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The r/NHLcirclejerk sub is doing their thing with this right now.


They’re much more levelheaded about it than the real circlejerk sub at r/hockey


Don't diss my favorite sub


He’s right. That Pasha guy is a piece of shit who never knows what he’s talking about, and has a huge hate boner for Trouba/the Rangers just bc he’s a Devils fan. Criticizing his play is one thing, but it’s low and scummy to go after his wife and charity. I also don’t know a single person in any fanbase who enjoys his appearances on Chiclets so they need to stop bringing him on lmfao


R/hockey is having a trouba hate boner circle jerk rn.


I’m shocked


It is truly impressive how many knots those folks can tie themselves into. It's like a shibari exhibition.


Rangers fans participating in those conversations are just making it worse. Why would you want to discuss *anything* Rangers related with so many NJD/NYI/PIT flairs whose fandom is partially defined by hating our team? I've seen some Devils fans admit they hate us at least as much as they like their own fucking team. And you're trying to have a conversation with them? Are you *trying* to get downvoted? If you frequent this sub and that one, do us *all* a favor and just ignore their bullshit. Or at a minimum, leave it out of here. Please. 🙏


It’s truly incredible that Jacob Trouba has that much free real estate in Pennsylvania and New Jersey


Is it? He's victimized both of them. Whether or not you support the Potvin sucks chant, how hypocritical do we look as a group disparaging other fanbases for being salty? For Pens fans, Trouba is basically their Potvin. However, I will say that Devils fans calling Trouba a headhunter is fucking hilarious when they worship Stevens' #4 hanging from their rafters.


Well, I peeked because the r/hockey post appeared first in my feed. Then I checked to see if it was post here, if it hadn't been already, would have posted a separate link to trouba's x instead of crossposting. I really dc about downvotes nor the shitty opinions of fanbases who should in the Trouba's words "do better" . So it doesn't bother me personally but I thought a trigger warning was in order in case folks are tempted to peek at or accidently end up in the r/hockey post. Folks should know what they're getting themselves into. In fact, I relish in the irrational hate we get. Rent free is the way to be!


I don’t care for downvotes either. Got enough karma to outweigh the downvotes. Plus all you got to do is post a witty Seinfeld reference on a post and boom karma restored. Will someone answer that phone?


>if it hadn't been already, would have posted a separate link to trouba's x instead of crossposting That would have been better. If I saw this post sooner, I probably would have removed it and done the same. In general though, any post about the Rangers in r/hockey is a minefield these days. It brings out all the rival fans I described above and quickly descends into a Rangers-hating echo chamber. I'll never understand why Rangers fans want to participate in those conversations. You risk ending up looking like a sycophant or just fanning the flames of animosity. Either way it's counterproductive.


I could never engage. Reading the takes on Twitter is bad enough.


I’ve been trying to have nuanced conversations there regarding Trouba and the point he was making with this. I’ve gotten through to a couple of people and had decent dialogue but yeah the rest is something else.


They’re on their way to gaslight themselves into thinking the back of a shoulder is someone’s face again.


It's not gaslighting, it's a willful hallucination at this point. Like a waking dream.


On the one hand, I get it. But I don’t get why it was even happening during the Florida series. At least Trouba’s recklessness is tied to actual hockey plays. We were playing against a team that had concussed not one but two separate players in two separate series with cheap shots on unprotected players away from the play.


He’s not even criticizing anything. He makes 0 detailed points about Trouba, he just spends the whole rant parroting the same complaints you see on r/hockey. And there is plenty of actually criticize if you wanted to. Maybe actually discuss what was bad about his postseason play? Maybe talk about going for hits instead of staying on defensive assignments? Talk about his injury management and insistence to stay on the ice after the ankle fracture? But no, we’re going to pretend that he’s a supervillain and the only one in the playoffs toeing the line even though he was involved in at most 2 questionable plays and injured 0 people.


He’s buddies with Biz. Two fucking peas in a pod


Other people have said that Biz actually took issue with Pasha for this and suggested not inviting him back on Chicklets. As annoying as he is, Biz has been a lot better and neutral as a member of the media this year and he knows how to keep things more or less professional. I guess that’s what sharing studio analysis segments with Wayne Gretzky will do to you.


