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They also get out of the zone way better, that’s one of the biggest factors.


The Rangers dump and chase was one of the most painful things to watch


My brother, it had been painful to watch for the last 40 years…


that’s exactly right because our personnel didn’t have the right attributes to forecheck the way Lavy’s system is built for You need speed, stick skill, board presence, and tenacity and since we weren’t strong there, you saw a ton of odd man rushes the other way. I believe we were bottom 3 or 5 in the reg season in giving up odd man rush chances (per CSA)


It was the right idea, but they couldn't set up in the zone.


That was the Rangers problem vs Florida. However it did take Edmonton 4 games to figure it out against Florida. Series still isn’t over.


Oilers have been the better team outside of net probably like 5 out of 6 games so far. They pretty much dominated the Panthers game one but Bob probably had the single game best goalie performance of the playoffs which is saying something considering Shesterkin and Swayman's performances.


True game one Bob saved them


Not to mention they actually rush and don't just dump and run.


Big time


Almost like playing Zac Jones would have been smart


the biggest factor


Agree to a large extent, but let’s not act like succeeding on 46 of their last 47 penalty kills isn’t a *very* big part of their success this postseason.


Let’s also not forget they wear so good they fell behind 3-0. There’s a lot going into this choke by Florida. Fatigue, refs finally calling Florida for penalties, FLA forecheck isn’t as good as it was, amazing Edmonton penalty kill, etc.


McDavid didnt have a point or a shot on goal tonight, either.


besides the pk, edmonton depth, which really is not their strength, has come through in a big way the last 3 games


Thats the key, the Panthers can throw defense at the top lines. Goodrow pushed the puck and scored. Doesnt have to be a deep team, just run 4 lines with legitimate centers. This Panthers team would get fucked up by the Kings, Blackhawks or Lightning from the 2010s. Theyre not on a pedestal.


That’s true


Bob has a below.800 save percentage since the middle of game 3


He’s fallen apart


Waaaaay below; it's .756!!!


I think it was at .780 when I wrote that


Yet somehow it keeps going lower. .706 by start of game tomorrow then I'm hoping for .601 by games end ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Oilers fan here. Out PK is the #1 reason we are in a game 7. Momentum changer.


Pk Skinner Mcdavid and draisaitl coming alive


Excellent point.


Since they turned things around in game 4, I've made the following observations about Edmonton. Edmonton wins a higher percentage of puck battles along the boards. It's not like they win them all, but it seems like it's better than the Rangers. It felt like Rangers never came away with the puck. Edmonton skates faster to get to loose pucks. When you do that, you have fewer puck battles to try to win in the first place. Especially if you move the puck the instant you get to it instead of standing around thinking about where to send it. Edmonton also has players that are stronger on the puck when under pressure. There's one play from tonight I can't forget. I think it was Draisaitl that was skating around with the puck in the offensive zone. It's not like Florida wasn't defending him. The defender was stuck to him like glue, and was really making a good effort to stick check. It had basically no effect. Leon maintained possession. When they applied that kind of pressure to ZBad and Panarin it resulted in the puck leaving the zone, if not a total turnover. Kakko is known for that, but usually along the boards. This was in open ice. And it was a player who was also a scoring threat. Edmonton's faster skating also gets them more breakaways and more separation on breakaways. Florida does give you a few of those each game. That's a weakness of their style of play. The Rangers got their fair share of breakaways against Florida as well. They just didn't finish on a good percentage of them. When Edmonton gets a breakaway, it's a goal more often than not. If Rangers had just a few breakaway goals against Florida, Goodrow might not have been waived (yet). It was that close.


Random question - didn’t Panarin fail on every breakaway chance he got this season? When I think of the rangers and who can be trusted to score on a breakaway I can really only think of Kreider, and I guess Laf as well, but it’s an issue for this team.


I did a quick search, and didn't find stats on how many breakaways Panarin had, or how many he scored on. But yes, my memory agrees with you that I don't think it was a lot.


All I’m imagining if Trouba or miller was paired against mcdavid lol. Wooof


don't have to imagine - we can remember! It worked out like you'd think.


One of the best highlights of mcdavids career iirc


I don’t think miller was that bad. Trouba was tho. Shneider miller was great idk why we went away from that, it didn’t work


Eh. Troubas horrible play was a good heat shield for 79


Oilers are doing this despite their defense..... They have their own version of trouba in nurse.... Plus ceci and kulak. Fucking awful


Not only that, but depth scoring. They got it from game 4 on. The Rangers didn't.


Great point. Foegelle and Brown have been amazing.


