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If the Rangers blew a 3-0 series lead in the stanley cup final I would consider never watching hockey ever again.


If not for Kreider, they would have done exactly that against the Canes.


Had we done that I would’ve gotten over it since I would’ve been more angry at the team than sad about any missed opportunities. If it happened in the Stanley Cup I would never get over it


There also still would have been a home game 7 so there are no absolutes to the idea that we would have lost


Good thing for the Panthers, Florida sports fans, in general, are notoriously fair-weather


Half the state doesn't even know they have a team. I'm a snob maybe, but Southern hockey is an oxymoron.


We are so close to having one of the biggest collapses in American sports history come on Oilers


Oilers making it to game 7 is history already. And it couldn't happen to a more deserving team. FUCK the Panthers and their fanbase.


This dirty panthers team wholly deserves the humiliation they are about to face- tzachuk and Bennett have been completely pushed around, manhanfked and defeated- just a low grade group of turtling clowns. This is absolutely satisfying


just a visiting Oilers fan I rarely if ever comment on any of the other club subreddits I follow (mostly just follow for interest). It gives me absolutely nothing but pleasure to see the Rangers echoing the exact same sentiments as the Oilers. Fuck Tkachuk and Bennett.


Fuck Lomberg and Cousins as well


I almost feel bad for Bob though. He’s a two-time Vezina winner with no cups. He could be another Hank in the making if they don’t win this season. That said, fuck the Panthers. I wanna see McDavid lift that cup.


Bob is Temu Hank. He can’t handle the bright lights.


Great Value Henrik


Honestly, last night revealed to me that Bob isn't Igor. Igor stopped damn near everything despite a shit defense effort by us. Bob, without the Panther D, looked like a regular goalie. He's been hiding behind the D. Igor shines in spite of it.


Still waiting for someone to house Lomberg and leave him crying on the ice. Dirty little shit.


That would be the perfect closer. That little shit was trying to start crap at the end of the last game. God, he's just asking for his lights to be knocked out, isn't he?


He's what would happen if fucking Gollum decided to play hockey


Been spending time on your sub game threads and loving it. Coming in peace and tbh my 13, 9 yo and I have been cheering you on like crazy. We were going bananas last night, jumping up n down cheering from the couch. Hope you guys come out flying, footloose and fancy free Monday and that the Cats are tigh and discombobulated! LFGO!!!


Yep, Rangers fan who’s cheering for Edmonton to win the Cup. Bobrovsky is an amazing goalie and I still like Tarasenko, but absolutely with you on that FU to Tkachuk, Bennett, and a few other Panthers players.


I have never actually cared about a cup the Rangers have not been in except this one. After the fucking bullshit on Vesey and watching the Panthers get away with flopping around, diving, and being the dirtiest little bitches I've ever seen, I 100% hope Edmonton drop kicks them into the Gulf of Mexico. That said, that 8-1 smackdown put an asterisk next to any Panther victory, so in my book it's already over. You can't actually claim to be champions if you lose 8-1 to the other team.


I'd go further and say that the 8-1 shellacking has broken the Panthers.


If this epic collapse continues on Monday and the Panthers lose the Cup, that’s going to be the sports story of the decade.


Not just their fan base. Their whole team is a whole bunch of smug players including their coach who says these one off things trying to be funny. Save that shit until after you win it all. I especially love watching their GM Bill Zito flipping his shit. I don’t really care for the Oilers but they are BY FAR a much more likeable bunch and they have the best player in the world. Having them win the Cup would be much better for hockey instead of having a bunch of cheap shot artists and divers on that Florida team win the Cup. Ideally, the Oilers win on Monday, then the Panthers lose a good chunk of their UFA’s in the offseason including Reinhart, Tarasenko, Montour, and OEL. Losing all that depth would hurt Florida next season and hopefully the Rangers can make some moves themselves to be right back in the thick of things in 2024-2025.


