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Rangers trading a middle six forward to move up for a pick who will probably be at best a middle six forward. Lol


In 3 or 4 years…


it's just gonna be another kravtsov or andersson 🤦‍♂️


Neither were Drury picks though. He got Othmann at 16


Who still hasn't cracked the lineup because developing players takes time. Trading the only RW on the team for a draft pick several years out makes me want to eat a brick


Sure. Agreed. We're not in "trading roster players for draft picks" mode for sure but I did want to point out that the current regime didn't draft Krav or Lias


And Gabe Perrault at 23, who again hasn’t played an nhl game yet but had one of the best draft+1 seasons in recent memory.


Kravstov had a great Draft+1 season


Genuine question, how long do you think they're going to develop him for? He turned 21 this year.


No clue. Just saying it wasn't a terrible pick


Who won't be ready for a playoff run next year. This makes zero sense. Trade him for a bag of pucks, but doing it to move up a few draft spots is asinine.


Unless they have an inside track on a prospect being something great, I'm not keen on it. Better to hold on to him either as a trade sweetener, be out preseason or trade deadline, or just keep him as a known Factor on the third line. But, what do I know. They probably know a lot more than I do so here's hoping it's a good pick.


There's literally no reason to move on from Kakko before the end of next season. What his raw stats lacked this past season, he had in fancy/expected stats anyway. And he's way underpaid for even his career average point production. He's already smashed Goodrow's best point total, makes 2/3 of that, and (despite the haters) \*still\* has upside. It would have to be something pretty big for me to be okay with moving him. That's all.


Butttttt capppppp spaceeeeeeee /s


You get like $1.6 mil by swapping him with a league min player. We’re better off just keeping Kakko at his low cap hit


Make it simpler than that. Our weakest position is RW. We suck 5 v 5. Kakko is a RW who plays well on 5v5. It would be insane to cast him off just to move up in the draft and save 2.4 mill.


This also works, or even simpler, we need good players, Kakko is a good player


We dont really know that there's no reason, though. I'm not doing it to move up 2 spots in the draft, but there is a level of value that could justify it.


a win-now team is going to trade their best defensive forward on a good value contract in order to move up in an absurdly weak draft, where there's virtually nobody worth trading up for unless you're breaking the top ~5? horrendous idea


Yes the only way I’m okay with this would be trading the pick and Kakko for McGroarty since he’s a bit further ahead


i'm still of the belief that they could trade for McGroarty without having to do that a package involving Lindgren should get it done, given their current D corps situation


Everyone says best defensive forward but I don't see him playing such excellent defense that he's so irreplaceable and valuable. Maybe it's my ignorance, but then Im all ears for someone who knows better to break down what it is he's doing that makes him way better and more vlauable than he seems to be to fans and teams alike


Let's look at the last three years, 1000 min TOI, 5v5 hockey. Here's Kakko's rankings in some categories among forwards. There are 10 forwards who hit that criteria, so bear that in mind. Basically the ten forwards who have consistently played the last three years (and Strome). Expected Goals Against/60: 1st Scoring Chances Against/60: 2nd High Danger Chances Against/60: 1st When he's on the ice, the other team doesn't get good opportunities. People say he's wasteful with the puck, and he can be, yes. But him keeping the puck on the boards in the offensive zone means the other team doesn't have it and isn't shooting it on us.


Saved me from writing it up myself, thank you


So is it what he's doing in the d zone or is it more the possession vs his competition? Bc in the d zone Idk what he's doing that's so exceptional. I guess no one around the league sees what those numbers indicate since no one wants to give up much for him.


It's both. When Kakko is on the ice, not much happens. That's good for defense and not as good for offense. I'd love to know where you're getting your insider knowledge though. What makes you think we're actively shopping Kakko, and what deals have been rejected?


> I'd love to know where you're getting your insider knowledge though. What makes you think we're actively shopping Kakko, and what deals have been rejected? Wow you are EXTREMELY out of touch with what's going on if you think the idea of kakko being traded is something I and I alone have heard about


The idea of him being traded is not what I'm arguing against. I'm arguing against you believing that the fact that he's not been traded means the numbers don't matter. Kakko might be on the block, but the Rangers might have set the price very high. Kakko might be "available" in the sense that he's not untouchable, but the Rangers aren't actively shopping him. He might be seen as part of a larger package, and so teams aren't inquiring because they don't have the assets we're looking for. This idea that you have that all players on the block are all equally evaluated by all teams is silly. Him not being treated isn't an indictment on his play. That's not how hockey works.


