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I do this in every hotel room and apartment I go to. It’s like a compulsion! My brain automatically starts thinking how it could work better.


I do this also. We go in people’s homes and I immediately, mentally, rearrange furniture and visualize what I would do with each room. I also straighten pictures on the wall, for real!


I have a real issue with crooked pictures on a wall. Quick story, when I met my in-laws, the first month my BIL and I were at his moms. They noticed I was fixing a picture that was crooked. I then went to the bathroom and when I got back my BIL had made every picture on the walls in the kitchen crooked. My brain was overwhelmed.


Oh my! That would have put me over the edge!


I once turned every picture in my mom's house upside down. They didn't catch on for atleast 6 months lmfao


Every time I visit my parents’ house, I turn as many pictures and other wall hangings crooked. It drives my mother nuts.


I didn't want to drill into the old plaster walls in my home-office. Ended up just hot gluing dozens of frames to the wall (is less destructive, I promise, and they pop off clean without effort), it would be pretty funny to see the looks on the faces of one of you level-correctors it you reached over to try and straighten one. \*caveat, they are all pretty level, and will never drift.


Feel free to rearrange my livingroom


Ty. Me too. Airbnbs -- I rearrange everything in my head and a few things in reality.


Yup. Airbnbs nearly always have it all wrong 😅


I'll be curious as to what you'd say about mine LOL


You should consult with us!! Position of the bed & sofa is critical (get away from the doors) and slow down on the knick knacks. Organize your kitchen properly. No dolls anywhere!!! (Went into one space with lots of dolls with blinky eyes.) No clutter. None. I want clear surfaces and art that's not tacky. Also make it look less like Target even though you buy odds & ends there & at home goods. Also: a lovely framed map of the area on the wall is always a good idea ☺️.


Oh I'm on the same page. It gets high praises from all of my guests. Give it a look-see. https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/741886838072464005?source_impression_id=p3_1717943896_P3NzAEac2yxmJXBv


Very nice and homey. Like the pops of red throughout. Only thing I would not like is cross road signage near bed. But probably that’s just me. Love garden space too. It’s just comfy looking. ❤️


Ha! Part of the problem with Airbnbs is that the owners have usually never lived there. They don’t understand why it’s not ideal to put the sofa further than than the length of a phone charger away from the power socket, or why covering the entire kitchen bench with appliances and other stuff is a pain in the ass.


I didn’t realize this was a talent until I started dating my current gf, apparently she just can’t do it which made for some miscommunication issues that we’ve fortunately worked out.


My mates like you too but I get home to a re arranged house occasionally!


I could use your help. Lol.


Dealing with poorly behaved children or children with special needs.


That’s a superpower. 🤍


Seriously. I struggle mightily with this and I have so much admiration for people who can do it well.


Say that louder for those in the back “That’s a FUCKEN “superpower!”


Thank you. I am a sped teacher


That's a great skill to have. I've gotten good at it because my daughter is autistic. It was all about learning how she communicated. So I would have to do around about method of talking to her. Which in a way made me better with children in general.


So I’m dating an autistic woman. She’s absolutely, 100percent amazing. It helped me realize I’m probably autistic but misdiagnosed adhd as a child. We communicate better than any other relationship I’ve had. It’s amazing because very few people get along with us but we think the other is amazing.


Any tips?


Sharp-shooting. Was on the National team competing professionally, and initially just stumbled into it. I'm not a gun enthusiast and I wasn't interested in the sport before that, I was pushed into it by an instructor who had trained the last gold medalist. She saw potential in me after jokingly asking me to try a shot when I was visiting her at the range... and I kept getting bullseyes... with no prior experience. She told me I'm a natural, but I'm just an unsuspecting 52 year old lady. You would *NEVER* guess it by looking at me.


