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He was a solid scorer with the red wings last season. I wouldn’t mind signing him for the right price.


Agreed. I feel like a full season with a better version of Kane at a reasonable price would be a good move for us. His season last year really proved that his injury was holding him back with us.


If I told you were swapping ppg Kane with goodrow in March 2024 everyone would give drury kiss lol


Hes going to take a sizeable paycut to reunite with the rangers. Its abundantly clear he wants to be in New York and hes not going to buffalo or long island


Yawn. No thanks. If we keep signing undersized forwards who get manhandled in the playoffs we’ll keep shitting our presidents trophies left and right. It’s the large chippy forwards we need, not another bredman.


Kane is a career ppg player in the postseason and a Conn Smythe winner. He’s much closer to what the Rangers need on the first line than a “large chippy forward”


This point should be repeated a lot So many people forget he won the Conn and was a beast in the postseason on those cup run(s)


It was 12 years ago. What relevance does that have to getting him now?


Well it’s in response to a comment that we don’t need guys who don’t perform in the postseason So maybe that’s why the fact that he’s won a conn smythe is relevant?


I think you’re discounting how long ago 12 years is. Just because he was that player then doesn’t mean he’s that player now.


He showed he could produce in the playoffs a year ago with the Rangers.


Kane is nowhere near the play driver. He was 12 years ago. I don’t get why the sub is getting excited about this idea.


He’s not a play driver anymore though. That was 12 years ago. 


Post this more and if might make it true


1.  “make this true”. What?  It is an irrefutable  fact. I don’t need to “make it true. “ it is true. Are you actually trying to argue that Patrick Kane is anywhere near the play driver he was 12 years ago?  2. I posted this point twice .  Wow.,such spam. The voting happened to make posts sit next to each other. 


He WAS all those things, in a system that supported him. Looking at an individuals stats is such a trite and antiquated aspect of all sports. The guy WAS great with his supporting cast. Put anyone on any team and they can over preform and under preform. Keep signing Brad Richard’s, zucc and tiny ass forwards who get hurt the deeper you get into the playoffs. Fuck Kane. And fuck anyone down voting me for not wanting tiny ass soft forwards who get us to the playoffs and become completely worthless.


Agree with this. Just look at Panarin. Guy gets knocked off the puck with a light breeze.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted you are making valid points , this fan base is delusional bringing up kanes past like that shit wasn’t 10 years ago


On its face, this is the kind of Rangers move I hate. But when looking to plug an obvious hole at 1RW, a diminished Kane is the best realistic option available. Hell even Injured Kane was better than the carousel of who-gives-a-fuck we've had on the top line. To be real, I think the amount that Mika and Kreider have accomplished while saddled with literal anchors is incredible. Give them a real talent. This also gives the option to put Kane with Panarin and try Laf, a very real play driver up there 


I don’t know why you were being downvoted. Everything you said is correct.


Another player, like Panarin, who doesn’t forecheck or hit. Notice anything about Florida? They don’t have any players like that.


This is getting my dick hard


Drury about to honor Sather's retirement by doing the most Glen Sather thing in the history of Glen Sather not particularly interested. signing Kane after shooting the highest 5v5% of his career, despite the fact that his individual 5v5 rate metrics, [especially his primary assists](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GRBab3qWIAA0kVE?format=png&name=medium), continue to plummet, is not in NYR's best interest, especially for the AAV he's going to command he's also not a playdriver anymore, and considering NYR does not appear to be fixing their problems exiting the zone on the backend, he's only going to get further exposed


Ugh, you know they're going to do it. It's so NYR sadly.


it makes no sense either considering there are plenty of guys available in FA who could do what the 1st line needs, for significantly cheaper they're available in trades too, which NYR seems hell-bent on doing with the 30th pick (or maybe even Trouba/Lindgren)


Please point to the "plenty of guys available in FA" who fill the 1RW gap. Please.


the 1st line needs an offensive playdriver who can move the puck in transition and help sustain offensive zone possession and high danger offense: DeBrusk, Toffoli, Roslovic, Mantha, Arvidsson, Duclair, Joshua, Sherwood, and Foegele are a few who fit the bill. there are RFAs too who do this, of whom NYR could conceivably trade for on a discount (Kaliyev) also worth remembering that, in reality, Zibanejad is not a 1st line center and that line is not really the 1st line. NYR's first line is 10/16/13. so at best we're talking about filling in a 2RW or even a 3RW b/c IMO Zibanejad isn't a better C than Chytil at 5v5 either. having any of the aforementioned guys as your 2RW or 3RW is good.


