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I'll believe Sather is truly no longer working with the organization when he dies. And even then I wouldn't be shocked if Dolan broke out a Oujia board to ask him which washed up free agent they should sign.


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This cracked me up- thank you.


Drury is a free elf


Hope he knows what to do lol


Thanks for all those cups you said NY money would bring.


Technically, he brought us that one year of glory in 1994.


I’ll always blame him for our 2014 loss. If he didn’t let Gaborik out of his contract the year before, Gaborik would have scored the record number of goals for US in 2014, NOT the kings.


he was traded for brassard wasn’t he


No. Brass joined in 2012 and Gabs was traded in 2013. edit: nvm, read Brass’s chart incorrectly. My bad!


? I thought Gaborik was traded in 2013 for Brass Moore and Dorssett


I looked at Brass’s seasons and it says he started 2012. Edit: nvm, I read it wrong! Yes, those three were traded for Gabs.


Gaborik was traded to CBJ…. Blame John Davidson who traded him for a box of cookies the following year. Rangers got Brass,John Moore, Derek Dorsett in that deal. 


Yes I’m aware of that. But he had two years left on his NYR contract. Sather let him go and we lost a year later. Gaborik had problems with Tortorella, and then NYR fired Tortorella after the 2012-2013 season anyway!


That’s Tortellas fault


rilly, rilly appreciate it ...


Now we truly start a new chapter…


No idea how this guy stuck around the organization for so long with so little to show for it. Hiring Brian Trottier as coach should have been the end for him in 2002, I have no idea how he stuck around for another 20 years. When I was a kid, maybe 13 or 14 I had a shirt that said “Sather Sucks” in the shape of the Rangers logo.


Dolan trusts him completely and essentially gave him final say on every decision. Says a lot about both guys, eh?


A lesson for all of us in the workplace. Never undervalued being trusted as your boss’ final say guy.


That WAS BRUTAL. I forgot about that. What a mess.


By 2026. Somehow…. The Sather returned.


Didn’t glen say if he had the rangers budget he’d win the cup every year. ?


You misheard him. He said with our budget he’d win the Cup nevery year.


How’d that work out ?


Pretty great for sather


That slick ass Drury told Sather that the Rangers won the championship. Only way he would retire. Thank you Texas Rangers!


Ha ha ha ha.


Maybe that’s all it takes to win. No more Sather


Wait, the guy calling the shots is gone?! AND THIS ONE WILL LAST A LIFETIME


Guy is like the Henry Kissinger of the Rangers




"Oh ho, Glen the Saviorrrrrrrr...." - Steve Somers


When Steve retired I stopped listening to WFAN. It’s now HOT TAKES about baseball and football. I listen to hockey podcasts for sports talk now.


The midday show is the worst. YELLING LOUD HOT TAKE YELLING LOUD when they very clearly just plan to take opposite stances beforehand. Tierney talks about how the Jets are going to the Super Bowl, then films a selfie video at point blank range after one loss about how everyone sucks and it needs to be blown up. Same with the Yankees. Same with St. John's.


That guy was awesome. His rants got me through the dark ages as a kid.


We’re free


uh fuck, slats retiring!? FUCK! YES!


Glen Sather once said that if he had the Rangers' payroll he'd win multiple cups Here we are almost 30 years later, with 1 *appearance* in the finals and 0 cups, both of which are fewer than that of the Panthers in the same timeframe Also Drury saying "I was so fortunate to lean on him for guidance as I began my own career in the front office" is remarkably evident


Trading for and extending Goodrow was a 100% Sather type move. Maybe learn what *not* to do


he is almost single-handedly responsible for the salary cap


Because Glen gave him the 'Dolan in a tutu, a midget, a donkey and a gallon of vegetable oil' pics that kept Glen in MSG cash for two generations.


Good riddance to bad rubbish…


Speaking of bad rubbish, Colin Campbell just got elected into the HHOF.


Thank you Glen for Igor Ulanov.


How about Bryan Cyclops Berard?


Thank you, Glen, for Dave Karpa.


Wade fucking Redden.


Made some good trades but also fucked us pretty hard on the flip side. Enjoy retirement.


I may have blocked most of his tenure from my memory so you'll need to remind me of some of his good trades. All I remember are terrible moves.


Unfortunately most of the good and smart things he did were usually after massive mistakes. Like trading Scott Gomez for McDonagh, or burying Wade Redden in the minors.


one step forward after two steps back is still a net loss.


The reign of error is over!




Now fire james dolan into the sun and we might actually win a chip


Am I the only one that disliked Sather the entire time he was with the Rangers? He always seemed untouchable while we have 1 cup to show for in 30 years. He always came off as power hungry and self serving and helping the Rangers as secondary task. Super happy about his retirement, for him and but mostly the organization.


No, you are not.


Remember those “fire sather” chants!!!


Tundra turns around to see thousands of fellow Ranger fans with pitchforks and torches...feels less alone.


I've got only one thing to say: #YIPPEE FUCKING SKIPPY!!!


Good riddance. But this is only one tumor that needs to be excised from the Rangers organization. The other one unfortunately is going to be much harder to get rid of.


Dolan, for those wondering.


But he has facial recognition SW. We're gonna need an outsider to breach security...


Sorry, With just his NYR resume, No HOF for you!


I feel very conflicted by this. On one hand, I’m glad he’s gone as he was a complete dinosaur hockey man. On the other hand, he was the buffer that prevented Dolan from meddling in our business. Without him, I’m afraid our front office may become less stable with Dolan inserting himself more and more.


that is the possible downside


The Knicks are currently where they’re at because Dolan hired a guy who he really trusts. Sather was that guy for us and he’s gone now. Not tryna sound panicked but it’s hard to ignore what happened to the Knicks for all of those years.


