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Steve Franks had the rule "no assholes" and it seems to have carried through the casting, the characters, the show, and now the fans. It had a great foundation and the show is light enough that there really isn't much controversy to break it apart. It's also a smaller show, with an older audience (ie not teen/early 20s when drama is high), and it's been off air for a decade, so it's pretty set in its ways. It's just a great recipe for a great fandom.


Because of the older audience parents watch the show with their children ( benefit of it not swearing much, not really having sex scenes, or crude humor) I grew up with it along with many of my friends


My toddler used to call it I know. “Can we watch I know?”


My toddler comes running in the room every time she hears the theme song!


Lolol, that’s so darn cute!


Too much cuteness 🥰😍


This is why I thought I could safely watch it with my little brother (he was at least 11/12) and he got terrified of the mountain lion episode. He still holds that over my head. 


What did he think of the zombie episode? Ps the clicking scene always makes me laugh and I do random clicks to "speak African" ( I'm from there btw)


We didn't get that far, he didn't want to keep watching after the mountain lion :( and then we never got back to it


The zombie episode is actually scary (never finished it), Tuesday the 17th and the werewolf and haunting episodes are puesdo-scary, they have elements of scary horror stuff done for comedy. Technically the zombie episode is puesdo-scary as well but I don't like zombies no matter what. The mountain lion one probably scared because of his age at the time, I doubt it will now


My mom watched it and therefore I did (im 24). I’ve turned all of my friends onto it. And my children will watch it. This show will become generational.


Good point! That would actually be a pretty cool accomplishment to be able to translate that into the whole fandom!


Oof, being reminded it's been 10 years already hurts.


I was in 4th grade when the show ended.


I was in 10th grade... I had enough going on in high school as it was and had to deal with my favorite show ending too. It was a tough time 😂


I watched psych when I was 14 AND LOVED IT !!! back when it was on prime video so happy it's back on netflix so I can rewatch it after I'm done with monk


Spirit of the show, I think. It’s crazy kind, sweet, gentle, funny, smart. What sort of person is attracted to watching that over and over and over again? Now that I think about it, the cast is like that with each other as well. Also, they’ve no intention of “moving on”, nor do we. Hmmmm.


I like that the cast gets along and that are still all friends, this is group of people we likes, respects and support each other.


Your totally right, but I love some shows that are pretty similar and I don't get the same sweet vibe from those subs somehow. This ones just really special :)


Just because you put syrup on something doesn’t make it a pancake, though.


New to this sub, but not the show. And I have to agree with this because the other tv show subs I'm active in are also positive and active with a variety of content.  r/firefly and r/CornerGas specifically. 


Because we have things we can find common ground on. Such as how messed up it was hearing about Pluto.


I mean, are there people who don't agree about Pluto?


That's messed up!


I mean, Eris should be planet 9 clearly. Pluto might be okay as planet 10...


This subreddit and the Frasier subreddit are my favorite (TV) subreddits. They're just lovely people talking about something they love, with very little drama. It makes it much more enjoyable to keep the show/fun alive. So yes, we are good people :)


Haha those are my two!


Uh, maybe I should look into that show more, I've seen it recommended a couple of times!


Just to chime in: Frasier was a great show! Smart, self-aware and warm humor. If you are okay with a random episode to try I highly recommend Roe to Perdition (Season 10, Episode 18). :)


Season 4 ep 1 I think, the two Mrs. Cranes.


What's the Frasier one? ❤️


Culture starts at the top. Everything I have heard about this show's culture on set was amazing and kind and lovely. I think that radiates outward and draws like-minded and kind people in.


That is a good point, pretty cool that they managed to translate that even into the fandom.


Even discussions where people don't agree, people are still nice. And I don't think we hate characters as much as some other shows. Or they're hated with love if that makes sense. I don't know about anyone else, but on other subs I get tired of seeing "favorite ..." This one, I feel like we're constantly talking about the best loved moment like you do with friends.


Yeah, I don't think I've ever seen a malicious disagreement on here. I think Psych did a really good job in making every character loveable somehow.


Yeah, I can’t hate any of the main characters


It's the sweetness!


Probably, the delicious flavour :)


I'm a fan of delicious flavor 🍍


I agree. I am new to this sub (not Reddit). I just starting watching Psych this week, for the first time, and everyone has been super nice to me. It is such a good show. So, thank you for that.


Welcome to the fandom! 


Thank you!


We're not inclined to resign to maturity... I'm not sure why this subreddit is so cool, but I'm glad for it. I love the Psych series and movies. I love having a place online with folks who share that love. My wife introduced me to the series, and we'll both still watch sometimes.


