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Barely is barely tasty.


When they said chomping at the bit instead of champing at the bit, I had an issue When they said litterally instead of figuratively, I had an issue Barley instead of barely? I’ve given up at this point.


well have you heard of accept as except


I hope not. Barley is “Bàr-Lee” it doesn’t even make sense


yeah too bad i was reading a self-published book once and it had barley instead of barely


if someone says barley to you just say "wheat" after


That'll barley surprice them.


I'm seeing "witch" instead of "which" and it's driving me nuts.


i know like witch school did they go to? They better fire the English teachers.


They don't get away from proper grammar and spelling in my classes to be sure, but sometimes the teachers are illiterate. I teach college English and Creative writing and I cannot believe these people graduated high school!


This is likely due to phones and autocorrect issues. The placement of the "L" also makes it hard to see which one you're choosing.


Barley is great in a beef soup. It beats out potatoes, but just barely.