And Hyman has the most goals scored in the playoffs


I mean, sure, you’re right. I imagine having McDavid helps with that some. If we had a McDavid I’m sure our 5v5 would be better. Know how we can get one?


And having the second best player in the world riding shotgun also helps with that


They haven't really played together aside from the PP.


Run your organization poorly, fill the front office with nepotism old boy club members and bank on being bailed out in the draft. That’s what we did and it worked like a charm.


Edmonton didn't exactly do it differently. 3 1st overall picks and drai was high, too Edit: im.a fool and completely misread this as what the nyr have done vs what edm did


No sorry, I am from Edmonton and was saying that’s what we did haha


Oooooh then nvm what I said, haha


Free agency.


I know it felt like a lost opportunity after Game 3 but Skinner has been good enough to keep them in games since Dallas series and Oilers feel like they have 4 functional lines that would have worked them hard same as the Panthers did. The Panthers looked flat in the 3rd aside from a couple sloppy chances and they haven't looked like that all playoffs. They won tonight relatively easily with McDavid quiet. Not relying on 1 line 5v5 or PP.


That off sides review helped a lot. I know the rule is black and white but how can anyone say that that off sides had any effect on the goal? The review on those plays needs to be reworked. If that goal doesn’t get overturned the whole complexion of the game is changed.


How would it not have had an effect if verhegie had to stop and cycle around in the neutral zone waiting for the panthers to get back onside? They may not have gained the zone at all. He may have been forced to dump it in or turned it over


Oh come on. That play was so razor thin close that without the aid of blown up, slow motion replay it looked absolutely on side. There is no way Florida got an advantage on that goal with how close it was. The replay challenge was meant to find egregious offsides like the one that helped get the review in place (Matt Duchene). Reviewing this and removing the goal is just as bad as the old “foot in the crease” review. A skater on the far side of the net had a toe touching the blue goal paint and otherwise not involved in the goal being scored causes an otherwise good goal to be overturned It’s bullshit to have goals taken away for something so close that it has to be blown up to awfully pixelated size to catch. And the funny part here is that 90% of this sub would be screaming bloody murder and ready to burn down NHL HQ if this was the Rangers in Floridas place here.


It's hard to have nuance in rules. Some good examples are goaltender interference and distinct kicking motion, which all fanbases complain about all the time. Why would you want more situations to be ambiguous and subject to subjective decision by the refs?


I don’t think it is hard in this case. Use the replay for reviewing the play in real time. I get that linesmen might miss the offsides for a variety of reasons so I’m fine with them getting a second crack at a play. But if it’s not obvious, or rather if it’s too close to call with the naked eye at normal game speed, then does it really affect the play? If replay wasn’t available for offsides, would you call this play offside? Could you actually tell if the lead player got in before the puck? None of us could and anyone saying otherwise is lying.


So use the replay to get the call wrong again?


No you use the replay to catch blatant offsides that were missed. These millimeter fraction of an inch off sides that need hi-tech imaging analysis to determine if it was or wasn't are not the problem here. It's ticky tacky bullshit and we'd be pissed as fuck, rightly so, if the Rangers had a crucial goal turned over on a play like that.


So again you use the replay, see it was wrong and then say well it was close enough. We see it’s wrong but it’s close so it’s fine


No, you use the replay to catch the offsides that were missed but not so close that you need slow motion and blown up video to spot. The stuff that can be seen by the eye at game speed. Like the play where Duchene was two feet inside the line but no linesman called it offsides. Believe it or not, linesmen miss plays that were offsides by larger margins than this particular play. This was a play that no one would ever have called offsides in a thousand repetitions without the aid of extremely blown up imagery and slow motion. I'm done arguing about this. That play being called back on replay is as bad as when the league called back Cuylle's goal for distinct kicking motion and only the magnitude of the game makes it a worse call. There was no competitive advantage gained by Florida being a fraction of a second offside on that play. Put the lead skaters' foot back a couple of centimeters and there is zero difference in how Edmonton defends that rush.




Why would you only want officiating to be done with naked eye at game speed? Would you want this to be done with the goal line / buzzer beater situations as well? Basically every sport is progressing towards using more technology for officiating, because most rational people would put getting calls right as the first priority in officiating.


This stuff makes me mental puck alrdy has super precise GPS in it they should hook the refs up with a earpiece and use tech so say that play happens. The tech sends a beep or w/e to the refs ear he can blow the play dead or yell offside etc and Florida can re enter the zone. Then we don't get the 1 minute of play a goal happens but it was offside 1 minute and a half ago so goal called back just cut that crap right put and let the refs know when a offside occurs in real-time


They 100% got an advantage by not having to slow the play down to stay onside. They may never have even gained the zone if the skater waits for him to tag up like how is that even a question. That’s like saying that empty net goal that was saved last game was close enough mind as well count it


Stop it. If the puck was one inch forward or the players skate was one one inch back, it changes NOTHING. They were going in at the same speed. It's not like he went in with a head of speed a full step before the puck. This was a fraction of a second. There is absolutely no competitive advantage in the play.


