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Okay, the Crystal brand of distilled water was purchased by another company. The new company bottles the water at a different facility and can't keep up with demand. Zephyrhills on the other hand can't keep up with the increased demand of customers who would normally buy Crystal. It's stupid that we're still having these issues.


Who bottles the Publix brand?


We have purified instead of distilled. I'm told it can be used for distilled water uses (like golf cart batteries) but customers insist otherwise. I know the drinking is bottled by us. Not 100% sure about spring or purified


It says it directly on the bottle of purified. if thats not enough for some ppl thats on them lmao. they creatin their own problems


Plumber here: "purified" means jack unless they specify how it was purified. If the bottle says "purified by reverse osmosis" then it's on par with distilled. Any other industry standard method is a step down in purification.


I just need to use it for my coffee maker. My well water mineralizes it too much. The distilled, purified, or even spring seems to work fine.


Yo, minerality in well water is like, the best part of well water.


yes but very bad for good coffee, not to mention coffee machines.


Yeah, I get that, I just miss having well water. It was the only good part about living on a farm for a year with DSL internet.


That is what it says right on the bottle. Most people come around when I tell them that is the water the pharmacy uses for various medical uses.


Pharmacist here: we use distilled.


People who put water in their CPAP machines need distilled water. The warranty on mine can be voided if I use anything other than distilled water.


Read the bottle. It says it’s distilled in fine print.


Idk I don't even live near a Publix, I just get this sub recommended to me by reddit occasionally lol if it does specify reverse osmosis then it is comprable to distilled.


It says "deionized and ozinated for distilled water uses" or something similar to that on the jug in fine print. Can't remember the precise terminology.


Pretty sure that’s exactly it.


Mailman here, everything you said it totally wrong and no one should listen to this person. He’s spreading misinformation. I have reported you


It says "purified by osmosis and ozonated for distilled water uses"


Then it would be comprable to distilled


It starts out the same after RO, but they typically add minerals back in for taste. Distilled water is pure water.


If that's the case then it will list the added minerals in the ingredients list on the label.


I’m pretty sure it does say “purified by reverse osmosis for distilled water uses” in fine print.


On the gallons of Publix purified, it says it can be used for the same purposes as regular distilled water, or something along those lines.


Publix handles Purified, spring and drinking.


Don't use purified water in a battery as it still has the minerals in which will permanently damage a battery.


No it doesn’t - read the label Also “there is essentially no difference between distilled and purified water aside from the purification process used. While distilled water undergoes the process of distillation, purified water is processed by a variety of other means” in publux purified case it’s purified by reverse osmosis and ozonated, no added minerals


Then they need to specify which process on the label, if it's not already. Bottles can say "purified" but not necessarily be on par with distilled.


Fortunately, It is specified on the label for Publix purified. just google and you can see it on pictures of the gallons on instacart or Publix.com It also specifically states that it can be used for any distilled water use


My test is a clothes iron: does it leave mineral residue. I used the purified water once and it left mineral residue on my iron. For the use cases I need distilled water, like cleaning my water cooling parts, purified water would leave minerals in my parts that could damage it later. It’s possible they have changed the purification method since I used it a few years ago, but there’s no way I’m going to trust the product no matter what it says on the bottle.


Plumber here: "purified" means jack unless they specify how it was purified. If the bottle says "purified by reverse osmosis" then it's on par with distilled. Any other industry standard method is a step down in purification.


You should probably look up the difference before you tell anymore customers that.


This is exactly why. Luckily we’ve been getting different Sku’s to help fill the shelves. Pure life and deer park distilled are two that I’ve been getting lately.


I work at a Walmart and we have the same deal goin. No idea why but we get a decent amount and yet people (usually older ppl) but like 10 gallons at a time.


CPAP. Or mother's who make formula for their children need it.


Yeah, my wife has a CPAP and buys a couple gallons at a time.


I work at Walmart and we also have a constant shortage of distilled water. It’ll get stocked and then it’s gone before half the day has gone by. On a side note, what is the fucking deal with old people and distilled water. They’ll buy enough at one time like hoarders and they’ll come around asking for it like crackheads


You go through alot with medical equipment especially if it's a supply for 2 people. With all the shortages if I'm old and goig to the store often is Turing I'd rather stock up then have to go hunting when I'm low


Ok that makes sense, I didn’t know. But maybe they should look into water filters and pitchers if they need it for medical equipment. I certainly wouldn’t be risking running out if my health depended on it.


Medical equipment requires distillation which is much different than water from a Brita. Water with minerals (any electrolyte) can ruin an expensive, necessary medical device. It's scary being old during these unsure times...be a little extra kind!


CPAP machines. You can use purified but then they require clean hella lot more. I get distilled water for my water tower lights an certain cart batteries. Anything less then distilled still has trace minerals which will dmg batteries and can still let algae grow in my lamps.


Used to deliver and setup CPAP machine. Just boil the city tap water and if it makes you feel better boil the purified water. My opinion though is boil well water though for your CPAP as that's never gonna get clean.


As one of those "old people," I can tell you that a lot of us need it for our cpap machines. Anybody who still irons (again, OLD people) needs it for their irons.


For sure. I have since learned this from last year haha


I feel bad for the people that medically require this for their machines. The risk of tap water in machines that require water is that the crystallization from all the chemicals in normal water cause clogs. it doesn't help when people see shortages they'll buy extra as to not have shortages. Thus only adding to the issue.




Distilled has no mineral content or almost none. Purified water still has a decent amount of minerals. C-Pap machines will either need a lot more care or be ruined by using anything other than distilled water.


