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If you make 8 million as a third pair dman, you better be the best third pair dman in the league


And if you're the captain of a team you should play like the captain of a team and not wander out of position to make a dirty hit, miss your assignment and leave your goalie/ rest of your team out to dry.


I mean…that was a pretty classic case of a player who was overmatched (for whatever reason), and putting a lot of pressure on himself to be better. Pretty much just drowning under the weight of his responsibilities all playoffs


Even so, that number being on a third pairing defenseman is directly money we couldn’t give stamkos or Marchessault or anyone today. Literally would’ve changed the identity of the team.


Oh yeah. Signing old free agents to stupid contracts would change our identity. You must be new here.


The window is now. Steven stamkos in 2024 and 2025 would give us a better chance at a cup.


Here on Earth, he was not signing a 2 yr contract.


No argument from me. No team has ever won with a third pair D overpaid to this extent. He's probably worth 2 million at this point.


I mean the oilers made it to game seven payiny nurse over $9m. And he’s a third pairing defencemen, on a good day. So it can, ALMOST, work :)


Never trust a man with a Tom Brady handle in a NY sports sub


How about trying to hit puck carrier every single time on 2 on 1 situations?


“There is no guarantee that Jacob Trouba would accept a trade even to a club on his approved list if that means leaving his wife and nine-month-old (as of training camp) behind.” What’s this mean? He’s allowed to reject a trade to someone on his approved list?


No, Brooks is an idiot if we trade him to a team not on his NTL and he doesn’t report he doesn’t get paid.


What team wants to risk that or take on that headache?


That may be true. But if his agent has already told potential trade suitors that he won’t report….


Right I was wondering what Brooks meant by this. I thought the whole point of his list is that he can be traded to any team not on it


Brooks is full of shit and trying to make this a huge story, and in doing so is being an asshole to trouba and the rangers org, and sure why not the fans to. guys a clown.


Didn’t I see something here earlier today quoting Brooks saying bridges were burned and it was inevitable Trouba would be gone? Guy knows what drives clicks and seems to have some kind of vendetta here.


Clown who works for a clown organization that is the ny post


Seriously, the Post is *garbage*. Complete and total rag.


Brooks is the best NYR source no matter how much everyone wants to hate the post 


I do not trust anything the media is saying at this point. First Elliot Freidman says a deal will be done by the end of the day, then says they were totally off base. Then brooks says Trouba’s time in New York is done, then says he can’t leave because of his wife?? Are you kidding me. These assclowns have no idea what they are talking about.


He’s saying trouba might hold out for a year so his wife can finish her residency.


>“There is no guarantee that Jacob Trouba would accept a trade even to a club on his approved list if that means leaving his wife and nine-month-old (as of training camp) behind.” What the fuck does Brooks mean by this? Trouba has a no trade *list*. If a team is not on that list, there is **nothing** Trouba can do to stop the trade from going through. Does he mean Trouba will threaten retirement if traded? I legitimately want to know what Brooks means by this. Because that might be the most incomprehensible thing he’s ever written, which is saying a LOT.


He can make it known he wouldn't be cooperative and report to that team, which could tank his trade value and make it virtually impossible for Drury to find any takers


Which would void his contract.


He would be suspended, but why would a team want to trade for a guy who won’t play?


Can we void his contract now then? I don’t think that’s how it would work but I’m open to being wrong


sure. but if you make it known that you'd be trading for shit ahead of time, most teams won't bother putting an offer


If that’s the case waive his ass and send him to Hartford, if he doesn’t report terminate his contract for breach of contract or conduct detrimental to the team. He can keep his 8 mil and spend his weekends on the greyhound to Albany and Rochester.


If Jacob Trouba is indeed threatening that, he should be relentlessly booed every time he touches the puck next year and stripped of the captaincy. He does not have a full NMC. He needs to stop acting like he’s entitled to not be traded when he is contractually eligible to. He has a right to block a trade to 15 teams. He does not have a right to block a trade to the whole league


Sam: I think they’re saying “Trouuu” Joe! Joe: I don’t think so, Sam Sam: my mistake they’re saying “booo”


I was saying "Trou-urns!"


