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Trouba blocking a trade really threw a wrench in all of Drury's plans. I don't think he intended to sit back when free agency opened and now he's scrambling for a new plan


Roslovic to canes


2.8 for 1 year


Tyler motte just signed 1 yr 800… id much rather have him than sam carrick..


no question about it i tried saying just how flooded the market was with actual quality 4th liners who could've been had for cheap, but NYR insisted on making a 3/$1m deal out of the gate for a replacement-level forward


So at first I didn't expect we'd do much this offseason. Then in the days leading up to July 1, there was all this buzz and smoke of all this crazy stuff we were going to do - got me a little excited. Then it came and went and we didn't really do much, certainly not anything crazy. So we're right where I'd thought we'd be, but just had to get kicked in the nuts first. With that said - I like the Smith add, and I guess it's entirely possible more moves get made. Don't need it to be Earth-shattering, but a nice shakeup in the top 6 would be nice.


Tarasenko went to the Red Wings. All the old guys that are getting near the end of their careers are on teams. Now we can move on. Enough w/the over the hill guys.


Tarasenko to Detroit, definitely gonna be watching alot of their games this year to see him and Kane




Because I'm a big fan of Kane in particular and tarasenko as well? Two guys I miss seeing on the Rangers and think that Detroit will be fun to watch this season.


Neither of them even played well for the rangers


They weren't that bad though, and neither of them were on the team for long (Kane in particular only had 19 games) but no, they weren't spectacular. But that doesn't mean I can't still be fans of them. I've been a fan of Kane long before he was a Ranger for that short period. And we didn't get a great version of him either. Now that he's had his surgery and returned he looks like a whole different player than we had. I woulda liked to see him come back for one more season. Honestly , his contract is reasonable, and he showed he still has value last season.


The frustrating thing is, if Trouba had a full NMC this offseason, I would have basically no problem with what the Rangers did. It’s not that running back a president’s trophy roster is inherently bad. It’s the opportunity cost of basically wasting an offseason that could have been spent making the team BETTER.


That Roger guy on twitter saying a Trouba deal hinges on Rangers retaining 25% and that NYR are interested in Tarasenko. Why trade for Smith if Tarasenko was the goal? Safe to assume that guy is full of shit?


Smith + Tarasenko makes perfect sense if the cap implications can be managed. It seems like Drury is open to trading Kakko (now or at the deadline if he doesn't break out) so they will need RWs. Both Tarasenko and Smith fit in a "middle 6" wingers that can either be the weakest link on the 2nd line or a strong 3rd liner.


Has Smith played any LW?


Not that I'm aware of, but with Panarin and Kreider and Laf as natural LWs it's hard to imagine him getting time on the LW anyway.


Man, I get Trouba isn't playing well. But the comments I've seen in this sub recently really make us look entitled and frankly unhinged.  More blame should rest on the Rangers in this situation. The Rangers front office signed that contract too, not just Trouba. Do you guys honestly think he intended to play poorly? Of course he probably would prefer to play well and be a major part of the team's success. But that didn't happen. I'm sure he'd like that to be different. But most hockey players aren't adjusting their effort to adapt to a contract. To even make it out of the minors you've gotta be a crazy talented and hard working player. People need to stop with the personal attacks against the guy. I've seen people suggest being able to spear him at games. And worse. And the way this has unfolded in the media, online, and through blogs? I place the blame on the Rangers for that. If they had a trade lined up, it is on them to get it done swiftly and quietly.  Lastly, no one has any idea what actually happened between the team and trouba. For all we know the suggestion that he's blocking trades might be a complete fabrication. Even reporters were admitting they were getting conflicting information about the status of a trade from team sources. That kinda of leaky disorganization is on Drury and Dolan.


>But the comments I've seen in this sub recently really make us look entitled and frankly unhinged.  It's just standard toxic internet culture. People want moves to punish Mika, Panarin, and Trouba for hurting their feelings. They're not even trying to use the rational part of their brains, they are just lashing out in anger.


