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Brilliant album. Nothing else like it.




You got the question? Please don’t ask it.


Puts, the lotion in, the basket.


You say bigger's better, well bigger's bigger


White boy dressed up like a




If you want a reason how’s about becauseeeeeee


drawn inside of a toilet on the walllllll


The world is round, my square don't fit at all!


Pim poom Pim poom Pim


They say those who can't just instruct others


I sound like this


Watch the live performance on Canal Plus from 2007. I think the live version are even better than the recordings. I came around to love the album after a few listens. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tiYPUBuYJdM&ab\_channel=QOTSAarchiveFULL](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tiYPUBuYJdM&ab_channel=QOTSAarchiveFULL)


Thank you I love this album but had never seen this show before!


Great show, thanks! I've never seen that one before.


Never saw this before, this is an awesome show!


Never again will i repeat myself, enough is never enough…. Never again will i repeat myyyyyyyselllff


It was ahead of its time. I think people generally like it now


Yeah. I got it the day it came out. Took me a few years to love it.


It was well liked and well reviewed when it was released. Lullabies was the one that divided people.


After SftD, Lullabies was dark and different. Then, they did a complete 180 and made Era Vulgaris. Both were nothing like SftD, yet still had the QotSA sound. People who wanted more SftD were disappointed, but both are masterpieces in their own rights. Both were departures from what was considered a great album and what QotSA were perceived to sound like. Being able to deviate so far from what people expect and still make something amazing really encapsulates what Josh and company have been able to achieve. It's what makes them my favorite band.


I still want another SFTD, but I think what I really want is to be a teenager discovering "my sound" again, alone in my room with no worries other than practicing my guitar.


There really is nothing like finding an album that just feels like how you feel. I doubt QotSA will ever put out another album that makes me feel like Lullabies to Paralyze made me feel. However, their ability to put out top tier album after top tier album amazes me. It's not always what I want, but it definitely satisfies in ways I don't expect.


I actually liked lullabies and I didn't want another SFTD. My problem back then was that I wasn't expecting something so ugly, trashy, and, well, vulgar. It was an aesthetic turn that I didn't like at all. Particularly after Over the years and through the woods, with all that serious and mature band vibe.


Yeah, even if you don't like it, their desire to reinvent themselves has been crucial in cementing them as THE rock band of the 21st century so far. They would have died years ago if they didn't.


I wouldn't say they would have died, but they wouldn't be so revered. There are plenty of bands from the late 90s that still make music and tour. Even if everything since SftD was put out sucked, they would still have a loyal following that would pay to hear them play thr old songs.


I think Era Vulgaris and Lullibies were my two favourite for a long time. I used to work in a kitchen and those are the two albums we'd blast, aside from Audioslave's self-titled. They were just such an influence to me...it was also the time when I got into the whole kitchen thing of post-shift coke and booze, so my opinion my be a little influenced lol "Skin On Skin" was my favourite, we used to dance our asses off to that on repeat during prep.


Lullabies was such a hit for me. Someone's In The Wolf had a huge influence on my guitar playing and music composition for many years.


Some days it's my favorite QotSA album. It's weird and unique but still manages to be extremely catchy. And I haven't found another album that transports me to the same world that this one does


Perfect description!


I always feel like it's influenced by some kind of campy vaudeville kinda thing, with top hats and mustaches. It's a very specific vibe and I don't know how the hell they're conveying it through music because the "actual" music from that period is ragtime piano...


Ohh just let it sink it's teeth in deep. It's gold.


I agree. I enjoyed this album quite a bit. I can also prove by buying the vinyl on Amazon that Amazon doesn't ship vinyls warped


Want a reason? How's about because It’s a fantastic album


You ain’t a has been if you never were. That line fucking kills me


The Japanese version is better, it includes Fun Machine and the title track. Those songs are on spotify in the U.S. now, they add a lot to the experience of the album


Those songs are finally available on iTunes now too.


