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I recently played through the first main mission (warehouse scorpion hunt) and quite enjoyed it for what it is - a lite dungeon crawler with a Fallout theme. Expect all the usual stuff; mutated creatures, stims, weapons with varying stats, female characters in extreme fetish wear. Actually, that last one is mostly just a BoS thing.


"We were fighting against the Brotherhood, and they started throwing ladies with landmines strapped to their boobs at our soldiers" - NCR Ranger Veteran in an interview


Think someone else nailed it, it's not a horrible game, just not a good Fallout game. When this came out my brother and I played it together long enough to beat it. So the co op aspect of it is kinda cool.


No. It's just not a good Fallout game. If you like the Dark Alliance games then you'll like this as it is literally the same game but with a Fallout skin.


Shiieeettt my inner child loves a good hack n slash. 


Really? Damn I've been missing out. Bet I'd love it.


It's the exact same engine. You'll feel right at home if you've played the dark alliance games or champions of norrath


Champions of norrath! Sick game. Just played through it recently


It’s the same game but with a lack of unique weapons which to me is the favorite part of those games, the loot. Also the voice acting is really Bain all those games but to me it kinda worked with the fantasy themed characters but in the post modern era of fallout it’s just bad and not funny bad. The abilities are lacking and the exp system is worse then the other games. Worth playing if you enjoyed all those games already but not worth if you are a fan of fallout.


It's not even as good as Dark Alliance/Champions of Norrath.






After Champions of Norrath and Return to Arms, me and my best friend were desperate to find something similar, so we stumbled upon this. We played through it 2 or 3 times and had fun. It's not great, bad it's also far from bad. In coop it's a fun romp.


Its fun, it just doesn't feel like the fallout universe


Nope, I enjoyed it, but I loved all of these isometric games from the 6th gen like this, Dark Alliance 1/2, the Champions games, Bard's Tale, D&D Heroes, etc.


Im pretty sure part of the developers who made classic Fallouts was in Interplay during development of BoS (correct me of Im wrong). So It was interesting to see their less-known game and obscure parts of the lore, maybe Bethesda will canonize a bit of it in later games. So game itself: Pros: - Decent (ambient) ost - Interesting story idea ( part of it was cutted tho) - Some interesting lore takes - Co-Op Cons: - Boring combat, meaning boring gameplay, if you will play the game - use melee build. - Side quests are joke - Its liniear, no roleplaying. - Awful pacing, no fast travel, enjoy your backtracking without reason. - Player's character of choice doesnt really matter, they are like mix of general perk pool. Just pick one that has dog. - Character leveling is joke , basically choosing between armor and damage perks. - NPC's are lame, not Fallout-ish, more like sketch or something. - No activities beside killing enemies.


Nope! This is a lot of fun in co-op!


i tried it for the first time recently and couldnt do it. im sure i might have enjoyed it when it was released.


Check out the mindplup video on yt




It is pretty bad buuuut we are allowed to enjoy bad things. You can have fun with it if it suits your imagination or whatever.


It *wasn’t* a bad game. But *it was* a bad Fallout game


Good Dark Alliance game.


No I still own this game and it was fun. It's the black sheep of the family, every franchise has at least one.


its kinda fun but nothing special


It's not great. Dark Alliance, which is the game this engine was made for us a much better game. Yet this game feels stiff, the weapons aren't great, and the story is kinda meh. It's an OK game, and a bad Fallout.


Not at first. And then you'll realize that most of the quests are overly long and tedious "Slaughter 100 enemies" for the entire game. It soon becomes the worst thing, in my opinion, a video game can be. Boring.




ManyATrueNerd did a playthrough of it a while back if you want to check out what it's like. It seems like a middling game overall, but not a good fallout game.


