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If he decides to not accept a trade and is waived instead, does it mean that once he is waived and bought out he can sign with any team? I can see him signing with the Islanders or even Devils so he can remain in the Metro area so his wife doesn’t have to move.


Isles cap situation is as bad as ours. I don't think they would or could take him without doing some other deals.


If he is waived and nobody claims him, he is bought out and can sign anywhere. If someone claims him though he’s screwed


No, that would be unconditional waivers. Trouba would be placed on traditional waivers.  Buy out window has passed (may reopen if any of our RFA head to arbitration)


No one is going to claim that contract though. So I think he’ll sign with whoever he wants


I mean someone claimed Goodrow, you never know, Drury could have something already worked out behind the scenes


The NHL is watching like a hawk because of the Goodrow situation. If we get too "creative" this off-season, we may lose draft picks.


The Rangers waived a player and the team that was first in the waiver order claimed him. There’s literally nothing the NHL can do about it because the Rangers didn’t do anything illegal. It’s not like there was a follow up trade with the Sharks where we overpaid for something


There's some plausible deniability with the Goodrow move. He's played in San Jose before, they're a rebuilding team near the cap floor, they could use a veteran presence who knows what it takes to win and would look after their #1OA. But yeah, somehow finding someone to pick up an $8m AAV defenseman on waivers would be an eyebrow raiser.


Not like we use picks properly anyway


Watching what? There was nothing illegal done, you can ask teams if they want to claim players you are thinking of waiving




Yeah there’s also a chance we end up trading him to a bottom feeder with picks attached or something like that, he’ll have the chance to block some of those teams on his no trade but who knows if he’ll be able to get all of them. Tomorrow is gonna be really interesting


By god that’s Utah HC’s music…


His contact stays in place. There's no buyout window. He either gets claimed or not. If he doesn't, he could play in the minors


The Sharks might. Our Right hand Defense is currently Jan Rutta, Matt Benning, jack Thompson and ganon laroque


why would rangers buy him out what would it cost them


4 million for the next 2 years, then 2 million 2 years after that I believe


Damn. It’s not even worth buying him out


Saving $4m this year is a pretty big deal.


But how much is on the books if they buy him out?


They save $4m next two years with a $2m penalty the following two.


But how much will buying him out save them?


He currently costs $8M a year for the next two years If we buy him out he’ll cost $4M a year for the next two years and $2M a year for the two after that. Basically you save $4M/year for two years at the cost of $2M/year for two years. If there’s a buyout I’d rather it be next season tbh


Our window closes after this year


If he signed with the devils a) 🤮 but also b) i would kinda find it funny to see the mental gymnastics the devil folk would have to do what with all the smack theyve been doing


Devils defense lines are set. No room for home. Try Philly or Pitts


Yeah now there’s no shot of course i just think most of it is jealous they didnt have a guy who was physical like him


As a Devils fan, I would have taken him at 50% retained. Maybe even 30% before we signed Dillon to play the 3rd line. Looking at who is available, the shit storm this caused in the locker room, media, also Trouba’s personal life, someone needs to get fired. Not sure why they didn’t get a list and make it happen.


yeah its not like he's the first guy to ever be uprooted, it really hurt the team and thats why it would be a very bad thing if nothing gets done now


Nah. Devils will just tell him to stop leading with his elbow. Problem solved.




Yeah I would’ve been shocked if after everything that happened he was gonna be here in october, that relationship is completely destroyed. So do you guys think we name a captain this year?


Kaptain Kaapo Kakko... wait


Tony DeAngelo suddenly is itching to come back


Just imagine it happening and fans continue the BOO him every time he touches the puck. Every. Single. Home. Game.








It’ll be tro


Trochek would be the obvious choice in my opinion. A great guy in the locker room and also one of our top players.


This. Make it abundantly clear to Mika who the real 1C is on this team until he proves otherwise


Lol at picking a captain with the goal of alienating one of your top players. You guys are amazing.


I mean, the Kings did it. Wouldn’t be the first time a team takes that route.