You’re not getting the point. It was a fraction of a second offside, but it would have taken multiple seconds to enter the zone onside. That gave a competitive advantage. That’s the whole point. You can’t call a goal a good goal if it was close enough to going in. Offside is black and white, you can tell definitely if it was off or on. Why would we just intentionally get the call wrong when it can be right


What are you talking about? If it was a fraction of a second offside, it's a fraction of a second from being onside. It literally only takes the lead player being a fraction of a second slower. We're not talking about being a full step inside the line before the puck crosses. Player and puck were right there on the edge of the line. Less than an inch either way, puck forward or skater back, that play is onside. There is virtually no advantage gained there. We only knew the call was wrong because we used extreme replay methods to see it. Without blowing that play up to billboard size on the screen, there is no way to tell if it was offside. You could run that play a thousand times and a thousand different linesmen would call that onside. I think Florida has a legitimate gripe with that call. I find it hilarious that it happened against them because fuck them, but if that had been the Rangers? We'd all be livid. The only reason half of you are arguing that it's fine is it's because it wasn't against the Rangers and we all currently have a hate boner for Florida. If that call went against the Rangers, it would be bedlam here and everywhere in the Rangers-verse.


It’s not a fraction of a second from being onside because it takes way longer than a fraction of a second to tag up. He has to skate back out of the zone and then wait for the puck to go in. That creates time for the other team to force a dump or a turn over. The puck carrier needed to make a different play to keep it onside which means a dump or rushing into the zone faster and not making a parallel pass at the line which opens chances for turnovers or missed Passes


There big name players are giving everything they got. The only way you beat the Panthers is by speed and making them work for it.


Nah, we just need to do Hank 2.0 and rely on Igor to bail us out literally every game. Building a better 5v5 team would never work. RUN IT BACK!!!1!1!!


Patience. Let’s see what Drury is cooking up.




Guys like Brett Kulak, Philip Broberg, Darnell Nurse, and Cody Ceci are outplaying every Rangers defenseman. Really kind of pathetic but true. Edmonton also figured out playoff hockey. The Rangers haven’t learned their lesson despite losing the same exact way to TB, NJ, and FLA. The Rangers still try to score regular season goals. They’re looking for pretty passes. They’re looking to spread wide and make passes through the middle of the ice. Cup teams throw pucks into the pile, throw pucks on net from all angles, crash the crease, create chaos/scrums in front, and generally make life miserable for the opposing goalie. The Rangers do none of that. Think about how many times this playoffs the opposing goalie had an easy night. Think about how many games the story was “the rangers didn’t even play their best and they won!” That’s NOT sustainable. It’s embarrassing that this core hasn’t learned that lesson by now. And the funny part is that those pretty East-West lanes they love so much only open up AFTER you get the D turning / scrambling. You often have to start the possession by getting the puck to the net. The unpredictability of the rebound is what gets structured teams like Florida out of position. THEN those lanes open up. It’s just mind-blowing how guys like Zibanejad and Panarin haven’t figured this out yet


It helps when you have coaches that know what to do and change plans during the game and series.


And they have the better goalie. You know what they say, can’t win without a great goalie.


Skinner? Lol


Bob has been ass since the 3rd period of game 3. So Skinner is the better goalie here.


Not only that but their special teams have gotten better throughout the series. Our PP did not


Kris “the missed opportunity” Knoblauch


Ironically our 5v5 did great vs florida for a bit. Our special teams killed us. Edmonton was also an elite special teams team and that's helping them in the post season. We were one of the best playoff teams 5v5, I'm not saying we couldn't improve there(especially on line 1) but people make it seem like we had a -10 goal differential in the playoffs 5v5.


Edmonton is the best skating team in the NHL. And get to play a game 7 with an iffy goalie. Rangers and Boston had the best goalies and are playing golf. Even Bob is a million years old.  Time to stop paying goalies if you want to win. That simple. Trade Igor for a ransom and draft for 5v5 puck shooting. Like defense in NFL, offense wins nearly every time.   Defense does not win championships. That’s a myth the analytics guys have been right about from day one.


Panthers are a different team without the lead. Oilers reversing puck on Dzone breakouts and making smart shorter passes to weaken the Fla trap


They have Conor McDavid


And on the other side Barkov looks hurt.


