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I always thought it was great, the second movie was hot garbage though


I mean, Machine Gun Kelly as a punk (pre breakdown or whatever caused him to change), that was quite the stretch


Fuckin ***WHAT***


Yea, you have to lose about 90 minutes of your life that you won’t get back (really probably 15 minutes) and you’ll see


Isn't that just acting? Playing someone you're not? I'm not an MGK hater so idk (not a fan either just completely indifferent to him).


He is playing himself He plays a poser fake punk


Since you haven’t watched it, you should give it a watch




There is no SLC Punk 2, just like there is no Avatar The Last Airbender movie.


Rifftrax summoned Avatar TLA out of thin air just to riff it and thats the story I choose to believe!


I like them as love to hate movies. It's the kids of movie you get fucked up on the couch with the homies and you all talk shit about how garbage the movie is but you all have a weird attachment to it anyway.


Glad to know the second isn’t worth it 👌


Yeah. I was excited for the sequel then really let down. The original is amazing with some outstanding acting. I still tear up at the scene we all know


I love Matthew Lillard so freaking much lmao


Same. Scooby doo is ALSO my jam.


I've seen an interview where Freddie Prinz Jr, said that Matthew Lillard made filming those tolerable since he hated the studio and the way they got fucked around during them.


Yanno everyday I have to ask myself why I am NOT watching Scooby Doo right now??


He accosted me at a warped tour in Vegas many years ago to promote a new movie at the time and I will never forget it. Cool dude


Thir13en Ghosts is my shit!


Original 13ghost is 10× better. But I also prefer nasfuratu to most vampire movies.


I loved him as cereal killer first, then stu in scream, then slc punk. I’m too old for scooby doo


You're never too old for scooby doo!


I was about 15 and the edgiest early 2000s anti bush era teenage punk when that film came out so I was definitely too old! But now I’m a dad and still love Matthew Lillard so I think I’ll be making amends and watching it soon Then when she grows up it’ll be time for hackers… then scream… then slc punk


Can't forget 13 ghosts! And my statement still stands. Scooby doo is for the people!


Oh damn forgot that one, for sure! Due a rewatch whenever I get a spare minute…


It's a good one! Love me the early 2000s esthetic. It honestly holds up pretty good too some great practical effects and costumes!


I’m 20 years old sat with several teddy bears, a lot of badges I’m making while wearing a Scooby Doo shirt. You’re fine.


Haha I meant I was 15 when it came out and too cool for scooby doo back then. I’ll be trying it out a few years after I allow screens


Please do! If you want some good classics I recommend the original older series. If you want a bit more horror then go for thirteen ghosts or zombie island/witches ghost (witches ghost features a goth band of that helps). If you want something very early 2000s with a lot of 2000s punk then I recommend what’s new Scooby Doo.


I've never seen this movie, but after Googling it and seeing Matthew Lillard as the lead I'm SO watching it when I get home. I'll watch anything with Matt Lillard in it.


Prepare yourself. It gets a little emotional.


I like SLC Punk, it’s beloved by anyone I’ve ever talked to about it. It’s a pretty widely loved cult-classic. I related to it and thought it was funny and subversive as a teenager. My friends and I considered ourselves punk and we loved it in the 00’s. It was part of our required punk curriculum as high school kids. It sums up a lot of the feelings and experiences of punk as an identity in youth, and coming of age as it relates specifically to that identity and punk as a concept. I appreciated the movie even more when I grew up because it mirrored my own journey.


I feel the same way, and I think a lot of the people who hate this movie really hate what it had to say at the end. If you spend your whole life just partying and trying to maintain an identity of being in a constant state of rebellion you will likely wind up strung out and homeless or dead, unless you can survive off of family wealth. Most of us needed to grow up and play along a little bit with society, and you can do that while keeping certain ideals. Not to mention coming to the realization that his view on being punk was pretty shallow in reality.


I agree, it’s really about maturing and learning responsibility and accepting that you are getting older. It isn’t buying into the system it’s about carving a living in this world. That means being able to support yourself, your family and just being a good person who still has ideals and questions things.


Honestly this movie summarises my entire philosophy of being punk. As a teacher who works in the system that I very much can’t stand because of how much it fucks over the teachers and the students, I do have to try and maintain my integrity while balancing out my own responsibilities. Another film I think summarises this is weirdly the incredible. Specifically the scene with Mr Incredible giving this elderly woman a bunch of help while she’s in this terrible situation about insurance.