Sorry, I won't believe for a second he's done meddling and sticking his nose into things, or whispering into Dolan's ear, until he's dead. He's the main reason there hasn't been a Cup in NY since he took over. Him, being Dolan's boy the last 24 years, basically being "tenured" in our front office has hindered this franchise. Smug asshole who's accomplishments in Edmonton were mainly due to their insane scouting and luck having so many all-time legends. His real talent was forming good relations with other executives around the league and bedazzling Dolan for all these years.


Grima Fucking Wormtongue. Put a stake through his heart then cut off his head and salt and burn the body for good measure.


Does that mean Dolan has a direct line to Drury now?


Dolan crying and shitting himself right now.


HES GONE!!! He’s gooooonneee!!!!




Nothing stopping Dolan from calling up Glen


RIP ya dumb bitch. Been waiting for this day for years. Hopefully the ways of Glen go with him. The Rangers will never be successfully paying out post-prime veterans, winning the offseason headlines, and ignoring modern analytics. Invest in scouting, invest in player development, give kids a chance to learn and fail, extend them early and young, fill out low minute pieces in free agency, value 5 on 5, stop relying on elite goaltending. He wasted the opportunity of one elite goalie. Hopefully Drury learns from those mistakes. Honestly a great time for Drury to clean house of any of Sathers buddies. And with Sather gone now, Drury will know the crown is heavy.






Please don’t come back this time.. enjoy your retirement .




Good riddance


Thank the fuckin lord.


The rancid stench of cigar will be on this organization for years. GFY Sather, you massive ass cancer tumor.


“If I had the Rangers’ payroll, then I’d win the Cup ever year.” - Senile Sather, pre cap era, and whose #nyr  teams didn’t even reach the playoffs!


Dolan next pls


Oh boy Dolan gonna be involved now that Sather isn’t running interference.


Fuck you, ruined a Mt Rushmore goaltenders career you ghoul


RIP Big Stogie


Drafted Hank, Kreider Dubi, Cally, Stepan, Staal, Hagelin - got Zucc, Girardi - robbed the Habs for McDonagh. GOT JAGR! Gaborik and Nash. Better than Isiah Thomas? Hopefully I’m accurate here.


Let jagr go to sign two horrific albatross contracts in gomez and Drury Let gaborii go like an idiot in favor of a coach he fires a year later. Huge specimen, mcilrath, sanguinetti over giroux Never developed an all star draftee at f in the 1st round. Never drafted a top 1c or even a top 25 f, period. Best he drafted was Stepan, no one else was even close Redden. Didn't even want chara. He utterly ruined every good move he did with immeasurably horrific moves and walked away w zero cups. All time loser of a nyr


Jagr left to play in the KHL. Signed Drury and Gomez considered good deals at the time. Drury had injuries. Gomez was trade to Montreal for some guy Ryan McDonagh? How many Top Centers are drafted outside of the top 10 and then sign elsewhere? I listed the great players he drafted. No GM or organization in any sport bats 1000% in the draft. The Rangers are one of the winningest teams since he’s been in charge of the team. They just haven’t won a Cup. Only one team wins it in a season. Let’s look at your work record to see how perfect you are.


Yes. When we let him go, he went to the khl. We let him go, first. Bc Sather was an incompetent idiot. Idgaf if they were considered good deals by online fans or dumb article writers. If all a gm can do is follow fan consensus when most fans don't know shit, he's not worth shit. They were factually terrible deals Drury was shit the second he got here. He sucked, he was horribly overpaid from day 1. Yes, you mentioned the gomez trade already, idk y you thought to mention it again. Especially bc I said "He utterly ruined every good move he did with immeasurably horrific moves". This indicates I know he made rare good moves... The gomez trade was the extreme exception, hence, the criticism > How many Top Centers are drafted outside of the top 10 and then sign elsewhere? I listed the great players he drafted. No GM or organization in any sport bats 1000% in the draft. Utterly meaningless comment. No one mentioned 1000%. No one said he had to sign a top 10 center. Guy couldn't even do better than Erik Christianson at one point. > The Rangers are one of the winningest teams since he’s been in charge of the team. Yes, lundqvist. Fans who don't know hockey give Sather waaaaay more credit than they should for what hank did. Get one of the top 4 or 5 goalies in nhl history, spend to the cap, you better be at least a winning regular season team more often that not. That's not an accomplishment, it's a byproduct of hitting one all time pick in round 7. Drafting another elite player is a feat he utterly failed to accomplish with nearly 100 other picks from any round over the course of a decade and a half. Especially in 2003 and 2010, his decisions directly cost us multiple cups. > Only one team wins it in a season. Congrats, you know the most basic fact of how a playoff works lol > Let’s look at your work record to see how perfect you are. Who tf ever said perfection or 1000% was an expectation? Thats pure bullshit from you. Have an adult discussion without resorting to dishonest bullshit


Seems like you got some issues with yourself more than you do with Sather. Good luck over there.


OMG!!!!!!!!!!! WE ARE FREE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YESSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Next fire Drury and replace him with Jarmo............ Shoot Dolan out to the moon....and give the Rangers to an owner that actually understands hockey on some level and is more interested in winning vs. making share holders happy. What a dumpster fire the Glenn Sather rangers were. If this truly is the end.....I can't tell you how happy I am, but part of me knows better.