Barkov was the best player on the ice for either team in game 6.


Still baffles me with the names on the Rangers, they struggled as much as they did 5 on 5. Panarin, Mika, Trochek, Kreider, Laf.. etc. They really won the Presidents Trophy with no legit 6th player for the top 6th, no Chytil and the atrocious play of Trouba and Igors slump middle of the year. Actually insane. This team can truly cook if Trouba goes and a top 6 is added. Buch leaving was trash


I'm waiting for Larry Brooks to somehow turn Edmonton into the 1970s flyers and explain how McDavid is really like Rempe or something,


Rempe deserves top 6 ice time 😤


Ladies and gentlemen this man is on crack.


funny how there's no Rempe drama around Edmonton. And my what a coach they have.


If only we could have found a coach like that... oh wait...


Yeah. When he subbed for Quinn the team looked a lot better. Oh well.


Is this Brown from the Sens a few years ago?


Kane wasn't 100% and couldn't keep up. Coach sat an injured player and things are turned around. Yea the Oilers are playing better overall, but Lav never took out obviously injured players. Still think Jones should have seen some action I'm place of Trouba or Fox.


He looks defeated he looks slow and tied being 35 yrs old doesn't help ..Maurice should of rested him for one game it's to late now he doesn't have the balls to make the switch


Don’t forget Edmonton’s speed. You can’t check what you can’t catch.


Hopefully seeing how Edmonton didnt need to be bigger and more physical will keep us from making bad moves to gain size and strength over pure talent and ability assuming its the wrong move. So glad someone cracked their code.


Why are Rangers fans slobbering over Edmonton? Is it because they are making it tough for Florida? If we had a better team, we would have been in the cup finals. It's weird seeing people root for Edmonton. Don't be mad at Florida, they handled their business. We are the ones who got our fucking asses kicked


I’m rooting for the Oilers because I like McDavid and seeing a team make a comeback down 3-0 in the SCF is a once in a lifetime event in this sport


It doesn't mean anything to our team though


That’s debatable, but I like hockey and witnessing historic stuff happen. While the games haven’t been overly exciting, you gotta admit the storylines are there. And seeing what it takes to beat the Panthers, a perennial conference threat, is helpful.


Exactly. I'm a hockey fan first. Rangers, second. I don't get the mercenary attitude of some fans.


I think THIS is something most people will NEVER understand! I Love the sport, while I Love my Rangers, I will always be a fan of the sport first and foremost! When we play like shit and DON'T win the small battles, or can't be bothered with forecheching or finishing checks we simply DESERVE to lose! This is the difference between a person who comprehends the game and likely KNOWS what it takes and how hard it is to play IT, rather than some fat chump who's never known what it's like to get flattened for not keeping their head up. So many people criticize this team but could never even skate end to end down a rink! I appreciate when people who Love the game before some sort of blind lust for a team! Bottom line....Florida was the better team, we should have adjusted and overcome but we're too dependent on a few key players and they spread the play around and we failed to rise to the occasion. I'm not a huge Edmonton fan, but I admire what they've done to bounce back and would like to see a Great game 7! On the other hand the Panthers have never won a cup and I hold no ill will, well maybe a little for that little prick Lomberg and the Dirty play of a couple other cunts on their team but I will never cheer against them like a fuckin' petty ass HATER!


You okay bro? Everything good at home?


Who are you?


Bitch who the fuck are you? Carry the fuck on lmao


Did i tell you to speak child?


Edmonton wouldn't make the playoffs without McDavid. The Rangers would make the playoffs without Panarin or Shesterkin. We're not the same. Add that guy to any team and suddenly you have a contender.


That's not how it works as evidenced by mcdavids time with the oil we have only become a contender after the ekholm trade.. you can't outscore your opponent every single night or outscore your mistakes on defence every night


Did YOU just say the Rangers could make the playoffs without Shesty?? Listen, I don't know what kind of drugs you're on my man but that shit SHOULD be illegal, whatever it is.


Quick was 18-6-2 in 2024. Did YOU watch any of the regular season? Because if you HAVE, and you STILL think THAT, then THOSE drugs SHOULD be illegal.


Do YOU realize J Quick is 38 years old? What makes you think he has the conditioning to carry on the starting position? The only way he even gets a look is because he can be good for few and far between games but he hasn't been able to be good for over a decade now, conditioning wise. It's precisely why he's been passed around from team to team the past 2 seasons. He caanot carry a team by himself and you would need an extraordinary back up to play the majority of the games. Your opinion is WYLD AF my Friend!


to be clear, despite Quick being 18-6-2 in the last season, you feel the Rangers would have missed the playoffs if he remained the starter?