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Hulk Ultimate Destruction, Mercenaries, Scarface




Not the fantasy I was looking for but I’ll take it


Any Dynasty Warriors games and X-men Legends I and 2. Marvel Ultimate Alliance 1 and 2 (that may be PS3 only actually).


I’ve played the MUA games and have always loved every part of the first game except for the trivia against MODAK, I was like 4-5 and I didn’t know what a “Marvel” was. As for the Dynasty Warriors games, is there any of them that stick out more so than the rest?


Dynasty warriors 4


I like dw 3 but 4 is legit too. Game is about killing your way through swarms of dudes to then kill specific dudes, very much a power trip you end up with 100s of kills


I won't stop recommending Budokai Tenkaichi 3 So frenetic


State of Emergency 1+2, Destroy All Monsters, War of the Monsters


After a stressful/hard day of work, there's nothing like God of War. Kratos has what you need.


Psi-Ops:Mindgate Conspiracy, you are a psychic soldier who can launch his foes around and set them on fire with your mind oh and shoot them mid-air , all good stuff.


The suffering


Godhand? After you have learned a bunch of stuff you can really play with some of the enemies.


Rez. I once had a dream where I was administrating space and time while Beethoven's fifth symphony played on a holographic victrola. It's the most powerful I've ever felt, and Rez is the game that captures that feeling the closest.


If you liked the arenas in the Ratchet and Clank games I'd highly recommend Ratchet Deadlocked. Wiping waves of enemies in satisfying missions feels great and it has a banging soundtrack. My only complaint with it is that it's too short, I started new game plus immediately after finishing it. And your weapon levels just keep going up it's awesome.


Katamari damacy, sure, some objects are too big, but you'll always get big enough to get everything eventually. You can roll up the king of all cosmos in some games Basically every jrpg probably has some ridiculous build in them


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