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I made it and have my mind and soul and didn’t kill myself and I truly believe in the Grace of God… So I’d say… pretty good considering


I'm proud of the progress you have made. I'm sorry you had to go through all that. Congratulations on being the person you are today. You sound like you have a good head on your shoulders.


I m uncertain what your age is, what you acted in, or if you are still working in the industry. Having worked in entertainment accounting in the 1900's (not an accountant) I became very familiar with residuals. Usually unless someone was above the line they were not much. However, that not much if directed into a solid index fund could be very beneficial to you or your children later in life. My co-workers used to say that when you see people on the screen most of their earnings go to agents (10%), managers (15%), and at least 1/2 of the the rest goes to lawyers and accountants. The remaining 37.5% is then taxed by the state and federal governments. I do personally know people whose careers have spanned decades. Some are so wealthy it makes my eyes water. Others are still very much in demand and work a lot, but because they have lived beyond their means for years, are many millions in debt and live with crushing anxiety. It is a very rough business in general. Most known actors who are earning big don't actually end up wealthy unless they are very careful and put everything above what they need to live into real estate or proven indec funds. I promise that there is a legion of people who used to be well known actors that are broke right now. And fuck your parents. They operated as a management firm and we're entitled to far less than 40%. As a California attorney I am uncertain if you can force them to disgorge ill gotten gains at this point. I encourage you to look into it.


I was so so hoping someone would know something that might help him get some of his earnings back. How is this legal?!


Unfortunately often times the state views such swindles as legal if the victim (their child) is a minor. Over 18 they get smashed. Under 18 can be very challenging.


That said, were I OP I would get a lawyer and see what plan of attack is still open. This is not my area of expertise and I am uncertain about statutes of limitations, and the lay of the land. I am confident meeting with one or two people who work in this area would provide insight. However, if they are not good with money, winning a lawsuit might result in a lot of effort against people who cannot pay. If this is the case, the effort and expense of such a pyrrhic victory should be carefully considered


Your mother telling you she doesn't have much left is a big lie. My mother has been saying she's going to die soon for at least 20-25 years. But I think you should write your own story/novel. People are interested and I think it could be successful! 


>A professional career with many people on payroll, and the man of the house at 12… my mom used this psychology on me… that my dad was useless and I was the real man. Husband-son, emotional incest Wowwwwwww OP! They are truly evil and selfish. >my mother showed up in my DMs today telling me she “doesn’t have long” and needs to know where I am. LOL NOPE, DONT DO IT


Wow, such a heartbreaking story I'm so sorry that you had to endure these brutal, greedy parents. How are you doing now?


We read this, and we absolutely do care, OP. Many of us have similar stories. We get it. You're not alone. Talk to us. That's why we're all here.


I’m so sorry you were abused, you did not deserve it.


>They formed an LLC and listed themselves as president and ceo, and me as an “employee.” Which gave them 100 percent access to every single dollar I ever made. >Literally nothing was saved.. my father broke into my coogan account and stole 90k from it.. for those who don’t know Jackie coogan was an actor whose parents did the same thing to him and he died broke in the streets after making like 10 million dollars I haven't even read all of it but I'm already mad


There has got to be something illegal about stealing from a coogan trust account. Like jail jail. Have you tried asking in r/legaladvice you can just ask if stealing from a coogan account as you describe here has any criminal or civil penalties and see what they say. If there are you'd have to have some proof of that of course. I think you should pursue this. I thought the coogan law was very strict like that?


Just a heads up to OP if you decide to post to /r/legaladvice - we have had some users experience some less than supportive responses when discussing abuse or asking about legal issues with an Nparent in that sub. If you would like to seek their advice, perhaps it would be best to use a throwaway account that isn't linked to RBN or avoid using terms like "Nparent" as those have not been well received in the past. Of course, it's totally your call OP. We recently opened /r/RBNLegalAdvice so if OP is interested, they are welcome to post questions there. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/raisedbynarcissists) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thanks for automodding an answer for this! I had no idea this sort of behavior was the case in that other reddit.