Yes contract was awful but trades are part of the sport . I called it the day that contract was signed that it was to long and will end up with a buy out ..  sports players get moved it’s very common and becoming a professional sports players having to relocate your family is part of it .trouba isn’t the first guy and won’t be the last with a family . Just it’s a bad deal all around but hopefully the rangers will learn from it and stop giving rediculous deals out 


That deal was a product of his success with Morrissey, was he overpaid and too long a term yes, Just like a good chunk of the deals handed out yesterday, the last 2-3 years of those deals are gonna be messy with fanbases crawling up the wall, cursing and what not asking questions as to why teams gave out that term and dollar amount to those players. If you get a cup in there it makes it tolerable, I'd argue 4-5 years is the sweetspot for both team and player, if things go awry, easer to trade away.


Erik Brannstrom off the board. 900,000 1 year. Not sure why Rangers couldn’t do that. I’m guessing AVs give him a better shot at playing time 


No where in the lineup for him to really play


They're kind of stuck until they know what's happening with Trouba. It impacts all their decision making around the D group including Schneider and Lindgren.


Yeah but Brannstrom would’ve been taking Gus’s spot regardless. Very likely Drury will be moving a Dman regardless and cap hit was cheap. 


That's fair, I just think that they feel stuck until they know what's happening with Trouba. It's not clear if anything is coming back, if they will clear enough space to sign their RFAs, etc. Meanwhile almost all the top FAs are off the board and the Rangers will either need to come up with a surprise trade or they will pick over the remaining weak FAs (we're probably going to end up with something like bringing back Roslovic).


Thoughts on UFA Daniel Sprong? Don't know too much about him other than him being pretty noticeable in the games I've seen him in with the Wings and Kraken. He's a UFA coming off a 1 yr, $2M deal with the Wings. 27 years old. Plays RW and is a righty. Seems like the kind of guy we could use to bolster our RW depth for low cost/term.


Sprong has some offensive skill but his effort is inconsistent and he is a poor defensive player that needs sheltering and offensive zone faceoffs all the time. He's not really what the Rangers need. He's certainly not a top 6 RW.


I have a couple questions. Please don’t downvote me because I am just a bit out of the loop and I need to catch up a little bit. what is the status on trouba? What do you guys feel needs to be done now that free agency is pretty dried up? And do you guys feel like we are cooked because of our free agency so far?


Drury wants to trade Trouba. Trouba does not want to leave. But the toothpaste is out of the tube now and thus he will likely not be a Ranger come the fall, but it may take some time to work something out. No we are not cooked. We're coming off a Presidents Trophy season and we're still basically the same team. Reilly Smith isn't going to lead us to glory, but he was a good add and will fit in well I think. Laffy is on the rise. Maybe we get lucky with a young guy stepping into a role. I expect more moves to come in the trade world - but as the team is currently constructed, we're a contender in the Metro division with cap space in hand. Don't forget there's a trade deadline before the playoffs and I can assure you we will be buyers.


Ok thanks! This gives me a lot of needed hope!


This whole Trouba thing is so ugly now. I have never seen the fan base seethe at a player like this before. Not to mention being named Captain and NYR history of turning around and sending the new Captain with his bags packing in a trade. I hope Trouba ends up somewhere that he is appreciated for his dedication, albeit subpar performance at 8mil/year. Honestly this is one of those off seasons that makes players think "Hmm, maybe NYC isn't such a great place to play for" Absolutely wild. I hope Drury can't salvage this off-season and team. The fan base is beyond salvageable at this point imo


Preach! The seething hate is incredible. Nothing like awkwardness to get a team to mentally prepare for the cup.


