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Everyone loves Amazon deliveries! It’s the people ringing our doorbell to sell us solar panels, new roofs, or pest control. So tired of it.


Hi, I was in the neighborhood working on your neighbor's house and was wondering if you'd be interested in a free estimate on your windows


Or the dude who stared at my effing brand new windows and guttering and said he was there to sell windows and guttering after looking at my windows and guttering saying I needed it.


"Brand new"? Sir and/or madam these windows and gutters clearly have been used. Heck they've even been installed! I promise you sir and/or madam that the gutters and windows you purchase from *me* will be *Brand New* never used windows. You can keep them exactly as they come from the factory. Same thing with the gutters. I promise you that you will be so happy with my windows and gutters that you won't even want the free installation I normally offer, no sirree. You will want to lean these badboys right up against your living room wall and admire the supreme craftsmanship and quality^and ^the ^20 ^year ^no ^questions ^asked ^warranty that comes with them. Your neighbors will all want to come right inside your home just to admire and be jealous of your brand new, never used, never even installed windows and gutters. How about I come inside and we make ourselves a deal?


"Hi there, did John from down the street let you know I was coming? Hahahaha."


I had a solicitor ask me if I wanted solar panels. I stepped outside with him and pointed at my roof, where my solar panels were proudly and obviously displayed on my front roof. You can easily seen them from the street and they’re in stark contrast to the shingles. Dude didn’t even check before he knocked on my door (I have a no soliciting sign).


Well, do you want more solar panels?


Well hot dog, can I stack them like LEGOs?


According to them they won't cost you anything, so might as well!


I get a big laugh out of the meat salesmen who pull up to our farmhouse and try to sell us beef, while 30 cows look on from our back yard.


I heard you liked them is all


Lol I had the exact same interaction


Yeah I applied as a roofing inspector thinking I would be assessing roofs people call in about... But no, it's going door to do like a dork.


How does that even work? "Good day, I see that all of the homes in your neighborhood have roofs. I am visiting you and your neighbors to see if you do actually have a roof, and would want it inspected? If you're interested, we can get you some preliminary information and schedule a time for me or a colleague to come back by to do the inspection, and discuss the results with you. We also offer financing packages if you're interested."


No it's always, "do you know Joe around the corner? No, well were replacing his roof at little cost. Some bad storms came through at some point recently and did damage you can't tell about but we will make up and try to get your insurance to pay. Anyway Joe likes us and there is a discount because we're already here".


The summer intern sales people are almost here


I’ll tell ya what- I had a hard time replacing my doorbell so went a few days without one… before I realized how awesome life is without a doorbell. No one is banging at your door- I promise, just quiet solicitor-free bliss. You know when the people you’re expecting are coming over- everyone else can piss off


My doorbell is currently broken and I'm tempted to leave it that way.


A prominently placed "NO SOLICITORS" sign goes a long way.


I have one hanging eye level for most people. I have 2 on the door bell. I have a colorful sign leaned against the door frame that says,"No solicitors, neighbors welcome." I have seen on the camera theae fools look directly at the signs and still ring the bell.


Between the "non-profit" that claimed they could ignore my no trespassing signs as it didn't cover non-profits and charities and the guy who looked at public records to hit me with a "suppose I will be back when *my wife's name* is home alone", I may very well be on the pathway to getting charges this year. At this point, I may start taking the approach that some folks do with Indian scammers and just burning their time out of spite. "Oh, let's sit on this front porch, tell me your spiel, take your time, want a glass of water? But sorry, nice story but I don't have any available funds." At the end of the day, the D2D fucks and the Indian scammers are all only preying on gullible types and the elderly.


It never fails...once a new roof starts going on in the neighborhood, then come the doorbell rings. Then within a week, two or three more roofs start going on. I'm sorry but I don't know you and I'm not going to just get any joe off the street to put on something as important and expensive as a new roof...these guys are always "new businesses." And hello, I'd rather NOT file a new roof through my insurance company if I can stand it, like they all want you to do - I might need them for a true emergency down the road. Why do so many people fall for this?


With the warmer weather yesterday, the pest control services and roofing ppl started already! Had 3 total come by (2 bug guys, 1 roof)


And also the mother in law


Are non profits all right? I just knocked on your door with Amnesty International. I didn't see a no soliciting sign.


Tell the latter three you rent, and they'll go away.


