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I don't really understand what Yzerman is doing with Detroit. Why would he clear Walman's $3.4M cap hit only to turn around and invest more than that acquiring Trouba? I'm not complaining if this is true though. While I don't want Trouba run out of town as much as others, I can't deny that his salary is a problem. Gonna be a wild Monday!


Their D is kinda shit outside of Seider but trouba can help them develop their prospects.


Trouba does kind of seem like exactly the kind of mentor you'd want for Seider. Trouba may have lost a step but he's not a bad rubric you just hope Seider has a higher ceiling.


For all of his bad play at times, he was made captain for stuff we don’t see. Locker room presence, leadership. A team like Detroit could use him for sure.


And stuff we do see like game changing hits and throwing his helmet at the boards and yelling at his team to get their shit together


It’s hard to take that stuff seriously when he is the worst player on the ice for so much of the time. I’ve never seen a player take such stupid penalties or miss the net on a wide open slapshot as much as he did. We’ll be better off without him.


There is way too much drama surrounding trouba. Hes not as bad as everyone is making him out to be and we did not get bounced from the playoffs because of him.


Respectfully disagree. I think we advance if we swap Jones for Trouba. He was that bad defensively.


He most certainly didn’t help. He is a bad defensive player, outside of hits, which again do nothing except when he concussed Crosby a few years ago. He goes for hits instead of making good plays which cost us so many goals it’s hard to count. The ot against Florida was on him making a mind numbing play, first goal against us in game 6, he’s terrible at exiting the zone with passes, and the penalties he takes are always back breakers because of their timing. Still don’t forgive him for taking two consecutive brain dead penalties against Tampa two years ago in game 3. We’re up 2-0 in the series and 2-0 in the game, probably headed to the cup if we win. He takes two penalties in row and they score two ppg and the whole series is turned from then out.


This might even happen before Monday. It’s gonna be a wild weekend


Trouba declares his 15 team ntc on Monday right?


Yes but he can waive his NMC before it becomes a NTC to facilitate the trade.


That's true I guess. If they agree to something over the weekend, they could ask Trouba to waive. Man, this all seems kind ruthless... Even before Trouba's contract officially switches from a full NMC to a M-NTC, Drury is already preparing to dump his ass. The team captain. Lol ouchie.


Drury isn’t messing around this summer, it seems. IF Trouba is moved, he’d have gotten rid of the 2 worst contracts, and arguably players, all within a month’s span


I mean trouba is a hard hitting big body dman who can chip in 30-40 points. Despite the way he looked in the playoffs he isn’t useless. He just isn’t worth 8 million.


Also, he for some reason decided not to take Eiserman when he fell to 15th. I do believe in the Yzerplan, but recently he’s made some questionable decisions. I wonder what he has up his sleeve.


>Also, he for some reason decided not to take Eiserman when he fell to 15th. Didn’t like the sound of his name?


There’s only room for one


The kid spells it wrong.


"stupid kid can't even spell his name right. Pass."


The trades can happen at any time!


I doubt we would be able to dump his salary outright. The only way I can imagine this gets done is if we include a sweetener or retain some of his salary. If yzerman can add toughness and a solid second pairing defenseman for like 4 mil, I think it makes sense for them.


Article says we’d retain 2.5m


Jokes on you, I obviously cannot read.


Probably experiencing burnout


He’s a bad GM


All for this trade, but i’m not gonna lie..i’ll miss him as a Ranger.


I will miss the freight train hits, blocked shots, and leadership. But everything else . . . not so much


As much hate as he gets on here for both his game and his contract, it seems like a lot of other teams want him. So that’s cool


No team will want his full 8 million contract, unless they need to hit the cap floor.


6 million*


Nobody but the billionaire owners cares about the actual dollars paid. All that matters is the cap hit.


But the billionaire owners are in charge…


For salary retained and maybe assets going the other way too.. and only the Red Wings rumored.


I don’t know everything Drury has cooked up over the next few days.. seems like he has a plan though. I have faith in him. Either way this will be the summer that defines him as GM.


I also love this silly narrative that his front office is 'right lipped' - literally every single move he has ever made leaks lol


Whats with us and trading captains away?


Yeah but Cally - St. Louis was kind of sick


I was really hoping for a Mcdonagh reunion/farewell tour with us. When he was traded back to Tampa I was crushed. One of my favorite rangers of all time


I was even more crushed when it was reported McDonaugh reportedly said he “wanted to go home” to Tampa


I mean he won two cups there I'm not surprised lol


Maybe it’s a different story if fans spelled his name correctly.




