense back then


When I got my first PS2 I know it was late since it was a used fat model from Gamestop that came with a buy 2-get-1 free deal so I my dad let me get a few super cheap games. So they were Armored Core 3, GTA: Vice City and Nascar 2003. He made me get the Nascar game in case my mom ever got interested in it. She never did. I still love both AC3 and GTA: VC to this day. So I think is was 2004 🥰


Sometime in 2002 I think. As I'm certain I was not long starting year 7 here in the UK. (11 years old) my dad randomly came home with it, unboxed, just the console, pad and 1 awesome game.. THE BOUNCER. He said his mate from work didn't want it anymore so my dad said he'd buy it. 🤷 I thought oh awesome thanks dad didn't expect that so soon! but what a legend ! 😁


My sister and I pooled together our saved up money and got one for cheap in the Summer of 2007. Didn’t even bother with the PS3 and went straight to the PS4 7 years later. It’s still running after all these years, but there’s been a few hiccups along the way.




I want to say it was around 2004 - 2006, but I can't exactly remember when.




2021ish, found it in my closet lol


Am I the only who got it in around 2010, I was always 1 generation behind.


Got mine at launch due to my parents pre-ordering as soon as pre-orders became available. Still works like a champ! Got it with Tekken Tag Tournament, and Timesplitters. Felt very lucky that Christmas.


Christmas 2004


Winter 2002


Take a look at the third most trending posts of all times (of this sub) and you will know






I got my ps2 not long after being at a friends house when I played the at the time new game GTA 3; that game was amazing for its time.


Got mine at launch. Worked the launch when I worked at Electronics Boutique. Barely slept for several days, too busy playing the awesomeness. Still have the ps2 launch t-shirt we all wore.


Around 2010 I would guess. My dad bought a used PS2 slim for himself, but I became the main user of it after a while.


My father has had it since around release if I have to guess. Then he gave it to me around 2006-2007 when he got his Xbox 360. That console never left the collection since then even if it has disc drive issues, and I guess it will never leave it, I had too many good experiences on this system like on NFS, GTA, Atv Off-road Racing, Midway Arcade Treasure 3, Sonic Heroes, etc


I don’t remember what age but it was Christmas morning at my dad’s house. I remember like it was yesterday booting up kingdom hearts and just falling in love. Spent so many hours with dad playing ATV off road fury and sly cooper.


A long time ago. I have the version that can play the original PlayStation games. And it's not modded either.


Not sure the year to be exact but it was the MXvsATV bundle from circuit city. Life changing gift from the old man


Probably 2005


God, I still remember it like it was yesterday because it just happened seemingly out of nowhere. It was somewhere in near the middle of 2002 I'm pretty sure. I came home from middle school like usual, heading to my room to put my backpack on the floor in front of my bed only to see a giant bag on top of my bed. Obviously I was curious, so I looked inside and there was a brand new PS2, along with Final Fantasy X and Kingdom Hearts. I about had a meltdown from overwhelming happiness. It wasn't near my birthday, I hadn't done anything really worthy of rewarding. My dear, sweet mother (God rest her soul), just decided to buy it for me on a whim. I don't know how she even afforded it. Of course, she forgot a memory card so I had to play and pray neither the power nor I would die before I could grab a memory card the next day after school lol.


Christmas the year it came out


2005. Slim model.


between 2008-2010 i don’t remember


2020. I was too cheap and poor to buy one at launch. I did play the heck out of SSX on my friend’s PS2 at launch in ‘00.


My father has had it since around release if I have to guess. Then he gave it to me around 2006-2007 when he got his Xbox 360. That console never left the collection since then even if it has disc drive issues, and I guess it will never leave it, I had too many good experiences on this system like on NFS, GTA, Atv Off-road Racing, Midway Arcade Treasure 3, Sonic Heroes, etc


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December 2017.


2004 still have it and it still works


UK launch.




Launch Day at Best Buy




January 2002 in the Netherlands. Me and my sister bought the console from our own saved money The Euro had just been launched and this was our first purchase with the new European currency. What a console at the time! The first two Sony PlayStation 2 game we bought with the console were Crash Bandicoot The Wrath of Cortex and Tekken Tag Tournament. And we got as gift an official PS2 memory card and the remote control for the built in DVD player. Awesome! I never forget this!