I’m more upset is that I have been bashed for five years not liking trouba and thinking he was over rated now everyone jumping on the ship.. I’m no front runner I didn’t want him here since his awful contract was signed


Brannstrom to Avs


Idk if this is allowable by the CBA but my solution to the trouba issue. (This will never happen) Rangers put trouba on waivers Anaheim claims him Trouba says he will refuse to report to camp Anaheim buys out his contract Rangers sign him to a 1 year deal for 1 million Anaheim is below the cap floor rn so they need $s on the books. I think Trouba is worth it at $1 million


Why are we not getting tarasenko? Kreider mika senko Panarin Vinny laf Smith chytil kakko Vesey carrick cuylle Looks insane on paper


Tarasenko is not a first line winger anymore and has always been a goalscorer before a playmaker. Did you not see how things panned out in 23?


What was wrong in 23 ? 


Okay well good thing that’s not our best line? Having to choose between our super young kakko, Reilly smith, and senko to play as one of our top 2 wings is not a bad problem to have


In light of recently signed contracts, and the fact that he won a cup (despite being nearly a non factor), Tarasenko would likely ask way too much


He also hasn't been picked up yet. He might be starting to get a bit desperate, like Kadri did coming off the Avs cup run


New acquisitions,From the Rangers post: NYR have agreed to terms with defenseman Casey Fitzgerald on a two-year contract and with forward Bo Groulx on a one-year deal.


Guy has 5 points in 65 games .. 


I never said it was a good acquisition lol


Smith was brought in to be the RW2. Even if Trouba is dealt I doubt we’re signing anyone else (like Vladdy) unless Kakko is traded


Larry Brooks is genuinely such a shit reporter it’s insane


"Brennan Othmann & Gabe Perreault are lighting it up at development camp" keep talking dirty to me


If Trouba is to remain on this team next season, they need to move on from Lindgren. Might not be popular but he’s clearly declining, we’ve been through this before with this type of defenseman (Trouba, girardi, staal). It’s time to move on. Recoup some picks you lost with the trade for Smith and try to sign Eric Branstrom. They can’t go into next season with both Trouba and Lindgren and expect to be in the same spot they were in last season.


He isn’t. It’s already confirmed he is leaving


Trouba? I don’t think he’s leaving via trade. The only way they’re going to get rid of him is a buyout at this point.


I'm surprised at so many "we have until the deadline" comments. Someone please explain why making last minute trades for players on expiring contracts, when the price is much higher, and giving only a few weeks to gel with the team before the playoffs is a better idea than signing a free agent or making a trade now? It would make sense if we didn't have obvious holes to fill and wanted to see how the season plays out, but that doesn't seem to be the case with this roster.


Yesterday certainly was wild. I'm curious to see what will happen now that the dust is settling. I'd imagine the foreseeable future will be much slower and calculated. If Trouba isn't going anywhere it really makes me wonder what Drury can do to get this team to take the next step. Smith fills a hole for sure but it doesn't push the needle. At this point, a trade probably needs to happen to get someone that can help fix our 5v5 woes but who that person is, I'm not sure. Probably wouldn't hurt to get another dman too, but we will see I guess.


Alright we’re back ughhhhh. Day 2 of free agency, ughhhh and what are the rangers gonna do? Let’s go to the phones and see what you think


Who is going to be Trouba's replacement?


Did Florida and Carolina get better or worse this offseason?


Won't know until the season but personally I'd say they both got worse.


There’s still a lot of parts that haven’t settled yet, so probably too early to really definitively say. Florida is almost guaranteed to be worse off when it’s all said and done though.


Drury should take a shot at one or two of the young guys who weren't qualified. Simple 1 year $775,000 contracts. Maybe they impress and make the roster, maybe they don't and get sent to Hartford. What do we have to lose? Filip Zadina Alex Nylander Kailer Yamamoto Calen Addison Pierre-Olivier Joseph Erik Brännström


I like this


There’s 2 possibilities 1: Jacob Trouba, who is by all accounts a wonderful and non problematic guy off the ice, is threatening to not report to camp if traded to a team not on his NTC list, which would be an extremely bold move for a guy who is set to be paid $8 million. 2: Larry Brooks, who reported less than 24 hours ago that Trouba leaving the Rangers was all but a guarantee and is now abruptly reporting the opposite, is full of shit and doesn’t know anything.