It’s honestly my favourite QOTSA album. Banger after banger and it fully commits to its style


I really did not like Lullabies when it came out. Had seen them a ton for Rated R and Songs. I basically swore off seeing them. Era came out and I was back in head first and apologetic for having doubted them.


for the longest time i didnt like it much and i thought it was when the band took a turning point for the worst. Then i grew up and realized that it is the most QOTSA-y of all QOTSA albums and i see it as a definitive album that showcases what the band is overall. it just oozes with homme's style and could never have been made by anyone else especially with the junky robot riffs and some of Homme's best lyrics. Like Clockwork will always be the most special QOTSA album to me, but if i had to give my opinion on what i think their most cohesive, solid album is, I think its Era Vulgaris.


Meth album good album


Love meth album. All my homies love meth album.


Their best album imo


yeah it’s my favorite and i don’t see how it’s divisive, i just tend to think people that don’t like it have bad taste 🤷‍♂️ the album slaps. it’s not their *best* (that title belongs to Like Clockwork), but as previously stated… def my fave


I would go as far as to say that anyone who doesn’t like EV is quite simply an active paedophile


lmao fuckin’ pdf files smh


EXACTLY Nothing but a bunch of Small Bean Regarders


it takes a few spins for sure, just like Villains. After hearing the chorus for I'm Designer your puplis go black. Into the hollow is deep and raw. Then the party keeps going with misfit love, tempo up, outta your chair. Make a drink to battery Acid. Come back and snap your fingers to make it wit chu. NOW 3's and 7's is one of the greatest rock songs post 2000's even to this day, i know the truth hurts so bad, wouldn't you say? Suture, is like into the hollow but a more 2am type jam. In my opinion any album with 4-5 solid songs is great and this over delivers. I wish i had your ears so i could do it all over again.


Disappear, man, do some magic


I loved it then, and I love it now.


When it first came out, I was kinda "meh" on it, found it pretty abrasive and weird. Now, it's one of my favorites, and it gives me nostalgia when I listen to it ......saw them live for the first time on the EV tour, and this was the last Queens record that I really connected with, the last of the raw/weird/trippy/heavy Queens albums.


It’s their best album


It’s their best album and has been since 2007


The most robot rock I’ve heard, and that’s not a bad thing. It’s a transitional album.


I think song by song, it's great, but when listened to all together it sounds like my ADHD


Oh, that's it, that's why I love it! I put it on when I have to do something I hate (mow the lawn, clean) because it keeps my mind doing it's own happy twitchy little thing


This album is divisive? It has the amazing misfit love, I’m designer and 3’s and 7’s- songs that hold up with the best of them.


This album isn’t really divisive. It’s loved and a few of the songs on Vulgaris are fan favorites live. Josh took a chance and sort of carved a new genre out of QotSA after some commercial success with Deaf and Lullabies. Hell I’d argue Misfit Love is the 2nd best song Josh has written. Second to only Chemistry. Era Vulgaris is a goddamn banger!


This one is pure.




It’s probably the one album of theirs that grows on me after every listen. The rest I “get” and love, but Era is special. I love the “expanded” playlist I made of it and its b-sides.


It never grew on me like it did for others, but there are 3-4 songs that made my master Queens playlist. Villains grew on me more, but the more I hear "the way you used to", the more I hate it. Especially after hearing the version they did on the MONA benefit video.




It’s great! Least favorite songs are the last two I think? Run pig, and river on the road? Every other one is a banger for sure


Like so many of their albums, Era Vulgaris challenged me to see why I decided they belong in my personal hall of fame. I have been a fan since Kyuss, but Qotsa really quit the heavy for the sake of heavy and recreated punk for a dude that was raised on Black Flag, Fugazi, The Cramps, and others. QOTSA, in my opinion, is still a punk band, but with enough whimsy to allow even the most stubborn listener to say, "OK, I'll be a part of this world."


Its an album that begins after midnight.


Good timing as it is it’s birthday today! Love the album


it was my introduction to the band and still my favorite album !


The only issue with that album is that the title track should have been put in the main list and not as a b track


It’s their best album.


People are gonna tell you that it's great but the last song ( Run Pig Run) is pretty bad. Don't listen to those people and enjoy the hell out of the whole thing.


The entire album slaps including run pig run but if I'm honest Makeitwichu did not need to be messed with. Des sess version is superior and it feels put of place. 