On my 4th birthday


December 25 2004


My mom got me one back in 2002. The first 2 games I ever owned (and I still have them) is ATV Offroad Fury 2 and Midnight Club: Street Racing.


My dad won one from being 3rd place employee of the month at his banking job sometime in early 2003. It was marketed as a DVD player instead of being all about video games in order to make the bank employees a little more excited about winning it, but we'd had an N64 at home for years by then and my dad knew his sons would absolutely lose their minds over a PS2. We still have it, it's hooked up in my parent's living room and I still use it occasionally for GTA or God of War when I visit.


2007 or 2008, cant remember exactly. Picked up the black slim on a trade for my ps1 slim (regret it to this day). Still have it and play regularly though


april 2007 I bought it with my own money. Despite ps3 was released already, no game caught my attention at that point. I still had many great game to play on ps2, which I did in one year until I got the ps3 fat together with mgs 4. Besides I already played it sometimes on a friend's house since 2001, mostly fighting game like mvc2, sfIII 3rd and cvs2.


Never had my own until a few years ago, but always played with my step brothers on their PS2 way back. We spent hours on Gauntlet, THPS4 and TimeSplitters 2 on split-screen back in the day.


I got it for Christmas in 2001 when I was 13. It came with WWF Smackdown: Just Bring It and The Simpsons: Road Rage


Launch. Waited in line all night before.


I got it on 2007, for my sixth birthday. It’s still one of the best birthday gifts I ever got!


Christmas 2003 when I was 9. One of the best things in my life at the time lol


I didn't get my own for quite some time, but my brother got lucky on launch day at a K mart. My dad also got one a week or two after launch. I now own both systems and love tinkering with them.


2002 and my first games were The Mark of Kri, RE Code Veronica X, Tekken Tag, GT3 and Soul Reaver 2


Tomorrow mine arrives


2022. Got it at a yard sale for 20 bucks unsure of whether it worked or not. It did until a couple months ago when the laser decided it wanted to wait 5+ minutes until it could see that there was a disc in there. Not that it matters because it starts buzzing as soon as you attempt to play a game. I was a GameCube kid growing up and wondered what life would be like on the other side. It gave me a newfound appreciation for PlayStation consoles (got a PS5 and PSP since then, and I honestly want a PS3 sooner or later. At least before they attempt to close the PS3 store again, probably for good.) so that's something.


2015 year Russian friend gaved me for free, when they visited to poland for Studying and part time Job. But i touched or seen/played at someone who own ps2 was all way back to 2003 to 2006.


2009, my dad had bought a new TV and also bought a PS2 which was supposedly cheap those days


literally a month ago just to play persona 3


2006, I was 14. I had saved up some money I got working over the summer in a flea market to buy the Wii when it came out, waited in line on launch day, but the Walmart I went to sold out before I could get it. Couldn't find a Wii for months and was super disappointed. My parents knew I was sad about that and one day a few months later I came home to find a PS2 Slim box waiting for me in my room. My dad had bought it with his employees discount at Sears (rip lol). I think it came with Revenge of the Sith, but I immediately fell in love with it when I borrowed some old PS1 games and Persona 3 from a friend.


When they came out


When my dad got one in the early 2000’s. Brother almost pawned it for $20 a decade later but thought better of it I guess.


2006 I believe. I bought it chip modded already, and used to download games and burn them, or rent them and copy them. It was my main gaming system until I bought a PS3 in 2020.


my parents bought it for me on launch day but didn’t give it to me until christmas i think. my original one had problems reading discs i remember, and had to be sent to be fixed. same with the dreamcast, got one of the first ones and 50% of the time it wouldn’t read a brand new disc. they just exchanged that one at the store and i got one that worked.


Around 2011/2012. We were poor.