Mama June did the same thing and they just found out, I’m sure she will get away with it too. It’s wild now parents can just do that. Even Aaron Carters mom did that to him. Idk if coogan accounts were a thing when Aaron was around but she somehow got away with it. It’s sadly so common. I hope OP’s parents are held account for their disgusting actions


wow! I would love to read or watch any videos about mama june doing this because there has got to be a way for her children to hold her accountable for this...


It's being aired on this season of Mama June on WeTV. It's horrible.


horrible. why aren't these parents in jail for breaking this law and stealing?


It’s all over TikTok rn. Mama June claimed she spent all their honey boo boo money to get the house she was living in but she spent the rest on crack and then sold the house that was supposed to of been Alana’s home when she was an adult. This all came out because Alana asked her mom to pay for college and she said she didn’t have any $ so they checked and all her funds from previous reality shows and did, are gone


NMoms love to pull the "I don't know how much longer I'll have" card. Chances are they're just looking for sympathy. These people are so delusional and will drag everyone down with them if they can. It's usually not worth reconnecting, if you can avoid it. It sounds like you suffered a rough childhood. No child should ever have to work to support their families, let alone be the breadwinner. I hope that you've found people to remind you that you're more than who you were forced to be to survive and that you deserve more than the life your parents gave you.


Please post this on r/legaladvice, perhaps with more specific details on what they did regarding finances and legal contracts.


Just a heads up to OP if you decide to post to /r/legaladvice - we have had some users experience some less than supportive responses when discussing abuse or asking about legal issues with an Nparent in that sub. If you would like to seek their advice, perhaps it would be best to use a throwaway account that isn't linked to RBN or avoid using terms like "Nparent" as those have not been well received in the past. Of course, it's totally your call OP. We recently opened /r/RBNLegalAdvice so if OP is interested, they are welcome to post questions there. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/raisedbynarcissists) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hey I feel you, my friend. Almost nothing worse than infernal adults who have children for their own selfish reasons and then exploit them based on YOUR talent and potential. Then the siblings fall in line with the parents so they don't feel their wrath. I run my own independent music business and they want to profit off me as their cash cow, singing my praises in public and then treating me with malicious contempt while setting me up to die so they can erase how much of a threat I am to them just by existing. Forget them! You are better off without your Nfamily. And how cool would it be if you found actors like yourself who have a similar experience as you! Y'all could run your own media business if you really wanted! Just don't give someone else permission to ruin your dreams. They're YOUR dreams. And this is YOUR life. I have nothing but love and confidence in you! Stay Woke, Stay Blessed!🤗


Tell your mom to cough up some of the money she stole from you and you'll talk to her again. But honestly, you know she'll never make any sort of emotional amends, so ... don't do anything you don't want to, taking the high ground and gritting your teeth through it isn't worth it in my experience. You just end up feeling like once again, you did the "right" thing, and solely for someone else's benefit.


WOW, that is an incredible experience. I found your post while doing a search for "Brian Peck" in the search bar. What you've shared corroborates the general culture of the Hollywood child-acting world described in places like the Quiet on Set documentary (Drake saying it's normal for child actors to be the breadwinners in their families, Jeanette McCurdy saying her Coogan account wasn't properly set up so the money is either in limbo or doesn't exist), and a particular blind item I cam across about Brian Peck. >In what he hopes will be his redemption tour, this former tween/teen actor turned A- list adult actor is going to lay the problems for much of horrible behavior because of what happened on the set of his first movie. Our actor was the lead and he says he was a victim of this convicted sex predator and watched as several others were too. There were a couple of actors who had speaking roles and after a few days complained about the predator. They were fired and new actors hired. [Source](https://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2022/09/blind-items-revealed-4_10.html?m=1) When you say, "We all knew he was a predator," what did you know? The blind item claims that he abused a number of boys on the set, whom I'm guessing communicated that to each other?