One of the advantages to living in a condo. I may not have a yard or garage, and my downstairs neighbor is cranky, but you can’t sell these products to individuals, you have to sell them to the HOA :)


You answer your doorbell? I have almost always regretted making that decision. It's right up there with answering calls from unknown numbers.


Ours says "Just text us when you are here. No reason to knock and get the dogs involved" To be fair the dogs already know you are there, but knocking or ringing the bell makes it worse. PS - Amazon/ups/FedEx/usps people, we love you, as evidenced by the treats we leave for you.


The snacks are so epic


We try. We know you all bust your ass all day long.


What are your favorite snacks? 


Even if they're warm, I always run out of fluids and get excited over sports drinks like powerade. Snack wise, I grab anything sweet, got some animal crackers last shift which I hadn't had in forever


Thank you for this. In my HOA I'm not supposed to have anything outside my door, but I doubt my neighbors will say anything. I'll get some Powerade, Vitamin Water and animal crackers (love those). Thanks for the ideas!


I'll see what we can do about animal crackers. Need to find some in cellophane.


What makes for good delivery snacks?


Almost anything shelf stable and portable. We hit up Costco and get various boxes of granola bars, trail mix, chips, etc as well as bottled water and sports drinks. People doing this job are basically on an 8 hour workout so they need protein, salt, sugar, and water. We put a couple of each out in a cardboard tray on a chair with a sign saying who the snacks are for and thank you. The regulars vote by leaving stuff they don't care for to the end. Stuff that goes fast gets bought again while straggling stuff does not get bought as often. PS - avoid chocolate once it gets warm to hot.


It's local strawberry season now and watermelon later, so time to share with our UPS/Amazon guy!! We've had the same UPS guy for years, I like to share snacks/cold fruit with him.


Good idea if you have the luxury of jumping out to meet them with cold fruit. The reality is most people can't. Hence, shelf stable.


That second line is why I disconnected my doorbell power. I can see or hear the solicitors walk up...brief pause... Knock.... Then they walk away. No obnoxious doorbell and I don't have to waste time listening to their sales pitch


I have seen on video, numerous times, walking up, seeing the prominent "NO SOLICITORS" sign, and walking away. Totally worth having.


I have one too but it doesn't always "work". I look at it like if they ignore the sign, I have no guilt about being rude and telling them to leave.


If the damn solicitors wouldn't ignore kinder options it wouldn't cause an arms race of rude entrance decor. (I want that mat, very badly)


Door to door salespeople really aren’t that annoying. Oh boo hoo I own a home and get bothered for a couple seconds every now and then. Boo hoo


They are absolutely annoying. I don’t particularly like strangers coming up to my door and imposing on me. I don’t need you to tell me about solar panels, pest control, roofing, your religion, your favorite politician, etc. I have the Internet if I need to know more about any of those things. Please go away.


I would love to hear how you handle the Spectrum people who setup camp inside Walmart. I find the mere sight of them to be rage inducing.


I tell them they signed me up last week and say “you don’t remember me?” I do this while walking past them and don’t even stop.


Same but for a different reason. I am choosing to patron your store and you allow people to peddle bullshit to me in the middle of it? As if stability is what Walmart shoppers are known for.


Oh man, so for YEARS, we couldn't get internet where we lived. We only just got it out here last summer (Caswell Co). If I had time, I'd tell those salespeople "sure, here's my address, I'll bet you $20 here and now that yall don't service my area." Almost all of them would get slightly argumentative: "yes we do!" until they put my address in and I watched their faces fall. "Oh... I guess we don't." I still don't understand why Comcast or spectrum sent people out to this area, knowing damn well 60% of us had no access to the internet.


Just say "Nope" and continue on my way.


I smile, say no thank you, and keep walking.


My airpods have become my best friend while shopping. Usually don't have anything playing.


I tell them I'll sign up when their internet is faster and cheaper than Fiber, then wish them a good day


I have solar panels on the FRONT SIDE of my house and these bozos still come to my door.


Have you considered upgrading your solar panels? We have the best in the biz ^^^^/s


I found the door to door salesman.


I would happily take their cards and listen to a 15 second pitch for whatever they’re selling. But they don’t do that. It’s all bullshit sales tactics and pushing. They can’t just be normal fucking people selling things door to door.