Idk think they both have a sentimental yet sexual appeal on both versions of "Makeitwitchu"... it's just a different era of performance. Music evolves, ya know?


I actually just put it on and ran across this thread. I always thought Lullabies was my favorite but the more i listen the more it’s gotta be EV. Weird, grungy, danceable, dripping with attitude and just plain fun


I'm a big fan, but I love QOTSA as someone who was a teenager when SFTD came out. Any sort of return to riff lord Josh Homme is welcome, and the hi-fi drum sound is really cool


“Are we, creatures? Helplessly attacking reputation?” Brilliant album. No question.


Took a bit to love the whole album but now it’s my favourite album of all time. I’m going to get the album art tattooed on my arm sometime this year


I wrestle with my self over which album I love more, Vulgaris or Clockwork? I always go to Vulgaris when I want something to pump me up some, love the start of album with Turning on the Screw and Sick, Sick, Sick.


Old school fan, absolutely love the original "trilogy", as they were the soundtrack to my life during some of my favorite years, and still get played quite frequently. When Era came out, I was one of those that wasn't too thrilled with it. It has definitely grown on me with time, especially after hearing many of the tracks played live. The live arrangements make the songs more, I don't know...dangerous? bad-ass? 😎🤘


It took a bit for me to get into Queens of the Stone Age. I used to like a few songs from them, but wasn't as huge into them as my dad is. It wasn't till recently when I really started getting into them. And it only took one listen for me to like Era Vulgaris. While Rated R is still my favorite album by them so far, I still think Era Vulgaris is good


Fuckin awesome record and super unique, suture up your future is so good man


I can see it was a real turning point for the band. It effectively marks the division of eras, they don’t have any other albums particularly like it, even though all of their albums are very different, there’s definitely nothing like the corrosive sound of Era Vulgaris. Love that album.


I like it. The production gives it kind of a sleazy, gritty vibe and there are some serious bangers on it. Solid album, in my opinion.


Era Vulgaris has I Wanna Make It Wit Chu. I think that’s the only song in the entire discography I actively dislike so that kind of automates Era to a low spot for me. But almost every other song is an absolute banger. I love bands that can sound different and every album of QotSA is special. Era really amps up the dirty filthy mess but also the broken soul inside. I think tracks like Into the Hollow and especially Suture Up Your Future would stand out way way way more if the album wasn’t followed by …Like Clockwork which took the same themes and amped it up to 11. Listening to Queens of the Stone Age is like meeting up with the guy you used to shoot up with. He’s kind of got his life back together but all you really want to do is shoot up again.




I feel like vulgaris is the standard for what the band was to become after Deaf, it basically focused what their sound was going to be, clockwork and Roman fit right in with it   The only divisive album they really have is villains, a lot of people hates that one


Rated: R SFTD Lullabies S/T ITNR LC *EV* Villains EV is the album I listen to least out of the entire discography and it features low in my ranked list, but hey, that’s elite competition for you. The opening trio is up there with the best three-song runs on any of the albums, Misfit Love broke all new ground and 3s and 7s is one of the great QOTSA singles. For me, the crunchy production means you’ve got to be in the mood to dive in, but that means you get rewarded when you return to it after a while. Into the Hollow and Suture don’t give me the same emotional kick as others seem to get and Make It Witchu, as good as it is, is probably my only guaranteed skip on any of the albums as it feels like a task to sit through after hearing it so much. For me, EV and Villains are 7.5/10 albums in a sea of 10s


EV absolutely had to grow on me, but even 15 years later, I can still listen and hear "new" things that I hadn't heard before in the songs. At first, I dismissed it as too offbeat for my tastes, but I was wrong -- it's gotta be my second-favorite of theirs now. My only complaint is that I wish the B-sides came standard on this album, or that Running Joke, Era Vulgaris, and Fun Machine would replace Battery Acid, 3's and 7's, and Sick.