Excuse me


Yeah but if he doesn't report he gets suspended without pay and his contract gets tolled anyways (basically freezes until he fulfills it). He'd be walking away from $12M and still wouldn't be able to pick his team.


He loses money if he gets bought out so often it’s in the players interest to accept a trade even to a team on his no trade list.


Not necessarily in this case. If he gets bought out, he'd still make 8 of the 12M still owed to him. So as long as he signs a 2 year deal for $4M at minimum, he wouldn't be losing anything.


Also, put a different way, get $12M to work, or get paid $8M to not work… and still have the option to work to make more than the $8M


Wait.... Players don't get their full contract when bought out? I thought it just lowered cap hit


When players 25 or older get bought out they get 2/3 of the remaining salary on the contract and all of the signing bonus money left on it.


> Does he mean Trouba will threaten retirement if traded? Good this helps us, we won't have to eat any of his salary and it'll be off the books. We won't get a random draft pick or fringe NHLer back but oh well. He has the same rights as any other worker whose job gets relocated. Most of us don't have millions of dollars to help though.


Just looking at the headline, I’d have to guess that was put out by Trouba’s camp, no? Or Brooks is just making shit up lol Need to read the article


I mean this story is obvious and already known. His wife wanting to be in NY (and specifically not Canada given the move from Winnipeg) was his whole rationale for the trade years ago. It was a very public story how he was advocating for his wife’s career. 


Whatever the truth is in all of this, Larry has made an absolutely mess of it. This is what happens when you’re so horny for sources you publish the first thing you hear.


Friedman did the same thing


What the fuck happened to “Trouba is 100% done, the decision has been made” ?


BREAKING: The post has learned that Larry is full of shit sometimes.




This article basically contradicts everything reported on this "situation" in the last 48 hours. What the fuck is going on.


NY Post fake news as usual.


I’m sorry, every player faces these issues when being traded, spouses jobs, kids in school etc… what exactly makes Troubas situation special here? He now has a M-NTC. Ball is is drurys court.


My guess is the teams on his approved list are all the teams close to NYC, that likely want nothing to do with him/Drury doesn’t want to send him to a big rival, and then other teams that Trouba knew wouldn’t have the space or desire to take him.


If Drury was smart he would happily send him to a rival that plays him way too much just like we do.


Are you all so dense? Someone has to want him, like Drury can’t just say here you go devils here’s Trouba and I’ll take that pick of yours. The deal has to make sense


I meant the Drury not wanting to send him to a rival part. If there is a rival that does want him and Drury is saying no “because they’re a rival” then he’s a donut


Let’s be real, even at max retention he’s not worth 4 million a year. There’s a limited number of teams with cap space willing to take on bad contracts for draft picks. Trouba probably put them on his no trade list anyway. You’d have to find a third team willing to eat an additional 50% to get him down to a 2 million dollar player, but that’s just going to cost more draft picks.


I've come to terms with the fact that I'll never see the Rangers win another Stanley Cup. I'm just glad a woman whose husband makes $8M a year won't have to be inconvenienced with relocating...


Never gonna see a cup in my lifetime 😭


I was 2 in ‘94 and I guess the hockey gods decided that’s good enough lol


Same brother same. Is ours the lifetime that ‘94 will last for?


This is our captain yall. The guy that is suppose to represent our team and culture. No fucking wonder we look soft as shit


So if you are the leader of a team at your job, you’re not allowed to be pissed when they lay you off? Imagine if your wife just got hired for her dream job and you have a baby at home? At that point, how does it help you to be loyal? You have to think about it from all perspectives.


We have to stop comparing the Troubas to average Joe 1:1. Trouba has earned $73 million dollars in his career so far. It is not the same as a wage worker being laid off. Trouba could retire right now and be set for life and pass down generational wealth to multiple children.


Geez. This better end asap. What ever happened to the Gary cooper type of leaders? The Strong silent type? That’s what the rangers need. That’s a real leader right there!




I don't like players that hold my team hostage.


If I was trouba I’d be fucking embarrassed


Honestly he probably is embarrassed this situation is just sad


He’s crying in his $Millions.


she's in residency, not the military, her husband makes 8 million dollars a year, i'm sure they have a nanny believe it or not there are people doing residencies in cities while their spouses do residencies in other cities she's certainly the richest and most comfortable person in her residency this is not very moving or tragic


Don't forget their parents can help with their kid too. None of the Trouba "reasons" for staying are any consideration for why he should stay. His on ice performance, which he has sole and total control over, is why he needs to fuck off to another team.