His jersey sold out immediately when they signed him last time, of course they’re going to do it.


He didn't shoot the highest percentage of his career. Yes, A1/60 is down significantly, but you also see that shot percentage is significantly up. Perhaps that had to do with the role on his line and the quality of finishers he played with. Kane is far from perfect, but at a discounted rate, I'd prefer him to any realistic wing other than Ehlers. If it were up to me, I'd take Kane (for argument's sake), and move at least one of Trouba/Lindy (preferably both) to acquire puck moving defensemen.


At 5v5 it was the highest of his career. Overall is was the highest in almost 10 years There are plenty of wingers available for eerily similar contract value who not only would bring the same offensive impact at 5v5, but also wouldn't be egregious liabilities on the other side of the ice, to the point of wiping out the offensive value all together. Plus NYR not being able to exit their own zone just means Kane won't have the puck to work with anyway, since he's not driving transition on his own from blue to blue anymore. Even if you move Trouba out, it still doesn't entirely solve that problem. NYR currently has 3 of the worst in the league at this and I'd venture to guess that all 3 are returning, or at least 2 of 3 DeBrusk at a slightly higher AAV would be significantly more useful for NYR. Kreider and Zibanejad need a play driver who can move the puck in transition and make a high danger pass to them. Bringing in Kane isn't going to answer that bell. Hell, he wasn't even doing that when he was here To combine with your Trouba/Lindgren trades, a unique and logical idea would be using Lindgren to get Zegras and then slotting Zibanejad over to wing where he can become the complementary sniper that he should be, since shooting is all he's really good at now


Ok, I should've inferred that you specifically meant his 5v5 shooting percentage was the highest of his career, and I mistakenly interpreted shot percentage on that graph as shots/60 at 5v5, voiding much of what I said at the beginning. I don't see how DeBrusk's 13 EV assists (in 80 games) is solving any problem either, especially at 4-5 years of term for a higher AAV. For me, you either get a true difference maker in Ehlers or just use Kane as a bridge to Perrault. The play driver we may very well need for KZ is probably just Lafreniere, anyhow. Longer term, I likewise think the move is slotting Zibanejad as RW on his line and acquiring a star center on a large contract rather than another wing. I'm not opposed to Zegras at all. He's not exactly the same ilk of player that I have in my mind as a long-term solution to top 6 C, but he would slot in well between Kreider and Zibanejad. I think we can both agree, though, that Drury is not proactive enough to move Mika to the wing in 2024.