I’m a ‘nerd’ for knowing how to spell the name of a dude who was the Rangers captain and played here for 8 season. Got it.


No, you’re a nerd for going “oMg HeD pRoBaBlY cOnSiDeR nYr HiS hOmE iF yOu SpElLeD iT rIgHt” Like holy shit it’s not that serious. Especially when there’s several different ways to spell that particular common Irish name


You’re right - it ain’t serious - no one *actually* thinks that he’d return if some unknown, random ham-headed mouth breather could spell his name right on Reddit . You’d have to be an imbecile to take that obvious joke literally - it’s a fucking joke pointing out that you somehow…inexplicably..misspelled the name of a relatively recent Rangers captain and long time player who’s name was on the backs of tons of fans jerseys at the time. Here’s to hoping you don’t operate heavy machinery.


Redditor moment


Oh cool so you’re doubling down and proving my point. Got it.


Isn’t it weird that Tampa would be “getting the band back together” but be totally fine with Stamkos leaving? Something doesn’t smell right.


I don’t think we are fine with him leaving, his last contract negotiation happened exactly the same way.


That’s what I’m saying!


This is obviously a silly reason to like someone even more, but every time I comment on his Instagram wishing him good luck from Rangers fans, he gives it a like. Good dude!


I don’t mind it. Captaincy is overrated imo and im glad the organizations doesn’t see the C as an untouchable situation. Need to do what’s best for all not just one.


What's with the rangers picking up legends that are over the hill? Like wtf do we need kane for?


He was near a ppg for the red wings this season coming off hip surgery and is one of the best playmakers ever, we need a winger to drive play


Rangers tradition !


RW 1 is vacant


There's better options


like who


Patrik laine for starters


Wore out his welcome in 2 places. Always "hurt". Not as good of production. More expensive most likely. Yea def a better option


Then he should be getting a cheaper contract to prove what he can do. Kane is over the hill dude. But if the rangers pick him up and he helps them win a cup in the next year or two, then I'll eat my words


We played roslovic and wenmberg as our tw this playoffs….Kane is far better than that.


Patrick Laine better than Kane? LOL


Did I say better? No But a scorer that's only 26 years old with a lot more miles left than kane


You said there’s better options and then said Laine. No. Just no. Kane was a PPG after surgery. He’s getting up there but as a 1-2 year stop gap until the Rangers can bring in Konecny or someone else of that caliber, nothing wrong with it. The Rangers shouldn’t be taking on Laine who is a project considering all of his off-ice issues.


You say this like any of these guys are a long term option with the contracts we need to dish out lol


Laine has terrible even strength numbers and wouldn’t sniff our powerplay


He also had terrible teammates dude


It's not like Mika and Kreider are 5 on 5 wizards though


fair suggestion but i feel like kreider/zibby can use a playmaker and laine is more of a shooter


Maybe Kreider/zibby need to be broken up


Mika could score, if only he shot the puck a bit more. Kreiders wheels are the playmakers. Plus he could sit in front and tip in Laines shots. Mainly I would like to see guys between 24-29. Youthful but also some experience.


Been an age-old tradition since the days of signing a retired Guy Lafleur


Even before that.


Rangers are addicted to this shit. It pretty much \*never\* works out. At this point I'm used to it, get ready for another few years of disappointing seasons because management isn't ready or willing to do what needs to be done to make this team truly capable of winning a cup.


now its tradition :D


After this offseason we had no choice


Sounds like a good move for both teams. We get out from Trouba's contract and he instantly becomes Detroit's 2nd best Dman at a reasonable 5.5mil AAV. Sure, it illustrates just how dire the D situation is in Detroit, but it's still positive value for them nonetheless since they traded Walman for cap space. Considering you still need to replace the 3RD position the savings will be closer to 4.5mil but that's still enough money to make a big run at a RW1.


So if we move Trouba and retain $2.5, and extend Schneider for $2.5 million, we have $15.8 million for - RW1 - LD (Lindgren maybe?) - RD3 That’s a LOT of flexibility. Team could look way better next year.


Not bad. His contract is interesting because, frankly, he’s a good deal in the 4-6M range and absolute dead weight at 8M.


It’d certainly be cool if we didn’t have to retain as much salary as the article speculates.