I didn't sell out. I bought in.




Only posers die, Bob.


Chemicals, man. They’ll fuck you up.


You're not jesus, you're Bob I'm Bob


Wasn't it originally an Indy movie? I remember in the 90s in Cincinnati here. Only the art houses had it.


> Wasn't it originally an Indy movie? Yep, Sony Pictures Classics bought it, which is like the "indie" label for Sony Pictures


And Disney keeps buying up all the other major studios. It's getting bad


If I remember it was based on an indie comic before it was a movie...


> If I remember it was based on an indie comic before it was a movie... Nope, movie came first, then they made a comic book based on the movie (same year)


Oh shit Nastynatti Ohio! That was my hometown as well. I miss hanging out a Sudsy Malone's that place was the epitome of Punk Rock.


Been many sad initiations of it since. And they all sucked. Sudsy's was like Cincinnati cbgb. Remember Sub Galley? I had a Peachy nick name . 


Oh yeah Sub Galley was the shit. Then you had Top Cats in the other direction. I actually used to work at Mike's Music back in the day.


Big Forest worked at Mikes off and on . He was a galley fixture


Damn that's a name I haven't heard in a long time. Forest was a cool dude. Yeah leather Mike Stocks was there a fuck ton as well. Shit now I'm really curious who you are lol. We might actually know each other. I know Noah, Grover, Adam Smith, I used to kick it with Troy, Tim Wise, Rocket, the guys from Eighty Sixed, Carla with the bright red dreads, Johnna, Morgan Purcell, Robbie from Sentiments Rock City and I remember when Kay and then Maria took it over. Do you mind if I PM you?


Peaches atrocity was my drunken idiot punk name. You may pm


Probably some bullshit about “it’s a Hollywood movie man! They don’t know what punk is really about!” I love it. Just a fun movie about a couple punks. Nothing to take too seriously.


That's the problem lol people are taking it way too seriously.


I like it. But *Repo Man* is king…


Repo Man had the right kinda vibe. It made fun of the costume punks ("Let's go get sushi and not pay.") who seemed very bored - all dressed up with no place to go. The real punks, like Otto, were the ones rolling with the punches just trying make it through life unnoticed. Otto had a lot of weird experiences interacting with the underbelly of society, something punks connect with. In that same vein, the film was not [i]about[/i] punk, so it never felt like there were judgments, and there was no need to defend the punk culture. It was just a few punk characters getting swept up into a science fiction mystery. It was a fun ride with an outstanding soundtrack. SLC was an over-the-top, cartoon version of costume punks. It's was a purposeful stylistic choice by the director, which made it entertaining, for sure. But as an older punk I felt no connection to this hyper, trying-too-hard kid attempting to create his own nihilistic universe removed from the rest of society. Breaking the fourth wall didn't help, either (stop talking to me). I liked the ending, though. It all had to come crashing down, and a big dose of realism saved the film. I think that was the intention of the film all along - nothing good is going to come of divorcing yourself from the way society works.


The funny thing is the conversation Steve-O has with the girl at the party essentially unravels so much of punk culture and exposes the hypocrisy of some of the aspects of the culture. Mainly her point about the “punk uniform” always stuck with me.


Punk has this purist ethos flowing through many corners of it. If you're not a pure indy, poor, DIY, reject all things capitalism and society, possibly vegan, etc... then you're a sell-out (or whatever). These are the people you will never make happy. Personally, I love the film. It's a fun, silly, sad coming-of-age story that clearly resonates with a lot of people. It's ok to like things even if they're not strictly "pure".


Yep. It was in a movie theater, so it was a sell-out. I'm glad I've grown up to appreciate good things whether or not they're "a sell-out". And actually it makes sense that good things do get popular.


Great soundtrack, and the scene when Steveo finds Bob still makes me tear up.




I've been on Reddit a long time, and on this sub for about the same amount of time, this is the first time I've heard anyone say something bad about SLC Punk


I’ve never heard anyone hate on it. Usually people have a fond spot in their heart for this movie. The second one had MGK in it and the plot just lacks all the heart and soul the first one had, wasn’t received well, maybe that’s what you’re thinking of?


