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I wouldnt say no for the right price, but i cant believe Tampa is gonna let him walk. I get his 34, but still


Tampa is a well run organization. If they’re willing to cut bait on their alltime franchise best player I don’t think I would want him.


They have a little over 5 mil cap space and 10 forwards signed. I would say it's more of a cap problem than them "moving on" because of his production.


They knew this day was coming and made plenty of big long terms signings leading up to it. Stamkos was never part of their plan beyond this contract.


I mean they could just bury 50M in LTIR like every one of their cup winning seasons


That’s a good point I wasn’t looking at their cap


Don’t worry, neither were they


Damn capitals bought capfriendly and now tampa can’t sign stamkos because of it


Go take a look at the Tanner Jeannot trade. It's not like Tampa has a flawless record. And I would say the moves they have made in the last few years are not the same level of moves they were making before that.


Yea that was a weird one, it made some sense to trade your entire draft for a player you thought could win you the cup because they were in serious win now mode but I’m not sure Jeannot was the player to do it for. I guess their current cap situation is those chickens coming home to roost.


In fairness, Jeannot had two seasons where he was looking like he was going to be that 20G/40A/200PIM power forward everyone covets. He came back to earth after that trade and Tampa paid hard for it.


Even if you looked under the hood you would've seen that he was gonna come crashing down. He was shooting like 25% his rookie year.


Fair point


Tampa is absolutely gonna let him walk. They need to reboot and this is where it starts. They’ll offer him a few fair offers but he won’t get the term he’s looking for and go reunite with Stevie Y in Detroit for 3 years/28 plus mil.


Here we go ! That time of year to speculate superstars signing with the rangers !


*aging superstars.


Superstar UFA retirement contracts


Yes my bad lol


This is the Rangers way.


I don't want Stammer. If we need to sign big. Reinhart, Guentzel or Marchessault


Now that’s common sense


I vote Marchessailt. Dude is sooo goddamn clutch


All those 3 mentioned are. I'd like us to get the cheapest good option, as all are good players. But 2 of them gonna be expensive as all hell (Reinhart and Guentzel)


Wasn’t impressed with Reinhardt this playoff. And I hate the idea of gentzel in a rangers uniform. Gross. Lol


I'm up for any 1RW if we can get them. Kane, Marchessault, Guentzel, Reinhart.


Possibility is there for the right cash. That website stinks, tho.


Yeah I mean Florida is going to have trouble signing their own players, how are they going to afford Stamkos? Seems like they just picked random top Eastern Conference teams from a hat lol


Yeah next button slideshows that reload all the ads each time are attrocious


So which of Mika or Stamkos is playing RW? Because breaking up Panarin and Tro is a terrible idea.


How are you going to fit him under the salary cap? He is going to want a good size contract.


Stamkos. Hasn’t he been mostly a wing for years now?


We are in need of a 3c


Chytil is our 3c. Unless you're proposing he play 4c or wing. But the question still remains, which of Mika, Tro and Stamkos are you putting at 3c? Stamkos is a career ppg player that most definitely isn't signing somewhere to be a 3rd liner. Mika had a real rough go of it this year but I don't see him losing spot. And the Panarin/Tro/Laf line is pure magic that I really don't think we should fuck with.


smart move is to trade Chytil. too big an injury risk and isn’t the kind of player we need


This statement hurts my soul


We can use a player like him, but hes damaged goods now. Had like 5 concussions or something already


Not sure why you’re being downvoted. This is the move the team needs to make this summer imo.


Coming off a big contract where he can still probably demand a good price? Check League vet who at one point was a big name and star player? Check Cup winner? Check In his mid 30s and on the downswing of his career? Check Sounds like a Sather approved FA signing to me!


Story of my Rangers fandom. Getting a player one year too late. And overpaying them.


Same here, only ones I can remember that worked out are Jagr, Gaborik and now Panarin


Nash worked for 1 year.


Won’t happen as the Rangers don’t have the space. Sure there is “$12.8m” in cap space but that’s before resigning guys. They are resigning Lingren and Schneider which will probably cost around about $6-7m for both. Leaving like $5-6M ish to play with which won’t be enough to get Stamkos.


Lindgren is no guarantee, but they’d need to spend on someone who may replace him.


Yea they’d have to spend on a replacement anyway. Lindgren’s cap hit will probably around $3M, hopefully a bit less. The rangers value continuity a lot and I just see them resigning him rather than bringing in a new DMan just to save a million or two.


I would be pretty surprised if Lindgren signed for that low because: A. His QO is 3.6mil. And B. His agent is definitely going to be saying a 1st pairing defenseman should be getting more than that.


For sure I’m trying to be optimistic haha I think they’ll try to sign him on multiple years to bring that number down closer to 3. Also fair point on what his agent will try. But he’s not a first pairing defenseman in the same league as Fox.


They can't go lower than 3.6 for one year to qualify him and retain his rights. So they make that offer, then try to negotiate a lower number for more years? He'll take the one year 3.6 then walk as a UFA. I like Lindgren but it's time to move on from him.