I couldn't have said it better myself. I suspect that there are many more folks who throughout the hockey world thinking the same thing (and many other Rangers fans as well).


This post is on point


I mean, it's not exactly history as back in 1942, the maple leafs overturned a 3-0 deficit to beat the red wings 4-3 In NHL history, this is the first and only time it's happened in a Stanley Cup Final 82 years ago


I think he's talking about how at one point, the Oilers were last place in the league and now they have a chance at winning the cup


Literally the blues a few years ago, at a further point (January 1st)


Doing something that hasn't happened in 82 years would be pretty historical. With all the talk about the '94 and '24 Rangers, maybe we were 10 years too early. Oilers are about to go on a history making dynasty run with McDavid, and we'll sign him and half of their team afterwards for the Rangers cup win.


Time is a flat circle. McMessiah to the Rangers confirmed.


Bro, wtf are you kidding 😂 Man, that would be one wild ass twist Eapicaly if this is how Canadas 31 year cup drought ended


We should have hired Knoblauch


Didn't even have to hire him just promote him


can I get a H I S T O R I C


I mean, i understand the Panthers dont have chris kreider on their team. But its only the second intermission, SHUT THE TKACHUK UP.


What were you saying?? 😁🤣


Oh, nothing. Must have been indigestion. Carry on.


These are not the goals the panthers are looking for, move along


8 goals, 5 goals, 5 goals, id be surprised if you told me they saw the puck at all


I love the rangers, but I don’t feel that way towards Florida. I don’t dislike them more than Carolina or Washington for example. Not judging your hatred of them, part of the fun I guess, I just don’t feel it.


I do. I can't decide whether it's their cocky trash fanbase, their dirty play, or their flopping that really gets to me. Maybe it's all of it. I respect that you don't judge me for it!


This would easily be worse than Yankees 2004 ALCS since its the Cup and the Panthers were definitely favorites going into these series


So were the Yankees


That guy is coping. Considering Yanks Sox hate especially back then, this wouldn’t even be close, I don’t care that this is the SCF


Yeah agreed Yankees choke was way more epic. However the Panthers completing the choke after them being so arrogant and dirty would be enjoyable.


It's funny but I'm pretty sure most of the hockey fans here in the US are rooting for the Canadian team to win the cup


Yes sir This is sports history in the making


and everyone should hate Florida for trying to turn hockey into soccer.


Literally this. Flopping and ref-pleading needs to be extinguished.


Man, Bennett flopping at the end of the game like he'd taken a head shot and then looking at the ref and getting PISSED that he didn't call anything was hilarious.


Kinda makes you want the ref to skate on by, flipping him off an yelling "aaaaaahhh, wankeeeeer!"


"Fuck you, you're getting an embelishment"


Come on six goose Edit: There goes the goose.


This would definitely be worse than 28-3


28-3 could have been avoided if you locked the coach in a closet.


"Uh Oh, Oilers Force Game 7"


As George Lucas is want to say "It's like poetry, it rhymes".. Boston puts up the winningest season of all time, chokes away a series win against the Panthers. Panthers puts up a dominating playoff run the next year, chokes away a series win. In the final no less. One is at the start of a run, the other at its conclusion. Poetry. (provided the Oilers can close the deal in game 7, other terms and conditions may apply)


Cats make be having a Ray Finkle like collapse. I’m loving it.


I’m an Atlanta Falcons fan and I applaud this notion. GO OILERS!!!!!!


Knoblauch made adjustments that have worked. It’s really cool to see it.


Happy for him


it’s a big 🥲 moment watching him thrive


I was just telling my coworker this.


They have amazing skill players too


They play like a team so well. It's the beauty of hockey, I don't care who you are a fan of.


Entertaining to watch.


they adjusted and it’s magical to see.


