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just playing Quake Champions until if/when a new game is announced. My dream is that Machine Games is secretly working on a quake 3 remake in the current ID engine, maybe if enough people dream it into existence it will happen lmao there has been a decent amount of new people checking out Quake Champions in the last week or so because people were reminded about quake when the DOOM reveal was...DOOM


No single player story for q3, they could invent one but it will be a complete new game or deep remake.


Quake 3 has been "remastered" already with Quake Live, and arguably Quake Champions. I'm in that camp. I'm also in no hurry for a Quake "reboot". I don't think it needs one because Quake is perfect, and that will never change, and I'll be playing Quake until I die.


lmao if anything quake remasters are shown at quakecon. they save the big games like a quake reboot or doom the dark ages at the Xbox showcase. sound a bit out of touch imo.


As everyone else said there’s really no need. Easiest option, play quake live. If that’s not good enough for you then just patch the original Q3A it runs fine.


Just play Quake Live. An online only game is going to be a hard sell.


Are most Q3A custom maps compatible with QL though?


No, but I would doubt they'd be compatible with a Remaster either.


What a pity because I compulsively collected a lot of them. Right now I need a Q3mod that behaves like the old mod that displayed all the maps in smaller thumbnails. If you remember, a lot of custom maps were simply not visible on the menu and there weren't many maps per page. That old mod downsized the thumbnails and could display them all for the selection, even if they didn't have a splashcreen. Now what would be done today would have an endless scrolling page for all maps, with filtering options.


Lobby system, no dedicated servers, poorly optimised, poor custom content transfer... the Kex life ain't great. Unofficial clients are lightyears ahead of quake3.exe, there's no way a rerelease would get anywhere close to quake3e's optimisation... especially with crappy Kex. Console players would gain from a kexed up q3 and we'd get a spike to the playerbase for a few months, but that's about it.


Don't crap on the kex engine,not my boy.


Still a couple of months away from QuakeCon. Usually the best announcements come out of there… I’m hoping for something from Quake or Wolfenstein…


Why did you have that understanding? There was no evidence to suggest that was the case, and this wasn't a realistic timeframe to expect it.


You know it takes time for them to do stuff like that right? The Quake 2 remaster just came out and they have a Doom game to make. Not to mention that Quake Champions is still a pretty popular game in the arena shooter world so I never expected them to want to make a Q3 remaster.


>they have a Doom game to make Are we so sure of that? I'm suspecting a *spinoff* set in the same universe. ^(Reddit's new desktop UI is some absolute garbage.)


It's a .ain line Doom title set during the events of the Slayers Testament.


I just learned about the news yesterday.


Ah, in that case carry on then.


... We already got one. Quake Live. Though, yes, please support ioquake3. Open source software is for the good of all of us.


Quake3e > ioq3


And any official remaster can't use code from ioq3, just like the previous ones. At least not when the company aim is to own the game code and keep it secret. They have to start from the last nonGPL version they have and redo all the community work and more themselves. A waste of effort imo but corps are corps.


Quake Live


Quake 1 and 2 were announced and released at Quake con so I assume that’s when Q3A will be announced between the 8th and 11th of August to I would watch the webcast of Quake Con and if it’s been done it will be announced then.


Q3A is incredibly easy to run on modern machines, wym


It took them 2 years to do Quake 2 remaster. If we are getting a Quake 3 remaster, we'll get it next year at best. Additionally, both Quake 1 remaster and Quake 2 remaster were announced at Quakecon, not XBox Showcase. THIS SAID, Quake 3 has two lesser known sp campaigns in addition to Q3A's - Quake 3 Revolution, which has you select between Sarge, Klesk, Daemia, Anarki, and Doom and a narrative of you fighting for freedom ending with fighting a Vadrigar - and Quake Arena Arcade, which is a bot-remixed and expanded version of Q3A's campaign best I can tell (no longplays of it on youtube so idk). And a lot of features dropped in Quake Live that exist in Arena, Team Arena, Revolution and Arena Arcade - mostly bots, but also some maps and a couple game modes. There actually is merit to having a singular compiled version of Quake 3 with all three campaigns accessible (and maybe a new one from machine games?).


On top of having both the standard and Arena Arcade campaigns, I'd hope Machine games could do another campaign for it. Maybe something like what they've done in the past but it has enemies from both Quake 1 and 2 throw in and the occasional contestant or two mixed as a boss at the end of a level


Quake live is the quake 3 remaster and it’s been out for a very long time. If anything, they’d add updates to that.