Age could be a factor. Psych has been done for 10 years now, so people who are here have a genuine love of the show. It also being a fun lighthearted show (most of the time), brings out more of that in it's fans


I frequent a few subs where the shows have been off air for 15+ years, and the toxicity is breathtaking 🤣 This sub is pure love. And I'm so glad for that!


Could be, but still I somehow don't get the same vibe in subs of comedies from the same era (not that I want to start beef, it just stands out to me).


Totally agree. It ended a little while after Psych, but the Modern Family subreddit feels like everyone hates the show. So many of the posts seem to just criticize the characters and nit pick at the show.


Now if they reboot the show with a hip new cast…things might get a little tense.


Oh.... oh nooo... 


They rely on funny quotes/pictures because they don’t have a smooth playa named Gus to comfort them.


Agreed. I had to leave so many subs because it just became "screenshot and quote" or "look an actor from this show was in another show" or, in the case of my favorite show LOST it just devolved into arguments over "were they dead the whole time or not" I just joined Simpsons after finally getting caught up on the whole show after I stopped watchinf 20 years ago and it's literally nothing but like 50 quotes a day. No idea why this one works, maybe cuz it wasn't a super mainstream show and it's just got a good wholesome fan base? There's intersting things to discuss, intersting Tories and great popculture references. It all makes me really excited to go to PsychCon and finally attend a con that doesn't have bitter fans angry about stuff.


There's a psych con?


June, in Chicago, but it sold out very quickly; however, from what Maggie said at another recent con, it seems very likely there may be a second Psych-only con in another city, since this first one sold out so fast!


I'm in the Facebook group too. The original admin is in Missouri and we had one there about 2 years ago. He looked into a resort on the lake out there. Turned out the owner was a fan and let us rent cabins for a quarter of what they usually go for. It was a small con, around 35 of us, but it was a blast! We live streamed with Kurt and then Sage.


Ugh, I'm jealous of you guys, I'm not in the US unfortunately :( I hope you have so much fun!


It's all the pineapple 🍍 how can you be grumps when there's pineapple?


Part of it is the show isn't still on so no hate about the current direction/decisions. Mostly tho its just the show itself, its just a fun and great show that attracts awesome people. I'm a huge fan of the dresden files and thats also a really great sub. Not for the same reasons just a shout how to them lol


Yeah, but with others shows that aren't on anymore it often turns into just memes, this one seems very active and discussion friendly


Maybe because its a great show for rewatching or having on in the background. So more conversations keep popping up. We've watched psych so many times because its the go to when you're just putting something on for background.




Because we're all educated, sophisticated people just trying to learn more about the many facets of the human mind.  Obligatory joke aside, we're fans of a show where the protagonist is a happy go lucky man child that goofs off nearly all of the time. Much like him, we just want to have fun.  There are other subreddits I'm in that are just as friendly or helpful. If they weren't, I wouldn't be there. In fact, many wouldn't. I think it's important that communities are civil, or else most of the traffic would disappear. 


This is a great sub. I have noticed whenever someone tries to start drama or take the show too seriously everyone just sort of shuts them down or ignores them and the posts go away. Love this sub


I watch Psych when I’m craving something with a positive vibe (I’m perhaps oversimplifying, it’s so much more than that). I think the fandom here really reflects that, and I really appreciate that🍍🍍🍍


I honestly think it’s because we’re all fans of delicious flavor.


It's a lot easier to take things easy in communities that talk about with shows that are lighthearted. I will say, and I don't mean this to get political or otherwise charged in any way, but I think that Psych did such a good job of staying away from telling viewers what morality they should have (ya know, beyond killing = bad). Everyone knows Shawn is doing a morally ambiguous thing and most come to accept it because he generally comes to have the right intentions (though I suppose that's debateBle in some episodes). No one makes this about right vs left, no one really makes this about punching down at people or victimizing them, and no one really paints any particular group of people as being the consistent villains either. I think now a lot of shows have become team sports- my left leaning friends find left leaning stuff funnier, and my right leaning friends find right leaning stuff funnier, and they almost feel obligated not to laugh at each other's media preferences because it't somehow wrong. I dunno. Maybe I lost the thread here. Psych is great, lightehearted, doesn't punch down, and doesn't tell us how to live our lives, so the community reflects that I think.


In addition to a lot of what others have said, I scrolled a bit and didn’t see anything about mods yet (maybe I’m missing - I skimmed). There were a couple posts that seemed to veer negative or starting on ragebait, and they got shut out. I think good mods have kept this a positive place to be, and I gotta thank them for it.


Psych is far and away the most "good vibes" show I've ever seen, that's definitely a huge part of why everyone here is so cool to each other.


r/GhostsCBS also has interesting discussions. Because of the sci-fi/paranormal aspect of the show, there’s speculation about what the ghosts might or might not be able to do.