I refuse to feel bad or see Trouba as a victim


It's not a "tragic" decision. It's just that he would prefer not to. Really not hard to understand given the circumstances.


Hate to say it but normal people have to do distance relationships for much less money. Unless there’s something I’m missing (haven’t read the article so please correct me if there’s another reason I’m missing)


Incredible no one wonder we haven’t won a damn thing in 30 years. This makes us look amateurish.


Believing Larry Brooks is what’s amateurish he literally was saying the exact opposite of this less than 24 hours ago


Brooks is a mouthpiece for the front office. Read the articles, pick up the rhetoric, and then watch what happens. Example: yesterday morning brooks opens up saying in his opinion, only Stamkos is a top 6 forward worth signing due to cap crunch 2025. Drury makes a trade for someone on a one year deal, and says he wants to be mindful of cap space.


Worth mentioning that Trouba did the same thing to Winnipeg and they were thrilled to be rid of him


I think that’s revisionist history. He elevated Morrisey’s play and they became a very good first pair D together. He scored 50 pts the last year he was with the jets. Just let it be known that he wasn’t going to resign with the team


This whole situation basically killed rangers offseason


I promise I’m not the worst person on the planet (bad preface … I know!) But a wife who has a job and a 6 month old child is not an “excuse” to hold a $5 billion dollar business’s decisions hostage. I do not hear cries of outrage for random AHL Joe Schmo who makes $80 grand and has to uproot his family across the country every year. Jacob Trouba is NOT a victim. The family dynamics are a big inconvenience for sure, but one a guy with a $64 million dollar contract to his name sure could stomach a lot more smoothly than any of us could.


Trouba isn't doing anything he's not contractually allowed to do. I've been anti-Trouba before most people here, but this is a dumb take. This is a business. We want him gone for business reasons. He wants to stay for business reasons. Maybe this organization will learn their lesson about giving out NMC/NTCs like they're candy.


Yeah it’s insane so many people are whining and calling him wild things for….using his contract to his advantage. I’m sure if everyone else here had a clause in their job that said they could control where they work they’d say “nah just send me wherever you want” right? Right?


He can also be traded to any of the teams not on his no-trade list, and there is not a thing he can do about that. So if he's staying, that's a choice the front office is making, basically saying "well, there's no one else available we like for the role that we like, and we can shoulder the 8million cap hit this year." It's also entirely possible that any teams not on his no-trade list don't want him / his contract for 2 years. Fact of the matter is that his contact is easier to move next June.


For sure, I also wouldn’t be surprised if he stacked his approved trade list, it’s what I’d do. Only approve all the nearby teams and then teams you know can’t fit your contract in a way that makes sense for the rangers or just don’t have a need for you.


Many years ago I was in retail store management and had to list the stores that I was willing to get transferred to. I am in Central NJ and knew that stores in the northern part had higher salaries. Those were the only stores I put on my list. Figured if I were to get a longer commute, I would want more money. (Wound up leaving the job before ever finding out if I would get transferred)


> It's also entirely possible that any teams not on his no-trade list don't want him / his contract for 2 years. This is the big thing. With a 15 team no trade list with his contract he can effectively make himself untradeable by just listing all the teams that could possibly fit him on it.


Im totally fine with Trouba using his NTC to benefit his family. That’s his right. But I refuse to feel bad for him or see him as some type of victim.


The thing is that the NTC was supposed to line up with the end of his wife’s residency. Im sure the Troubas emphasized that during his negotiation. But she took a year off and now she’s a year behind the NTC. It suck’s but that’s why. I do hope we only give clauses to super star players though. It’s insane to me how many we have given out.


Completely agree. The treatment he’s receiving is just the reality of working for an organization like this. As long as the Rangers act in accordance with his contract, there’s zero reason this situation should hold them back from doing what’s in their own best interest as an organization


It’s literally in his contract that he can though, hate the NTC he got not him, why wouldn’t he exercise that clause if it’s what’s best for him? I think we can deduce the Sabres, Devils, and Isles would be on his approved list, likely the Bruins, Flyers, Pens, Caps as well, all the closest teams but also ones that won’t want him. If he rounds out his teams with places that def don’t want him that’s his right.