No I am talking about the first one. Seen a lot of people saying their favourite punk movie is "anything but SLC Punk" etc.


I think a lot of people who hate it might be younger and saw it after it became well known? Kind of how some people hate Casa Blanca or Citizen Kane-- it may come off as cliche now, but it's different if you were there to see the ground being broken. Not to say SLC Punk is a cinematic masterpiece, but in the late 90s it was definitely an indie and you didn't see many other movies like it. And once Sony picked it up you could actually rent it from local video stores, unlike Suburbia or Decline of Western Civilization.


Everyone I know who's seen this movie loves it. I've only ever heard people shit on the bad sequel 


SLC punk was a formative experience for me, growing up in Utah. I lived a couple hours east of SLC but that was the biggest difference. Mormons and rednecks rule the state and it was great to see someone that looked like me fighting back and causing trouble for them. A lot of things about the movie are over the top but people really don't understand how oppressive the Mormon regime can be. I like to call Utah the Middle East of the West because of how ridiculous the Mormons are. It's exactly like the line from the movie, in a place like that the sparks of rebellion burn even hotter. It's one thing to be a punk in a normal city where every 10th guy gives you a funny look. It's another thing to be a punk when everyone around you is already looking at you like an alien for not wearing a button up and tie out to fucking McDonald's. So you might as well live it up and dye your hair blue and get tattooed and try everything you can to make the Mormons cry. That was the lesson teenage me took from the movie anyway. Fight the power any way you can, right?


I love this!


Anarchy in the UK maaan


Union Jack is a f**!!


My friends who didn’t like it, said it was because the main character stopped being punk, and they never were going to. 20 years later, none of them are still punk… neither am I for that matter


I find the people who think Steveo sold out missed the point to begin with. Mike taught me what being a punk was more than anyone else in that movie. Some people wanna gatekeep over who you listen to or what you wear, but punk is an attitude not fashion. At 39, questioning social and political systems is more punk to me than how spikey your hair is.


I like it, it is entertaining and touches on punk themes without mocking it. It’s obviously fictional, and not representative of punk scenes, but I enjoy the movie.


It’s actually supposed to be a semi autobiographical story and a bunch of the characters are based off of real people that the director knew in SLC. Totally unrelated but I think it’s kinda neat, the writer/director James Merendino is originally from around my area in Jersey but that fact is totally overshadowed by our other, more famous indie director from the area, Kevin Smith.


No way, he’s from Long Branch! I’m a Red Banker and you’re right, I never knew about this despite being super into that movie, he really is overshadowed by Kevin Smith. And Count Basie mayhap, which is possibly warranted.


Yeah, it was based on events and crafted to suit a fictional world. I do like the movie, don’t want to make it seem like I don’t, and there are weird things that happen in life so it’s not that I am trying to say none of it would ever be possible, just that with fiction you have to condense a lifetime of experience as well as second hand stories to make the movie entertaining. I remember one time at a house show cops busted down the door and some kid, high as fuck, ran halfway down the road before he curled up into a ball and yelled “I’m a rock!” hoping they’d ignore him. It was funny as fuck, but most of my experiences were a lot more boring.


Oh I’m absolutely sure that any of what’s in the movie that actually is based on real life is an amalgamation of stories from different folks and then just attributed to that small handful of people. Lots of “a guy I know, knows a guy who heard about…” kinda stuff. I’m sure I could do the same easy enough and it’d make me look waaay more interesting than I am and my life way more batshit than it is.


Speaking of, where do you go to shows around here?


I can’t say I’m tuned into the scene like I was when I was younger, I’m usually catching bigger acts at like the Stone Pony or Starland these days. I’ve heard there’s some good smaller acts that hit up Bond Street Basement in Asbury but literally the only time I had tickets to a show there it ended up being canceled last minute so I can’t say much more than I’ve heard it’s a decent small venue for smaller acts. Asbury Lanes is still a decent bet, not as much punk shows since they got bought out but still pretty good chance for something. But if you’re looking for anything strictly local and small acts, then fuck if I know stuff like that anymore. But if you hear anything worth sharing then let me know.


The movie takes place in 1985. I have to say I think they got the scene pretty spot on actually.


Agreed. It's an accurate representation of my time in punk houses in the mid 90s.


