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these are some of the worst faces Liz's pulled so far.


What book about the scientific method is the heaviest? To know with witch one hit jeph with


Probs the physics textbook I had to struggle through for a couple years in college (though it was sold loose leaf, probably because it had too many pages to bind)


Or Index Medicus which I had to search through for relevant papers every month for work. You knew when that hit your desk.


Wow, I hate Liz and honestly Iris has the correct reaction. You know what used to be fun about QC? I could, in my own dumb little way, imagine what it would be like to interact with them on some level. Now, who would want to? Everyone is either annoying, stupid, bitchy, or a combination of the three. I wish I could stop, but the addiction continues.


Getting context for the squirrelclamp edits is what keeps me reading.


> Everyone is either annoying, stupid, bitchy, or a combination of the three. I'm confused how this is supposed to be different from the old days.


I was gong to be like how dare, but no, no you have a point. I think back in the old days it came across more fun and less whiny?


I've thought about it and yeah it seems a bit hard to explain. I think because it seemed like a genuine friend group that had some members with quite deep flaws. The kind of group you knew did like each other but it was all going to be effectively destroyed by drama.




I feel like what's left of the original cast has evolved with Jeph, even if it's been 5 comic years (to give a generous timescale) for 20 real ones. But to keep the wacky hijinks coming, he keeps rotating in early 20-somethings and AI that act like early 20-somethings (or teens).


I did consider the maturing aspect, and that may be part of it. However, back in the day I don't recall there being therapy-speak. They also had fairly consistently good banter between characters, and importantly characters seemed more differentiated from each other. I highly suspect 20-something old me would have found these people exhausting and unpleasantly horrible too.


> The kind of group you knew did like each other but it was all going to be effectively destroyed by drama. The had their flaws but it was genuine and written as such. These days, it's all caricatures of those flaws. The key ingredient missing these days is any semblance of authenticity.


I was gong to be like how dare, but no, no you have a point. I think back in the old days it came across more fun and less whiny?


A comic where everyone has their eyes open, and one of the rare chances where I wish they didn't. The goblin eyes are abhorrent enough without the red stoner vision.


I'm surprised Tai hasn't shown up to this shindig yet. Seems to me she'd home in on it instinctively.


I'm no fan of Tai's, but at this point I would gladly accept a swap-out of any of these unbearable characters for her.


And unlike everybody else, getting high has always been Tai's thing.


I like that he confirms, at least subconsciously, in the comic comment this is tsundere bullshit and not actual content. Although on the other hand it's sad he's admitting he's just recycling anime tropes now.


To be fair, that's how Jeph has always portrayed most relationships in the comic. Granted, when he lampshaded Faye's Tsundere, he had the grace to put it in on a T-shirt in the comic itself and weave it into the jokes and narrative. Of course, this was waaaaay back when he still cared.


Faye and Bubbles? Nah. That was an actual relationship that developed from the ground up, not the idiot 'don't get the wrong idea b..baka!' routine.


Faye and how she's treated everybody she's ever dated or been friends with, especially before Bubbles came on the scene. In the case of Bubbles Faye was on the outside looking in.


I think they meant Pre Bubbles?


That's only one flavor of tsundere. Being a bitch to everybody except the person you're interested in is another flavor.


Jeph says lurking in the comic write up because he 100% lurks this sub


Leaning way too hard into the Goblin/Gremlin stuff without understanding what makes it charming. These characters both need some bonding and affection and a change of pace, so it's not a bad idea to have Liz try to seduce(?) Iris, but boy, does JJ not know how to write these kinds of characters with charm. He needs to go back to the originals who started the trends and really study why they became so iconic and ubiquitous.


“When someone is nice to you, it makes your brain short out and you don’t know what to do, right?” I can relate to that. But goddammit Jeph why oh why are we giving Lizzy red goblin eyes now, sofa king creepy. Also does the whole “tsundere” thing even apply when Iris is only ever a rude asshole?


When someone is nice to me, especially someone I don't know, I automatically wonder what they want from me.


>Also does the whole “tsundere” thing even apply when Iris is only ever a rude asshole Exactly. Iris isn't nice to anybody, Willow included, and you need to at least sometimes be nice to your love interest if you're tsundere.


Tsundere refers to having two personality types depending on who you're interacting with (treating your romantic interest differently from others). In short, tsun=asshole, dere=softie. Iris shows a dere personality toward Willow, tsun to everybody else.


Isn't the tsundere trope more a character being an asshole to the character they like in order to mask their feelings, but gradually opening up and becoming more kind as the plot progresses?


It can go both ways.


Blue robot's positioning doesn't make sense in the order of the panels. She pretty much has her shoulder aligned with the door jamb the entire time even when she slouches, she then maintains the exact same slouch but moves a foot over for some reason when Liz leaves. I only notice this because the first and last panel are basically identical except for robot moving. In fact blue robot moves the opposite direction when Liz leers at her. I'm only noticing this because 1)This is very boring and 2)other than zooming in and out the perspective never really changes here


The worst strip in this mini arc


Shouldn't it be the Appleboom Goblin Institute of Tsundere Studies? :)


"what does that even fucking mean?" me too iris


My science hurts. You don't falsify data. Data are. You falsify theories and hypotheses. 


I could be wrong, but I thought "falsify data" meant "make up bullshit data", not "prove the data wrong".


there's also the term "unfalsifiable" which usually refers to the hypothesis itself hmmm