I thought for sure we'd have to retain the max 50% in any deal, so "only" $2.5M on the books is a win.


Well we’re probably gonna need to send some assets too. Also wouldn’t buying out his contract be cheaper than retaining 50% and possibly sending sweeteners? I forgot the exact penalty.


A buyout would save $4M for the next two years and cost $2M for two years after that.


Oh ew


I’m fine with retaining $2.5m. I’m not ok with using that cap space to sign more washed-up free agents.


I’ll believe it when I see it with anything NYR related. But I’d love to be able to get rid of Trouba and actually get something even if we need to retain salary


Drury moves in silence


Man.... you know that flying elbow will come back to haunt us and make us pay.


We have Rempe now lol


What him come back and end Chytils career in the garden


According to Freidman on the SN draft TV feed, this should happen today.


F9 season begins


Trouba to Detroit , Kane to NYC


Wow i wonder what stevie y’s obsession with crappy overpaid defensemen is… most overrated gm in the league imo


If they trade Trouba that has to mean Stamkos or Guentzel (both?) IMO. Fill in 3D with jones and a cheaper stay at home guy.


Ffs I just want this to end. And if it results in getting Kane(who doesn’t defend) I’d be furious. But hey, a good chunk of the fan base wants Kane back and Trouba gone


A good chunk of the fanbase wants Trouba gone *and* no Kane.


Rangers fanbase would have traded Lafreniere before last season - so....


yeah, this seems to be more of the thought...not really seeing a ton of people wanting Kane back here


But why does the fanbase WANT Kane and let’s say Stamkos? Is bc of their names or they won cups?


Yeah, name recognition goes a long way.


Stamkos is still a solid player tbh.


Neither. Kane is still an extremely effective point machine after fully recuperating from his surgery.


Kane was so good with Detroit. While Stamkos had a down year for him. Think about it - a TB legend is allowed to leave while Kane Wants to be in NY. We are all entitled to our opinions.


Kane had more points per game on a dog poo team last ssn than any forward on the rangers other than panarin. So hed be our 2nd best forward. Idk why nobody has caught on to this. Hopefully drury did. Maybe we can score more than 1 goal in elimination game next ssn 


Most points per game =/= best forward. Come on, I know you're smarter than that. 


Yeah man Kakko is a beast on D. Hes much better than Vinny, Bread, Mika, etc


Kane and Trouba are separate discussions. You can debate whether Kane is the right guy for this team You cannot do that with Trouba. Getting rid of him and his bloated salary is inarguably the right move


Personally I’d want Kane if he’s truly willing to take a relatively significant discount to sign here. Under $4 mil for a healthy Kane is a steal, and let’s say we not retain the $2.5m suggested and Kane signs for 3.5 for example, that’s still a net saving of $2mil. Could sign someone like Nick Roy or Sean Walker at rhd and you’ve improved the roster.


You're going to be furious if they get rid of a bad defenseman? Huh?


I want both guys. Kane defends. He also maintains possession and is as good as anyone creating scoring chances. He also is that “closer” type player - confident winner who wants the big moment and delivers. We all want the team to get tougher. That includes physical toughness but also Mental toughness I think he alleviates pressure of the other Top 6 guys and should raise production. The Rangers eventually were eliminated because they couldn’t match the Panthers scoring. I believe their defense and goaltending can hold teams down to low Goals Against. Thats why I’m all for keeping Trouba. I guess I’m in the minority with both takes. We all see things differently. My other top focus would be to add 3rd Line scoring options.


Saying they couldn't match the Panthers' scoring is such a generic reason. All teams lose because they didn't score more than their opponents. It is the reason why that matters. The Rangers couldn't get out of their zone if their life depended on it. The same line would spend over a minute defending the d zone and get so exhausted that when they finally did make it out all they could do is dump the puck and change up lines which gave FLA to chance to gain possession and get right back to forcing the next line to defend again. The NHL game has changed. Yes, you need physical players that can win battles in front and along the boards, but those same players need to be able to move the puck and skate well. Trouba is a below average skater that constantly takes himself out of possession to throw a big hit. He's not an awful player as most would suggest, but he is not even close to worth his contract right now and it is holding the team back salary cap wise to add players that fit the current game which is great skaters that can move the puck.


Stevie Y is too smart to do something so dumb. Still, it would be nice for the Rangers to win at least one trade made with him


He’s made dumber decisions than this lately so it wouldn’t be surprising


Didn’t know that. Well then, let’s fleece him back for once!