1. If the issue for Trouba is that his wife's residency got delayed by a year and he opts to sit out the season if traded, then honestly do the trade anyway. If it's Detroit, ask for very little in return (the point is to recoup some cap space right?), a couple of picks at most and retain some salary. Then let him not report. Detroit can toll his contract so that he'll still owe Detroit those two years. While he's not reporting, his money won't be on the books so no cap hit for the Red Wings and no cap hit for the Rangers on the portion they retain. 2. This is most likely the case. These last few articles from Brooks are so bizarre in how the tone changes that I'm almost convinced this was him either making shit up or just writing up something a Rangers PR flunky fed him.


Geez imagine being so upset at wanting to be “offseason Stanley Cup Champions” This is why Vally is our shrink


Certainly feel better about the Trocheck deal after today.




Chytil will never. He’s a bust.


How would you guys feel about like moving Kakko to a team with excess draft capital to restock some picks and clear some cap space. Opens his spot on the wing for Othmann or Berard to grab as well. I doubt he’s worth a 1st rounder but maybe could get two 2nd rounders or a 2nd and a 3rd


Othmann was a PP merchant in Hartford. 27 of 49 points were on the powerplay. He needs more time to grow his game. Berard doesn't fit the mold of what Drury wants on this team, and by that I mean he's too small, so I can't see him ever getting a chance.


His value is rock bottom and Othman/berrard have a spot to earn atm


“Drury releasing all the swedes to punish Mika” - a quote from a family friend


At this point, if Trouba is eventually traded, who’s his replacement? But I’ve been saying the Rangers need to get more physical as well as get more north south in the ozone. So that question is, who’s left available to do all of that?


Assuming we're done, which I'm not sure about, we'd be pretty well set up to have flexibility and options at the deadline. The team as currently constructed will be fine in the reg season. We'll be glad we can make a big play when our needs are more well defined and we're a few weeks from the playoffs.


It’s underwhelming but seeing some of those huge contracts I’d rather not have those


Everyone needs to fuckin chill. Jfc. The cups not won in the offseason. If any team in history can prove that big offseason signings don’t matter it’s the fucking Rangers. Smoke some bud, relax and enjoy the summer


Skinner just signed with Edmonton for 3M. No reason we couldn’t have gotten that done. Ridiculous lack of action from Chris Drury Our best hope is now signing Tarasenko who honestly will probably cost more. Either that or we have to give up assets in a trade (ridiculous when there were a plethora of good options on the market for free today) OR we STILL don’t get a f***ing #1 RW. Sean Walker chose Carolina too so I’d love to know who he plans on replacing Trouba with.


Our 1RW is Laf


Quality wise sure but they’re not the first line. I’m talking about the MZ line. They need a RW.


and it’s not Jeff skinner, the man who has played over 1000 games in the NHL without a playoff appearance. He straight up avoids contact


How is it Jeff Skinner’s fault that he’s been on dogs*** teams his entire career? He was on Carolina when they sucked, obviously Buffalo has been horrible for years. He’s a good player.


No it’s not but there’s something to be said for us signing a player with literally zero playoff experience. He is an all skill finesse player, which is not what this team needs. Not physical, doesn’t back check, all offense


The narrative of what this team “needs” switches every year depending on who the Rangers lose to in the playoffs. When we were embarrassed by NJD it was because we weren’t as skilled, young and fast as them. Now we lose to Florida and we’re concerned about being too skilled/finesse and not physical enough.


Isn’t the first line the line with the most minutes? Panarin’s line had that last year I think? And the most points


How is your agoraphobia


Going pretty well, thanks! Making some big trips soon. Why do you ask?


I had my only panic attack 5 moths ago but after that attack whenever i go outside alone i get adrealine rushes and anxiety also had many more symptoms but slowly fading away but this one is very frustrating


Here isn't the best place to discuss this. Feel free to either shoot me a PM or make a threat on the sub/discord!