Good info!


I was on travel and stuck without distilled water. I substituted purified water in my cpap and there was significant mineral residue left behind after only one use.


​ Unlike distilled, purified water contains trace minerals that will clog the CPAPs


That's not what the description says on Publix purified gallons, which say it can be used for distilled purposes


Plumber here: "purified" means jack unless they specify how it was purified. If the bottle says "purified by reverse osmosis" then it's on par with distilled. Any other industry standard method is a step down in purification.


I use a CPAP and the purified water works just fine. No issues whatsoever.


I have a Phillips Respironics Dreamstation and have been using the Publix purified water for 3 years now with no issue. Yes, it leaves a small residue in the water reservoir sometimes, but since I clean it regularly anyways, it's not an issue. I've had no problems with anything clogging.


Which brand? I had issues after only one use. The purification process is far from transparent, so brand names may help identify which ones don't cause issues.


Really? What brand of purified water? My wife uses a cpap and we have to special order the distilled water rn.


Walmart usually has distilled water.


Thank you! I usually check there too, they’ve been out lately in my area!


Depends what part of the country you’re in. In North Carolina Harris Teeter (Kroger) is usually good about stocking it. They run through a lot.


As a CPAP user myself I always use Zephyr Hills distilled water. Zeph doesn’t leave a god awful taste in your mouth after using it.


I wonder what makes the difference. Is it the packaging?


Mineral content as well. Distillation doesn't remove inorganics.


I use a cpap for apnea and you need to use distilled water for it. It's literally constantly sold out at walgreens Walmart and cvs the past few years. My best guess it that shit loads of it are going to hospitals or being used by people with long covid who use bipaps in the hospital or at home. The increase in bipap usage alone in hospitals has to be up by an insane amount.


Water treatment grad here...there's a big difference between 'purified' and distilled. The distillation process provides removes things that even RO cannot (not the best for hydration as there are zero electrolytes) You use distilled water for things like home medical devices (CPAP) and RO water (microfiltration), which is not a good solution. It can be used once in a pinch but not a good idea long term.


When i was younger i was told you're not supposed to drink distilled water. It made me think it was poison or something, but in the end it's still water that is drinkable, right? Is the "zero electrolytes" the reason for this? You can't hydrate with it?


Rainwater is distilled and free of minerals, humans survived on it for thousands of years. It was bullshit right out of the gate, distilled water being "bad" for you to drink is as extremely outdated as 1940's research showing fluoridated tap water to help with cavities.. If that were true we wouldn't have the highest rate of tooth decay in the western world. The rest of the world largely stopped fluoridation years ago. I make my coffee with it, my potted plants thrive twice as good on it wheras my local tap water is so bad it just about kills my Kalanchoes. Bottled water by and large has who knows what put into it because the FDA only mandated additives "for taste" unlabeled, which leaves my mouth so dry I might as well be sucking on a pig mat. And I've proven that by watering plants with no-name bottled water - It was the worst water by far so that tells me it's salted more than they claim it to be. So they get only distilled or collected rainwater. I call shenanigans on a whole lot of things we were told growing up


Sorry I was thirsty


There’s still a resin shortage for plastics too.


Idky there's a shortage but glad there's a sign now it's been going on for so long. It should say like 2 per person because a dental clinic near me usually comes in and buys it all before other customers can get to it. Distilled water is used for medical machines so autoclaves and CPAPs are the most common use.


Probably the same thing that caused toilet paper shortages: panic buying. The influx of seniors during season caused demand to rise. This, in turn, caused many to over-buy before the supply could catch up to demand, exacerbating the demand. If people could just chill out, supply would catch up and no shortage would occur. Before we imposed limits, I watched seniors put like 10-15 of those jugs in their carts. Just my theory of course based on observations. Honestly, if distilled water is so important to you, you should invest in a home distiller, although I've noticed that the purified water is perfectly fine for most applications.


What’s interesting is most shortages are because of raw materials. There isn’t a water shortage as far as i know. I doubt there has been a huge increase in demand. It just doesn’t make sense to me. But i guess crystal springs selling to another company could be a cause. I did think crystal springs was apart of the nestle conglomerate that controls like 90% of the water market


Legal weed. Keeps our bubblers cleaner longer.


Still not legal recreationally here in Florida


My apologies.


Purified is not the same as distilled.


A lot of water is going to Ohio because of the train wreck near the Ohio river. A lot of people along the Ohio is buying a ton of water. We are experiencing a water shortage in STL as well.


*Train derailment *. An just playing it safe *Joe Biden *. The real reason *Pete B*. Dummie <—- *Boarder open* more mouths


Bruh 🙄


I work at a grocery chain in north east America, Price Chopper, and we still have distilled water readily available.


When I was working in The Villages, we were constantly sold out of distilled water between CPAP machines and golf cart batteries needing it.


Because 1 person will buy 8 or more distilled water jugs


“Supply chain”


Right sure. Wonder if this leaves trace minerals when used with oxygen concentrators and ventilators


Where have you been


I’d like to test their PPM then


I work at a water plant, last October we had a new processing room built and new equipment installed which we have had a lot of problems out of. We’re finally getting things straightened out where I’m out but who knows if there’s a possibility of the same thing happening at multiple places around the same time?


Unless something’s happened to a distillation plant, it’s gonna be increased demand


People use distilled in c pap machines and nose cleansing ones too. Maybe humidifiers too..


I would guess the issues in East Palestine probably contribute to this.


A lack of water that has been distilled usually causes it


My store is stocked fully