Some are fine. Most even, because they're trapped in the same capitalist hell-hole forced to be pushy about whatever it is to make a living. I blame their institutions, not them personally. They'll take a polite dismissal. Some go on bizarre yelling rants about "free country" and "free speech" like they have a right to be on my lawn when my wife politely asks them to leave, scaring her. Others come by 3 times in the same day, knocking several times while I ignore them, only serving to upset the dog cause I'm busy working. Wife doesn't like when I'm rude, so now we just check the cameras and opt to ignore them.


They’re relentless in my neighborhood. Every week they come by after 7pm and wake my kid up.


leave me alone….


Door to door sales people are as annoying as everyone says they are. No one wants to be solicited to in the doorway of their home.


"Go away... or stay, I'm a doormat not a cop" [/Simpsons-ish]


My doormat just says “home” in case anyone is confused where they are. I guess it should say my home.


My wife and I keep our house warmer than most. So my sister made a mat that says "welcome to our terrarium".


Yep, same here. Nice and simple!


Min says Home Sweet Home.


My personal favorite is “come back with a warrant.”


“… but please knock first”


I like that one.


There's needs to be a doormat with different "conclusions" that you can jump to on it.


That's the worst idea in the world


Come on now, don’t jump to conclusions


Yes that is horrible, this idea


Somebody's got a case of the Mondays.


PC Load Letter?


WTF does that mean


Hey Peter, man…watch the cornhole, bud.




Doesn’t that chick look like Ann??


Ummm yeah, did you get the memo? We’re putting the cover sheet with the TPS reports now….


oh really what was it tom


Mine says “definitely not a trap door”……..


Single wine aunts are an epidemic!


Oh come on, you’re the reason people can avoid other humans so effectively!


I need a doormat that says "Go away, unless you're delivering packages, in which case we appreciate you making it possible for me not to have to put on jeans or face another human today, and I hope you have the best of days and get to pet a puppy."


Size: 18" x 64" 😁


Well the vampires ruined "Welcome" mats for everyone now didn't they.


Blame the solar salespeople


and the bible people


Just fuck with them saying solar energy is a conspiracy by the goverment to shrink your balls or some other bullshit they would usually go away Though it fucking hard keeping a straight face


Ignore that. You are an amazon driver. You are highly appreciated by us Amazon reliants! Without you our lives would be in disarray!


Awh! Mine is a picture of Yoda that says “welcome you are”


I like that!


Blame the clipboard mafia.


Mine is "wipe your paws" and I think it's adorable.


We aren't telling delivery people to go away. It's all the solicitors, people selling stuff, etc.


It’s probably the same people who comment “we’re full” when someone says they’re moving here.


Aren't they just ironic?


I am surprised I had to scroll so long to get to this. Now, while mine says "Yay, you're here", I think it's the irony of a welcome mat being unwelcoming that people find funny and makes them popular. Not that it is an actual message.


I love most of my Amazon drivers, but I wonder about the ones that block the door (that opens out) with boxes. It’s the kind of people who ring the doorbell that I’m not expecting who can take a toaster bath.


LDS ruined it for everyone /s


One can’t simplily implicitly invite in vampires.


Go away on the outside. Live laugh love on the inside.


Go away so I can live laugh love




I get the same vibe with tshirts with negative messages. I try to smile at everyone I can when out and about, but if your tshirt says “f\*\*\* off” or “do I look like I give a f\*\*\*?” then I assume you don’t want any eye contact.


Usually people wearing those shirts will desperately accept any attention they can get.


It's to ensure vampires can't enter that building. Ask those idiots with the welcome mats are inviting evil. It's science.


I don't think you are supposed to take those seriously? Let's rant about country art like "Live Laugh Love" in big letters in the dining room.


My front door says welcome(ish) depending on who you are and how long you stay. Covers all you great hardworking Amazon people


Mine says you shall not pass 🧙‍♂️


"Yay you're here!"


Mine specifically says to go away UNLESS you have an Amazon package 😂


You know what you did! My azalea bush will never be the same!


Question: have you considered not taking it personally?


My doormat says: Don't Stop Be Leaving


Ya, Amazon is always welcome, that doormat is addressing family.


Fuck you fuck you fuck you, you're cool, fuck you....