>Ok, I should've inferred that you specifically meant his 5v5 shooting percentage was the highest of his career, and I mistakenly interpreted shot percentage on that graph as shots/60 at 5v5, voiding much of what I said at the beginning. I take blame myself, I should've specified. most of my commentary around here is about 5v5 and i usually specify but sometimes i miss it >I don't see how DeBrusk's 13 EV assists (in 80 games) is solving any problem either, especially at 4-5 years of term for a higher AAV. For me, you either get a true difference maker in Ehlers or just use Kane as a bridge to Perrault. The play driver we may very well need for KZ is probably just Lafreniere, anyhow. because it's not just the points for me, it's the actual playdriving component. i used the points with Kane more to explain how he's become a shooter instead of a playmaker. in DeBrusk's case, he does what 20/93 need, which is drive play: he moves the puck out of his own zone and down the ice and sets up high-danger offense for his linemates. mika even said himself he wanted a passer on that line. i don't exactly believe him since he never let anybody be a passer on that line this season, but he's still correct that the line needs one badly. 20 and 93 are both shooters whose best attribute is shooting (although kreider is a great playdriver in his own right), and both of them need to get back to being 50+ and 40+ goal scorers, and therefore need a playdriver to do it. when mika tries to play in transition, the puck dies on his stick, and he [spent all season trying to do this](https://hockeyviz.com/fixedImg/teamShotLocOffWi/2324/NYR/zibanmi93/wrap). DeBrusk has a really strong track record of doing this successfully. when DeBrusk is on the ice, he is [driving the bus offensively](https://hockeyviz.com/fixedImg/replacements/2324/BOS/debruja96/wrap). Zibanejad [is not](https://hockeyviz.com/fixedImg/replacements/2324/NYR/zibanmi93/wrap). in fact, they're [better offensively at 5v5 without him](https://hockeyviz.com/fixedImg/teamShotLocOffWo/2324/NYR/zibanmi93/wrap). don't get me wrong, Ehlers drives play too, he's above elite at it and i would love for NYR to get him. easily #1 target for RW for me. but from a viability standpoint i just can't see NYR landing him. also i wouldn't take Laf off that line with Panarin. gotta keep your best high-danger passers with your best high-danger finishers, of which Laf is. >Longer term, I likewise think the move is slotting Zibanejad as RW on his line and acquiring a star center on a large contract rather than another wing. I'm not opposed to Zegras at all. He's not exactly the same ilk of player that I have in my mind as a long-term solution to top 6 C, but he would slot in well between Kreider and Zibanejad. Zegras would solve a lot more problems than i think the skeptics realize. he just has to stay healthy and given an actual chance to work. >I think we can both agree, though, that Drury is not proactive enough to move Mika to the wing in 2024. i don't see it happening either. they don't have the creativity to run that. but if Drury is true to his word that nothing is off the table, then that shouldn't be either (or moving him off the team in general). if the team legitimately believes that this core has plateaued and the ECF is the best they can do, then one of, if not, the first thing that has to be talked about is whether your 1C is actually a 1C and the reality is that he isn't. he's a 3C on this team at best and should really just be a winger now. they simply are not going to win with him at center. even from an eye test, he is nowhere near the center caliber of the recent cup-winning Cs


Zegras is not a 1C on a cup winning team, come on.


he wouldn't be the 1C in this scenario 10/16/13 20/72/24 (or acquired RW) 93/Zegras/Berard (or Kakko) 50/22/26 (or Berard)


Where do you get all of this data from?


that one i found on twitter (and yes I checked the numbers myself to verify). but the calculation is pretty simple: taking Kane's 5v5 goals/60 rate from this season and comparing the %change to that of his 5v5 goals/60 rate for all the other years he played combined and then doing the same for all the other metrics in the chart


I meant more so all the things you always link in your write ups


HockeyViz, NST, Evolving-Hockey, HRef, etc.


Time to sign some retreads and wait another 10 years...


Anyone in particular you’re hoping to get? I’d even love a full offseason plan haha


it's hard to say really. can't say for sure what personnel would be involved or who they could even get, but my concern for the offseason is getting Goodrow, Trouba, and Lindgren off the books, moving Zibanejad to wing (or getting rid of him completely), finding a 3C, finding a 1RW (or Kakko 1RW and Berard 3RW), finding 3rd pair D in any capacity. Goodrow is done and now on to the rest


I would agree but how could they get rid of Trouba or Zibanejad who have NTCs or NMCs? Aren't those pretty unbreakable? Can they be bought out somehow? The Dolans have more money than anyone I'd imagine so if anyone could do it it'd have to be them.


Trouba's is about to turn into a modified NTC on Monday. he's tradable. Zibanejad's can't be moved at all without consent, so getting rid of him is way more unlikely -- you'd have to buy him out or do some heavy convincing to get him to waive. i just threw that in there because i'd rather get rid of his contract than keep him in the lineup, because I believe there are scenarios in which doing so ultimately is more valuable to NYR than keeping him


I’m very been thinking about Zibanejad on the wing as well. Who centers the top two lines? Trochek and Chytil?


yeah. package Lindgren + Othmann to get Zegras for 3C. Trouba to Detroit for whatever. Sign Mike Reilly and Ruhwedel or Gustafsson to round out the pairs. i wouldn't oppose a roslovic reuniting either. probably could get him for under value


Even if Kane signs at league minimum for 1 season, the biggest problem I have with him is he will hinder Lafreniere from playing a bigger role on this team.


This guy gets it


Geez same plan as always Go get past prime old guys !