The article said he wouldn’t even accept a trade to a team that isn’t on his no trade list. He’s just pouting till his wife’s residency is over and we’re stuck with him


Yeah I mean idk how that part would even work, that’s probably just him trying to crater his trade value, I’d have to imagine there’s a clause in contracts that if he refuses to go elsewhere he can be terminated with no cap penalty etc.


You’re seeing how it works. Get this story published, now teams not on his list won’t trade for him for fear he won’t report. He’s actively tanking his value to hurt the team. Drury should call his bluff and trade him


Because Brooks is full of shit and trying to make news where there isn't any.


If he’s still here next season I hope he gets boo’d every second he has the puck. This guy deserves the D’Angelo treatment


No way he’s on the team next year at this point


He doesn't deserve that. Last I checked, he didn't attack his fellow players or get in trouble for spouting bigoted remarks. But if he stays, he certainly doesn't deserve to wear the C.


I agree with you. This is first world issues at its finest. Trouba and his wife are spoiled AF.


I can only take the sob story for a human making 8mil a year playing a game for so long. Teams given him 40 mil. This is literally part of the reason the pay is so high. Relocate on a dime. If this was his top priority he should have taken a pay cut for a full nmc. If he still doesn't want to play out his contract I will gladly take it over.


$73 million in career earnings. I refuse to feel bad for him.


Can you imagine what the building is gunna be like if he is on the ice opening night


Depends on if he's on the visiting team.


Without getting into the admittedly complicated details… everyone in the league has a wife and kid, Jacob. You’re not special.


Fans are going to rip this guy apart next year when he inevitably plays like shit again


If he doesn’t move trouba after this fire Drury into the sun


I’m at a loss for words at this point….


Brooksie has officially lost his fucking marbles


At this point how can you move forward with him on the team? This player is an active detriment to this team.


At first it was on the ice, now it’s off ice


Honestly after this article I don’t see how Trouba can come back. Brooks basically said he is holding the franchise hostage by refusing to play for a team not on his NTC list. This is going to get really hostile with the fans and I imagine Drury is not happy about moves he missed out on because of these games by Trouba. He needs to accept his time in NY is over


Get the fuck out of here with this shit. I respect the fact that she's not a typical wag, but this is a fucking business and Trouba did not hold his end of the bargain. Pretty dogshit captain, and soon to be pariah.


I must say Drury has handled this situation awfully.


Handled it like the New York Jets.


With Brooks, sometimes you get insightful articles rooted in decades of covering the NY Rangers. Other times, you click and say 'this asshole works for Rupert Murdoch, and this horseshit article is exactly what I SHOULD expect from the NY Post'


There's a reason this team hasn't won a cup in 30 years. And Trouba is the worst captain in franchise history.


Going to be 31 yrs with no cup. The moves made today do not get this team over the hump. 


This is bullshit. Dr. Trouba is not under contract to the New York Rangers. She should have thought about this before marrying a professional athlete. This is their problem, not the team's


Him saying he’s not waiving his NTC is the teams problem not his.




Brooks is a tool


Trade him to a team not on his no trade list. He'll report to his new team. I feel for his family situation but I believe the phrase is "that's what the moneys for"


OK Jake...of the 16 teams not on your list, which cities would you prefer to be traded to??? I'm sure one of them has a residency program in your wife's field of medicine that she would be able to transfer to. You asked for 7 x 8, with a Full no move for the 1st 5 year. That change to 15 teams yesterday. The organization has lived up to it's end of your contract, it's time that you live up to yours.


Get ready for another season of Trouba getting caught out of position, hitting the boards with every shot, and fail to make simple outlet passes again. Surely he won’t be bad at the same things he’s always been bad at!


Oh no! The millionaires are sad, you guys! Give me a break.


Why do we care about his wife ? He is not the only player to ever be traded. Other players family members leave their jobs, family, and friends. I don’t feel bad for her or him. Boo hoo.