He certainly did. This video breaks down a bit of it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlI63uUBtf4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlI63uUBtf4) I don't necessarily think we had the roster necessary to win that series, they probably need more team speed, but maybe having a younger coach who isn't set in his ways and is willing to make the tough decisions, like play a younger defense-man over a vet, or rethink the a big part of their strategy in the middle of a series would have been better suited to this team, since the Rangers were/are one of the teams capable of more dynamic play. Then again hindsight is always 20/20


You can tell the Panthers are off their game. Especially their defensemen, they are playing way further back then against us. Edmonton has made them pay


Exactly. Plus all the dirty, physical bullshit they pulled has taken its toll. They look broken, both physically and mentally. A shut out today would basically require a Buddhist monk to be brought on the team to stay even keeled enough for a Game 7 win.


that for sure but also EDM is getting out of their zone crazy fast, neutralizes their forecheck when you do that, and turns out bob is average without his defense carrying him. one of my main gripes about our series that I wish I was over but I’m not is not giving zac a chance, his speed and puck movement coulda put them on their heels a bit and that’s what the oilers have been doing. great adjustments by knoblauch


It's not even like putting in Zac would be a hail Mary... we know he can do it, and we know he can do it against the Panthers, because he already did in the regular season.


Yes. For Trouba. Trouba was a problem all series


not that there are any comparables, but McDavid and Draistl taking the zone are basically as good as it gets.


I cannot express what an absolute joy it is to watch these scumbags absolutely collapse. I’m here cheering for goals like it’s my own team. It’s not quite the same as watching our Rangers but I will absolutely take it.


Dude I jumped out of my seat for that third Hyman goal in a way that I have never done for a team that isn’t the Rangers


Me too buddy me too!


God what a fucking joy




It feels so good. One more. One more Canada. The best part is they deserve the fuck out of a game 7 win at this point.


Oh 100%. It’s a fantastic story. They’ve taken the game away from the refs, outworked them and beat them at every facet of the game. Since 3rd period Game 3 the outscored them like 20-5. I honestly couldn’t be happier unless it was our boys winning. I just fuck hate Mcdonagh and Ferraro with a burning passion.


I was in a car last night watching one of the empty net goals and put my hand in to the roof because I forgot where I was. Was also at the Canuck the other night for one of the games, and watching those little bitch Panther fans not understand what was happening was almost as fun as being at the garden. If I squint hard enough the Orange looks like Red.


I love watching that bitch Matthew Tkachoke look stunned as McDavid skates circles around the cats


They were so cocky. Their fans were too. Not over yet but it would be nice to see the total collapse.


I think a 5-1 ass-punch is going to be hard to mentally recover from. There is all the momentum and dominance by EDM now and no game advantage for FL to hold on to.


Edmonton is dictating play. It’s definitely their finals to lose. Let’s see how they play with the pressure of having a chance to clinch.


It's still an elimination game for them. That's the magic of a Game 7.


Best moment in the entire playoffs this year was Kreids whipping his mouth guard from between his lips.


What a difference it makes when the refs actually call florida for their interference, hooks, trips, and dives. And the oilers can take advantage of Florida's aggressive forecheck, when they find that gap and break out for an odd man rush without a whistle calling the play dead for no reason or for a weak penalty, or letting FL commit murder without a whistle. Also, the Oilers are finishing their checks and not shying away from contact, tiring them out.


Agree with all of this.


I’m still mad no one outside of nyr fans cared about Lomberg knocking Vesey out of the series with a super dirty behind-the-play hit, but everyone pearl clutched over Trouba’s chicken wing that erod was suspiciously okay from after the penalty was called.


Was there ever an explanation for that phantom whistle before that odd man rush?


Nope, it was straight bullshit


NHL doesn’t explain themselves. They do what they choose. Even the NBA has a pool reporter with the officials.


This might annoy me forever.


once the kittens get called for their bsery they start complaining


It’s like their check to the league bounced.


Yeah, well see if Gary puts his finger on the scales on Monday, but the last few games you've seen EDM get a fair look. Like Game 3 against the Rangers, the Panthers simply cannot survive if their bullshit is called.