It was fun, a little bit grindy with some.of the quests, I enjoyed it. That first level (clear the warehouse) is really the make or break moment of this game, if you can get past all the grinding it gets better after that. It does feel like someone trying to make a fake "Fallout" game a little, but the lore is there. I find it funny that there is no Nuka Cola, and they used the real world "Bawls" energy drink in lieu of Nuka. I have completed this game a few times, with a few different characters and have enjoyed it. Spoiler(?) I think it's the last level but there is a door that opens with a pressure switch and you can only open it if you play co-op (which is also fun if you have two controllers and a buddy) I think there is a special weapon that you can only get from that room. I never received it because I never had played with anyone long enough to finish it co-op. Overall,.I think it's a good and fun game. It's expensive now because of the TV show, it might not be worth 80-150-300(?!) I saw on the Internet tho. So if you can play it for cheaper than that somewhere I'd give it a try.


It has boob physics. So pretty good!


It’s on my list of favorites. Like other people said, bad fallout game, but fun rpg. Played a ghoul and had a blast. Devin Townsend did work on the soundtrack and I’m a big fan, so that’s cool too.


I watched some gameplays and it was bad , and i. Not even talking about lore wise


No it's fun


For being a fallout games, It’s a pretty generic dungeon crawler. Uses Dark Alliance engine. Nuka Cola was replaced by Bawls Guarana as a marketing gimmick. This game coupled with Interplay’s poor handling/management of Van Buren and Black Isle studios killed Fallout for a while.


No, it's quite enjoyable and has a really gross/dark sense of humour. I had a lot of fun with it.


It's literally my favorite fallout game. No one who claims to be a fan in public ever knows what im talking about. It's such a fun game and it's pretty quick to beat as well. It's not Bethesda and that's what makes it a good game


Never heard of this


IMO.... No, it just isn't really a Fallout game. It isn't even an RPG, it has more in common with games like Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance and even then, this game is kinda inferior to that. But as game is fine, an okay 3D Beat em up / Brawler with some RPG elements which is fun overall, but it doesn't offer much else... Story is meh and the game overstays it's welcome since the gameplay is far too simple and repetitive to last around 13 hours. But still, there's far worse you can play and I had an overall good time with it even though I don't think I'll ever play it again. I give it a 6/10 if you want a number to represent how I feel about it.


I’m a huge fan of DA1+2, Norath games . Although BoS uses the same engine it’s no where near as good as those games . It’s pretty bad IMO


No, it's worse


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it's disappointing. for it's like diablo-clone. non RPG. spin. off .of fallout games, ye.t still way be.tter fallout game than 3thhhhhhhhhhhhh and 4th [ga.me](http://ga.me) for sure lol. gotta pay. attention to the fact that w.hen this game released, fall.out fans enjoyed their [ti.me](http://ti.me) in fallout 1 and fallout 2 where there. are whole universe of roleplaying aspect of the g.ame filled with content and quality this PS2 game is like when you .were driving ferrari playing this game is lik.e driving 4 wheel bicycle. and fallout 3 and 4. is like running on ball around lma.o if y.ou don't except f.allout 1, 2 and new vegas qu.ality, if you espe.cially ok to play fallout 4 but you want diablo-like game in fallout universe really it's. not a bad game. edit: a person begged me to use punctuation so I did :DDD .......................,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;;;;;;::......:::,,;;;. :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD edit 2: I know word fu so come at me bros :DDD damn bethesda shills sent me to oblivion ayy lmao but it always worth to insult bethesda fallouts so I have no regrets :DDDD


That was painful to read. Try using punctuation. Jesus.


He did use punctuation... in all the wrong places.


3th ? What are you on ??


IDK why I wrote "3th" lol :DDD


Idk why you wrote. I mean the punctuation isn't even the only problem, you're hardly even speaking English with the way you write. It literally reads like "no game like I don't favorite not this game for me enjoy mostly not." That's how you sound trying to write English.


this is like saying "I don't like your face so hide it" lmao to me you sound like "I have a problem and I demand you to not do it because it's I want" like some 4 years old kids throw childish tantrums. they should start to teach kids that "your problem is not concern of anyone". do I look like I'm your mother? :DDD


Sorry, but no one under 13 is allowed to use reddit.


ok, you shouldn't use reddit then :DDD I've called your parents. they assured me no internet for you until you are 18 :DDDDDDDDDDDD


Got eem