Trouba is a valuable piece IMO opinion. His physicality, scoring, PK play, leadership all add up to being a D in demand. If he goes to Detroit at some kind of discount from his current contract, it’s a good move for Stevie. To really add a quality D to the Rangers would be an expensive signing. Plus Trouba’s deal would be shorter than any D signed in this offseason. I think the Demand from multiple teams for D upgrades will make them get paid more than expected.


I love the idiot Twitter rangers Twitter accounts like broadwayhatsnyr and nyrbluebulletin thinking that it’s a good idea to use the found money after the Trouba trade on Kane AND stamkos. Just absolutely clueless


Growing inLarry’s mind


Who are we supposed to be replacing Trouba with is my question? Is Schneider truly ready for 2nd pair minutes? Sure Trouba isn’t worth 8M but we need to get someone at least replacement level in terms of skill.


I don't like the roughly 30% retention of the rumored trade proposal, but I guess it still better than outright buying him out because we may get something decent in return. Interesting that Rangers and Detroit are also in on Kane. If you give Kane some more time to marinate with the Rangers roster, he may be more effective then when we had him for the small stint.


Legit can we ever look for young stars and stops dusting off the elderly 


Right to the basement of hell


If redwings were happy playing Marc Stall Trouba will fit fine there


Id love to get his contract off the books, but if this playoff run showed us anything its that we need MORE physicality. Trouba leaving would make us such a soft team. That never holds up in the playoffs


The rangers didn’t lose because of physicality they lost because their defenseman outside of Miller and Schneider couldn’t move the puck out of the zone. Trouba was on the ice for about half of the goals in the Carolina and Florida series. He’s too much of a defensive liability at the price tag he’s garnering to maintain because of physicality.


Agreed on us needing more physicality and toughness, 100% We are majorly, majorly lacking in that respect -- none of our core group of players even come close to meeting what I would define as the bare minimum requirement for player toughness to make it through the playoffs. So I guess if they aren't going to do anything/aren't able to do anything about said core, it really doesn't matter much, right? Mika, Kreider, Panarin are all soft. Fox is soft. They are talented players sure, but the grit simply isn't there.


Matt Rempe fills the "that guy scares me but is a defensive liability" void. We need skill players WITH grit and physical play, not one or the other. Trouba only fill one of those needs


Fucking Bingo. The Panthers didn’t have a bunch of high skill softies and an equal number of bruising grinders, they had a team full of players that were both. Those are the players that win cups.


Passes sniff test. Biggest stumbling block is who do you replace Trouba with.


There are a lot of bottom pair defenseman available this offseason pending re-signs


Paging Mr Jones! Paging Mr Jones! Edit- how about Ruwedel or how ever his name is spelt lol


Jones is replacing Gus, not Trouba


Not a 1 for 1 replacement. If the intention is to get bigger / tougher / faster, subtracting Trouba and adding Jones ain’t it.


Trouba is overpaid and not so great this year. But this team can’t get any softer lol especially if Kane is returning. We need some nasty hockey players. Who’s going to replace him?


I don't know how I feel about this. He's obviously a defensive liability, but I liked the fact that the team is hated because of his hits. If/when this goes down, Troch is the clear C, imo. My concern is how Drury will allocate that saved money, making the team worse.


I'd love to pry Breggren away from Detroit. He's a future top 6 winger who's redundent on a team with the wingers it has now.  Doesn't play the same game as Othmann, but he's a couple years and older and has better offense. Allows us to actually let a prospect develop instead of rushing again 


Coming from a wings fan, Berggren is… awful in every other area of the game. He’s offensively skilled no doubt, but there is a reason he can’t consistently crack a very mid-tier DET lineup.


I knew he wasn't much of a physical or defensive player, I didn't realize he was considered awful in those places. My thought process was he was a good option at 3RW, next to Cuylle and Chytil, both of whom are a bit larger and could offset his weaknesses.  My feeling was you can teach defense, you can't teach talent.  Also our 5 in 5 scoring is anemic, so someone who can  create without the man advantage (for cheap) is attractive 


He’s awful defensively, not a great skater, albeit, to your point you can teach both and mask some of these deficiencies in a deeper, more talented and Stanley Cup ready team like NYR. On a team fighting out of a rebuild, those deficiencies are a lot more noticeable. Berggren has been “learning” how to play a complete game for the better of 3 seasons in AHL/NHL now and there hasn’t been great improvement defensively. Both Blashill and Lalonde have gotten on his case about it, but he is also already going to be 24…. I know that’s young, but I can’t think of many mid 20 year olds who suddenly become defensive gurus. We’ll see


>I know that’s young, but I can’t think of many mid 20 year olds who suddenly become defensive gurus. We have one of them. Jimmy Vesey!