Quake Live isn't a remaster. It's a port. That's like claiming Quake 2 RTX is a remaster. It isn't. It's a port.


Quake 2 RTX is absolutely a remaster. It just isn't a *good* remaster.


No, it isn't. Because Quake II RTX doesn't even give you the original game, it requires you to purchase that game and move the game files over. That is the same exact as Ironwail, Darkplaces, Quakespasm, q2pro, etc. A remaster is an actual purchase of the game that does both graphical updates and patches to things like bugs from the original.


I think if they were to announce Quake stuff they'd probably wait for Quakecon


I really don't get where all of this "Why didn't they announce Quake at the showcase/I thought they were going to announce Quake at the showcase/Wait, they didn't announce Quake/Why didn't they talk about Quake?" stuff came from. I mean, I know it's probably - Definitely - based on that "teaser" of Quake 6 from back in January, but that... That was literally just a doodle on a whiteboard. Something so... Infinitesimal, that morphed into speculation that Quake *might* get an acknowledgement, which mutated into Quake *definitely* getting a solid announcement. This is why, when talking about rumors and hearsay, *always remember to cite a source*. If someone mentions "Hearing something about something" or they "Heard X about Y", ask them where that came from, and ask them for a source. If that source is anyone *but* Bethesda, id, or MachineGames or even NightDive, hold that upon the person spreading the rumor. Even if the originator of the statement is an employee of any of the companies who could reasonably be working on anything Quake-related, unless the statement is made through official channels, *do not assume that it is true.* Just look at how many times gamers have tried to will an announcement for the Nintendo Switch 2, or Gran Turismo coming to PC, or whatever, just based on *one* rumor, or one leak, that they don't even remember the source of. Properly cited sources are important. Properly cited sources help keep speculation in check. eta: Also a Quake 3 remaster already exists. S'called Quake Live.


It's more like a mod that slightly went its own way.


Well if there was going to be one (doubt it) it would be revealed at quake con




1. There's already a game that's basically a Q3 remaster - Quake Live, and it's been out there on Steam for a decade. It runs perfectly out of the box on any modern PC, has new game modes, new weapons, a ton of exclusive maps, and even some added visual effects. 2. As much as you may like the game, there isn't much of a market for multiplayer AFPS anymore, and id knows it. See how Quake Champions is doing. See what happened to the last Unreal Tournament game. Or any other Quake-like such as Diabotical. Hell, even QL itself was never any booming success.


Quake Live isn't a remaster. It's a port. And it's a port that cuts down a lot of content from Quake 3 Arena, while adding a few other things. That isn't a remaster. It's no more a remaster than Quake 2 RTX was a remaster. Point #2 would be the main / sole reason we'd not get a Q3A - it was primarily (not solely) a mp game, and mp only games don't need remasters. But we do have three sp campaigns to Quake 3 - Arena's, Revolution's, and Arena Arcade's. So as small as it is, there is a chance to merge the four ports together with the three campaigns (or just two, since QAA's sp campaign is a modified and expanded Q3A Campaign).


But then why do 1 and 2?


Because they both had superb single player campaigns with lots of content. Their entire existence does not depend on a large number of people playing on multiplayer servers at the same time.


I’m really hoping they remaster q3a or quake live. If you’re like me OP, I don’t have access to quake live on steam. They already did the first two games, we’re almost there. But it feels like this subreddit doesn’t want that.


[https://mus1n.github.io](https://mus1n.github.io) check this one =)


I know right there is Quake live but it’s 10 years old so definitely time for a remaster there are in fact Q3A severs are still up I found a Instagib (A mod inspired by UT) a few days ago lodes of fun I think I came 3rd so not so bad.


RIght! I'm def in your boat. SOmeone mentioned IOQuake, but I tried that an that didn't work either. And even like, other games that run on the Quake 3 engine just refuse to work on modern amchines. Try playign Elite Force or Return to Castle Wolfenstein. I recently tried the latter and it was a nightmare to get it to run, would only run in a borderless window on my secondary screen not the main screen, and what stutter every 30 seconds. On my gaming machine... Like Quake 3 NEEDS modernizing.


Remember the situation with first two Quake games: both were shadow dropped, two years from each other, in Quakecon. You'll have to wait until Quakecon 2025 to see if you're lucky.


Damn really? I thought they were closer than that, but if there's still hope,,,


its called quake live on steam.