Damn, talk about hidden talent! That's pretty cool




That’s rad- one time I went bowling and kept striking out I had the same feeling like “this was inside me all along” 😂 never bowl though and never happened again


I'm a bit the same but I started out with archery. My dad setup a bow for me and two weeks later I entered my first competition and broke the record for my class and overall score for a junior. I basically won and set new records every time I competed after that. Unfortunately after a few years life got in the way and I never pursued it any further. Those skills translated over to firearms as well though. I only ever went shooting with friends using their rifles but they would often get me to help sight in their rifles or dial in loads. I have also taken some game at extreme distance and the stories are still brought up to this day. Shooting is really the only kind of sport I was good at.


Nice! Me too for the only sport I'm good at. I had archery in high school (it was part of the physical education program somehow..lol) and I loved it! Cool sport. Actress Geena Davis was surprisingly super good at archery, too, vying for a spot in the Sydney Olympics! I heard she just stumbled upon it too, being a natural like us! :)


I am a master of turning a perfectly normal conversation into an awkward and uncomfortable moment...


Ha! It's an odd talent but definitely makes for an amusing conversation. I work with a guy who has this quality! His quick wit and imagination to just about everything is so much fun! Kinda makes work better really. Awkward as hell but hilarious 😂


Some people try to better the world...others simply want to watch it burn....I bring marshmallows to improve the burning world.


You are my people.


Me too! I’m going to tell you after my mom passed away I had a crazy good talent of emptying an entire room out in a blink of an eye 😂🤣


But..having gas doesn't count..🤣😂


I was told the other day that I use word play .and I enjoy it. Words and meanings are very fascinating to me. Doesn't help that my mind is always in the gutter too.


I knew a guy who could clear a room at a party just by sitting somewhere in it. Not a bad looking guy, not obnoxious, actually could be pretty charming. But time and again I watched him enter a room, find a seat and within five minutes everyone other than him and those there to observe the phenomenon would be gone. He smelled fine, it happened if he stayed silent or spoke to someone. Only indoors. It was very weird. I assume is still weird for him.


Kinda related I will get off topic so easily but I find a way to make it somewhat related


There can be a certain 'Zen' in this where a question or statement causes your conversation partner to stop talking and start thinking. You've awoken them from their sleepwalking - this is always rude and potentially dangerous - but Zen masters are not known for their politeness.


hey same


I think I'm the exact opposite of this.


teach me your ways


Rescuing teetering drinks that are about to spill.


Catching drinks mid air... That I dropped, but still.


Are you by any chance also good at making them teeter in the first place?


Getting babies to sleep. For whatever reason, I (42M) have this ability to hold babies and get them to fall asleep even when the mothers can't. I did it with my own children and grandchildren plenty of times. Edit= apparently a lot of people didn't realise nursing means to hold a baby.


I have a friend like that! He's this big, bearded, kinda scary-looking Hell's Angels type, rides a huge bike just like you'd think. You would imagine kids would be afraid of him, but somehow they can tell he's really just a big teddy bear, so he always has little kids cuddling up to him and sitting on his lap. One time I ran into him in at the grocery store. There was this young mom in front of us in the checkout line trying to manage her food, two toddlers running around in circles, and a screaming baby. I felt so sorry for her. The baby just screamed and screamed. It had been screaming for the past 15 minutes, all over the store. Dave didn't say a word, just reached out his hands. Without hesitation she handed her baby over to the scary-looking stranger. He cradled it and said "There, there" a few times in his deep rumbly voice. Like magic, the baby stopped crying! He continued holding it while the mom checked out her enormous cart, and by the time she was done the baby was asleep. He walked her out to the car and put the baby in its car seat. When he came back in I said "That was amazing!" He said "Happens to me all the time."


My BIL is like this. He's a very pleasant guy, and he's never been around babies until I had my son. My son had horrible reflux as a baby and it was so hard to get him to sleep. Sometimes he would scream for hours no matter what I did. But I could just hand him over to my BIL just sitting on the couch and my son would be asleep in 5 minutes. He would stay asleep as long as my BIL was holding him. We called him the Baby Whisperer


Omg you're like the baby whisperer lady I met while living in Italy. I was at an outdoor gathering and was desperate that I couldn't get my son to nap, no matter how much i tried. I was holding him and rocking him, etc. all the normal things that would usually get him to sleep, but nothing worked. This old Italian lady came up to me and asked if she could try. Now idk how tf she did it, but she took him and held him and within a minute he was asleep! I loved that lady :)


I can get any cat to like me. I have never met a cat that didn’t like me. When I walk through my city I have random street cats walk up to me. My friends think I’m a witch lol.


