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Goths and Punks have joint custody over Joy Division. Punks get them on the weekend.


Goths get "love will tear us apart" I feel like punks can lay claim to 'Warsaw"


I think punks get all of the Closer album where the Goths get Unknown Pleasure personally


this is fair


This is the way......step inside


Yes- this was part of the Punk/Goth accord signing https://www.pinterest.com/pin/henry-rollins-i-and-nick-cave-shake-hands-after-signing-the-gothpunk-accords-june-15-1983-ifunny--33425222227900760/


Lol this one hit close to home (in a good way) as a custody kid


Same homie.


Goth wasn't even a thing during Joy Division, so punk gets primary custody. Goth's only an after-the-fact stepfather kind of deal. Like you too?


Uhh no it’s a different story. I don’t have a stepdad. What happened is that my mom and dad didn’t get along so they split and my dad has normal visitation every other weekend. It used to be for three weekends but I found that took up my time and my dad was very cooperative with me about it


Yeah, I just finished Lol Tolhurst's book "Goth: A History" which is a bit of a potted history of goth and post-punk, and the section on Joy Division and Ian Curtis is fucking tragic.


Ain't that the truth. But we also have to admit that the divorce is always messy....lol


There’s a decent movie specifically about his life and time in Joy Division called Control. It is terribly sad obviously 


Such a great movie. It was directed by Anton Corbijn, who is the photographer who took a lot (all?) of the really iconic black and white pictures of Joy Division you know. The result is that the movie that really matches the feel of the stills, but tells the story the way still pictures can’t. It’s incredible. If you want a lighter vibe - [24 Hour Party People](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=A1Qz2x94q6A) is also essential viewing about the Manchester scene, and Joy Division.


I love how 24 Hour Party People shows everything that comes after. You've got the tragedy but then all that came from it. "I think it was Scott Fitzgerald who said: "American lives don't have second acts." Well, this is Manchester. We do things differently here. This is the second act."


I really like 24 Hour Party People but it's somewhat mashed up in my memory, except for the scene when Tony Wilson (Steve Coogan) gets told about the death. For some reason I remember that crystal clear. It genuinely felt like a real moment, as opposed to an acted out scene. Control was just genuinely fantastic but I always remember reading that they were really welcoming to Deborah Curtis on set (I think the script took a lot of direction from her book 'Touching from a Distance'), so she'd be there quite often, and even sometimes slipped into calling the actors by their characters names, which makes the scene when Samantha Morton finds the body all the more heart wrenching. Could you imagine a) potentially doing a scene like that in front of her and b) being her and watching all your memories (good and bad) being acted out in front of you?


I hear you, 24 hour was a bit crazy, with these great comedic moments (I think the Martin Hanett scenes are fucking great) then just screeches to a halt when it comes to Ian’s death. It did a great job of showing how his death cast a pall over that Manchester scene that was careening along at that point. That’s really cool trivia about Control - I didn’t know that Deborah was so involved with the production. And yah - I was gutted watching the scene I cant imagine being on either side of the camera trying to act that scene out


One of the few music biopics that i actually like and that actually manages the capture the spirit of the artist instead of just feeling like a glamorized wikipedia page


This deserves more upvotes. Control is a beautiful film.


I thought it was well made but also kind of found it to be boring and slow, could’ve been shorter. They definitely replicated the look, though. Comparing live performances from the movie to actual live performances, it’s pretty rad. It’s also worth mentioning that while I like Joy Division, they’re not one of my favorite bands or anything, which might affect my enjoyment of a biopic about them. If someone was into them more than I am, they’d probably get more out of it than I did.


Where can I watch?


I watched it on youtube. JD is one of my favourite bands, and they are definitely worth all the listens and history deep dives lol. New Order was formed by Peter Hook and Bernard Sumner after Ian's unfortunate incident (rip king) and have a ton of great songs


Start by [checking this out.](https://www.tvguide.com/movies/control/2030126801/)


You ever hear Warsaw. That shit is totally punk


I have not but I’ll have to try! Thanks for the rec brother. Most recently I’ve tried Siouxsie and The Banshees and I really like them. Siouxsie’s voice is phenomenal


Warsaw was joy divisions original name, and before that the stiff kittens


Try https://open.spotify.com/artist/1fCSj7Ce0I5wXuy4xkR3tG?si=6qdaS9PRRjWRjXPoEX-tSw Saw them open for Bad Religion couple years ago and I think the lead singer has a lot of the tone and feel of faster harder Siouxsie.


The Warsaw album was mine and my mates favourite of 2020 during Covid lockdown in the UK. Sitting getting pissed on a Saturday afternoon in the middle of nowhere listening to Novelty was a highlight. We've maintained the field drinking since then as it's far more civilised, brings back great memories of what life as a teenager was like in the late 80s and early 90s when times were simpler and the jukebox has everything we ever want to listen to.


The original version of the kill is my jam. You gotta love they walked in line too.


The podcast "No Dogs in Space" has a terrific series on Joy Division. It's really worth your time, and drives home exactly how young all these guys were.


I want to like this podcast because they cover a lot of good bands and topics but the hosts are insufferable.


what don’t you like about them?


I just find them annoying. Just personal taste really, I'm sure they're good people.


I feel the same way about The New Scene but suffered through for the content, and now I appreciate it. You may learn to tolerate


I won’t tolerate this attack on Keith.


It’s worse on their series on Ramones- Step away from the NY Italian accent Mr parks


His wife Deborah Curtis wrote a book about it. It’s called Touching from a Distance.


Such a great book but I couldn’t finish it. So fucking depressing.


I mean you don't get Joy Division without some of all that being in the mix, some lives just aren't made for old age. Ain't none of us gettin out of this alive. At least he left his mark. Edit to correct the n't


Oh yea no denying that. It was a little more than I was ready for at whatever age I was when I read it.


Check out the movie Control. A must for every Joy Division fan


*Check out the movie* *Control. A must for every* *Joy Division fan* \- Lockedgroove666 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


You should watch the movies Control and 24 Hour Party People. Very thoughtful looks into that world.


Breaks my heart knowing what happened to him. Hope he's at peace now


Agreed. I think this story should be talked about during Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month


I did some reading about joy division and came across the story of Ian Curtis. That was my reaction exactly, I read that he was 21 when he went. It really came as a shock to me because he was so young and had so much potential. I also learned that the surviving members of joy division went on to form new order which is pretty cool because last I heard they are still going.


God is dead.


Most things are.


Yeah it is sad. He did cheat on his wife and I believe that's one of the reasons why he hung himself. Because she was going to leave him. I could be wrong there but I think it's related somehow. Been a while since I read the book, haha


A there are some good bots on this trash site after all ...lol