Devils fan here and I can’t stand Pasha. I don’t even listen to chiclets anymore but he’s always popping up on my feeds. Dude belongs in weenie hut juniors


Literally a typical for a devil fan


Pasha is a POS bringing up the epilepsy charity to make a head shot joke, and definitely hates the Rangers, but Trouba bringing in suicide statistics is crazy. No one mentioned self harm or encouraged anything of the sort.


A PGA tour golfer committed suicide and people wonder how it can happen. Trouba shows exactly how it can happen, with media personalities stroking their hate boner to get clicks, views, likes, and hearts, while not giving a damn what the constant media berating can do to a person. Not saying athletes should stay in an ivory tower and never be criticized, but if you're asking "how could this happen" in regards to the suicide, well this is how it can happen. And yeah nobody mentioned it... But maybe there's a reason Trouba mentioned it. Or maybe I'm reading between the lines too much. Having seen a few people in my line of work (or their family members) commit suicide, I tend to do that.


Happens quite often in Japan so your 100 percent right.


Pro athletes don't have to live in an ivory tower but they also shouldn't subject themselves to reddit, Twitter and insta comments, sports talk radio or anything on espn either. I would guess the everyday hate from real people would be far less than anonymous hate on the internet. But what do I know.


Totally agree. There's a good reason Panarin only has a flip phone.


So people have an obligation to cut themselves off from media sources or it’s their own fault for seeing how they’re being abused?


I think it falls on both parties. As a professional athlete you need to learn how to distance yourself from toxic spaces and let people say what they are going to say. It’s also on sports media outlets and this new wave of podcasters to realize that when they build or have a platform they need to stay accountable for what’s spread on it and need to keep journalistic integrity as it’s easy to let emotions and anger take over and get in the way of actual critiques or productive discussions.


Someone asked why a band wouldnt have social media accounts, they are better off not hearing it.


I’ve had friends and family members take their lives, it’s awful. But if we can never criticize a professional athlete because Grayson Murray took his life (after personal life issues, not media criticism), then we should just pack up the subreddit and sports media in general, because it’s pointless without criticism.


I agree that we should be able to criticize people who play a game for a living but these aren’t even criticisms it’s just to feed the circle jerk that is the internet hating on Trouba. He puts out 1 stat about penalties. Everything else is just stupid hot takes and trying to diminish Troubas charity work. There needs to be a line when criticizing athletes and I’m not sure where that line is but I’m also not the one with a huge audience so it’s not my responsibility. Best case scenario is Trouba isn’t affected by this stupid video but as a leader, he could just be speaking up trying to change the culture of sports talk to understand things like this can take a toll on someone.


I agree, as I said, that it shouldn't be that athletes are immune from criticism. But again look at the content of the clip and that's not just professional criticism of his play, it's personal criticism that goes beyond the professional setting.


Criticism of their actual play is fine, and it's reasonable. What's not reasonable are things like college athletes being threatened because they only scored 24 points, and someone lost a lot of money betting they'd score 25 or more. It's not reasonable to go after someone's family in personal attacks. It's just like work. If your boss has an issue with your work performance, that's a fair criticism. It wouldn't be ok if your boss brought your partner or kids into it.


I agree. And I think Trouba pushing back at him using his wife’s career and their charity as a set up for a shitty joke completely fair. The issue I have is Trouba introducing the suicide statistic out of left field.


I think he could have articulated it better, but we know both Vesey and Miller have struggled with mental health. While most fans here and all the actual professional sportswriters were supportive of them both for talking about it, there was no shortage of people calling them soft, cooked, and much worse. Not for their play, but for actually acknowledging their internal struggles. When a culture of going after someone's personal life is encouraged, how much harder does it make it for an athlete to actually get help? It's hard for the average person to recognize that they need help. I can't imagine being in that situation and knowing that I was going to be torn apart for it publicly if I took steps to get better. You want to give me shit for something I fucked up at work? Yeah, I'll own it. But personal lives are not fair game, and we shouldn't act like it's ok.