I also have this talent. Apparently cats adore you if you ignore them. I do that a lot because I'm allergic to them. I have had tons of friends tell me "she *never* comes out when there is company!"


It’s my biggest flex lol


Cats and dogs. Even feral. I just get on the ground and wait a bit, and like 95% of the time they'll come to me, purring and giving head nudges. Even those cats where the owners are like "she only likes me and no one else" or "she hates *everyone*!" Nope... they pretty much all love me, and often owners get jealous because if I'm around, they're in my lap, and have no interest in the owner.


I get this at the park. Everyone's dogs come running up to me. I love it.


Untangling little knots in jewelry/necklaces/a bunch of necklaces tangled together.


Being a jerk on Reddit


*tips fedora*


“Uhh you actually mean trilby🤓


I've been told I've "green fingers" plants/cuttings ect love me! (Fingers are a normal colour tho lol)


I’m really good at estimating times. Like to be able to know how long it takes to get somewhere and factor in traffic etc. or how long it takes to do something, I am weirdly accurate. It’s the most useless thing ever.


Same! This is actually a lot more helpful than your giving credit for tho.


Peeling stickers off of things so that there is no residue. It's all about angle of the peel, heat and patience. I learned it from years of working at a pharmacy and peeling patient labels off prescription drug packaging that wasn't picked up. The packaging had to be clean so McKesson would take the medication back for a refund, so sticker residue or damaged packaging was unacceptable.


I can do the splits (I’m 250lbs)


I can too. At age 60.


You could throw me into a room with literally anyone and not only would we get along, but we would have a super deep conversation. I love people and listening to their stories.


That is an amazing gift. I’ve no doubt that many people have walked away from interactions with you feeling heard/seen/unburdened.


That is what I hope for! I was born with a stupid amount of empathy and I never want people to feel uncomfortable around me. The bigger picture of life is that we’re all here together and when you drop judgement of people, you can learn from anyone.


You’re a rare human. Never stop being you! 🤍


Same to you, friend!


I’m a student of this art. Coming to it later in life. It creates a lot of connection and positivity. I believe it can help restore community and a sense of shared purpose in society when done by many people.


Ok, I do this quite well, too...however, my sincerity is so genuine, it overwhelms me and I get teary eyed when I'm connecting with someone. I have no idea why this happens.


Me too!!! I honestly think that judgement in people runs so strong at times that when the connection is open, pure, and genuine, it is super emotional.


Thank goodness, I'm not the only one 😂


me too! i have this habit of cracking open even the most distant people eventually and i sometimes hate it because i feel like i'm a sensitive ass person, but other times i know i appreciate just how special it is to be able to make ppl of all walks open up.


I do this also. My Dad had this skill also. We called it "cracking the egg." I love getting people to come out of their shells. Do tend to hear a lot of deeply personal things and I put them in the vault.


I’m this way 100% if you throw me in a room with another person. I will get you to open up and cry with you about your own story. Throw me in a room with people, not so much!


Same. People tell me things they wouldn’t tell others. It gets a bit heavy sometimes.


This is a wonderful gift. I wish I had someone like you. I swear someone asks me what’s wrong and mid conversation it’s like bye. Never stop being you. People would appreciate you more than you would ever know. X


A power my dad has that I wish was passed down to me. I'm usually the one making things awkward lool! I really admire people that can do this.




I want to shop with you!!!




Making something out of nothing. The art of being poor. ✨


I was so poor when I was a kid that the rainbow was in black and white.


We were poor I'm telling ya...at Christmas time we decorated a tree stump.


When my rich aunt died, in the will, I owed her $20 bucks. We were poor I tell you..