Even in every day life there are plenty of situations where people will have to uproot their families and relocate for a job. Financial hardships can force many people to do this even if it’s extremely inconvenient to the way they live. This is the same reality but with a professional athlete making nearly eight figures a year. People should have less sympathy


Hey does everyone remember those articles calling Drury such a cutthroat and he was determined to shake things up


I mean nothing in this article says it’s Drury being nice it’s such a weird article honestly


Drury better find a way to cut him loose. We can’t afford to have washed and overpaid Trouba on this team for another year.


Last I checked Jacob Trouba’s wife is not being paid by this franchise so that’s not something we should be concerned with. I understand Trouba is fighting for his rights to not be traded but the rangers front office cannot back down from moving on from him. They should buy him out and if staying in the tri state area is that important he can sign with the devils or islanders for the year and do whatever he wants.


Buying him out is an option. They should if they don’t want him this bad.


This might sound a bit harsh, but how many non-athlete millionaires get their PTO requests denied because, well, *rEaSoNs*? How many of us on this sub, who make a fraction of this guy's salary, have had to miss key moments in our family's lives because of work? I get that it's a sticky situation for him, but I, for one, am not crying on his behalf.


Well. More people should have more control over their lives and have the option to have a “NTC” and not get sent somewhere they don’t want to go. If you had a contract with your job saying you work where you live and you build a family. Then one day they say hey fuck off we’re gonna move you and then gave you a list of places. Would you answer “oh I don’t care where fuck it I’ll go where ever helps the company even tho it fucks me personally”. You wouldn’t. Trouba is doing nothing wrong here


Trying not to be downvoted to hell and back for this doomer take but we didn’t improve on the team that wasn’t good enough (despite .940 goaltending from Igor) when all our competition around us got better We’re fucked.


So, no trades, no transactions at the trade deadline? It was today or nothing? Other than Guentzel who was the magic man today that would have possibly put them over the top? They spend like drunken sailors every July 1st AND IT NEVER WORKS.


Game changing players available at the deadline are few and far between and those that are, cost double what they would in the offseason and then have 8 weeks to acclimate to the team before the playoffs.


Like Guentzel who was available last TDL?


And which players under contract are we trading away to make sure we're cap compliant at the deadline? Not like we can just trade for Draisaitl with our cap situation.


It's July 1. The trade deadline is next year. No need to be overly dramatic.


And honestly, I’m kind of thinking we dodged bullets today. Guys like Skjei and Lindholm getting 7 years at 7 mil. The best UFA moves are often the ones you don’t make. We have been fortunate in recent years to hit on Trochek, bread, quick. We got a lot of guys needing a raise soon. Cap flexibility goes a long way.


i don’t understand this at all. is this suggesting that the status of her residency is what triggers the no move clause? that can’t possibly be. is the situation not that trouba owes a list of teams and they’re approved regardless?


The situation is his unwillingness to be traded has scared off any of the 16 teams it was possible to trade him to.


No, the contract was structured so that the NMC turned into a NTC when her residency ended. That way she could find a job easily if he got traded. With her residency delayed by a year, Trouba is stuck between a rock and a hard place.


We were so close -


If he’s resisting to go to a team not on his no trade list waive him. If he doesn’t like the fact the team is looking to trade him he shouldn’t have played like shit his whole tenure here or negotiated for a full NMC for the full contract. He has the right to refuse a trade to 15 teams, Drury now has the right to trade him to one of the other 16 teams. I’m sorry but it’s hard to feel too much sympathy for a guy making $8 mil a year, especially when you have journeymen making a fraction of his pay who get traded yearly


I see tons of comments about Trouba's wife that are.. at best rude and that's ridiculous ofc. With that being said, I'm also seeing people say that Ranger fans should be "happy their captain puts his family first"... why? Respectfully I'm not invested in the families of any of these players. Jacob Trouba is either going to be a defensive liability on the 3rd pair this season or the most expensive healthy scratch in the league. I'm all for criticizing the NMC and creating a discussion about how they need to stop offering those but lets call it how it is. Jacob Trouba (professional athlete) is the captain of the New York Rangers is currently holding his team hostage. At best, he's handcuffed the organization during the first day of free agency. At worst, he's handcuffing the Rangers all season on Laf & Igor's contract year, just before those guys get massive paydays. The Rangers could really use that money right now and they will need it at the deadline to remain competitive. Trouba needs to go and he needed to go before free agency.