People hate it? It's great. I mean Steve o is a poser ass dork, but it's a great movie


Poser cuz he quit weed? Or poser cuz he's not as punk as he thinks he is? Or something else?




Lol. All of the above. Gotcha.


Most people who say they hate it didn't grow up with it, take the punk ethos very seriously, or are joking/being tounge-in-cheek. SLC Punk is the NOFX of punk movies.


Hey, normal ass corporate guy who used to skateboard as a teen and likes some punk music here. What do you mean by “the NOFX of punk movies?” I have a hunch but I’ve never really considered myself full-on punk so I’m curious what this is getting at.


entry level, easy to digest, for 12 year olds to get into the scene


Got it that was my assumption, thank you.


I just mean people say NOFX is shit for the same exact reasons.


Solid movie. A lot of people who think it’s cringe probably just got hurt feelings that it exposed their own cringe lol


Like most movies about niche sub-cultures, it operates off of cliches and stereotypes, presenting them as authenticity. A skin deep representation.


Yea some of the characters are over-the-top, but what do you expect from movies?


Movies can be great and can represent different groups or subcultures well. SLC Punk isn't a terrible movie, but to me it's a shit punk movie. A better fictional portrayal of punks is We are the Best! (2013.) It's an uphill battle because the odds that a good movie about punks made by punks would get funding is incredibly slim. On the whole, if I wanted to show someone punk with a movie I'd do a documentary like Decline of Western Civ 1.


We are the Best is so good. If you haven't seen it, check out Linda Linda Linda. It's a similar movie but in Japan instead of Sweden


To not do that




I would argue that the movie recognizes that it's characters are stereotypes. In the end, he comes to the conclusion that all he was was just a "goddamn trendy ass poser".


Love the movie. When I was in high school, it spoke to me. It doesn't really do so anymore, but that's ok. It's in the nature of art that peak appreciation is dependent on timing.


As a Midwest raised punk in my mid 50’s I was very active in the 80’s DIY world of punk. Honestly the movie resonated a lot with what it was like for us in the smaller cities outside of California and the east coast metropolitan scenes. Of course it was a Hollywood creation, but it can explain some of the attitudes of us old farts that still keep a foot in the door of the scene. Gatekeepers can hate on it if they like, I can understand that a Brooklyn Hardcore Punk that is my age would find it to be a very unrealistic example of the scene, same for west coast of the time. See you all at a show.


ONLY POSERS DIE BOB‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️




No punk I know dislikes the first one. It's genuine and solid.


There is hate for this movie? Usually the second movie gets vilified and for good reason too, but the first one captures the spirit of Punk and what it means to be one. Honestly, this movie introduced me to the scene in my early 20s


it's like a lot of other punk movies and shows things to be sad and negative, while still telling a full story. Folks who hate it take themselves very seriously and I know this because I used to be a dork ass who took myself too seriously and considered that movie a personal insult for not keeping my preferred ideological purity


I've never once seen hate for the movie. I've also never seen it.


The punk community, as a whole, are notorious gatekeepers. SLC Punk isn't "real" punk to some people so they look for any reason to shit on things they don't personally feel is authentic. Not liking something because other people think it sucks makes you a fucking poser. Like what you like, that's punk rock.


My thoughts exactly!


Always liked that movie, but the "f**-bashing without the benefits" line is cringe. 


SLC Punk is amazing.


Any time a movie thread appears, this film gets mentioned, then the sequel gets mentioned and the sequel gets roundly and very fairly shit upon and taints any mention of the original due to how bad it was. /That's/ what always happens.


I was already into punk in my 20's when it came out. For Gen X our 'punk' film was Suburbia. That film got me into TSOL and some other bands.


Talk to some old punks that grew up in the '80s Salt Lake pink scene. They'll tell you that a lot of it (only the first movie) really does represent a lot of what was happening at the time in the Salt Lake Valley.


I absolutely LOVED that movie. One of the first movies to make me cry. I don’t care what anyone says, the ending of the movie made some great points about being a person in any scene whether it’s punk, emo etc.


when I was younger and getting into punk bands beyond just tony hawk games and pop punk I thought it was a great movie, once I was in college my other punk friends tore it to pieces and I was like yeah now that I think about it lol, but I still think its good comedy movie with a great soundtrack even if its not super reflective of punk


Alright yall I’ll get tomorrow’s daily SLC Punk post. Who’s got Wednesday


I don't really love it or hate it. It is a pretty unremarkable movie to me. Then again, I am not everybody. If that movie changed somebody's lifestyle and/or is their favorite movie, right on. You do you.


