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No? I think she’s embarrassed that someone asked about her desires and she overcorrected. She’s kinda dramatic and over the top that way.


That's a fair read, absolutely. Overcorrecting seems very on-brand for her.


I felt like it was a very tsundere way of responding to the question, with the blush and everything. That would actually be on-brand for Jeph.


The sexualities in this comic are rewritten at random. Jeph seems to have forgotten that he gave her a giant boob fetish that was so bad, Bubbles and Willow felt the need to cover their chests around her.


Definitely 100% not.


Before Kurtz pay walled a good chunk (all) his old comics (PvP), the topic of one of the characters (a literal troll) sexualities came up. He referred to himself to the media as an "asexual troll". They reported him as saying he was "a sexual troll". Not sure where I'm going with this but that came to mind.


> Is Liz asexual? Oh, my God WHO GIVES A SHIT?


The actual fans of this comic are an... overzealous group sometimes.


If there haven't been any other blatantly asexual characters (Brun?) it wouldn't surprise me that it's on Jeorph's list to check off.


Yesimi is asexual, she revealed it to Ayo just before the party started. In this case, I think Liz is just particularly poorly socialised so she has no middle-ground between veering wildly towards lusting after Evan's rack while drunk, then back to puritanical denial when she remembers to try and keep her façade of "aloof intellectual scientist" around strangers.


*Yemisi* oh god why do I have a brain cell dedicated to remembering this


 It means "filling" in Greek, as in "your choice of filling". It's how I pretend I remember instead of having wasted so much time reading.


Thank you for correcting me. Commiserations for being in a position of being able to correct me. <3


Brun isn't Ace, she simply didn't like the idea of her having sex with Clinton or Elliot.


i don't think we have enough knowledge of her yet to make that decision. most QC characters show Ace characteristics because jeph just writes that way. unless they're super horny like Marigold or Sven. also people who are Ace often like reading smut. at least most of my friends do. idk, it's just a weird statistic that i don't question


I doubt it, not after he wrote her as what Willow Rosenberg would call a “breast girl” with the horny level of a 13 year old boy


You ever hear the phrase ‘don’t stick your dick in crazy?’ Everyone is taking that advice regarding Liz.


Her last line is hyper defensive. I take very little from it. Especially since it chains from her general insecurities about her sexuality and half her comics are her insecurities spiraling to absurdity