Avenge me!!!!!! avenge me!!!!!!


As a calgarian rangers fan, I am just basking in the glow of watching the (ex) flames collapsing against mcjesus and listening to my friends panic as they realise they will never live this down if edmonton wraps this up on Monday


Regina Rangers fan here. My Calgary friends are panicking too haha!


As a yankee fan, I would really love a new come down from 0-3 to win story


It's amazing how quickly Panthers fans went from being the most smug fanbase to completely abandoning their team.


Because half of Florida doesn't even know it has a team and the rest are fairweather fans.


The arrogance of their fan base is almost completely gone.


That's how it works on the bandwagon


Watching the interactions between your die hard Oilers fans and the fair-weather princesses at the Canuck the other night was hilarious. Like you could tell every guy in the bar wearing an Oilers or other Canadian hockey jersey was a true fan and had played. All the Panthers bitches probably couldn't lace up skates.


Their home state of Gilead will likely have the team castrated. Fuck Florida.


doesn't hurt that the refs have finally decided to call penalties.


I want this. So bad.


At the start of the season the Rangers had the winning Stanley cup coach within the organization. MONKEY PAW CURLS. It hurts man lmfao. At least Florida choking has made me kinda happy


And everyone said the panthers were unstoppable this year and that’s why why lost


That’s what cracks me up.. this sub acted like the panthers were some juggernaut. They were not… we just choked. 


To be fair, Edmonton doesn't have a veteran coach who refused to bench a defenseman with a broken foot. Maurice is doing exactly the same thing Lavi did, and it's playing out in a similar slow motion trainwreck. Knoblauch's adjustments have been excellent and led to the first goal of this very game. Edmonton is now forechecking the Panthers and playing them at their own game. The Panthers look like we did.


Knoblauch's made adjustments to allow Edmonton to break the forecheck, but it's not like he's taken out Nurse, the way this sub blames Lavi for not taking out Trouba. And it also helps that the refs aren't making momentum-killing weak penalties/play stoppages or non-calls at key moments. Also Oilers players aren't giving up on plays the way Mika did a few times during key moments. Meanwhile refs actually called Tkachuk out for embellishment, and stopped calling as many of their flops.


100% on all points. You've been paying attention.


Yep. This SCF has been called differently than the ECF.


I mean, McDavid... No excuses for our boys, it was a winnable series, but McD has forced FL off their game and they have to respect him. I hope panarin is watching


McDavid had 0 shots on goal in 18+ minutes of play tonight. Panarin's fine. Mika should be watching Edmonton's first goal tonight where Foegele got tripped, and DIDN'T GIVE UP ON THE PLAY to try to draw a penalty, and scored a goal instead by finishing the play.


If anyone should be watching and taking notes it's Mika IMO


You’re asking Panarin to play at McDavid’s level?


No but he should definitely play like he's making 11.6 million. 


Nah they kinda are. The Oilers are just INSANELY fast, and their best player is putting in a stupid amount of work and making things happen, while the other stars finish their fucking chances.  Kinda insane what can happen when you give a great pass to a star shooter and he hits the net and not 5 feet wide *COUGH COUGH* - Mika - *COUGH COUGH*


Florida is a juggernaut and they kicked the shit out of us. This series doesn't mean that less true, it's ok to admit it. We didn't choke, we never had control of anything in the first place


Panthers outclassed almost every game. We did not choke, we got outplayed


Rangers choked, but Panthers are a more balanced team. They played their game and were doing that in Games 1-3 of the Final and half of Game 5. Oilers have just found their game and McDavid is putting on a historic performance.


The Oilers stood up to the bullies. They didn't back away from scrums. They fought for every inch of ice. They replied with nasty. It helped create space for their players to make plays. The Rangers refused to do any of those things. They didn't want to hit the bully in the face. Messier and Subban said that during the series. They wanted Kreider to be a physical force to lead his squad.