My “first” PS2 was a broken fat model that someone sold me at the cost of what GameStop paid for a broken system. (This was in the summer of 04) I didn’t feel like fixing it so I just traded it in to break even. But in hindsight it was a cheap and easy fix so I should’ve held onto it. My second system was a slim model that my parents gave me for Christmas that same year. Had that until I got an original model PS3 so I didn’t see the point in hanging onto it so I sold it. My third and current system is another fat model that I bought late last year because I missed having one.


before i was born, it used to be my father's


My dad moved to another country a few years after the fall of the soviet union in search of a better life for my mom and I. One of the first things he got was a PS2 when he arrived in Ireland in 2001, he used to house share with a couple of guys and not only was it a gaming system it also served as a CD/DVD player. I grew up playing it and I still have the same PS2, 23 years later. Everything is still from day one.


My 6th birthday in 2005. I still have it and love it as much today :)


2022 Bought a Used one. I never had a PS1 PS2 PS3 as a kid I got a used PS4 as my first console in 2018 . Then bought Every console except Vita (not much available in India) as collection.


Way too long ago. Probably not long after it came out. Though it was a slim so not right after the first release


March of 2001. My dad bought it off some guy that had two of them. I remember having only one game for it ,SSX. I played the piss out of it.


Damn I'm old. Bought it September 2001. It was the Gran Turismo 3 bundle.


I personally remember when I got all of my consoles. Getting PS2 was very special memory as wife was very pregnant with our son and he was due soon. Its how we remember how old he is as in current corresponding year, example he will be 24 in November 29th. I let my work know I will be in later after 9am next day. We went to local WallyMart that morning October 26th as I heard they had 20 PS2 units and it was First come first serve rule. We walked up to doors around 8am and only 5-6 people were in line by main door. But luckily 3rd person was a close friend and they started to chat with my wife and about her pregnancy. So we slid right in the line 4th in line, like who going to argue with my very pregnant wife. I know I wouldnt have. Doors opened and everyone rushed in at 9am exactly. Employees just kept telling everyone to keep running to Electronics department. Poor wife waddled into the door and told me "go go dont wait for me - run" and so I did. There was an employee in Electronics Entryway handing out SKU#/UPC code cards with a PS2 sticker on it. Once you had that card you had your PS2 console "reserved". I then stopped for wife to catch up and we walked to back of store Layaway counter. Another employee confirmed the Card and handed me that pretty Blue Box with Ps2. Console secured..... CORE MEMORY!


2001, and it still works today! First game was DOA: Hardcore


Christmas Day, 2003. I even have the home video tape of me and my brother unwrapping it. Happy memories


2001 (or maybe 2002). Christmas. My parents bought it for my brother and I. First game was THPS3. It was mind blowing compared to the PS1 we were used to playing, which is a great console in itself.


I don’t really remember I was very young. Probably 2002/2003 since I would have been like 5 years old.


MGS2 launch. I had just graduated Highschool in the summer and it launched in November. Took 6 months off :)


It was right around the time that Guitar hero 2 came out. I had my first real summer job and the price was like $150 Canadian for the console. So I got the console, memory card, and GH2 for about $300 brand new.


used to play my dads fat ps2 when i was like 5 then he came home with the slim model and gave me the fat one to me and my brother


I wanna say some time before Christmas in 2000. It helped that my dad used to play video games too


I wanna say I got mine last year 2023 (slim model without glossy plastic)from my uncle love him for giving me it it was practically brand new clock was not working at first set the time and date seems to work good now so far then tried the racing wheel after I set it up 😃 definitely my favorite


Around 2010. Friend in school had one, without any peripherials, so I borrowed console from him, bought original dyalshock 2 (these days for something around 20 us dollars - in Poland 50 PLN) + FMCB. Then the downloading isos began ;)


2011-2012? I can't remember exactly, But I got a hand-me down PS2 slim from my two brothers before on e of them died in 2020-21 🥺🤔😕


Around 2001, or so. Still have it and it works fine, but I’m living in Europe now, so I picked up the same FAT model in PAL version.




Summer 2002 when the price went from $300 to $200. I remember saving my money (was 12 at the time) to get it, went to Fyes and they had a huge pile of new PS2s stack on each other. Went to blockbuster and rented Spider Man


2014. I was brought up as a Nintendo kid and it was the second console I bought myself, the first one being a GameCube I bought the same year. The PlayStation 2 really matured my gaming tastes.


