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Part of me wants to just check out and check back in on July 2nd and see what this roster looks like. The realistic side of me knows I’m going to be reading every rumor possible until July 2nd when most of them end up as just rumors


we're involved in like 75% of the rumours. it's tiring and annoying.


But I will look at all of them. Im addicted to this shit.


Guentzel highly doubt it happens. Great player tho. Kane im warming up to a lot because of upside and short term. We have Perrault and Othman to come up on wing within the next 2-3 years. Wait out Zegras Trouba is staying


This is probably what's happening IMO. Is there really a need to lock up a RW until he's 36 years old? What's the point of drafting then. Kane is my realistic target. People think he was a disappointment but I think that's because of unrealistic expectations. We traded peanuts for a cheap, old, injured, superstar winger, and that's exactly what we got. He delivered 6 points in 7 playoff games, what else do you want from the old man? We didn't trade for 2018 Patrick Kane after all. If he comes on a shorter term, low money contract, and can be a top 6 option for a few years while we sort out where some of the kids fit, I think that's ideal. Even if we had given up Othmann or Perrealut for Guentzel at this past deadline, I don't think that gets us over the hump vs the Panthers this year. We need to upgrade the defense and get better at the forecheck, because teams like the Panthers are great at denying controlled zone entries. In cases like that you have to dump it in and then beat the defensemen with speed, effort, or size. We didn't have that and couldn't gain the zone. I don't see a realistic exit from Trouba. But never say never.


Whatever Igor wants Igor gets. No question in my mind.


One thing to consider: Vegas won the Stanley Cup with a $2M a year goalie. Edmonton almost won the Stanley Cup with a $2M a year goalie. Henrik never won a Cup because he never had the needed talent around him.


And Florida won with a 10m goalie and Tampa won with a 9.5m goalie. Vegas and Edmonton didnt pay their goalies because they are not good, not because a cheap goalie is the only way to get a title.


Not saying we should do it, but it does merit some thought. I love, love Igor, but at what cost.


Igor isn't the problem. The f and dmen on 8.5 + contracts are the problem. Not having goid puck moving dmen us also the problem. Take away igor and we lose to car


Vas wasn’t a 9.5 million dollar goalie when they won and they are feeling the stress of it rn


Yes he was a 9.5m goalie. 9.5m contract started in the 2020-21 season. https://www.capfriendly.com/players/andrei-vasilevskiy


I mean, Edmonton also is burning like $5 mil a year on Jack Campbell and frankly that $2 mil goalie let in a game winner that you would want a starting goalie to save


Without Igor we don't get to where we were. Not paying him isnt an option.


LOL like we weren’t beating better teams with quick in net


Edmontons best players are getting paid 20+ million together, Vegas is close to that also. Igor is one of our best players so although I do see your point, we should pay our best player.




8-9.5 mil it is


I just want the offseason to be over lol in the past 2 days I’ve heard us: Wanting Guentzel Kane reunion Stamkos is going to be a top target Zegras wants to come to NYR We are interested in Farabee Laf won’t sign an extension this offseason Trouba could be traded Kakko could be traded Chytil could be traded for cap We could be looking to move up in the draft and make a ‘splash’


I feel like everyone hates the off-season rumors but I kinda like it. gives me something to think about and hope for


I like discussing it too I just hate waiting to see what happens after all the different rumours lol. Whatre your hopes for the offseason?


“Drury moves in silence”


These are rumours so they could be 0% true lol


"Chytil traded for cap" I'm heading to MSG and burning it down if that happens


The obsession with Chytil is absurd. The guy is a fine player, but he has serious concussion problems and hasn’t topped 45 points in a season. If they have to trade him to fit someone like Guentzel on the team, it’s a complete no brainer.


If you have reason to believe you can get Guentzel you basically give away Chytil for free if you have to lol




Chytil is damaged goods at this point


It’s insane to me. We don’t want to trade a guy making $4.4 million that we can’t trust to stay healthy who has no chance of being on the top power play or being a top 2 center on this team? I like Chytil but let’s be real here.


Hes a for lifer bottom 6 guy, flashy but he’s not a 2C or 1C. And exactly we can be in this situation again come next season where’s he concussed/ struggling with some injury. He got a concussion off the lightest hit I’ve ever seen


I don't get that comment at all, his concussions are pretty damn near career ending barring an absolute medical miracle where he sonehow gets no more




Laf is re-signing. He just had a career season under a coach that finally gave him a chance.


we need him signed long-term before he gets even more expensive


I wouldn’t mind something like 8x6 (6M AAV) or 8x6.5. I’d say it’s a bit early for 8x7.


8x6 is a steal. i wouldn't even mind 8x7. this is based on what nick suzuki and josh norris got at similar ages which is just under 8x8


Zegras does want to be a Ranger. If we want him is more of a question


He’d help our transition game that’s for sure he’s a wizard with the puck. I’d personally like him if the cost isn’t crazy.