To be fair every time the Rangers fought back it became an offsetting penalty.


The oilers avenged us for sure… fuck these rats!!!!


Amazing how Florida's forecheck lost its steam. They had some much energy for 3 1/2 rounds. They also don't have any energy to implement their dirty tactics.


It's going to be a morgue Monday in Florida if they get down early.


Oh, there will be plenty of Lightning fans celebrating and shooting off fireworks if EDM can pull this off. Their hatred towards the kitty cats rivals that of us vs IHoles, CGY vs EDM, etc.


It took knob awhile but he figured out how to counter Florida’s forecheck and take advantage of their aggressiveness. Look at all the breakaways and rush goals. Maurice just keeps banging his head against the wall trying the same thing.


Think Florida also got tired. It took a ton of effort to play like they did. Impressive they maintained that effort for 3 1/2 rounds.


They're exhausted.. you can see it. And Edmonton is peaking at just the right time


Yep. Maybe their amphetamine shipment didn’t arrive (joking).




I wonder how much the ECF took it out of them?


It’s a privilege to watch 97 play hockey and he didn’t even have a point tonight. It’s like watching Igor


Edmonton has solved the Panthers. Edmonton moves the puck and breaks out. Totally nullifying Florida Forecheck


I would enjoy nothing more than watching Florida choke it all away.


“Panthers are just the better team” LMAOOOOOOOO


Amazing some people in their sub want to fire Maurice now. Dude went from being a genius to an awful coach in 6 games. It's not over yet for the Panthers but I am enjoying them panic.


panthers shat the litter box


I want to avenge you guys so bad, we were robbed of my two favorite teams going at it.


If only the Rangers played hockey. Igor would've won this series. But they don't do that when it actually matters and here we are watching teams not named Rangers play a great Cup Final again and again and again and again while Igor sits at home watching despite being undisputably the best tender in the playoffs. Same as it ever was 😂


Can we trade for McDavid after the season? Now we have the cap space. I think if you put Igor + McDavid on the ice together you probably don't need anyone else.


We weren’t that far away from beating florida. Couple bounces in game 4 or 5. Edmonton is just executing better than we did


Hate to be that guy and I'll take the downvotes, but we needed more than a few lucky bounces to win that series


Some people in this sub refuse to admit we were thoroughly outplayed. It’s kind of pathetic.


I mean both things can be true. We got outplayed but a few bounces and it's NY vs Edmonton. Just Shesterkin things I guess 


I was downvoted to oblivion for suggesting this. We were lucky to be up 2-1.


Edmonton is just better than we are* The Oilers would’ve skated us into the ground lmao


Once you get to the conference finals it’s so hard to say. Nobody, absolutely nobody, believed this went to 7 a week ago. Part of what’s swung momentum here is the aggressive forecheck that killed the Rangers turns to odd man rushes for the Oilers. Would’ve been a completely different series with the Rangers.


Not sure about that. The Rangers would have done well against the Edmonton that showed up the first 3 1/2 games.


Oilers are like 46 of 47 on the penalty kill, and they’ve only given up four PP goals the *entire playoffs*. That would have been a huge problem for this Rangers team that was average at best 5v5.


How did we not hire Knoblauch 🥴


Don’t get too confused, Knoblauch is an incredible coach but his connection with McDavid is what got him hired. Knobs would be the first one to tell you that.


He was in house, coached us to a 9-0 win a few years back and turned Hartford from a laughing stock to a perennial playoff team, Drury should’ve seen this coming fans were asking for him to get a shot for years lmao


He coached McDavid as a 15 year old and has a deep connection to him. I think Drury was wary of a first time head coach again.


Spot on, he coached mcjesus in Erie so he already has a great relationship with him. He can get it done but he also has the pieces to do so.


How did we not hire Knoblauch?