That would make sense but last year they ran the lines as Kreider Zibanejad Roslovic Panarin Trochek Laf Cuylle Wennberg Kakko Vesey Goodrow Rempe So I assume it will be the same thing this year


Is Kapenen still available, and do you think he’d be a good piece on the wing? Doesn’t put up the most points, but is fast and that’s what we need.


He got a new contract in st louis


Ahh darn


We are not winning the cup without a strong 1RW. I sure hope that Drury will work something out cause right now we might be looking as a worse team than we were in 2023/2024.


People need to stop saying RW1.. that’s laf we need RW2


Sure but Laf is a natural LW playing (really well) out of position.


Why do you think they will be a worse team. Added smith and that other guy. Lost: Goodrow and Gustafson Wennberg and Roslovic Presumably jones waiting in the wings. Trouba on the block. Might have healthy chytil. If he stays, I’ll garuantwe an Improved kakko off a career worst year. Plus Ascending lafreniere. I don’t see how they’re worse, and keep in mind, the starting point is the best team in the league for the first 89 games of the season, and perhaps the second or third best team in the league, period.


Plus, we are allowed to make deadline deals. The opening day roster is not likely to be the opening day of the playoffs roster.


Is there no way we can sign Seth Jarvis? Look at the season he had with a bum shoulder. 


The Carolina hurricanes might have something to say about that


Every few years there will be a free agency class where the best thing a GM can do is absolutely nothing and very few of the deals signed pan out well. I absolutely get that vibe from this year, the amount of overpays this year is insane. I understand the cap finally went up a good bit and we’ve recovered from the cap horror that was Covid but damn some of these gms are gonna wish they had some restraint in a year or 2


Yeah everyone screaming for a rw1, but after Guentzel who’s already gone, who’s really left? A declining Stammer (now on Nashville)? Marchessault maybe is the best remaining, but I’m not convinced throwing a hefty contract at him will move the needle and giving 4+ years to a 33 yo is a sketchy move with Laf and Shesty awaiting big paydays


Lizotte at 2 years 1.85 per or the manager of Middlesbrough for 3 years 1mil per. Hmm.


Yeah, yeah we all know what’s going on w/Trouba But I’m reminding everyone, that Christopher James Kreider single handed destroyed the Carolina Hurricanes.


[insert picture of tortilla man character]


I choose the tortilla man character.


Lol typo


What about a 🐎


If Trouba and his agent are what's holding up Drury from improving the team then LOL some captain he is


You can go up to 10% over the cap in the offseason so that’s a sad excuse. Drury has no one to blame but himself.


Every other GM knows the position that we're in. Why wouldn't they make us wait...


Honestly if we’re dealing with Detroit it’s probably a product of Yzerman being the savvy GM he is. He knows we’re likely trying to get this done sooner rather than later, meanwhile he has nothing to lose by making us wait. Time is one of his bargaining chips against us




Fairly obvious at this point that Drury is waiting for 2025 and 2026 when Panarin comes off, Touba goes away (will be sooner), Perrault is up, etc. to make moves for Draisitl, McDavid, etc. A bunch of the contracts given out today are going to be dogshit in 2-3 years


I don’t disagree that he’s waiting until panarin comes off the books and Perrault is ready to come up to make more big free agency splashes. But you guys are insane if you think McDavid and Draisitl are leaving Edmonton


Ironically, if something does happen and one of them leave, I wouldn’t put it past the Rangers to make an offer.


Every team will make an offer. Each and every one, it wouldn't surprise me if the Oilers get an offer on Coyotes header paper...


I know the rangers have a dodgy history of signing players past their prime, but these are signings they absolutely should try and make if given the opportunity.


Troubas money will go to Laf (8x8,) and Shesty will get Panarins money (He will get around 10 me thinks). There is no extra for a Draisaitl and McDavid. Be realistic.


I’m sorry but laf is not getting an 8x8 after one good year.


I think 6.5x7 would be fair.


Did you see what Slafkovsky got?