I’m slightly older than the ps2 but I have no conscious memory of not having one, our family must have gotten ours within a year of its release and never got rid of it


September 2001, I had just got married and we had gift cards from Best Buy. The store had a deal that if you signed up for MSN dial up for two years, you got a $250 gift card right there. So I got the PS2, am extra controller and FIFA Soccer. We also got a TV on clearance and set it all up in our bedroom!


Honestly, I can't remember. I was a baby when the ps2 was released, and I just remember the console always being there. I still have it.


September 22, 2002. I received $200 in $2 bills from my brother as a wedding present, and bought the PS2 the next day. No more renting from the video department at my grocery store!


I was born into it


Christmas day 2002. I got a ps2 for Dragon Ball Z budokai, I was a kid. I also got Time Splitters 2 which was amazing.


Had it as a hang me down form my sibkigns got it fixed like a year ago now loving it.


my dad got one about 2 or 3 years before the ps3 came out i believe, I loved it




Either early 2021 or late 2020 I believe


I think it was my 5th birthday! so 2003 my first games were scooby doo night of 100 frights, finding nemo, dragon ball z, and simpsons hit and run


Christmas 2001. My dad bought my brothers and I a controller & a memory card each (3 of us), and a bunch of games. We already had a PSone so we had a huge library to play with day 1. Best Christmas ever.


2006 i think or 07.


it was never mine. it was my sister’s, then my brother, then my dad got rid of it. but my brother let me play it some times with him


On launch in November 2000. Parents pre-ordered months in advance at Woolworths. Every kid in my class tried to invite themselves round those first couple of months.


My Dad! He bought us one for my 6th birthday. We played Sly Cooper together. I remember I played a little one afternoon after-school but didn't want to get too far ahead and eventually the game asked me do I want to "Save or Erase"? Now I knew what saved meant but did not know what the word erase meant. So I ended up deleting my and my Dads save file. He didn't get mad at me, but we never ended up playing again, but it's still a warm memory for me. My father passed this February at the age of 50, and I miss him with all my heart. Thank you Dad for always having my back, I love you forever.


Around original launch? I remember getting a Michael Jordan Documentary for my first DVD. And there were t many games I was interested in at launch. I bought the bouncer and that was not at all what I was expecting, thought it was boring. It wasn’t until FFX and Jack & Daxter came out that I really started to play it more.


November 2001. thps3 wasn’t ported to Dreamcast and skateboarding and Tony hawk games was my life at that age. I was devastated I couldn’t get the game because I didn’t have the right console. It was really an obsession over that game, not the PlayStation 2 itself. My mom totally just got it for me after I probably asked for it 1 time. I definitely asked for the game a lot more, I think she didn’t understand why it wasn’t coming out on Dreamcast. I think she understood how much it meant to me. It’s probably the only thing she ever got for me out of the blue after it being released. I didn’t have to ask or beg her for it. I would get a lot of presents for Christmas and for my birthday and she’d make play that waiting game with pretty much everything but for some reason we went to Best Buy, they had them in stock, and she bought me one. No special occasion needed.


About December 2003/Jan 2004, traded in our PS1 for it. Still have it today


Probably 2006 or 2007


Late 2020? Once I saw the cool softmods for it, I suddenly had to have one. I then spent more money than I should have for physical copies of certain games (mostly SEGA). My brother bought one in 2002, so I was able to play MGS2 and Final Fantasy X in my parents' basement back then. I also borrowed that system in 2006-2007 to play Guitar Hero 1&2.


2001 Christmas. Only game me and my brothers had was Gta 3. I was 9 years old, little brother was 7, big brother was 15. Today as an adult i have three Playstation 2's and my own personal collection of games (just over 100 games) i loved playing growing up. It's my favorite console of all time and it's not close !


When they first came out and my dad got it to use as a DVD player, first movie we watched was Big Daddy or Mr Deeds, first game was Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 3 I can still remember all of the songs.


2nd wave of launch stock (there weren't enough to cover pre-orders). That was the greatest phonecall of my life.


I owned like 6 of them…i got it when it was released and I currently have 3


January of 2004. Saved up for weeks to get one. First game was Final Fantasy X-2, despite never having played X at the time. What can I say, I was 13 and the characters appealed to me.