I agree with all of that


Time and place. Trouba (and anyone) is right to bring awareness for suicide prevention. There is never enough support or prevention information on that topic. With that said, to sub tweet the chiclets clip, that had zero mention of suicide and criticized his play, is questionable timing and place for Trouba.


He was making the point that content like that goes beyond what’s appropriate criticism of someone as a player and can have a negative impact on the mental health of the target. Some people may think it’s opportunistic to post it in response to criticism of himself, but if he had done it in response to criticism of anyone else, he would risk bringing inappropriate and unwanted scrutiny on the mental health of that other person.


The thing is, we don’t know how far people are taking it with Trouba. It’s pretty likely that people comment on his own social medias or DM him hate and that could really fuck with a person. Chiclets is huge and Pasha going on a big platform like that and attacking Trouba’s character/family/charity easily might’ve emboldened assholes on social media to directly send Trouba hate. It was really not right of him to do that and who knows what Trouba is going through with his personal mental health?


But people criticize professional athletes. Are you suggesting that all professional athletes should be exempt from criticism in case one of them has self harm thoughts? If chiclets criticizes Subban by calling him PK Slewban, would him responding with suicide rates be fair?


If PK Slewban is all they said, no, but if they go on a full rant attacking his character and family and pit him against his teammates that’s a different story. This wasn’t just hockey criticism. It was low and that fuck made it personal against Trouba.


And if Trouba said the personal criticism or using his epilepsy charity as a set up for a joke was BS, I’d completely agree. Trouba brought suicide statistics in to a discussion that had nothing to do with it


He saying dont climb into DMs and hurl hate and death threats directly at another person


Exactly. To an extent that kinda stuff probably happens to every player (and it’s still never right) but Trouba is so hated that going on a huge podcast and publicly bashing his character, pitting him against his teammates, bringing his family and charity into it is just too far and could’ve inspired 20x more people to DM him and send hate Like it’s not just regular hockey criticism. That Pasha fuck went low and said scummy things. And if someone did that to PK I’d support him talking about suicide and mental health too, even though I don’t like PK


Can you tell me what he said that seems like it was "going after" the wife or charity?


Yeah I mean shitting on Trouba in regards to his charity COULD have a negative impact on that cause (it could also help it by bringing awareness). Kinda shitty.


its pretty gross by trouba to compare it to someone who killed themselves for a reason that isnt media criticism


But the reality is that we don’t have any idea what Trouba is going through in his personal life. I think I read the PGA golfer struggled with substance abuse? For all we know, Trouba could be too and the insane hate exacerbates the problem for him. We just don’t know.


One of hockeys biggest and most important codes is not going after someone’s family. Not surprising a rat fuck devils fan has zero class. Shameful that chiclets let’s this bozo on to speak at all.




Don't be mean.


Crazy how that sub fucking faps to Marchand being a good guy off the ice, but obviously it’s unthinkable for the same to be true for Troubs.


They have short memories. Marchand used to be hated over there. He’s also really cleaned up his play style (relative to himself) and now he’s just a meme.


I unfollowed chiclets because they kept giving this bum time of day. Pasha’s a scumbag. I’d love to see his scrawny, 5’6 ass say any of this to Trouba’s face lol. Anybody can act real tough behind a keyboard.


He would probably just yet blindsided / elbowed to the back of the head before he could say anything. Trouba = violent pos. Pasha = pos


French-Canadian Rangers fan? Love to see it.


I actually like the rangers and was cheering for them. But being an outsider makes me see things a little bit differently on some of the homers issues such as how cool Rempe is and how fair play Trouba is. Beside those two, I wish rangers won the cup


Habs fan


Personally, I think troubs makes a pretty classy response. Just wish he plugged the foundation's donations page.


It was a pathetic response. The podcaster nailed him to a board with surgical precision, the sort of precision Trouba happens to lack both as a defenseman and in landing elbows.