I did but I still don’t see how laf gets more than that when slaf has been in the league shorter and has broken out quicker. I’m not saying he is gonna get peanuts mind you but 8x8 is steep. Now if we give that to him and he turns into Kucherov you can save these comments and ask me about it then and I’ll give you my firstborn son as repayment but until then I think he’ll take a 6x6 instead of


Well Laf extension will most likely happen later this season or next summer. If he has another great season I suspect he will get a number starting with an 8. But hey, I don't know anything. Guess we will have to wait.


Slaf got what he got because if he does this again next year they will have to give him 9+ that’s the whole point of these long timely extensions is lock guys in to good numbers before they play themselves up too much. If you give him a 6x6 I think he takes it and we look like genius in 2 years


We’ve had success bringing in ex-Oilers in the past. I’m about it.


Rantanen, Eichel, Kaprizov, Robertson, etc. all in 2026


I said something similar earlier today about better free agent groups coming up after this year. I’m all in on waiting. Give this core another crack at it next year and then start making moves for a retool with whoever ends up being available.


what killed us was missing on pick 7 (should've been a top-5 pick but they changed the rules lol) in 2017 and 9 in 2018 IMO


Imagine we took Necas instead. Woulda been nice


Fucking devils signed Dillon and Pesce. God damnit.


Yeah and lost John Marino and Holtz. I’d say they stayed just about the same if not got a little better in large part due to Markstrom (who is still a bit of a wildcard)


What’s everyone’s thoughts on Lindgren? I assume they’ll resign him but haven’t heard much on that front


I'm on the fence. I love the sheer grit and determination, but the way he plays is going to age him like milk on a hot porch. He absolutely should not be signed longer than 2/3 years at this point


Drury can probably play hardball and get him on a 1-2 year deal without much of a raise. Then you just pray last year was an outlier and maybe also stop giving him top pair duties (it's never happening). Then let him walk as a UFA. I'd trade him but this is the best "keep him" scenario they could do.


Bring him back on a short term deal. His body is gonna give out at some point bc of how many times he sacrifices his body.


I absolutely want him back, but it needs to be a short term contract for a reasonable price. No way would I commit long term.


Pretty darn quiet day


So still nothing with Trouba ???


Seeing all these teams improve makes me so depressed they didnt get it done this year smh, but I understand a lot of the deals given today are insane. But still..hurts


I haven’t been following, have we done anything yet?


Really wish we had gotten Necas to pair with Mika/Chris. The Trouba situation probably makes it impossible to acquire pieces bigger than what we did.


Drury just said: “*Jacob knows what I think of him as a player”* Which is extra funny, cuz yeah- we pretty much know Drury would rather pay $3M of dead money for him to not play for us than have him on the team, lol




No. NHLPA does not allow for contract restructuring


thank you!


You can't restructure NHL contracts. You also can't re-sign with a team that just bought you out.


thank you very much


Im having an extremely tough time drawing the line between: “what could drury have done since Trouba made his life extremely difficult” And “I’m incredibly… whelmed”


With Carrier officially off the board I don’t think there’s a single decent righty defenseman on the market still, which is a bit concerning. Maybe there’s a non-QO’d guy we take a flyer on? I would hate Holl if we got him back in a Trouba trade, considering he was benched on a mediocre Red Wings teams. Is there anyone else available via trade? Looking through some cap-strapped teams, maybe Manson out of Colorado? I've got no clue what Drury's plan is at this point.


NYR had MacDonald ripe for the plucking and Colorado got him for league min. Caleb Jones is still available. so is Brannstrom. all 3 of these guys would've been mammoth upgrades for NYR's blue line


I don't mind Brannstrom, not super high on Caleb Jones though. MacDonald and those 2 are all lefties though, which isn't a huge deal, but something to keep in mind at least.


Brannstrom and Mac can play on their off side. Z Jones can too C Jones' metrics in 3rd pair role are pretty good. Hell, Ruhwedel can be had for cheap too




Nils Just re-signed in Dallas and literally had a [statistically-better season](https://x.com/hockeystatcards/status/1770832736820859180) this year than [Schneider](https://x.com/hockeystatcards/status/1770861726893838830) did lol


A lot of the signings teams made today are straight up dumb. The cap goes up a little bit and all these teams start making it rain on guys that are all 30+ years old. No thanks. I’m not thrilled with our moves so far, but I’ll be happy when we get to sign our own guys instead of watching them walk. Now I’m just waiting on this Trouba trade situation to wrap up.


