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I'm a certified dmc2 hater, but objectively speaking it's not necessarily "bad", buts it not good. It's like the epitome of mid, 5/10.


yeah it seems boring damn ill probably just play 1 and 3 then




Give it a go, a few people actually like it. I don't like the boss that stay out of reach and you have to slowly shoot to death, the combo system being about flicking the stick instead of doing pauses and how the Stinger is the limpest attack ever.


DMC2 isn't a bad game by any means but, it doesn't live up to the High-water mark set by the first game.


I enjoyed playing DMC2, but it was definitely not as good as 1 & 3 for the PS2 entries. Also, if you care about the timeline of the series. DMC3 is technically the 1st in the timeline (set 10yrs before DMC1). DMC2 story wise was actually written out of the timeline put after 4 when DMC4 was first released but was later reconned with the release of 5 and put back to being after 1. You might want to play 2 first, so you aren't spoiled by 3 which would make 2 look worse if you want to play 2 at all.


I played it a little bit and pretty much from the start you can tell something is off


I got it on release as a young teen and didn't mind it but I think I got stuck, moved onto another game and just kinda forgot about it. I remember finding it a bit boring and somehow having no interest in the character/s. I actually can't remember a thing about the game but a lot of the first dmc stuck with me.


To me DMC 2 is not a bad game, it's ok game if you have lower standards for games like I have. 6/10 rating in my opinion. I also enjoyed in disc 2.


Boot it, play it a bit, and decide whether you personally think it sucks. You already own it what harm is there in trying it? Form your own opinions, dont just (dis)like things cause others do


yea thats what id usually do but i dont rlly have time to play a bunch of a old game that probably isnt good because i have things to do so thats why i hopped on reddit.


Then why did you buy the game?


bc when i do have free time i wanna play a good game but i didnt know it sucked


You donโ€™t know whether or not it sucks you havenโ€™t played it. The only way to find out if you personally like it is to try it


i mean true but ive got things to do that i care about more than plus usually when 99% of people say somethings just bad its probably bad, if its 50/50 people saying its bad or good then ill give it a try


In the time youโ€™ve spend reading and replying to people here you could have spent several minutes trying the game yourself


im waiting for my setup to be put tg for my jazz combo rn so i cant play it, im in a different place. i do have some time tonight but id rather play dmc3 lol


Then just play DMC3, noone here can tell you whether or not DMC2 is "really that bad" because that'ss all personal opinion


ok ok fine ill play the game


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dmc 2 is a third person shooter of all time and is the 2nd worst dmc game just above peak of combat (๐˜ธ๐˜ฉ๐˜ฐ ๐˜ธ๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ๐˜ญ๐˜ฅ'๐˜ท๐˜ฆ ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ๐˜จ๐˜ฉ๐˜ต ๐˜ข ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฃ๐˜ช๐˜ญ๐˜ฆ ๐˜จ๐˜ข๐˜ฎ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ธ๐˜ข๐˜ด ๐˜จ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ๐˜ฏ๐˜ข ๐˜ฃ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฃ๐˜ข๐˜ฅ) just play it for yourself and you'll see it


DMC2 now is like watching The Room. Yeah, it's definitely not good. It's got a ton of problems and is easily abusable. Guns are super overpowered to the point of the being ludicrous. But, just like The Room, it can be fun. It's like playing Sonic 2006. It's an awful game, but it's pure in its badness.


Its because they removed Danteโ€™s personality, and then made his swords weigh a million pounds so you can actually feel and notice the sword swinging being slow. Thatโ€™s why I like Lucia. She had great gameplay.


yea lucia seems badass dude


I actually enjoyed my time with DMC 2, I even finished it multiple times. IMO it is an okay/good game, but it shows that it was rushed since it lacks the polish and complexity of either DMC 1 or 3 The game became way more fun in hard mode, because normal mode is a bit too brain dead at times. The music is amazing... One of my favorite soundtracks in any game, the visuals are nice for the time and it has a decent amount of content along with new additions that would become mainstays in future games. One recommendation is to try to vary your gameplay with the use of different combos and firearms. It is definitely one of the weakest games in the series, but as a game I don't think it is half bad.


In my opinion is the same as the first game


The game is meant to be played with Lucia apparently


I only played Dante's story. The game was so depressing to play. The controls, story, enemies and Dante's facial expressions were plain dead. You could literally finish the whole game just by using ebony & ivory. F**k the helicopter, the final boss, the god awful battle theme. Idk, but I managed to finish Dante's story. The game was so bad that I didn't even want to play Lucia's story. Even if someone were to offer me $1 Billion to 100% that game, I would never do it. Devil May Cry 2 is the worst game in existence that I've played.


dude it seems so boring and depressing๐Ÿ˜ญ


DmC 1 has a much more resident evil kind of exploration of the world. You complete areas and solve some light puzzles. The combat also feels great. DMC 2 just feels like a shoot em up. For me it was a let down, but some people are more in the mood for a shoot em up. Thats really the big difference. I havent played 3 but i can say 4 feels much more in the same vain as 1.


DMC2 is great, just ignore that it's supposed to be a Devil May Cry game and play as Lucia. Best part of that game imo.


I beat DMC 2 with all blue orbs it was a pain


Yes but itโ€™s worth experiencing also.


Honestly yeah.


It's a good contender for the worst game that I have ever played. It's not even one of those "so bad it's kinda good "type of bad, it's just plain bad.


oh damn alr yea i do like the bad fun kinda games like โ€œthe thingโ€ but ts js seems bad lol