It's cheesy


I liked it until I listened to the director's commentary. I disliked that so much, and thought the director was such a fucking putz, it tainted the rest of the movie for me.


The first movie was fun to watch but honestly I think a lot of people idolize the main guy even though his whole thing is that he had no idea what anarchism was and eventually realized he was mostly playing dress up and what really connected him with punk was the love he shared with his friend for the music until losing them. The first one was also more centered around young adults or at least felt like that so you had more defined characters. A lot of people then hate on the second movie because it didn't involve Lillard from the first movie plus you're expecting that same presentation of cliques and subcultures when if anything it's focusing more on being an akward teenager trying to figure out where you fit in. The sequel was focused more on younger characters and honestly did a good job being accurate to how a lot of teenagers actually behave. I'd also argue it actually did more to actually show more punk stuff like how it talked about the different genres its splintered into and even showing footage of an actual show in Salt Lake at the end.


u/moonsickangel real answer you are looking for is it was made by straight edge dudes and they put a lot of their no drugs propaganda in the film and it got a lot of backlash from that. I personally really like the movie anyway despite that but yeah that is why it gets so much hate.


As a punk who lives in SLC, and has for some time, I can tell you why we tend to hate it locally. It would be a fun, parody film if not for the fact that the writer based many of the characters on real people. Well, sort of. He used the real names of people but created characters that weren't much like them. And it just felt like a dick move to make a film about a specific scene, use the names of people actually in the scene, and then not actually tell their story.


It points out inconsistencies in some punks worldview so therefore they hate it.


When people perform punk it's always super cringey to me. The secondhand embarrassment of people not understanding a culture and forcing it to be a very specific idea just doesn't work.


I hated it when it came out. Still do. I came up as a poor kid from a big city and felt no connection to a rich kid from Utah. I also find Lillard’s over acting style very annoying.


The 1st is great. The 2nd shouldn’t have been made.


I was an 80s HC kid and I found SLC Punk very entertaining.


It’s corny as hell


Being from SLC I have my personal gripes on the whole dumping a car in the GSL and walking back in freezing temperatures.


Doesn't it get into the 20s, 30s, and 40s in winter? That'd be pretty cold, man. A lot of people get shivers in 50° weather.


Colder. There’s barely any cover out there and in the open the windchill makes it worse. It would’ve taken them about 4 hours to walk back to SLC.


It’s just meh and in the end I took it as him dumping on punk making it seem like a silly kids thing


Punk “purists” and just generally unhappy people shitting on a decent movie. Pay no mind


I love it


The movie is fucking great. Fuck the “sequel” tho


As a SLC native it’s one of my absolute favorite movies. It’s weirdly nostalgic seeing my city and other familiar sites throughout the film.


It's a good satire. I think too many people take it too seriously.


I like that movie


It came out when I was in HS. My friends and I really enjoyed it. I thought it was a great representation of kids, growing up, and how are ideas change. I thought it was portrayed well and the story was solid. I never watched the second movie. I never wanted them to make another.


likely because it's far more pop than punk. Angst from comfortable suburbanite kids that have no grasp of struggle isn't very Punk. That being said, it waa a dun movie.


"I didn't sell out, I bought in!"


ending blows, anarchy misrepresentation, still a good movie tho


the OG movie is awesome. me and my friend found about if after high school unfornately it took us that long. #2 tho ya pretty trash sequel but as is mostly everyone. and ya i just HATE that machine gun kelly loser.


That movie is a borderline documentary for smaller punk scenes like the ones in Pueblo and Colorado Springs. I love it personally.


If you wanna see a real movie about punk fuck SLC Punk. You gotta watch Rodrigo D. No Furturo.


Great movie In my opinion it's the only decent punk movie since the 80's. Besides all the documentaries, like American Hardcore etc...