Also known as ghetto magic. I've seen it before, it's a wonderful skill to behold


That's why you see cuts of meat that aren't generally considered "premium" to be jewels of certain minority groups. They learned to make lemonade out of lemons. The best example I can think of are Fajitas, fried catfish, and other ethnic foods.


Calming down a highly agitated/aggressive dementia resident at work. I was the one people go to when they need help diffusing a situation.


Remembering weird sequences of letters and numbers, like wifi passwords. Don't know how, they just stick in my mind...


Hey same here, funnily enough i noticed this got better after learning to do rubiks cube algorithms , which i also thought felt the same as learning combos in fighting games. I suspect there's some overlap in brain development in those areas that suddenly made that sort of thing more gratifying.


Seeing the negative in everything. You can give me any situation and I will ruin it for you.


I can smell things associated to danger. I don’t really know how to explain it without it sounding like I’m a witch or like it’s more useful than it really is.. but I can smell things before they go bad. I smelt burning wires in our wall before they burnt, I can smell when someone’s eating something they shouldn’t like I can smell gluten intolerance quite a lot. It’s come in handy a few times but is ultimately not really that important


That's so interesting! I recently heard of a lady who can smell Parkinson's Disease and is helping researchers develop new ways to diagnose it! Maybe you're the celiac version lol [Link](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2020/03/23/820274501/her-incredible-sense-of-smell-is-helping-scientists-find-new-ways-to-diagnose-di)


I have a really sensitive nose and it’s a curse. That’s why I can’t do protein-heavy diets, I can smell my body chemicals/bo whatever changing. One guy I went out with smelled like something was dying inside him. I thought he had dirty clothes in his car. My ex had stomach issues too and I couldn’t kiss him when he had an empty stomach cuz his breath smelled so bad to me. My whole family is the same way. When we still lived at home, my brother would shower like 3 times a day because he didn’t like to stink.


I had hyperosmia until I got Covid in 2022. Now I can’t catch spoiled milk…




Lol maybe I should be offering my services to the fbi. Me and the sniffer dogs.


No no no.....you and your ELITE team of sniffer dogs. The best of the best. Like the Seal team 6 of sniffers. Smugglers of exotic fruits and veggies from lands far and wide quake in your presence. Own that sh#t. Or.... use your powers to sniff out drugs....a worthy cause but slightly less fabulously cool.


Are you a German shepherd?


You might have synesthesia. Look into it. seriously. Basically, the wiring in the brain cross fires and neurons for thing a will fire with thing b.  Usually it's colors. 


Burn the witch


Finding money on the ground.


Listening to people describe a problem and realizing in their description they don't understand the problem at all. I can then explain the real problem and describe a solution often effortlessly - and their eyes light up as if they now realize there was never any other way to look at the problem. I have no idea how I do this.


Sensing the vibe of a room and just knowing when something is wrong. I grew up in a super violent, unstable home and so my gut instincts are so tuned in it's like spidey sense. I can smell violence and unease a mile away


My household growing up wasn’t violent, but my mom was really prone to mood swings. I was a pretty sensitive kid, and walked on eggshells a lot. I can just immediately sense when a mood changes/vibe changes. My mood is quite stable, and when I do feel grouchy, I tell people. I don’t want people walking on eggshells around me. My husband though has some strange moods where he gets really quiet. We talk about it, and he doesn’t know why. I can sense it from the air, without him doing or saying anything, that this will be a less fun day (nothing bad, just more serious than usual). I could also tell, when we were younger, when a room would go “off”. We would be partying and all of a sudden I’d want to leave. He would ask why, as nothing was going on…yet. I knew it would though.


Quickly typing out movie titles in the search page using a clunky tv remote


I have photographic memory or at least that's when my mom has said it is. I currently work at a restaurant and can remember the ingredients in the sauce recipes without looking at the recipe book and almost always the measurements of all the ingredients to a T as well. I can remember most phone numbers pin numbers and passwords off hand as well. So in general I have a good long term memory but my short term is not the best as in I can say something to my fiancée about something and not remember talking or telling her about it then saying it to her again at a later time and she said you told me this x amount of times already and I didn't remember saying it before. So my memory is good with some things and not with others.