Christmas 2001. With Gran Turismo 3 and Devil May Cry


I got bought it to share with my two siblings the Christmas at launch. Still going strong. Still my favourite. 260 games and counting. 


Xmas 2012, slim schp 90001 model


Nov 2008, my mom got it for me after the doctor pulled her teeth and she was in pain from "circumstances", but still biked to the store and brought it home for my birthday. so i could be happy with my siblings (ractchet Gladiator/unlocked with two controllers).


I should check my save files but I'm guessing 2002ish? I was an Xbox player first but had to get exclusives like Half-Life and Red Faction.


The year that it came out. I remember the 1st couple of games we had were NBA Street and GTA 3


like all the other idiot parents on launch day , i still remember all the others out in that parking lot waiting for store opening and yes even pre ordered you still had to wait in line.. and oh wow flash back , did it again for the ps3 1st launch as i still have em to this day, gran nephews and nieces prefer the ps3 for quad play and it plays everything from 1,2, and 3 as tekken-tag team is my all time favorite and ohhh all the money spent on all those games , no wonder i worked so much over time, things you do for kids all of them, and when you finally finish your shift ur lucky if you get to see a bluray movie as you fall asleep...


I've had the same one I've always had since first getting it when I was 8 or 9 years old. So 2004 or thereabouts. Still works absolutely fine.


Christmas 2001, with Metal Gear Solid 2. Thanks again mom and dad!


I think 2005. I got the GameCube first and always wished I could have had a PS2 instead. While I would still pick PS2 today if I had to choose one, I'm actually quite grateful for the GameCube looking back. It certainly had its own share of unique and fun experiences that none of my friends ever got.


Last month


My dad had it so technically before I was even born


Mid/late 2000’s I believe, I was just going into middle school around the time I got the slim version. I wound up putting one of those ‘bubble’ sticker cover things of RE4 on it


The year they bundled it with Gran Turismo 3. I traded my N64, 3 controllers, memory cards and 31 games in for a PS2 and Summoner. I got ripped off, but it got a lot of use until the laser died.


On release day.. loved my ps2.. played it till it died


A friend from high school handed his slim to me in 2019, but the disc drive wasn't working, then I got my launch edition fat from a garage in 2021 and I still play on that


Release day. I worked at Software Etc and managed to get on the first batch list. I still remember picking it up and seeing that gorgeous blue box.


2002 I think but couldn’t tell you what games I first played on it. There was some great games for the console, born in the 80’s this was a great era to be alive.


About a month or 3 after launch.


Christmas 2001, was a big surprise from my parents. I was 13 I believe, it was a great generation to be a gamer


01 as a graduating gift


2002. I had an original Xbox. Guy at work kept talking about the PS2. I saw a demo of Jak 2 at Gamestop. I decided to get one and I was blown away by the sheer variety of games it had. First game I got was ATV offroad Fury 2. 2nd game I got was Devil May Cry 2. 3rd game I got was Primal. I was 25 at the time. It was many moons ago.


December 2023, I got it cause I wanted to play Max Payne 2, but since then I’ve played a lot of different games.


sheesh like 2012? only games i had were lego star wars, gta 3, and naruto uzumaki chronicles and i’d just switch between the 3 all day 😭


The summer of 2002.


Probably 2003-04 or so, I just remember my mom had tossed the ps1 slim and busted it due to my brothers not going to sleep on a school night playing nba 2000 live. We were in a video game drought for the longest until my friend showed up at the doors with a couple hundred dollars to buy our pokemon, yugioh cards and wrestling toys. My oldest brother quickly went and bought the ps2 with drakengard and final fantasy x and boy I couldnt wait for ffx after repeatedly playing ff8 with my friend. As for where did the money come from? It came from from my friends nephew as he was only 5-7 yrs old and didnt know any better which he took the cash from his dads shirt pocket lol. The other two friends did get some money out of it too, but my family paid back the money where as the other two friends didnt. Good times when we didnt know any better and seeing a $100 bill for the first time was like a miracle.


I got it when it first came out. I was stoked to upscale my ps1 games and have a DVD player lol. There are so many great games on PS2. I love some of the resident evil rip offs like Cold Fear and Extermination. Don't even get me started on all the Rpgs. Loys of good stuff like SSX, Timesplitters, I could go on and on.