If Kreider wants it it’s his If not, Fox seems like an obvious choice They won’t give Laf the C in a contract year and Trocheck isn’t even an A yet. Or maybe Jimmy Vesey is the leader in the locker room and he becomes the C. Who knows.


As much as i love kreider, i think giving it to a guy who’s 33 and is gonna expire in 3 years and could regress past his contract is playing the same exact game we did when we gave it to trouba. I think we give it to fox


Trocheck wasnt an A because we gave it to goodrow instead


I like Fox, but he's not a always acting very "captainly". He's kind of a diver and quite the complainer. I also think the captain needs a physical edges to be willing to drop the gloves to defend a bad hit, back up a rookie, etc. Fox is not that kind of player.


I agree with 90% here. But Florida did just win with Barkov as the captain and he’s the least physical player on the whole team. Although his two way game and effort are admired by all.


I think rempe has the locker room on lock and he gets the c this year


Honestly don't know why this obviously sarcastic yet fucking hilarious comment got downvoted.... Take my upvote. Lol.




VC be lucky if he’s still on the team. Captaincy is way overrated these days and absolutely nobody has any idea of what the players really think of one another


Can we just not have a captain lol


Yes. If we’re moving on from Trouba then I’d rather avoid naming Kreider or Zibanejad or Trochek only to see them fall victim to decline and be traded / let go in a couple years. From the next generation only Fox wears a letter and he doesn’t jump out as Captain-material necessarily. I think the hope would be that Laf assumes that role but Laf has only just started to break out. I could see them waiting another year for him to take the next step as a 70+ point player and then naming him Captain but as of now no one strikes me as a great choice. Otherwise IF we sign Stamkos to a reasonable contract I could see him MAYBE being named. Most likely option is no captain


Hot take. Captaincy puts needless pressure and expectations on players for minimal gain. Roll with 6 A's.


Just name everyone an A


We'll just move the A in Rangers to the left side of the jersey


Fanatics is already doing that, although not intentionally 😝


I think 20 A's will do the trick


Mostly agreed. Some players just aren't able to handle that pressure. If we want to see Zibanejad really melt away, give him the C. I worry about the same with Kreider even though I think he's unofficially done the job numerous times, in media scrums and with like the iPad incident. But I think this team does need a clearly defined leader. They've historically been easily swayed by emotion, riding high when things are good and then cratering when one little thing goes wrong. Last season was the best I'd seen them in overcoming that adversity and not folding under pressure. I didn't know if that's Trouba's leadership or Laviolette's coaching, but someone was taking the reigns and helping keep the team focused and not giving up. They need that official voice, and not just Alternate voices who can say "someone else will rally the troops."


Hey man can’t we just make this its own post? I might make a thread later today idk.


This is the best timeline. Wow. Didnt think Goodrow and Trouba would be moved so quickly. Man people laughed in your face for even suggesting such a thing a few weeks ago!


At least on this sub where people have a toxic positivity boner about every player fans get down on because they’re not very good.


Yeah i will say the goodrow one was surprisingly smooth. This one could still get ugly


Igor as captain. He’s the quiet leader.


Goalies can't be captain. Just the way it is....


luongo chillin somewhere under the sun when his ears start burning, ‘what he say fuck me for??’


He's carrying the team enough as it is.


Goalie with a letter would be dope


I love that for the first time the rangers management isn’t giving a shit about the players and their personal life BS and is doing what’s right for this team.


Vegas has been showing that you can run a cutthroat operation and be successful. I know a lot of people don't like them, but I appreciate that they're willing to take big gambles and aren't afraid of making drastic moves to fix mistakes or move on from players who are clearly no longer working out for them.


But..but..Troubas wife has a career here and they have a child! Certainly no other professional sports player goes through these same issues! /s


Thanks for the hits, Troubs, but business is business. Josi makes $9 mil per year. Hedman is ~$7 mil per year. Makar is $9 mil per year. You're $8.5 mil per year. I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you.