Salt Lake City


I love that movie, not the sequel though


I love that movie so much lol Matthew Lullard is my favorite actor and it's a genuinely funny movie with a genuinely heartbreaking ending. And I have a great memory of watching it for the first time with a friend who ended up passing a couple years ago


I remember watching it in the theater when it first came out. We were drinking 40s and we had to piss but we were so into the movie we peed in the theater. (Sorry movie theater workers but we were dumb asshole kids). It's cheesy af and not super realistic but it made me cry. There's not many punk movies so you kinda have to support it even if it not exactly your thing. Isn't it funny that people are more willing to accept a Hollywood actor playing a punk kid than an actual musician who would tell you he's made punk records? Hilarious! Fuck MGK.


Never liked it, to be honest. Seemed too polished to me. Then again, I grew up with Suburbia and The Decline of Western Civilization Vol. 1, FWIW…


It came out when I was 18 living in slc, I liked it. it's no suburbia, dudes, or repo man, but it's a decent movie and has a solid soundtrack


Any publicity about punkers was publicity about punk music. And versa visa


Man I loved that movie, that was my entire middle school and highschool years. Me and my friends would always quote that movie calling each poser while flicking each other off. A simpler time and that movie always brings me back to that.


Suburbia was better, I guess.


I made slc punk fanart and it was reposted by lillard & the director☺️ its one of my fav movies. I LOVEE.. LIVIN ‘ IN THE CITAY! That is all.


SLC Punk resonates with me mostly because one of my best friends from childhood ODed on heroin in front of me… on two separate occasions. Committed suicide in prison at the age of 28.


It was sad when Heroin Bob died.


Man I dig that shit. Seemed it kinda tried too hard to be PC not PC if that makes sense. But dudes 2 ft tall blue hawk flappin around while he's punk preachin to his parents was pretty hilarious.


I discovered punk in 1980 when I was 12… I live in LA so it was really my geography. I first heard it on Rodney on The Roq (our local punk radio show) and became obsessed with the music. Started going to shows at 13 or 14.. the scene back then, everyone looked pretty normal… very few Mohawks, or colored hair… just leather jackets and thrift store clothing. But it was really fun, energetic and artistic. A lot of latch key kids with no supervision that became a family. The scene was really small at the time. I love SLC Punk and was in no way offended by it. It was really spot on about how the ones who thought they were so hardcore were the poseurs and the true punks were Mike and Bob, the most normal looking ones. I still love punk music and still go to shows with the originals.


I just thought it was dull and kind of boring. It’s extremely overrated among the sort of young punk kids that are obsessed with “being punk” and some of those kids use the corny stereotypes presented in that movie as an instruction manual.


Idk what you're on about. It's a pretty widely beloved cult classic. Always in the conversation for the best punk movie of all time.


The final scene blows and a lot of the monologues are cringe. It's a really fun watch with great characters but it has a lot of problems too.


I enjoyed the movie for the most part, except the third act. Had to stir up some drama for the sake of drama. Stevo meets a girl who tells him that maybe he's the conformist for conforming to the punk identity, and it blows. his. mind. He instantly falls for her, buries his best friend who conveniently drops dead that same night and puts on a suit and runs off to Harvard, admitting he was a poser. Kinda a buzzkill.


It’s a goofy ass movie, but yea poor representation making us all look like morons can make a lot of people mad.


I almost never hear anything negative about it, it’s up there with Suburbia and Return of the Living dead for canonized punk rock movies.


Dude I effing love this movie. Everyone hating is wild.


Because it perpetuates the systematic cogs of consumerism by turning people into sheep before their corporate masters and then...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Just kidding, SLC Punk is a great movie.


I saw it and wasn’t all that impressed. SPOILER: I knew right away dude was going to die. I thought it was pretty predictable up until the very end, it had a few bits that were interesting here and there. As far as punk-centric teens/20s movies go, it’s pretty low on my lists. And the very end, the only surprise for me, was just how it seemed the writers gave up. Or maybe someone else wrote the end? IDK. IMHO, Repo Man was much better even though it had a bit of fantasy at the end. I think a lot of the affection for this movie is because it had been a while since there was a punk culture type movie out and it filled in the gaps for a lot of folks. To each their own.