This to me will go down as the biggest mistake that Drury has made yet, and I said it when he hired Laviolette over Knoblauch. There is no comparison between the two coaches. A stubborn retread versus a younger, fresher, more modern coach. You see how vast the difference is when watching how Knoblauch turned the Wolfpack and Oilers around and how he’s making adjustments now. We will suffer for years due to Drury’s stupidity regarding Knobby.


Florida’s fucked. Game 7 is going to look like the world’s biggest burden while for the Oilers, a gift they’ve earned.


I wanna know where all the Rangers fans are that said we would've walked all over Edmonton lmfao.


Imagine this sub if it was us instead of the Panthers in that spot. This place would turn into the ER of a mental health hospital.


Watching the epic collapse of the team coached by the Marty Schottenheimer of hockey coaches ! 😂😂😂


I am going to be laughing my ass off if game 7 goes to plan. Let's fuckin' go Oilers!


The offside call to overturn the goal and would have made it 2-1 was HUGE……


Rooting for the Oilers on Monday. Game 7 Stanley Cup finals are rare, only 18 times so this is going to be fun to watch.


Wait wait. I thought Florida was “insane” and unstoppable.


The lengths to which a lot of our fans will bend over backwards to avoid criticizing players not named Trouba is insane.


Agreed. You're not a REAL Rangers fan unless you hate ALL their players!


they were 3-0 shutting down mcdavid, theres nothing wrong with thinking the panthers may have actually just been monsters


Fun fact, since Donald Trump endorsed the Florida Panthers, they have lost 8-1, 4-3, and 5-1. JUST SAYIN


No way is this true?


I saw a tweet where he calls them the best team and that they are down 1-0 in this game, but they will still win etc, but I dunno if it was real or photoshopped.


Nice to see the Panthers be on the receiving end of the crappy refereeing… seconds before that interference call on Florida when they hit Draisatl off the puck, one of the oilers punched the Panthers D man in the face ..no call.. I’m hoping the Panthers lose game 7 and someone breaks Tkachucks jaw ..


Yep what happened to the kind whistle the Panthers were getting. Almost like their check bounced.


This oilers team is pure grit. Win or lose this has been a hell of a series.


Vengeance just feels good


I hate the panthers I hate panthers fans. I respect Edmonton and their fans seem nice. Go oilers!


It’s so funny


Well, at least things have gotten interesting


I was thinking the same. They look gassed. All that physical play they started the playoffs with and kept up is finally catching up to them. Edmonto refused to back down and brought it physically, and then some. It definitely seems the Oilers got into their head. Hell it wasn't for Bob in Game 1, Edmonton is probably lifting the cup tonight.




I really want a shot of that shirtless future-felon kid crying behind the Oiler bench.


I’m loving it !! Go Oilers


U love to see the panthers downfall


This Panthers team now remind me of the 2014 Rangers Stanley cup run team, where Tortorella burnt the team out by their own style of play.


So painful that series… so many close losses. 


Did anyone hear how the Oiler fans sand their national anthem??? It sent chills down my spine It was very very cool to see!!!


Turns out Bobrovsky is low key ass without his defense to help him. Shesterkin continues to reign supreme


I reside in Canucks country (40 miles) from Vancouver and now a converted Oilers fan. Absolutely epic comeback, can’t wait to see how things unfold in panther country. I’d bet the Oilers return with silverware for a prairie party. I also despise the way Florida flops around trying to get penalties. Good Riddance, Edmonton was already eliminated by the Lightning in the 2000s Florida met their quota. Let’s Go Oilers!


i started cheering for the oilers because florida beat us, but i fell in love with the team. Let’s go oilers!!


Remember 8 days ago when I said Edmonton was the better team this series so far? I also said that people acting like the Rangers would walk through Edmonton were being arrogant. Here, down vote me again for that. I'll start.


I agreed with you actually. You've been one of the most consistently accurate posters in the Rangers sub.


It’s even funnier that their mascot is a cat so we can make hairball jokes


So crazy to actually see