Table tennis, Japanese penhold blade.


spatial reasoning estimations. I can eyeball measurements (length and weight) with pretty uncanny accuracy.


I can, for example, think of things before they happen. For example, in the back of my mind, I'll be thinking of a song. Just a quick, fleeting thought. Within an hour or so I will hear the song on the radio. I can't make it happen. It always starts as a fleeting thought in the back of my mind. Music, movies, a person, etc


This happens between my husband and I frequently. I will think of something random that will just pop into my head and he will say it out loud moments later. It usually won’t even be related to our conversation.


Detecting dishonesty and deciet. The body language cues and speech patterns that would normally go unnoticed by others may as well be a freaking beacon to me. I used to question myself but it's proven so accurate I really shouldn't.


Right there with you, but it’s a bit of a blessing and a curse. People _really_ don’t like when you recognize their bullshit. Instant hostility.


Doesn't serve me well in love either. Imagine your SO knowing every lie you've ever told


Every dog loves me.


I instinctively know the make and model of any American car I see and can guess the year fairly often. I'm not a car guy.


Guessing the ending.


Being a waiter, I've been at it for over a decade and I've trained countless people. A lot of people just can't do it, they can't keep everything that needs to be done in their head or they can't focus enough or they aren't good with people. It takes a special kind of person to be a good server who is passionate about what they're doing


Being scarily calm when an emergency is happening, or everyone else around me is loosing their shit. I have various mental health issues, the most beneficial being able to "step out" of a situation and calmly and efficiently figure out the best way to deal with it. Literally takes me a few seconds, however it feels asif time slows down etc. This has got me in trouble with the police faaaaarr to many times, as being almost catatonic whilst everyone else in a panic, is a sign of guilt (at least that what the shitty coppers have tried to say). Decent cops notice and have commented before how impressive I was under pressure / extreme stress.




Me two.


Grammar and spelling. I was editing my sisters’ high school papers when I was in elementary school. It’s the weirdest sixth sense for me.


Music, I have an ear for tone, volume and shit like that, I'm good at catching rhythm and following the metronome whilst not even hearing it, Just overall very accurate when it comes to important parts of music, I've also been told my writing skills when it comes to lyrics and poetry are very beautiful and i carry that shit like a trophy 🏆


1. I would say I have expert level ability at: Spelling. With auto-correct everywhere now, it is absolutely useless in 2024. I guess I could hit the national spelling bee circuit as a 40yo but my family still needs looking after. 2. Trivia. My ADHD brain has won me many bottles of wine, cheap prizes, and evenings of laughter and good times. 3. Dealing with upset clients. I’m dead inside so nothing bothers me and they can’t hurt me. I can utilize active listening to keep the conversation focused on them and airing their grievances for an hour while I’m getting paid to listening to them vent. No problem.


Resolving issues before they become issues. My brain never shuts off. I’m always thinking of what could go wrong and coming up with solutions.


Those word games where you have to find as many words as possible in a much larger word. My brain practically goes into the Avatar state with those games.


Mentally knowing which Tupperware lid belongs to which container. My husband will try them all and be losing his shit.


Picking stuff up with my toes, and putting stuff together without directions


Remembering names and faces. I can bump into someone I haven't seen for many years and tell them their name, etc. Sometimes it freaks them out!


Reading people based on their faces. According to a friend, "scary accurate"


Being a fast learner ( I don't think it's uncommon but yeah )


It is fairly uncommon to be a quick study across a variety of unrelated subjects or processes.


Being really naive and being very distrustful of all peoples (both strangers and friends) intentions at the same time.


Bird calls




I've always had a prodigious ability for spelling. Not the marketable skill it used to be.


Squatting right down while my feet are planted flat on the ground. I often squat down like this because I find it comfortable, but didn't find out until recently that not all people can do it. In fact, none of the guys I work with can do it, and are amazed that I can. I believe it's also often called the Slavic squat, or the Asian squat


Telling if someone had a drink. My friend will go out and have a single drink and I can automatically smell it far away


I’m a whizz at packing a car, I can make it fit like Tetris. Also at picking the exact right size container for any prepped or leftover food. I don’t measure when I cook, but if I’ve made a pot of soup, I can visually measure the containers I’ll need to store it. Exactly.


