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Puppy has had a big change and is likely tired, and overwhelmed. So long as eating and drinking I wouldn’t be too worried. I understand you will feel anxious but risk of parvo virus still being in the home after a year would be extremely low. I assume you’re not letting puppy in a yard that could be affected.


we don’t have a yard so he is safe on that part! tysm ill just be keeping an eye on him and hopefully he is all good


I would personally avoid having him roam the whole house and just keep him in a designated puppy proof spot for the time being. Luckily he should be fully vaccinated soon and he has some immunity. It takes 3-7 days for dogs to show symptoms so if he is still drinking and eating I wouldn’t worry too much. Limiting him from roaming the whole house can help a lot and if you keep him in that designated spot and he is still fine then you can worry less.


Google says the minimum incubation period for parvo is 3 days. Unless he came to you and was already infected, it’s pretty safe to assume his behavior isn’t due to parvo since there hasn’t been an enough time since a possible exposure for him to be having symptoms of parvo.


Puppies sleep 20 hours a day. One day my girl (10 weeks now) is more active the next few days she practically didn't get out of bed except to potty. She also grew a lot in that time period. I realized afterwards. If baby boy has had 4 vaccinations and the house has been cleaned with bleach and it's been a year I wouldn't worry too much. Just keep an eye on his food/water intake and potty. It's understandable to be worried. I actually worried when my girl mostly slept a few days because she had been digging in my yard a day before and I know parvo lives in the dirt and she had no vaccinations when i got her (although i drove straight to the tractor store and gave her one and she has an appointment for her second tomorrow) and I have only lived here a couple years, but she was fine.