I was a canvasser for a while They’re for us. And we still had to knock :/ On the bright side they made for good opportunities for small talk lol fwiw the only times I would not knock were if people had notes that their baby was asleep - so if you guys are hit with a lot of them, give it a shot. we’re trained to be extremely pushy and I hated that shit, but a lot of em do not care one bit


I feel you man, but Amazon really isn't going to like you sharing that screenshot from your work app on the internet. I'd recommend deleting the post. No joke with customer pics, they'll fire you.


It's AI generated




I really like "did you call first?"


My mat is a cat peeking out at you. So feel free to leave their packages at my house.


Well… What the shell are you doing here? 😂


-sigh- mine says “Ask not for whom the dog barks. It barks for thee”. It was a gift, and I love it….though had I not received that, I probably would have gone with something like this. I have family who likes to show up unannounced, and salesmen who refuse to accept no, and actually get a bit aggressive. I’m half tempted to get a sign or something. Delivery folks are the best, and I’m sorry you all have to experience it.


Your package is not happy either (


I hate this kind of stuff. And the memes that glorify canceling plans. Bunch of miserable people out there. I actually saw a doormat that said "YAY! You're here!" the other day and I thought it was super cute.


people hard coping


People are just joking with those mats. It’s just that you see it a bajillion times a day, which is understandable to be jaded by them. Like a dad joke, it gets old after a while.


Sense of humor much?




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Beat it JAG! Nah….really, thank you for what you do!


That last sentence made me laugh. Imagine if you could take back the package, for making you feel unwelcomed, and they’d have to pick it up at the warehouse. 🤣🤣


So I have a crazy idea. Leave a box of notepads thingy, and ask “please leave your info at the notepad, I will call you back when I get back”


“You literally summoned me here.”


Mine is just an animal picture


The package even has a sad frown ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


My doormat says, hope you brought wine 🍷


That’s insane ; I see you all as a modern day Santa !


Because we are a bunch of worn-out, overstimulated, never gonna be able to retire, elder millennials with anxiety and gastrointestinal issues.




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Because most people have the creativity of a stump and go for the same tired joke that everyone else reflexively makes. Plus these things are very mass-market produced right now to cater to exactly that type of person. I will never forget when I was a cashier at a CVS and every. single. time. the scanner failed to register an item on the first swipe, I would hear, "Haw haw! I guess it's free!" All day, every day. "Haw, haw! I guess it's free!" "Haw, haw, I guess it's free!" And every time I'd have to make cheerful mouth noises to disguise my irritation and not get fired. It's decades later now and it still grates.






Yeah ya know I don't think people mean it to be negative but that said... I'm sad my generation has embraced kitchy novelty hate. OK maybe you think it's funny... but isn't a welcome mat supposed to be the first thing a newcomer sees? Changing of culture. People can and should do what they want. I just wish people still wanted to improve the day of strangers passing through their world. Social-media globalization has turned our emotions inside and made us guarded. That is the only thing I lament. I do hope the owner smiles when they cross the mat daily. Not being sarcastic.


Mine says “It’s always happy hour here”. I’d say the sayings are more for the people buying them, just meant to be fun.


It’s probably people thinking they’re being subversive and funny. Don’t let it bother you.


I think it’s an attempt at humor.


I'm sorry the unwelcoming energy of many homes weighs heavily on you and makes your job harder. If it helps, I always say thank you to any delivery people I happen to catch leaving something on my porch. So thank you to you too. You are appreciated. **hugz**


Just cringey millennial humor


People think it's snarky. It's not. It's just mean. I blame the "cut someone down" humor that's dominated all sit coms, and especially Disney shows, for years. Can't write clever comedy, so it's just snark.


Funny you should say this. I went to the store and asked two employees where are the WELCOME mats. They both looked at me like I was nuts and said... uh DOORMATS!?? Here is the one that you would be greeted with if you left a package at my door. [https://www.michaels.com/product/all-are-welcome-doormat-by-ashland-10740798?michaelsStore=5177&inv=15](https://www.michaels.com/product/all-are-welcome-doormat-by-ashland-10740798?michaelsStore=5177&inv=15)


People who can’t be witty naturally will usually buy their wit so people think they really are…when they’re not.


Stop being a bitch and problem solved


My doormat says “My Balls” (I am into CBT)


That goes hard


Mine says “whale hello there” with a cool whale design and some hearts and stuff. My girlfriend picked it out, but I think it’s pretty cool. There are doormats with nice messages out there!


Just skip those ones!