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it might be a accessory for ps2 i had one that holds games and sits back of ps2 but if you want the biggest one there is always a ps2 tool (DTL-T10000H)


What was the name of the accessory? I’m curious if that’s maybe what he had


That sounds kind of like [the TOOL development kit](https://www.retroreversing.com/playstation-2-development-hardware), but how would your cousin have gotten one of those?


Could it have been the vertical stand? https://www.google.com/search?q=ps2+vertical+stand&client=firefox-b-m&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwii5uLQme35AhURnVwKHW2ZDxsQ_AUIBA#imgrc=kAaOUvEqDAjidM


Nah I don’t think so. Looking at these photos I don’t see anything that matches that I thought I did as a kid


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The psx?


I have an accessory that sits under the PS2 and adds extra controller ports and memory card slots. It also so allows you to run external devices through it, like a VCR. It is styled in the same manner of the PS2 and looks pretty cohesive.


The Sony TV that had the ps2 probably the biggest