Kaapo kakko is a middle six forwwrd But trading up using him could be anyone! He could even be a middle six forward!




You know how much we’ve always wanted one of those!


Which is fine. A middle 6 winger for 2.4 mil isn’t the end of the world. Take being the 2nd pick out of the equation.


Middle six, but a low end middle six who may want out and is due a raise we cant afford within a year or two You can do a LOOOOT better than that with a mid 1st. Need guys who are going to be able to play in the (hopefully) Perrault/Laffy/Fox, giant igor contract era. That means ELC's, not meh middle 6 wingers. The fact kakko isnt exactly going to net us a top 10 pick in the draft should tell you a lot about not overvaluing what he is and likely will be. I don't actually want Kakko gone, but it's not at all ridiculous to think we can use him to get a future player who ends up a LOT better than KK


Lmao, this is the only comment needed.


Calling him a middle six is a stretch tho… slow as molasses, loses most 50/50 battles, and a terrible shooter. Great at holding onto the puck behind the net though


"Claims" is always a good word to use when talking about what Brooks writes.


If they're doing this only because Dolan wants to have a showy draft at the Sphere I'll be pissed and frustrated. This draft class drops off very quickly after the top 10 and the player they'll likely acquire will probably be like Kakko or worse. This is a move a rebuilding/retooling team makes. They're in win now mode. What are they doing?


This is like beavis and butthead on sega genesis where you can fish out the window and use anything as bait




if we trade kakko he’s scoring 40 goals next year.


This is a cross post to a subreddit where the post is just an image with no link to an article. OP is also mod of said subreddit. This should be taken down.


Me clicking on the picture 3 times before I realized it wasn't an actual article


Lack of off-season things to talk about is the most likely cause for this original post.


seems dumb


this is so incredibly ill-advised and dumb... they really want off the 2.4 million that bad? and for what?


Terrible idea


This would be the dumbest move the rangers could possibly make in my opinion. First of all they could use him and his trade value the deal to acquire a high-end player or as part of the deal to get truba out of here. That being said I actually want to keep him because he excels at the things the rangers suck at. He's great at puck possession he's great at zone exit, It's a good two-way forward with a lot of upside if he has a breakout season the way that laf did and he still so young that it's not only possible but actually very likely. Trade him away along with our first round pick to draft slightly earlier in the first round and a time period where we need players on the ice would be a mistake. This would be a worse version of the buch move


In the past this sub has definitely been all over the trade Kakko boat, so you know it’s bad when nobody here thinks this is a good idea right now.


This would be a terrible idea. Glad it came from brooksy and not someone credible- the guy is an absolute tool


Brooks does have the ear of the FO. He may be an ass but someone feeds him credible info most of the time.


The only speculation and insider knowledge I trust in the entire NHL comes from Elliotte Friedman.


Pick 15 won’t help us win anytime soon you idiots


1 step forward and 2 steps back Drury. Come on, this isn’t the play


Wonder how people will react if he goes off somewhere else. Most likely that’s gonna happen. All I know is, the people who want him gone are gonna be so happy


Larry Brooks doesn't know his ass from his elbow.


“Fer what?!” - Shorsey


This is the stupidest move. He's an amazing defensive forward making peanuts. You aren't drafting anyone better or even equivalent


Unbelievably stupid idea for a weak draft class. Which is exactly why I expect this team to do it


Larry brooks is a joke sometimes. Take whatever he writes with a grain of salt


Fucking idiocy. Please follow Glen out the door, Larry.


Do it!


ohhh this is interesting


Good idea. If we move up to top 15. Else, no.


I cannot wait until he's off the team and suddenly all those people get quiet when he's struggling to crack 23 points in 3 years still easily the worst pick of the last 10 years and prob biggest top 3 bust since Yakapov. The only ones who even come close, 1 has retired due to repeat head injuries, and the other has barely played in 3 years due to injury