I don’t mind it for the right price + he had good chemistry with Kreider


But played majority of his time with no playoff passion Pan 


If he comes here, and that's a BIG IF, I wouldn't mind this meaning that Laf moves up to RW1 and Kane slots in at RW2 (even though I think the Zib line is the true second line).


I say go all in on Laf. Have him RW1, maybe with Panarin and Zibinajad to start. Kreider, Trochek, Kane for the second line. PowerPlay 1 consists of Panarin, Zibinajad, Laf, Kreider, Fox


Unless Zibby starts to do more on the PP than rip one timers that hit the net less than 50% of the time he should lose his spot on PP1.


Could put Trochek in that spot then.


I do not wanna see pan and Kane reunited they were awful last year 


Awful. Slow and another player on the decline. Rangers need to get younger.


I still don't understand how he'd fix any of the key problems that made the Rangers lose to the Panthers. I don't want him at veteran minimum and you know he'd get more than that, so like what is the purpose?


Not wanting him at veteran minimum is crazy to me. He’s at worst twice the player wheeler just was and if he’s at worst on the third line making peanuts he instantly makes the team better


While I’ve been against a Kane reunion because I didn’t want him blocking the young guys, I disagree with you. One of the biggest problems was Mika and Kreider going silent against Florida. Not having someone they’re comfortable with on their wing was a huge problem. Having someone like Kane where he has had plenty of playoff success over his career and didn’t look washed like I thought he would last year, I think he could’ve been a huge help for that line.


We're all just guessing but I don't think I want to watch 3 guys all looking at each other wondering which one is going to chase down the puck in the corner. I don't see Kane as a fix for 1RW but who knows.


You are so right. Panthers kill against the boards. Dump and chase and back check and we'll never beat them this way. Sure, maybe he'll help during the regular season but we're pretty good then.


For one, he’s a playmaker that could help Mika become a 40 goal scorer again.


Yup, that was one of the key problems that made the Rangers lose to the Panthers. Our top line went dead silent. Filling that slot is 100% something that needs to be addressed.


Our biggest problem against Florida was the putrid performance by the d corps. We need a RW regardless.


It’s like nobody watched the postseason. A one dimensional guy that doesn’t back check is exactly the kind of guy we don’t need.


To fix the core problems of why we lost, we need a new core of players because they are not playoff caliber performers. So we might as well just give it a shot.


Oh god plz fucking stop this now. Wtf 🤬 why him of all people? Over the hill and hip problems. Why do people want him? Bc of his rings? Bc of his names?! Ffs he’s not gonna be the north/south guy this team needs


Please no Patrick Kane. Get Guentzal wtf.


Please no 👎


This feels like it’s gonna happen


He’s gonna be in his late 30s. He’s gonna be slow. He’s gonna make East/west passes. He’s gonna fit right in.


Patrick Kane is 35 years old with a resurfaced hip. We should be avoiding him like the plague.


No no no


Give him the Bobby Holik deal while you’re at it.


I don't like Kane as a human but having him being healthy and feeding Mika would do a lot for the teams offense. If they don't absolutely overpay out the ass for him it wouldn't be a bad thing


Problem is he's not really that guy anymore. Half his assists were on the PP, so in 50 games, he only had 14 even strength assists, and only half of those were primary assists. Believe it or not, he actually had the same even strength assist/60 rate as Wheeler last season.






I think a playmaking first line RW would absolutely help solve the issues zibby and Kreider had in the playoffs


he's not exactly a playmaker anymore. his 5v5 primary assist rate this season was virtually half of what it used to be/had been in the past few seasons, and was basically the same as Roslovic's, who played on CBJ almost the entire season. Kane's *overall* 5v5 assist rate this season was less than Brodzinski's. hell, Ryan Strome has been more of a 5v5 playmaker than Kane in the past 3 years in the past several years, Kane's 5v5 assist numbers have been dropping while his 5v5 goal scoring rate has increased (of course indicating a change in playstyle), to what is ultimately unsustainable levels (his 15.4% 5v5 shooting% this season was by far the best in his career and only twice has he ever been above 13%) bringing in Kane, who is now prioritizing shooting, to a line consisting of Kreider, who is a shooter, and Zibanejad, whose only good attribute is shooting, doesn't really help


It’s crazy to me how everyone is bandwagoning their opinions. Kane 100% would have helped in the playoffs especially when Mika and Kreider went quiet.