I think he’s a solid player but I think he’s probably not worth the cost of acquisition. But if he declares he’ll only go to the Rangers long term and request a trade so we can get him relatively cheap that would be a good thing. But the Ducks and Rangers have two very tight lipped front offices so we really have no clue what’s happening between them until things happen.


Yeah you would think they’d want a roster player considering they do have a lot of young guys but I honestly have no idea his cost. Some people love him and some people hate him


Let’s wait out until he’s final year RFA 2025-26 and he will only be 25. Spend less assets and we’ll have a more clear idea of our cap at the time too. He’s from NY and is a rangers fan. He will come here.


Yeah idk if it’s in the cards this offseason but IMO Zegras is absolutely gonna be a Ranger at some point


What’s the Laf news? Like won’t because he wants out or he’s betting on himself so he can get a better contract after this ones up?


Betting on himself I’m assuming. You’d have to think he’s getting PP1 time next year and with a bit more consistency he could very well have 75+ points next year.


The old farts who run this team won't break up that PP1 until someone on that unit dies of old age. We're cursed.


You mean one of the best PP units in the NHL?


Yes, the one that carried us through the conference finals and to the Stanley cup finals, that pp unit


Who’s he replacing on PP1?


take off Mika, that one timer is beyond stale and then actually run two units


Pleaseeeeee no Zegras. He should be on YouTube not in the nhl


Zegras is the latest shiny new toy who doesntnplay winning hockey for nyr fans to obsess over


I think Igor deserves the world, but part of me also thinks “at what point does a player make demands to the extent it hurts the quality of the team?”. Maybe it’s just me in my dream world, but I feel like if I was out there, hitting 7 or 8 mill a year would be the point at which I stayed put, hopeful that the team’s success comes first over banking an extra 2-5 million per year.


> at what point does a player make demands to the extent it hurts the quality of the team?”. Ask trouba and mika that, not igor


I can’t believe we are going to yet again have a goalie be ~15% of our cap.


Upvote for the username and comment. I am curious though how much front offices across the league project the cap to rise year over year over say the next 5 years


Imo based on my readings. Probably like 2 mil a season.


Probably like 2 mil a season going off what I’ve read. No one can be sure.


Can’t wait until it’s July 2nd already so we can stop hearing mostly nonsense


I’d like Guentzel, but I don’t know if a ~9AAV for his age 30-36 seasons is the move when we’re likely giving Laf an 8 by 8 next year and want the latter on PP1. If it were up to me, I’d just sign Kane for a year or two, bridging to Perrault, retain 50% on Trouba, and significantly improve the defense with someone like Pesce or Tanev. I’d look to trade Lindy’s rights and go after someone like Chychrun too. Lindy and one or two of our prospects not named Perrault for Ehlers would be interesting as well, or possibly Zegras, though I doubt they trade him this summer. Zero interest in Stammer.


Guentzel will be another high profile signing of a ranger killer (Lindros, Drury, Gomez, Nash) who comes here to play middling hockey before retiring. Or he’ll be the next Jagr or Espo? I’m thinking he’ll never be as good for us as he was against us.


Ffs again, no to Kane, maybe Guentzel But I’m all for a Igor extension. 5v5 players, physically, north/south, and grit. That’s what this team needs


Yes let’s use 15% of our cap on a goalie! It obviously worked during the Henrik era!


Maybe the issue was Hugh jessimsn over 80000 actual top players, sanguinettu over giroux, mcilrsth over nearly anyone else, a cast of horrifically overpaid forwards and dmen, bad coaches and a terrible gm


Agreed. acquiring even one guy who plays that way may fire up the other guys who do play this way. Cullye., Rempe, Laffy and Troch to an extent , vesey etc.


Was this written by his agent to drive up interest?


So, in free agency, does a) the player’s agent basically negotiate the deals then present the team(s) offer(s) to the player and the player decides what deal he wants to take, or does b) the agent negotiate the deals, make the agreement on behalf of the player? I would have thought it was scenario A, but I have heard players say their agent basically told the player with what team they were signing. Perhaps it is player dependent?


Igor isn’t getting $13 mil AAV


Lol 7+ years 8.5 aav for 29 year old guentzel Bc apparently 8.5 m c and 6.5 lw can't get it done 5 v 5


Absolute floor for Igor is 11 million per year to be the highest paid in the league. If it takes 13 to get it done then that's fine.


We need Reinhart.


I wish. He’s easily commanding north of 10 mil though.


I’m sure some team will overpay for him but if by some miracle they land him he fixes RW1.


Why is Kane even being discussed? Who wants to repeat that train wreck?


It's possible he was just hurt, if he takes a reasonable deal, it's a good option


PPG player last year with Detroit, and had more points then Mika and panarin in the series vs the devils 2 years ago 😂your a smart one


Did you see anything that he did with Detroit last year, or did you turn a blind eye to fuel your bigotry?