Yeah man a random cameraman with no high level hockey experienced “nailed him to a board” by repeating the same empty talking points and jokes that you see on Twitter and Reddit. You for real?


Lol wtf are you talking about that rant was shameful. Period. Learn to compartmentalize your frustration.


Kinda funny how everyone in the /r/hockey thread says this is a bad look, and everyone here says it's good lol guess both subs are echo chambers in their own way


Reddit is always an echo chamber. Fans want the national majority to favor them for whatever reason. Who cares. Just win.


r/hockey loathes the Rangers. No point is trying to have a nuanced discussion when when it’s all “hurr durr Trouba dirty”


It’s Reddit as a whole tbh


They're people too. I'm sure they looked online, if they have social media, and couldn't believe what they were seeing. He played poorly, but the staff saw no reason to change things. That report of the ankle being broken and playing through it falls on Lavy and Drury.


Apparently it was completely healed by the playoffs, for what it’s worth


I have Spittin' Chicklets and every asshole associated with that show blocked/muted, so I have no idea what this is in reference to. Can someone fill me in?


not familiar with their show either but from what I've gathered, pasha is the guy's name and he's a frequent guest on their show. in a minute long video he says how trouba is the worst captain in the league as he makes headhunting hits, takes bad penalties, and is generally a poor defenseman. he goes on to mention how he would benefit from talking to his "neuroscience major" wife about the dangers of head injuries, and that his elbowing tendencies alongside his epilepsy foundation make him a hypocrite. i'm assuming it's these last comments that set trouba off and prompted him to bring up mental health.


If you thinkTrouba is the dirtiest player in the league, then I got a big fucking surprise for you lol


Good on Trouba for bringing up suicide prevention and plugging in his charitable side. There is never enough discussion on the topic. At the same time, to bring this up tweeting the Chiclets guys is a weird move. Implying that criticizing a player can lead to suicide. Are we not supposed to be criticizing players? Plugging the suicide awareness and donations individually is a class move but bouncing off the chiclets clip is just a weird move to me.


I don't get it like what pressed him so hard? If anything the way his wife was talked about was making her seem WAY smarter than him which she probably is... A pulmonologist dating a marlboro executive would make as little sense.


Aside from bringing her up in general which is uncalled for, I don’t think anything was offensive was said about her.


Holy fucking shit, not reading the comments in the OP thread is self care. Goddamn.


Again relating back to my post on this sub, people need to stop bitching online about these real people and their real jobs. Trouba was more than right to call out this bullshit journo, spittin Chiclets is a fucking shit show.


You can hate trouba the player but when y’all start on his character and him personally it says a lot more about you than about him. The man has been open and honest. He’s been philanthropic and a spokesman for good causes (I know we’re all sick of that commercial!). He is respected by teammates and was voted captain of the rangers. So in my mind, if there’s something he wants to call out for stepping over the line, I’ll trust him on that.


And lowkey, it’s pile on after pile on when it comes to Trouba. Anytime he makes a hit, regardless of if it’s totally clean or not (and it usually is), dumbasses on social media are crying and talking shit about him. Wouldn’t be surprised if they are commenting or messaging hate directly to his pages and he has to see all of that BS. The really unhinged people probably send hate to his family and friends. Even on this sub, when he plays poorly it gets talked about so extensively that it’s honestly beating a dead horse. Not saying that the criticism isn’t valid, it is, but the incessant talk about his contract or stripping him of the C is a little much. Yes he’s overpaid, but what is he supposed to do at this point? Say “actually I want to make 3m a year instead of 8”? And we have no idea what’s going on in the locker room to say he doesn’t deserve the captaincy or it should be Trocheck/Kreider/Lafreniere/whoever. By all accounts he’s a great guy off the ice. I can’t remember the last time a player in the league took this much abuse from fans. It has to take a toll. Didn’t mean to write a novel but this situation a good reminder to think about the shit we are writing on the internet


Might as well shut down all sports reddits if constant player discussion and critiques are crossing a line.