He was one of the lone bright spots in the series against the Devils 2 years ago. My only hesitation is that he’s even older now, which means his play will be unpredictable. Some guys retire when they probably could’ve kept playing—like Bergeron—most guys fall off a cliff


Yeah it’s a gamble for sure, which is why they shouldn’t sign him for much more than league minimum if they do this at all. He could be decent, but he also could be like Martin St. Louis in 2015, which was very painful to watch.


I mean i hate it but it does. Getting the first line scoring is something we we’re missing against Florida.


On the one hand, landing a legit, proven 1RW should be priority #1 this offseason. Kane obviously checks a lot of boxes. That said, Kane is more of a “win-now” pick (as in the next 1-2 years), whereas we ideally need a longer-term solution. I’d rather get someone younger, but if we can nab Kane for a (relatively) inexpensive price, it’s a win. Best case scenario, he continues his form with the Wings (but on a much better team!). Worst case scenario, he’s an easy flip. Bottom line, I’m glad we’re at least focused on addressing the #1 priority. Mika with a legit 1RW will regain his form. He’s not a lost cause, and anyone suggesting that has lost the plot.


i can't recall if he played with K+Z last time he was here, if he was, it couldnt have been more than a few games b/c tarasenko was working better with them. But idk maybe if they have a whole season to gel they'll figure it out. i mean if Kane can't get that line going than nobody obtainable will, and you may as well blow it all up.


I guess we're going vintage Rangers so we're looking at Kane or Stamkos


No thanks.


Maybe Drury can continue his streak of signing past their prime guys for dirt cheap like he managed with Wheeler and Quick


Is he a playoff differentiator at this point in his career. That’s all we should be focused on. Is he one of the missing pieces?


1 year deal I’m great with.. but that cannot be the only move up front.


Typical Rangers.


Please sign someone who can move the puck out of the zone quickly. I like Kane, but aren’t we in need of a high end puck moving defenseman? Fox will be healthy, but someone on the Top 4 would be nice. Still like the idea, I just think we have bigger priorities right now. Although he would be a good 2RW, so that would be good.


worst mistake we could make. has everyone forgotten how many times we signed a "super star" that was 1-2 years past their prime?




This is the worst fucking article ever


Look I know he showed that he still has some juice left after joining the wings. But dude had a godamn hip resurfacing surgery (at a hospital coincidentally that i worked at). I don’t see him playing anywhere close to a full season without some injury mishap


I’d rather have a power forward than Kane. Someone who isn’t soft defensively and can hit people. I wish we could groom Cuylle for that line. I like that kid’s jam.


I wanna say he said yet again he’s capable of taking a step forward in regard to his play


A one dimensional guy who doesn’t back check? Did any of you watch the playoffs?!


>Larry Brooks rumor. Move along, folks.


Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t Larry Brooks the one we were all saying a week ago, “If Larry Brooks hasn’t reported on it, it’s not true.” Like him or hate him, he’s the one true earpiece to the organization.


*mouthpiece of


The weirdest part of this article is all of a sudden Larry says trading Kreider is the only way to open up cap for a guy like Guentzel. Where the hell did that come from? Not a mention of Trouba at all? Hmm.


Troubas contract is hard to trade


Larry just reported that the team was considering trading trouba to open cap space a few days ago. Since then some decent sources have connected him to Pittsburgh and Detroit. Unless that window is now closed (is it?) I don’t know why you wouldn’t mention the thing you just reported in a follow up article about the same topic. How did he get to “the only way to make room is to trade Kreider?”, glossing over trouba entirely?


It’s so dumb though, I’d rather have kreider than guentzel


I’m fine with this as a 2 year stop gap until Travis Konecny is a free agent.


They need a Wilson/ Tkachuk type on 1rw not a Kane


Larry brooks can be talking out of his ass for All we know. I bet they’re talks but to the extent on being “focused on Kane” Really? Shut up brooksie


Yeaaaa buddy!! LFG!!! 2 years at 5M


So we throw away guys that were overpaid but give full effort and try to play through injury so we can bring in another ageing finesse guy to coast around with the Fabulous Disappearing Twins? Looks like they're aiming for soft **and** lazy next year.