Not totally wrong! I sense Vesey had a better attitude than Berggren. Berggren has not been a douche by any means, but he does not lack confidence, to put it lightly


I think Vesey realized he was going to have to reinvent himself to stay in the league. He never developed as a scorer at the NHL level but can absolutely impact a game. Part of being a successful 4th liner is accepting you are a 4th liner and Berggren might not have realized that yet.


That’s absolutely true. And he might have it in him in the future. I tend to believe he might be a little too undersized and slow to make such an impact if the offense isn’t going, but you never know .


2.5 million still seems like a lot of wasted cap space, but I guess that is the price they have to pay to trade him. And man, I really don't want them to bring back Kane. The team does not need him.


It's not much when u can spend 3m on a guy in FA that's just as good. 5.5m vs 8m.


It’s the same amount of money we’d spend buying him out but at least there’s a potential (albeit low ceiling) return coming back as opposed to just parting ways for nothing to up that $5.5m.


What if Trouba just healed and came back next year. It's not like he wasn't better before he hurt his ankle. Look at what happened to Saquon on the Giants. He got better and the Giants got nothing in return when he left. Players do heal.


The Eagles are going to hate that contract in two years.


They only paid a littke more than a million per year than he made this year. Jones isn't a 40 million dollar QB. There is wasted cash.


Both can be true at the same time. I agree.


Fuck we gonna try and get Kane back aren’t we…


I was not a fan of trouba at that cap hit when he was signed. I will admit he played better than I expected, but I will not be sad to see him go. At least not until he elbows Mika and knocks him out a few games.


If Drury pulls this off he’s cleansed of the Buch trade imo


Only thing that forgives him of Buch is a cup. All time fumble and people don’t realize the butterfly effect. Every single deadline and offseason including this one, has been attempting to fix the issue he created.


Sure, let's give credit to the person that fixes the problem they created themselves.


Every gm makes bad moves, if Drury’s worst was his first that’s a win in my eyes he’s been very good since


Of course they do. I'm just going not going to conveniently forget it. The amount of draft capital that has been spent to fix this mistake that still isn't fixed, is insane. At best, it hindered our chances to win a cup. At worst it did cost us a cup.


Valid points that I didn’t see tbh you’re right


See that’s the thing I think is also very stupid. Trying to replace someone for so long. Why not shake shit up. Change the lines. It’s not just a replacement maybe no one fits with these two. Maybe have a bigger brain (not you the coaches) and split it up. Move things around. Really wouldn’t matter who you find to replace Buch (who is and always was kind of soft) it’s the JT miller one that bothers me more. He’s tough and big. No one has traded for buch since we gave him away so the only people who see it as a real travesty are rangers fans who can’t let go. (Like myself with JT miller)Think about that. No one is lining up to get pavel buchnevich. It’s not drurys worst move. Thst was the Barclay contract. That hurt way more and had a way longer lasting effect. Buch had 5 years here. 5. It didn’t work. It’s time to stop trying to replace him insanely.


So like we should just like not play with a 1RW?


No fool. Break up Mika and Kreider. Should’ve happened years ago. Stop looking at it as a one solution problem. There’s many ways to change things up.


I’m talking about needing a RW and you start blabbing about JT Miller but I’m the fool. Ok bud.


When did I blab about JT miller? And why when I make sense do you change the subject. Lol. We need more than some right wing for that line. That’s what I’m saying. You are a fool. Because you keep believing it’s just that is all we need. You need to open your mind. See the possibility of a new first line and not the same old same old we need a right wing to save our season. No. That didn’t work.


He's been "very good since"? Really? This past season's trade deadline moves would strongly suggest otherwise, no?


I’m fine that we didn’t overpay for Guentzel


No Kane. This is a mistake. Please.


Trading trouba is our Stanley Cup


He's going to somehow find his game in Detroit and they're going to give Lindgren a ridiculous contract a la Dan Girardi.


Word is his ask is not astronomical. Could be a 1 year bridge deal and then, who knows?