Probably going to cost more to replace Lindy than to just send it with Lindy and hope theres enough duct tape to patch him up. Zadarov while bigger and meaner I think would end up being a step back for the franchise.


Your comment was removed by automod due to a very unfortunate typo. I know it wasn't meant based on the context so please edit your post and I'll approve it.


Fixed. Definitely a typo.


Post approved. I knew it was a typo and knew exactly what you meant, no worries there!


They don't necessarily have to spend big dollars to replace Lindgren if they don't resign him. They can move Miller up to replace him and they have Jones waiting in the wings. How much could Ruhwedel cost to resign? 3M for a couple of years? That wouldn't be too bad.


I don’t think Lindy is a absolute guarantee to resign fwiw I think he’s replaceable if our front office does their homework and can find a value dman, it’s not like he does anything spectacular that can’t be replicated


Interesting, I think it’s very likely they get a deal done soon although I agree with you that he’s replaceable. His cap hit won’t be high enough that they balk at an extension. They likely view the savings on a replacement too marginal to bring someone new in as opposed to keeping what they have. That being said if they don’t sign him they are obviously much more flexible and could make a move on a big FA name like Stamkos.


I don’t know what he’s asking in fairness, I think my expectation was higher than what you had above Granted, my expectation was merely a guess


Montour is available probably 😊


Not to mention we NEED to sign Shesty. Who will be commanding a kings ransom


Jones + stamkos (or whoever else) >>>>>>> Lindgren + C- right wing


Won’t happen


Would rather get patty kane on a one year deal than go for Stammer. Kane’s play would be a better compliment to Mika and Kreider’s play styles. Then hopefully one of our prospects develops into a top 6 by the following year. Not the ideal path forward of course but seems realistic and, to me, a better option than Stamkos


Not opposed to this. Kane was a point a game this season, so with the right price, sure.


30 bucks? What are you crazy? I don't have that kind of money.


Thatd be such a Rangers move lol


No, he's like 50.


Those forward lines are beautiful. If we kept Kakko I’d have Vesey as the 13th F and go Panarin Trocheck Lafreniére Kreider Zibanejad Chytil Othmann Stamkos Kakko Cuylle Edstrom Rempe


I don't want that fucker. He spit in lafs face after a playoff game a few years ago.


Really don’t see the fit here and def don’t love the idea of signing an old forward that goes for Kane too though rather him


Lol his last 3 seasons he's had 106, 84, and 81 pts, scoring 40 goals 2 of 3. More than mika in 2 of 3 and in aggregate. Why is acting like he's some washed up bum?


He’s not a washed up bum but he’s 34 and could drop off a cliff at any point


You know you can say that about literally any player. Keider is 33, mika is 31, panarin is 32. He's been a ppg+ player for 15 years.


The problem with Stamkos is he doesn’t do much when he’s not scoring. We really can’t afford another guy who doesn’t impact the game when he’s not scoring.


He scored more goals than everyone not named panarin last year. Oh no, whatever will we do with a 40 goal scorer on the first line?


not another soon to be retired vet


Chytil can not be relied on to be healthy or produce


I think he’s to reliant on the pp and I’m assuming he’ll want a deal that’s probably 4-5 years long and I’m not really interested in committing to him for that long.


Don’t do it!


Someone will help Tampa out like they always do. They’ll shed cap and re-sign him. But if I’m wrong, I would absolutely give him 7 x 3. The ole Joe Sakic special.


Wanted him 13 years ago when he was a RFA. Haven’t wanted him since he broke Mac’s leg which resulted in Kreider boarding him right after. 


Stamkos is a left wing. Why are we discussing another left wing? Unless they're trading Kreider or Panarin, this isn't happening. Fucking blogs writing bullshit stories to keep their clicks during the offseason.


Rather go for him then kane


I don’t really see it happening. Stammer’s got- what- 1 or 2 years left in his career? I think he takes a cut, plays another year, and retires a bolt.


Fuck no. Will end up our version of Tavares. And we already have a needy and worthless in the playoffs center.


Skies the limit if they can trade Trouba and Lindgren. Sign cheaper UFA’s to replace them like Pesce, Tanev, Dillon, Roy or Edmundson. You can probably sign Pesce and Edmundson for around $8m AAV combined. Stamkos could jump night into our Top 6 or you can balance out our Top 9 and have three scoring lines with Zibanejad - Trocheck - Stamkos down the middle. Kreider - Zibanejad - Chytil Panarin - Trocheck - Lafreniere Cuylle - Stamkos - Othmann Vesey - Edstrom - Rempe Dillon - Fox Miller - Schneider Edmundson - Roy


Scorch me if you must… but I would much rather have Steven Stamkos over Brady Tkachuk. Not saying they’d plug the same hole. Not saying that any one is better than the other in any given column. I’m not even trying to say anything about contracts, salary caps, or future scenarios. It’s a respect thing. I have it for Stamkos in attics and I have it in B. Tkachuk in fallout shelters.


Fuck no. I’d kill for Brady tkachuk. You’re insane!


Read that back to yourself.


I reread your original comment and nearly had an aneurysm


Well now I fell like a jerk. Best of luck with your insane state of health.