What are you talking about. Josis cap hit is 9mil and Hedmans is 7.8mil


My bad, had the wrong numbers. Point still stands. Trouba is vastly overpaid.


Point strengthened even


Ice cold Drury. Good man!


Cant come soon enough! Goodbye!


If he wants to stay so badly, couldn’t he agree to a contract restructure and take a pay cut?


Not allowed under the CBA. NHL cap is a very hard.


Interesting, didn’t know that. Thanks


NHL contracts are pretty much 100% guaranteed, unless they're bonus-laden contracts. Not a lot of wiggle room once the contract is signed.




This Trouba issue cannot be good for team morale….


I mean neither is having underperforming players take up a lineup spot for years. It's a pick your poison situation.


Good, this should be a wake up call to them


Yeah I mean hopefully they can be professionals about it, and they are good moves, but losing both Goodrow and Trouba on bad terms has to have the team pretty pissed right now. Those guys were like the 2 most important locker room/morale guys on the team.


I think socially the team has to be upset. But you have to imagine there are quite a few guys that have been thinking Trouba is quite overpaid and not performing well. Everyone want to win a cup above anything else. Also think about someone like Zac Jones, who may be the most patient player I've seen on the rangers in the last 15 years. The guy has arguable outperformed Trouba in many ways on a contract that's nearly an order of magnitude less.


Yeah I think it'll work out, and on a basic level the team must understand that its for he best if they're gonna go all the way next year, just really sucks it seems to have been on bad terms in both cases.


I don’t think other players really put much thought into what their peers are making until it comes to contract negotiation time.


>but losing both Goodrow and Trouba on bad terms has to have the team pretty pissed right now. Not to mention future FAs.


This won’t affect any future FAs


Won’t have an effect. Lots of teams are cutthroat with their contracts and FAs still want to go there (Vegas, Tampa, etc.) I’d actually argue that the Rangers are one of the more sentimental organizations in the league, for better or worse. Unloading a couple bad contracts isn’t gonna change that.


I legit only want him gone because the discourse around him has made this fandom more volatile than I can ever remember it being. It's wild to see


What can we realistically expect in return if he gets traded


Well, Drury made clear he wants to free up cap space, so he’s not going into this from a place of leverage. I’d be surprised if he gets something decent. Maybe some picks? I don’t expect much in return, and if Trouba blocks a trade and gets waived, possibly no return.


3rd round pick, maybe. probably less.


I wonder, if given a redo, would he have taken another nmc year or two but lowered his ask to like 6.7? 6.9? (Nice) We'd be displeased w his aav but hopeful for enough of a rebound that it doesn't hurt. At 8 m, he was a decided negative overall and I have no sympathy for him if he's pissed as a result. Sane with goodriw asking for 3.5 or whatever instead of 2.6 or sonething. Idk, reading these guys are pissed just annoys the fuck out of me. They're allowed to be pissed, I get it, but I am too. Like bro, you maxed your years, took money you were never ae to live up to AND got partial nmcs? Then they both got demoted much further down the lineup than is acceptable given their aav


We love to put our captains in shitty positions and then throw them away like a half eaten sandwiches.


Goody was a little bit of a sad loss, but understandable given his price. Trouba, on the other hand, needed to go under any circumstance. His defensive play was horrible this year and cost us in the ECF, especially given he decided to play through injury instead of sitting the fuck down. Wasn’t even good when he wasn’t hurt either.


Great, maybe this sub can stfu about Trouba now.


sad to see that this article did not age well


when he gets waived and not claimed, he can play in hartford ahl easy commute from new york where does he live? i thought most players live westchester, connecticut, anyway


Tribeca lol


Well, thats kinda shitty commute tto hartford then Maybe take a helicopter?


He can play in Hartford while taking up 7 mil of our cap, brilliant strategy. God I'm glad none of you run the team.


Hey, 7mnis less than 8m


I wonder who this fanbase will turn on next. We’ve seen the Kreider, Mika, Panarin hate. Who’s next?