Uh, never heard of that show, this looks fun!


It is! There’s a British version too, and everyone says it’s great, although I’ve only seen the pilot so far. But yes, Ghosts is totally different from Psych, yet it’s also got great character development, it’s quirky, it’s got modern themes, and it’s so much fun!


This subreddit is definitely the most lighthearted and fun place on here. I can ask the silliest question and someone would be genuinely kind and supportive in answering said silly question. I genuinely love how realistic the show is with the dynamic Shawn and Gus have, it’s seems like a real friendship with such a real dialogue and that’s what I adore most about the show and I think it spread to the fans!


Probably cause it’s a smaller show It’s kind of blessing that’s it’s not a big as say supernatural or Dr who it seems like the bigger those shows got the more toxic the fanbase got or brought new toxic ones in.


Everyone likes the show differently because each episode makes fun of a different genre so we all find things we love about it.




If someone decides to do a study about it, I’m down to be a researcher for the study


Generally speaking it is nice. But say something the majority will disagree with and they’ll turn on you quickly.


Probably, I guess whenever that happened before, I was on the side of the majority


Or when people accidently post psychology questions, this group turns into a bunch of AH


A few slightly mocking posts and a few suggestions that an actual psychology sub would help them more, but in EVERY one of those posts, people also come in heavy with a ton of funny, uplifting Psych tv stuff too along with some suggestions and sympathy posts as well.


I think there are a lot of parallels between Psych and Columbo (another show/sub of mine). Both have IMO great communities, and that's gotta be because the spirit of both shows is respectful (maybe not the best word for it) to the viewer. Neither show is ever mean or toxic, and the drama-for-the-sake-of-drama is very minimal, so they generally don't have the kind of fans that are drawn to that attitude. And being those things is very against the spirit of the show, so I think people posting here self-regulate on that front, as well. When we think about these shows, we don't get angry or frustrated and then take it out on the other fans. Columbo still has a dedicated following 50 years later, and I think Psych will too when it reaches that age.


This sub and the one for the show Community are by far my favorites for that very reason. Just fans sharing what they love about the show. Even the occasional "what was your least favorite..." questions tend to be pretty tame, which I appreciate. I do my darndest to stay on the positive side of Reddit and this sub definitely helps!


The X-Files has a pretty nice fandom. The sub is a little overcrowded with people either crushing on Gilian Anderson, David Duchovny or Mitch Pileggi, but it’s still a very friendly crowd and there are a lot of little quizzes, questions about episodes, first time watchers and everyone is always very nice.


because everyone is studying psychology


Because the show is so nice! Don't get all mad; however this is another rad Gilmore Girls! Quick-witted, pop-culture-laden buddyness. Relate to this in both ways, culturally and musically. Makes me happy!


Well the show is geared towards people who appreciate a trope i like to call “silly seriousness” its not a hardcore drama like criminal minds, its not straight up silly like the office, its perfectly in the middle. Its realistic but still silly. It attracts a certain kind of person. We’re less likely to be assholes because we can see how fun serious things can be and how serious fun things can be.


This one and 30 Rock are the best ones.


The fans of this show just all happen to be mostly in the 20% of decent humans that exist on the planet Earth. For the few who aren't, C'mon Son!


I've been in MANY fandoms, and this is by far the least toxic and most drama-free, here and the Facebook groups as well. I've thought about this before. There's just something special about it!


I used to feel this way, then I stumbled upon a post that mentioned "toxic masculinity," in this subreddit. I've never seen people in this group be ruder or less supportive of a person. I've never been more disappointed in this sub and it sort of made me look at the group differently.


Oh wow, that's too bad. I guess I missed that one. Weird, I have seen several posts where people were very aware of some of the outdated language/humour, for example in regards to transgender issues.


As someone else pointed out, it's certainly not common. Though, it did happen and was enough for me to be a smidge more wary. Overall, though, I guess I should say I mostly see people being friendly/kind.


That sucks :(


Hey, I'm still here! Lol so there's something to what everyone is saying.


Please don't judge this sub by that one thread; it was quite an anomaly. I checked user profiles, and many who posted on it were NOT regulars on this sub. In other words, some people out there troll around Reddit seeking out certain subjects, and when they found that one, they leaped in here with negativity that really wasnt about Psych at all. That was neither a typical post for this sub, nor typical responses like we usually see here. 


You know (and I even commented this then), I suspected that might be the case. The responses came SO swiftly I thought there has to be some vigilante group out there with keyword notifications lol. It was disappointing to see here, for sure. I've been here a long time and was always impressed by how people disagreed disrespectfully. That vibe was certainly not in that post and I felt for OP. Thanks for reaching out!