Trouba about to get booed for every mistake more than Tom Poti


He’s gonna get booed more mercilessly than Tom Poti, Marek Malik, and Wade Redden *combined*


Why isn’t he being waived then


Just trade him to the devils or the isles. Problem solved.


We don’t want him




Playing the tiniest violin for this multi millionaire. It's been a disastrous off season so far.


It’s funny how much everyone wants to point out his a millionaire but the NYR are a billion dollar corp and are defending them up and down even tho trouba is in his full rights to not waive NTC


So Brooks is now just the pr mouthpiece for the Trouba camp, got it. Rip the C off his chest.


Disaster class by Drury


I’ve never seen a more selfish captain. No captain would ever do something like this…absolutely unbelievable. Not captain material whatsoever 


I mean we all knew this, Brooks is all over the place, yesterday he said Trouba was gonna be waived or traded, now it’s none of that. No idea what to believe, some people on the cesspool that is Twitter are acting like Drury is being nice and not trading Trouba bc of his wife which is wild, don’t think Drury has ever shown to be that type of GM.’c he’s cold blooded. The likely truth is teams aren’t offering what he wants because they aren’t sure if Trouba will accept or be happy about it, which makes sense for him to put that out there so he can remain, and it’s hard to blame as someone that has a 5 month old and who’s wife works wild hours like a resident would.


> Brooks is all over the place You're being downvoted, but it's true. He's been wrong about pretty much everything he predicted in the days leading up to the draft and now leading up to today. Even with his "close source". The post also reported that things "got ugly" and then turns around and now says "there is no animosity." He also said Trouba DIDN'T reject the (hypothetical) trade to Detroit. So, what's the fucking truth here? This article basically contradicts everything that's been reported in the last 48 hours and is now saying "everything's good, he's staying and is now gonna be moved next year when the team *needs* the 8 million in cap space?"


Take the C away.


Am I supposed to believe everything I've heard about Drury being a ruthless, cutthroat team manager determined to do everything possible to make the team better on the ice, or that Drury is done being ruthless and is now done trying to move an $8M/year third pairing defenseman while in need of cap space because moving is difficult for him? The Troubas have all my respect and sympathies and I acknowledge that this is a difficult time with difficult decisions, but if this is too much for a trade to be in consideration, I have bad news about the world of professional athletes. I feel bad for the hundreds of AHLers out there breaking their asses like they're in the big leagues and constantly uprooting while being paid less than the average MSG lower bowl fan on a given night.


Question, could we send trouba to the minors? I know we’d only get like 1.1 million in relief but would that be a possibility? Sending him down along with carrick would give us 11 million in cap space. Schneider signing for 2.25 million would give us 8.75 which would be enough to fill in a top 6 wing spot and find some budget dman options like brannstrom.


does he make enough money that he could hire a helicopter to take him from tribeca to hartford for games, practices, morning skates, video sesssions, charity toy drives and road games


Worst “Captain” of all time


Yo idgaf if his wife owns the team, it's time for him to go


I legit cant believe this is happening. One of the worst trades in Rangers history. And dont let his recent playoff play fool, hes been this way the entire time here. He just isnt good for the modern day NHL. Cant skate and cant handle the puck. How are you even a hockey player at this point?


Didn’t Alex Wennberg literally leave his newborn in the middle of the season because of the trade


Nah. His wife came with him and had the baby in NY


His wife gave me free tickets through my neurologist, so while it goes against what I believe as a fan, they have bought me off and so I have no choice but to be Team Trouba in this matter


“There is no guarantee that Jacob Trouba would accept a trade even to a club on his approved list if that means leaving his wife and nine-month-old (as of training camp) behind.” Does that mean he’d retire? Just not report? He’d give up 8 million dollars to hold his wife’s hand? But at this point, if they dump him, who’s replacing him? Are they better than he is? And what would drury do with the money anyway?