Hearing and then extrapolating what I’m hearing. Few examples, I can identify whether it’s a fork knife or spoon hitting the ground from hundreds of feet with impressive accuracy, I can hear when frothing milk is about to break (cappuccino), i can hear when water reaches near the top of any vessel, I can hear and locate crows from great distances, etc. etc. etc.


Catching things mid fall




Filling out official forms. I love it


Love me a good form too! I wish more people would learn how to properly design a form though - I work in a print shop and create many forms for our associated hospital and love making forms that actually work. If you are designing something that people will have to fill out, during the process I like to fill it out to make sure things actually fit in the spaces. It’s so annoying when you get 5 inches of space for your phone number but only 1 inch for your email that’s like 30 characters 😡.


Designer here, and same, cannot believe the design of some forms!


Knowledge of mouse anatomy and how to safely and confidently handle mice. I am a researcher in cancer research, specifically melanoma and am considered a murine expert. I don't have a PHD but I train folks who do. I just wish the knowledge and skill were better compensated!


I am incredibly patient with old people dealing with technology. As long as they aren't related to me


Dealing with shy or aggressive dogs and other animals. I've had some odds experiences with various aggressive animals in the past. I got high this one time and had myself convinced I could talk to this fox in the woods. Another time I had a crow follow me on a hike and when I talked to it, it spoke back. At first it was funny, then I started worrying I lost my mind. I've been told my people that I have this comforting energy about me.


Finding four leaf clovers. I used to take pictures


Remembering useless trivia.


Everyone has a cat who won’t come to visitors, until I walk in. Human Catnip.


I cannot find anyting in my room when it is tidied up and organise. But when stuff are a mess and disorganised I know where everything is.


Reading people. I can tell if somethings off about someone, usually the first time I meet them. I usually don’t express my feelings until I know for sure, but I’ve never been wrong about someone yet. When we got a new President at the company I used to work for, I had the worst feeling in my stomach and I didn’t even meet her. Within her first year she had ruined my entire life. I tried so hard to not be worried about her but I could NOT shake the feeling that something was going to happen to me specifically with her coming in, and there was no reason to feel that way initially but I just could not stop feeling it anyway. And I was right. I also had the heebie jeebies about one guy at that job. And after I was in a serious accident he came to my house unannounced to “check on me.” Now he didn’t know that my boyfriend had moved in a few months before that, he thought I was alone and disabled. He ran from my porch when my boyfriend answered the door. Never had a good vibe from him from day one but had no “reason” and that was the nail in the coffin that day.


Spelling, before Google my whole family used me as an instant dictionary


I can set an internal alarm clock in my head and wake up a minute or 2 before the set time. I just think real hard about what time I need to get up before bed. Works almost every time.


I can find anything you can’t in a matter of minutes


Tallying groceries in my head as I put them into the cart. And for those who don't have sales tax calculated in on the advertised price, I include those too. I'm always accurate down to ten cents or so, without writing anything down


I'm weirdly good at attracting mentally unhinged people.


I'm not really good at anything, at least not compared to others. I have ADHD and my hands are very shaky. It's hard to be good at anything when I constantly overthink the goal and end up making the wrong decisions.


I’m pretty accurate with peoples personalities the second I meet them.


I am too. I think it's because I have really bad anxiety, so I tune into people really quickly


Dog. All the dog. Could be a terrified dog that came straight from hell. Doesn’t matter. Don’t even really have to train them.


Same. I lived on a sled dog ranch for years. My default state of being is “dog energy” lol


If you need a moment of your life to have a soundtrack, I’m your girl. I listen to music like it’s my life’s soundtrack.


Figuring out how things work quickly. Both electronics and mechanical. I am not a college schooled engineer. But in many social circles, when you want something figured out, I am usually tasked with the job.