Some of these contracts handed out today are gonna age like really piss poor wine starting in about a year and a half or so


Dury is a dumby that’s the second tough player he is getting rid of


Stamkos and Marchessault in Nashville gonna be insane


I’m not sold on Stamkos putting up the same production in Nashville. He doesn’t have anyone close to Kucherov or Point feeding him the puck.


And skjei! Along with Forsberg and Josi obviously, they're gonna be a scary team.


Where did Stamkos end up? I saw he tweeted a thank you to Tampa




Let me be clear here, I think if Trouba never has/had this contract, he stays as bottom pair dman and I think everyone would want him to stay. But, the reality is, this trade has to happen. I'd rather have a trade than a buyout tbh. And plus, if the Rangers make/made a move, there's a possibility that Igor or Laf don't get an extension. Really simple as that. Is it disappointing that the Rangers were only able to get Reilly Smith? Yeah. I mean, he's cheap. But not wheels cheap. They did something. Are they done? we will find out. Now, the question is, assume Trouba is eventually moved(if he is moved) Where do the Rangers go from there? another dman? resign Igor or Laf asap? or another RW?


I hope smith isn't the plan for RW1. Trouba is way overpaid and not great. Was terrible in the playoffs, was that injury related? Probably somewhat.


Coach Q was just reinstated


Classic NHL burying the news in the slew of free agency insanity. Disgusting.


Gross 🤢


wait what?! Really


Yes and so were Bowman and MacIsaac Eligible to be hired by an NHL Team as of July 10




This years free agent class is going to go down in the history books. So much money and term being thrown around to a lot of guys not considered cream of the crop type players. Some of these teams are really gonna feel it in a few years


I feel like the numbers keep going up every year, it’s crazy…


That’s because they do, as the salary cap also increases


It’s wild how we are considering this FA crop to be so expensive yet bench players you’ve never heard of in the NBA are making Connor McDavid money


Basketball is likely the 3rd most popular sport in the world for viewership. More people watch an NBA preseason game in China than world wide viewers of Game 7 of the Stanley Cup.


The NBA is a different beast financially. The 76ers just signed Paul George to $53m PER YEAR to be their 3rd best player


I’ve never heard of Isaiah Joe before and he’s making $12M year lmao


That’s Igor money




So nice he said it thrice


Lol idk why it commented twice




I mean it’s his right to do that


Not really. Can spend up to 10% over the cap during the off-season.


I think the rest of the off season moves come down to what happens with Trouba, if they’re able to move him via trade and retain some salary, waive him and clear it all or forced to keep him. I think Reilly Smith is an okay move for either scenario. If you can’t move Trouba, Smith is an ok winger to play with Mika and Kreids better than Wheeler or Kakko but not the true elite winger we wanted. If they can move Trouba then cap space opens up to look for an elite top 6 addition via trade with Smith playing on the 3rd line instead


Wenny just got 5 mil aav from SJ good for him damn, quite a raise


They really needed to hit that salary floor


Not a free agent signing but Montreal just locked up Slafkovsky to a 7.6x8 Drury let’s get Laffy settled eh


Slaf getting 8x7.6 means Laf is gonna get 8x9. Oy The age of Trocheck contracts are over. We're back to pre-pandemic madness where players like Kevin Hayes get over 7mil AAV over 7 years.


If I'm Laf and Byfield yeah, that's what I'm looking to get. And if I'm the Rangers and Kings, sign me the fuck up. Laf will outproduce that AAV the moment he steps onto PP1.


It’s really sad that f***ing Chicago and San Jose had a better first day of Free Agency 2024 than us.


Lmfaoooooooo yeah man we should definitely compare our cap situation to that of two lottery teams barely at the cap floor