I’m not saying that, but there is such a thing as taking it too far. They’re real people and going after Trouba as a person, going after his family or his charity, that shit is wrong


I agree this is wrong, keep it strictly sports. At the same time, bring up someone’s character and it can lead to suicide? That’s just not normal behavior. If Trouba is implying he’s struggling mentally I hope he can find the strength to get help.


He’s referring to the pressure cooker of modern sports with social media/podcasts etc. fans are one thing, former players should know better. Think about if every time you checked your phone or turn the tv on it’s people who used to do your job laughing at a mistake you made at work and bringing your wife into it


Fuck Pasha. 5’5” joke of a man with a nose that rivals Marchand. Shameful for Chiclets crew to allow a videographer on to talk hockey just because he’s a friend of them. I skip him every time.


what's his height have to do with it? you could be 8 feet tall and still be a joke of a man.


Napoleon complex 


it’s a little heavy-handed imo but honestly he’s not wrong. the way i’ve seen people talk about athletes — including this team in recent days — online is nothing short of atrocious. some people have absolutely lost the plot and have no sense of decorum or shame or compassion. and unfortunately, those people get clicks and feed off of outrage (e.g., spittin chiclets — which i even listen to from time to time). it’s very lucrative. i also can’t stand the people being like “how DARE he talk about mental health when he elbows people!” lol. he’s one of the precious few nhl players who is actually progressive and cares openly about shit like this and he gets villainized for on-ice play. and then they’ll turn around and complain about how the nhl is behind in its social values. the jokes write themselves.


The irony is half the of the people on other teams shitting on him would love to have him on their teams in the regular season.


There are some Chicago fans railing on him in the hockey sub, I almost want to tell them to be careful since it’s always possible they’ll try to trade for a hard-playing leader like Trouba to help protect the Boy Wonder over there


That’s always how it goes for players like Trouba and Rempe for all fanbases. Hate em or love em depending if they play for your team. We are seeing it right now on our own sub with people questioning why Trouba is labeled a dirty player. Lmao. If Trouba wasn’t on our team and took out a Ranger, we’d be all over him. Examples: Slewban, Tom Wilson, and still chanting at Potvin. There are some vocal Ranger fans who are just as hypocritical as the next fanbase and cannot see that.


The series also showed we need more physical players and that’s what Trouba does best. I can’t excuse his dog shit fucking trash performance against Florida, but I still think we should keep him and trade Mika “one timer” poweplay boy and get a tougher winger. I also love Mika but he’s never to be found in the playoffs and he’s proven he can’t be here when we need him.


This isn’t about the Chiclets clip. It’s about all of the other stuff being said about him — Twitter, the hockey subreddit thread about this, and even on this sub overall. He’s not dumb enough to make an example out of a fan.


I think I speak for Chiclets AND Rangers fans when I say the hockey world deserves to see that Pasha douche get Bertuzzi'd. Then he can go ahead and shit talk things he'd understand.


Pasha is an absolute smooth brain and every time he opens his mouth on chiclets he just whines about something. I can ignore the hate for the rangers from the former players because some of it is valid and they’re funny dudes (unless it’s whit complaining about some first world problems) but holy fuck this dude is just a crybaby devils fan


Meh. Every one is entitled to have their beliefs. Even if their opinions make 0 sense (How dare someone who plays physical in physical game start a charity that is near to their wife’s career). It was a wrong take and should just be ignored like all the other wrong takes out there.


I’m so tired of the “Trouba is a dirty player” thing. “Dirtiest player in the league”.


Is Trouba the dirtiest player in the league? Nope. Does Trouba cross the line of hard play? Sometimes. Is Trouba a CLEAN player who should be absolved on criticism on his play style? Absolutely not.