I can lick my elbow…but only my left one


I've been told by a few people (some of which I trust a lot) that I am good with helping, comforting and just being there for others


Making Yorkshire puddings. Took a lot of trial and error but they are now just risen beautifully and crispy. I won't have a roast dinner without any.


I can roll my tongue upside down


apparently fastest box-cutter and box folder in the West 🔪


I always know where North is, no matter where I am. I once knew where it was in the middle of Himalaya


Pretty much anything that I want to do, that I'm interested in. It's part of the affliction. It's gotten to where I'm pretty annoyed with anybody who says they can't do something, or anyone who hires something out. Anything from building a fence, working on your car, purchasing a wedding ring instead of making it. You name it.


I didn’t realize this was unique until someone told me but I’m able to perfectly visualize images in my head. Like, not some simple shit. I can visualize entire 3 dimensional objects in my mind. I found this out when I was in school and we were going over the math as to find out how many cubes are in a 3 dimensional structure and I literally just looked at it and and rotated it in my mind and counted all of the cubes.


Cooking. It’s actually scary how many of my friends cant or maybe just won’t cook. They always eat out


If I know you, I know when you are telling a lie.


Being able to move every single muscle independently, and I do mean, each muscle


Axe throwing! For some reason I just have a touch. I did construction for a few years so maybe I feel the weight differently, but I am oddly really good at it. My friend who brought me for my first time couldn’t believe it.


Spending time alone. I think record for no physical contact with people was about 8 days? I had internet and the freedom to walk out my door at anytime I just didn’t want to leave.


Ruining my life


I’m extremely articulate, I love finding new words to add to my repertoire and expand my grandiloquence Even as a kid, I just took an interest in words, I guess it helps me express my feelings, which with ADHD is really important


Trivia games. My brain is a lint roller for useless info and I’m also a good guesser.


I can see light. How beams interact and move, bounce, diffuse etc. Which is good because I’m a cinematographer (among other things). I can walk on a set and place lights in the perfect spots within minutes. I can also visualize calculus.


parallel parking. there honestly are not words to express how good i am at it. i’m not trying to be conceited it’s just a fact.


I can remember the music and lyrics to just about every song I’ve ever heard or played. The theme song to a show I haven’t watched or thought about since I was five? Yep it’s still stashed away up there somewhere. Songs from middle school band class, some random jingle from a commercial on the radio, you name it, it’s all there. I like to think of it as a “phonographic memory.” I can also play the hell out of a bass guitar.


figuring out how things are supposed to work and how they work.... i broke down and rebuilt a go kart engine despite having 0 mechanical training, same with breaking down and repairing a computer.... i don't really understand how i was able to do it, but i am also able to intuitively understand different concepts and not having to study them, but i am terrible at math. i guess thats the tradeoff


Finding bird nests. I’ll watch birds and see one land in a tree “differently “ then I’ll suspect there’s a nest there 9/10 I’m right. I also just have a good eye for nests.


Mental math. I thought it was a more common skill, but I have yet to run into anyone else who can split multiple expenses or calculate a tip easily. 


I can always perfectly pick avocados. Like, every time. It's a super power. Tell me what day you need it to be ripe. I will grab the perfect avocado. Every. Single. Time.


I don’t really flinch when most objects (or people) hit me, and have a high tolerance for pain. I had my foot crushed once by a falling rock and my coworkers were in awe of the way I just stood there and looked at it. I’ve also been assaulted by drunks a couple times in bars and didn’t really react when they punched me. In “To have and have not”, Humphrey Bogart deduces that Lauren Bacall’s character had been abused when he sees her get struck by a man without flinching. She’s used to it.  I grew up in a violent household and think I turned out the same way for similar reasons. 


Baking. People always say stuff like "it's a science" and "ratios have to be perfect" and I'm out her mostly just winging it and changing recipes all willy nilly and everything works out perfectly all the time.


I can fix cracks and holes in sheetrock/walls and make it look like it was never there. Took me three years to perfect this. It's an art. I am a 67 yr old grandmother fwiw.




Writing entire books and stories in short spans and memorizing entire wikipedia pages