The album that got me into them!! One of my all time favorite QOTSA albums still ever. I can play that album top from bottom and reminisce 💪🏻


The most beautiful queens record


If you add the bonus tracks, Running Joke, Era Vulgaris and especially Fun Machine, it goes from a fantastic Qotsa album to their definite best and even one of the best rock albums ever imo. Its definitely a 3rd or 4th listen album and not a first listen kind of album, although my first hear-through of the stretch of songs from 3's and 7's to The fun machine took my breath away (YT music has it in that order (without the white wedding cover)).


Very unique album, especially for QotSA. Joey really stands out on this one.


Personally my favourate QOTSA album. The riff, the energy, the journey. Brilliant Album 🤩


It's very solid and unique. Every song is strong but my favorite is Misfit Love. I really have never heard a song qutie like that one. I will groove to it until the day I die. I love that the album has a very mechanical and silly aesthetic but still contains the very emotionally compelling songs/moments that Queens tends to deliver.


It was ‘I’m Designer’ that convinced me to basically binge their entire discography and see them live, especially the line ‘Counter-proposal, I go home and jerk off’. That’s when I knew I stumbled upon something special, and they influenced my lyric writing in terms of the wordplay that Josh uses. Not a day goes by that I don’t give Josh the credit that he’s due for that.


I didn’t like it at first but it began to grow on me until I fucking loved it.


Uh since when is it divisive? It fucking kicks ass and I’m not sure I have heard any different on this sub.


It’s their best record . I said what I said.


I think it’s lyrically the most fun, musically the most fun, and overall the most unique. I love it.


It’s on an island by itself. I consider it their last GREAT album, and since then they’ve made a few really good albums.


My favorite queens album hands down.


My fav album. Got a tattoo of Bulby, I want to get another tat of Brown Nose the Pirate eventually!


Counter offer: I go home and jerk off


Might be their best album. When you include fun machine and the title track, it probably is.


I already loved Rated R and SFTD, when a video came out on very early YouTube of them playing Battery Acid on the Henry Rollins Show. Unforgettable moment. My favorite album since.


It’s a sleeper and it needs to grow on you but once it clicks it bangs


I love how gritty yet polished the tones are on this one. Flowy yet mechanical. Every song takes me somewhere, each one as some sort of guide through the unknown. Plus even the B-Sides are deserving of being on the main album!


Top3 for me.


It's an acquired taste for sure. It's gets better as you listen more and now I think it's fantastic. First listen 2 years ago I didn't know what to think lol. Just took a while to like songs like Battery Acid for me. To me, like clockwork, SFTD, and lullabies are my favorites, but this is right up there with them.


if you include b-sides it’s their greatest album imo


It's honestly my favorite album. I love the "stupid" vibe of it, feels like i'm drunk and driving.


Been a QOTSA fan for 20 years now, and it’s my favourite album. So weird and unique, yet the songs go together so well. And nothing beats Fun Machine and Misfit Love⚡️




Favorite album. I’ve been coming to terms with that, because I really love the drums Dave and John have done. But something about joeys energy on that album is one of a kind.


a few things to unpack with EV Josh and the boys had the balls to go back to their punk roots and wrote with a grittier darker sound (which is completely different from their previous albums) they spent a year recording the album from scratch Mikey and dean joined the band Sick sick sick has one of the best riffs I’ve ever heard. Underrated album in my opinion.


Worst album they did for me. It’s the only album of theirs I refuse to buy.


It was the last truly badass QOTSA album. I love everything about it.




I didn't know it was divisive. I LOVE Era Vulgaris


Nothing wrong with it


I like it


Not my favorite, but the highs are really high and I still spin it regularly. Qotsa doesn't have a bad album imo.


It was largely the album that introduced me to QotSA. At the time I was young and had just gotten a subscription to rhapsody and it was a trending (or whatever they call it) album for like a week or two. I instantly fell in love and always hold fond memories of listening to this weird trip of an album from cover to cover.


This is actually the album that truly got me into Queens - I had really only heard the singles previously. Blew my mind when I first heard it.


Love it. Isn’t it the first one Mikey played on? Perfect timing.


It’s the last interesting record they made.


It's good, but personally it marks the true "new" QotSA sound. That record marks a step change to the glam and garage rock-affected QotSA we know today. I'm one of those cliché "prefers the older stuff" guys!