Especially because hes not the dirtiest lol


Can someone please link a video of Trouba being the dirtiest player in the NHL? All I can find is people over analyzing hits that didn’t happen and few hits that should have been penalized but didn’t look intentional based on the play. For reference, here is one of Brad Marchand being an absolute scum bag. [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nVVbYWzILkc&pp=ygUYQnJhZCBtYXJjaGFuZCBjaGVhcHNob3Rz](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nVVbYWzILkc&pp=ygUYQnJhZCBtYXJjaGFuZCBjaGVhcHNob3Rz) And Matt Cooke, who imo is actually the dirtiest player I’ve ever seen. [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=B8f0R-M8dcc&pp=ygUQbWF0dCBjb29rZSBkaXJ0eQ%3D%3D](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=B8f0R-M8dcc&pp=ygUQbWF0dCBjb29rZSBkaXJ0eQ%3D%3D) Is he a physical player who, over the course of 750 games had some questionable plays? Yes. It feels like the “dirty” and “scumbag” stuff is a psyop. ![gif](giphy|NPyHgTkMStCXC)


This topic has been in my mind since yesterday. The thing I haven’t seen anyone else mention is that while Trouba used himself as an example, it doesn’t mean he is only mentioning this for himself. While we don’t know if Trouba struggles with his mental health we do know his young linemate has, Keandre Miller. I wonder if he is bringing up this topic, not just for himself, but for the whole team. Centering himself so he gets the inevitable backlash. If that’s true, fully acknowledging that I am speculating, that’s some real captain shit. (Also calling someone a scumbag head hunter who is purposely hurting people is not criticizing his play. It’s criticizing his character. I don’t know if that should be off limits really but the r/hockey thread doesn’t seem to see the difference)


It was insanely irresponsible for a major hockey podcast with a large following to allow that idiot a platform to spew that garbage.


It's this Trouba's agent trying to give the Rangers another reason to unload his contract?


I support Trouba, probably the most overly criticized player in the league. I know he wasn’t great this playoffs but the level of criticism for his hits specifically is bullshit. And no one cares what pasha thinks his opinion is literally only aired as a joke


Anyone else think we should start some sort of email petition or something to the spitting chiclets sponsors to get this guy gone…… hit them where it hurts in the pocketbook This fucking guy mocks Trouba raising money for charity and starts talking about his wife …… utter an utter scumbag piece of shit. Plenty of places jn NY stuff like this ends up with you catching a beating for running your mouth like this ……. Least we could do is try to get the guy tossed from his shitty show


Pasha is an idiot. But trouba still sucks and I can’t wait till he’s gone


I'm out of the loop, what happened here?


IDC what anyone says, i still love Trouba


Commented on the other thread and seems I’m in the minority (for this sub) here, but bad look for the Captain. A podcast host validly criticized your play and took some light jabs at your character, it warrants no response whatsoever other than getting out there and *being* the better player and person you know you can be. Of course nothing Trouba said in the tweet was wrong, but it does not make the point he thinks it’s making and the tweet will not help the movement regarding athlete suicides. Just my two cents.


You can talk about my play, but when you make fun of me as a person, you've crossed a line. They've probably never met each other so how can you make an assumption about who I am? It's the biggest problem with sports media now as a whole. Focus on the play.


He never made any comments about who he is as a person off the ice. Everything he said was regarding Trouba’s play. He brought up the humanitarian stuff (all good stuff) and then called it hypocritical in regards to the way he plays the game. Am I missing something or did he not make fun of him as a *person* at all, but a player?


Did you watch the video? Another Redditor already mentioned it. Then he goes further by mentioning his wife which is uncalled for. Now, if Trouba said since my season is over, I'm going to see the Spittin Chiclets crew in person and if it got physical, he would not be in the wrong.


Yes I did, he called him a scumbag and then highlighted how the way he plays the game of hockey makes him a scumbag. He mentioned his wife, he didn’t say anything about her in any way. In my opinion, he attacked trouba as a player and how it contradicts the person he claims to be off the ice (humanitarian stuff), and did not cross the line in terms of it being “personal”. Again this is just my opinion, and in my opinion some rangers fans are clutching pearls here


There is zero reason to bring her up. Zero. Keep it about me.


Also, she is a doctor not a “neuroscience major”, and I think the reason they have that charity in the first place is because Dr Trouba has epilepsy or something herself. Maybe Pasha was unaware of this but that makes it even more fucked up.