In my case, I was pretty tired of the culture and music being co-opted by the squares. Nirvana became a burger franchise and everything was “alternative” and “cutting edge.” My identity was packaged and sold at every mall. The things that I treasured the most — individuality, rebellion, DIY, integrity — became homogenized and pedestrian. A film like SLC Punk was a slap in the face to somebody like me, desperately clinging to the time when I was free to be an outsider, indulging in those things that were low-brow and obscure, separate from the morons that threatened my life for being different. After “punk broke,” those same morons were spoon-fed the music and culture I treasured. They lapped it up like the drooling idiots they were and didn’t appreciate what any of it truly meant. I didn’t want to see some movie with Matthew Lillard pretending to be something he wasn’t. It was just another “alternative” product and I didn’t want anything to do with it. Nowadays, I don’t mind that the movie exists. I’m happy that people appreciate the film. I made peace with the entire incident. I went further underground, in the end. It was healthy and enlightening. Sure, babies are now wearing Misfits onesies and my great aunt listens to “grunge,” but I’m good with it.


As an old fuck, class of 82, from East of east LA. SLCP is a funny movie about late wave punk kids in Mormon land. Not really good, soundtrack is mid, acting is Mathew Lillard, who is always the same character. His drug buddy was almost interesting. But again, fucking Utah punk? Who cares? (Ogden had a good scene back in the 90s though)


Heroin bob downvoted this comment.


can’t stand matthew lillard’s acting. he’s way too over the top. and the whole thing just feels corny.


I'm not sure I've seen any hate for it on here but I didn't like it due to the cartoonish portrayal of the lifestyle. Like it's cool and funny and entertaining but it's not realistic in the least. For example, Lillard trips acid with a girl he just met... but it's written from the perspective of someone who hasn't taken actual LSD. Or like how Lillard discovers Bob dead at the end... Homeboy would end up in Jail. Fun movie but it's just a movie.


Where have you seen "all the hate?" It sounds more like you're just exaggerating the issue, or manufacturing drama here.


Killer film


I don't care what the haters say about shit I like


I’ve never seen it. I remember when it came out I thought it looked dumb.


> I’ve never seen it. I remember when it came out I thought it looked dumb. Wow, that comment really added to the conversation!


Why the hate? Because when it came out there were big name hollywood actors trying to look like punks and it looked really dumb. That is part of the conversation Bevis.


> Why the hate? The person asked why people hate the movie, you have not seen it, and said it looks dumb. Since you have not seen it, most people's reaction would be why bother commenting if you have not seen the thing that OP is asking about. If you asked "Is Bad Religions new album good?" and someone responded "I have not listened to it, but I bet it's dumb" Would you think that's a good and valid review, and something to take into consideration if it's a good album or not?


Except SLpunk was not a movie for Bad Religion fans. It was more like seeing an MGK or Avril Lavigne record and not buying it because it looks dumb.


> It was more like seeing an MGK or Avril Lavigne record and not buying it because it looks dumb. So you are judging a book by it's cover, same thing as my previous point, you didn't see it, which is why your comment does not add to the conversation, and why you got downvoted.


It's a bunch of rich Hollywood people's idea of what they think punk is. And then they made the guy who was shaggy from the Scooby-Doo movie the star. I saw the movie once and cringed the whole time. Completely out of touch, you can tell the writers, producers and actors knew nothing whatsoever about punk. The writer may have grew up in a SLC suburb but he wasn't a punk, he was a rich kid who went to private religious schools


Tbf, Matthew was in SLC before Scooby-Doo


I mean to be fair, Matthew Lillard was in SLC Punk quite a few years before he was in Scooby Doo. He was also Cereal Killer in Hackers and the murderer in Scream. Just seems weird to use him being Shaggy in Scooby Doo as a reason to dislike this movie.


Slc punk was only at art houses in my town in the 90s


It's like saying you hate the original Star Wars movies just because Harrison Ford was in a terrible Indiana Jones sequel.


And of course he is in Twin Peaks: the Return! If David Lynch cast him that has to mean something.


shit take.


You can dislike the movie without making false equivalencies about who and why it was made.


If you think this was a big Hollywood production and the writer wasn't into punk, you may want to Google it and inform yourself.


Did you like SLC Punk! before Scooby Doo came out? Or did you already know at that point that he would eventually act as Shaggy?


Salt Lake City has a decent sized counter culture and alternative scene ever since the 80s because of people deciding to reject Mormonism. It’s as punk as grind was to a skateboarding movie


You do when SLC Punk came out…right?