Release day (UK)


December 25, 2001 It was a Christmas gift to me and my two brothers. We received GT3 with it. I still have a save file dated 12/25/01.


Hired out from video store 2 weeks after launch. Blew me away, saved up and bought the MGS2 pack when the price dropped in NZ.


Christmas. 2000. Tekken tag, ridge racer V My old man was very into hi-fi, video etc. So for him it was a DVD player when he needed it and for all other times a games console. So good.


My first PS2 was Xmas 06


July 2000, Japanese import in the UK, worked for 4 solid weeks as a builder’s labourer for my uncle during the school holiday to save up the money for it. Played Ridge V and Tekken Tag to death. And had another couple of weeks of work to buy more games after that! Also played the Japanese version of Gran Turismo 2 on it, still have that soundtrack in my head to this day.


July 2000, Japanese import in the UK, worked for 4 solid weeks as a builder’s labourer for my uncle during the school holiday to save up the money for it. Played Ridge V and Tekken Tag to death. And had another couple of weeks of work to buy more games after that! Also played the Japanese version of Gran Turismo 2 on it, still have that soundtrack in my head to this day.


I was 10, so early 2001. My Dad took me to the mall, I think back in the day to what was I believe EB games. A memory that always stuck with me. Still have ps2 til this day!


October 2000




I got a ps2 slim for 15€ 3 days ago


Christmas 2002 Got a Costco bundle with Jak n Daxter and Gran Turismo 3 and I was gifted SSX on the same day


2001 for Christmas, I was 10


Within a week of launch. Luckily my dad wanted it just as bad as I did (dvds were relatively new at the time and players were expensive af, he was a huge movie buff.).


2006. The PS3 release allowed my parents to afford a ps2, I loved it with all my heart


Got a ps2 slim in late 2008. Still works great. I never stopped using it, but I’ve been picking up way more games for it over the past 5ish years


2003 was when I remember getting one as a kid


I believe the same year it came out or the year after. My grandpas thing was to buy the latest gadget(TVs, cameras, games) and one night my brother and I get a ride from granny to her house for a sleep over at our grandparents. We walk in and see Grandpa in the dinning room with a ps2 and a small tv on the dinning table. He was very nonchalant about it too lol like he didn’t except us to freak out when we saw it. Like “oh this? Just the ps2”


1st time I played a PS2 was around 2004 n I got one around 2006-2007 - the first PS I owned was the PS1 but obviously I was like 4 years old at that time haha


Dec/2006, purchased with my first job's salary


I got mine in early 2005, it was the slim. It was the first console I purchased with my own money. Got it to play MGS3


I purchased mine in the [Final Fantasy X Bundle](https://consolevariations.com/collectibles/sony-playstation-2-final-fantasy-x-bundle). It was the 1st big purchase I made when I got my 1st part time job in high school.


This year. Just a couple of months ago. Picked up a PS2 Slim from EBay in very good condition. It’s my third retro console, after my PS1 (which sadly broke) and my Mega Drive.


I got it when GTA 3 came out, bought both of them on that day.


Christmas Day 2001. It was in a pack that had Jak and Daxter (still a favorite) and The Sims (not a favorite…), plus a whole bunch of PS1 games donated by my dad’s coworker. I think I got a few other PS2 games too but I couldn’t tell you which. It was a good Christmas.


My dad bought one before I turned one...


2001. Picked it up with my first pay check after I finished college. Bought metal gear solid sons of liberty and shadow of memories. 23 years later I still have them and many other games on a shelf in my living room.


About 2018 or so, found it at goodwill for dirt cheap and it’s still trucking along and has had some upgrades along the way.


Around 2008-9 at around 5-6y. My first ever ps2 was borrowed from one of dad’s friends. When he returned it tho i had bought one with the money i saved for about 100 euroes, i already had a bunch of games tho. Sadly the ps2 went to my cousins because my dad gave it away… we had bought a wii at the time and tought i didn’t want it anymore. Ofc he couldn’t take his word back too. Either way i think it was pretty cooked even back then, i played thousand of hours on it. Fav games were ssx 3, need for speed most wanted, crash team racing and wwe smackdown (man how much i raged on this one 😂)