I think Trouba was the better person by using the 1000th vitriolic rant about his play as a way to discuss the correlation between this style of sports media/podcasting and athlete mental health. If Pasha had any real criticisms he would have gone into detail instead of just yelling about Trouba and attacking his character for 3 minutes. And there are real criticisms out there, it’s just harder to discuss them than it is to rant about elbows.


Nuanced opinions apparently are no good in the Ranger fan base I’m finding out.


Big r/tinder guy huh?


I'm so confused. Is there like a missing clip or something? I'm struggling to see the connection between the clip and Trouba's reaction to it. Yes I get that he “attacked“ his charity&wife and that sort of thing is 100% off limits but to jump straight to suicide seems a bit drastic, especially since the douche in the clip didn't exactly say anything wrong.


I think it’s more just a statement about the general way athletes are criticized so aggressively as if there’s not a human behind the jersey


I get that but still, it's a massive leap to go from what were fairly legit criticisms (albeit from a douchebag) to suicide. Dragging a charity and his wife into it wasn't necessary, but neither was the leap Trouba made straight to suicide rates. I was hospitalized due to suicidal ideation 10 years ago (I'm good now) so I kinda get where Trouba might be coming from but even then, it's still a massive leap. I would've preferred if he was going to waste his time responding to address the legit criticisms and... I dunno... Show some accountability? The kind you would expect a Captain to show? Not this nonsense.


I don’t think I’m gonna get on his case for it, it’s definitely hard to be the captain of a team and have the majority of the nhl including a ton of your own fans hate you. It’s a pressure not many people experience and I’m sure it takes a toll, especially on a guy who by all accounts seems to be a really solid dude. Just seems like a response to everyone, not just bitch-made pascha. Also glad you’re doing better bud happy you’re still around


This is obviously an unpopular opinion, but I agree, the connection is pretty tenuous. Also, there's a lot of people backing it in this thread that I know won't think twice before saying something pretty objectively terrible about players on other teams.


Trouba should not have quoted that tweet. It really detracts from his important message. No idea what he was thinking.


If Trouba responds based on Pasha attacking his wife/charity, fine. I think he should ignore it but it’s his decision. To bring suicide rates in is ridiculous. Insinuating that Chiclets is pushing him to self harm over fair criticism of his play is crazy. Bad on Trouba.




Hey Grayson Murray took his life, and suicide rates are rising. Do better u/soberbarney See how ridiculous that response is?




If Trouba said the personal criticism or using his epilepsy charity as a set up for a joke was BS, I’d completely agree. Trouba brought suicide statistics in to a discussion that had nothing to do with it.


Tripling down. Nice.


Thank you!


The more famous you are the less you should be on social media or you should be paying a social media manager to scrub your accounts of the BS before getting to the athlete/entertainer etc. It's a self own to be mindlessly scrolling or reading anything connected to your name without a layer of editing to go thru it first. That isn't a defense of how terrible people can be on the internet, but it's just acceptance of the reality.


Not my captain. Get rid of this clown. Can’t take the heat get out of the kitchen buddy. Anyone here who thinks pasha said anything out of line is a 🤡🤡🤡


Such a bitch made post. “Ugh people are saying mean things to me so I’ll allude to killing Myself.” I come from a suicidal past. Of all the reasons for being suicidal, this is fucking weak.


Yes so that obviously makes you the arbiter of how mental health challenges can impact everyone else. Glad we’ve got that covered now.




Imagine caring this much about a different team lmfao




I’m actually shocked Trouba didn’t turn the comments off on Twitter. But really though, I woulda just like to have seen him take a little bit of ownership for how poor his play was. To kinda bring up Grayson Murray was off the mark too. That guy was battling his own demons as far as alcoholism and depression for a while and sought help as far as rehab. There’s really no comparison between Trouba’s situation and his.


You don’t know Troubas situation and his personal struggles.


I’m not really pretending to, but if he’s actually having these kind of struggles I hope that he gets the help he needs.


I’m not sure how else to interpret “there’s really no comparison between Trouba’s situation and his” than you presuming you know trouba’s situation. What did you mean?


Their lack of response is all you need to know