Probably become a full time artist. You know, the art he does that requires zero talent whatsoever. If he stays on the team I’m expecting them to strip the C


Cry me a river, Larry. She’s married to a highly compensated pro athlete, moving (or not) after a trade isn’t some injustice regardless of the spouse’s profession or their parental status


This makes me fucking sick. Add another tally to the “Years since last Cup” tracker. I don’t even know if we’re a better team than Washington at this point. Drury fucking dropped the ball


lmao we just won the presidents trophy. some of these takes are fucking insane


The goal is the Cup, not the president’s trophy. And the fact of the matter is after Game 3 of the second round the Rangers were outplayed from that moment forward. To be content with running it back with the same squad is foolish.


I knew all these NMC’s and NTC’s would come to bite us in the ass one day, and here we are. I know they’re the price of doing business, but now you have someone exercising it and it’s extremely ugly.


Absolute bullshit. Get this guy out of here. Disgrace to the jersey and the team and he dares to wear the C? Why would ANY of us care about his wife's fucking residency. You're payed to play, and you're not coming through. If his people leaked this terminate him for breach, but I'm pretty sure it was the Rangers who leaked it to help make it easier to off him. No real Ranger fan can say they want him here anymore after this.


I hate him so much. Fucks us on and off the ice


And with that your off-season is over. Just as we all thought, swapping Jack Roslovic for Reilly Smith and Sam Carrick for Barclay Goodrow is enough to get us over the top! (It’s not)


This team is cooked The least I hope they do is strip the captaincy from him


These is a bad job by both parties these talks should of be behind close doors unless trouba got cold feet to go to Detroit this should have never made the headlines


Brooks is a horrible "journalist" and, based on the last few days of "reporting," has no reliable sources or access to this story. He should also know better in this day and age that putting Trouba's private life out there is not just unethical but also potentially dangerous. Is Trouba worth $8m/year? No. Does he need to play better? Yes. Is hsi contract a problem for the team? Yes. None of that is a reason to violate Trouba's family life and privacy.


Fitting that Trouba and Daniel Jones both wear 8 and are both probably the most disliked people in NY sports right now


Question for all the people here making it seem like this is Troubas fault, if you had a clause in your contract at your job that said “you can control where you work going forward” you would just say “nah send me wherever you want I don’t care” right? Cause that’s what you’re saying Trouba should do for the good of the team. The team that he would be leaving.


I'd be doing exactly as Trouba is. The fact that this has gotten so public is ridiculous. Drury should be embarrassed.


Regardless of everything else, I respect Trouba's commitment to being the ultimate wife-guy.


We're a total laughingstock


If you read the article, this isn’t technically Drury’s fault nor is it Trouba’s fault. “We are told that has become part of the league-wide conversation, with several teams that otherwise would have been in big-time on Trouba now likely to wait until next year when Dr. Tyson-Trouba’s residency ends with the defenseman having one final season on his contract.” Essentially, no teams are taking on Trouba until his wife’s residency is over next summer. There’s absolutely nothing Drury or Trouba can be reasonably expected to do to mitigate this except maybe buyout the contract (which, in order to do, we first have to have an RFA file for arbitration to open up the second buyout window.) It’s certainly a disaster, but it’s a disaster for Brooks and Friedman who made a massive shit mountain out of a meaningless molehill. If this trade speculation never came out, we’d just be here wishing he were a better player. Now, we’re all ticked off at everyone and wanting him gone but no realistic avenue outside of a buyout exists for this to happen.


This is the best take. No one would have known anything if these journalists and sources kept their mouths shut. Drury, I’m sure, didn’t want this out and Trouba hasn’t explicitly come out to say anything either. It’s embarrassing and frankly irresponsible for the media to have made this into something it didn’t need to be. Now Trouba’s name is being dragged through the mud for a guy who has been an exemplary role model off the ice. On the ice his play has certainly taken a nosedive (not going to sugar coat how bad he was during the playoffs), but he still doesn’t deserve the vitriol he is currently getting from this fan base. Neither does his wife. I do hope this gets taken care of quickly for all sides involved. Everything else is just speculation until Drury or Trouba say otherwise.


I hope at least one of her preceptors is a rangers fan and gives her shit about it. In a non threatening way.


You know what? Good for Trouba, wife guy. I mean that sincerely. His wife is going through hell right now and he's doing literally everything in his power to support her. He structured his deal so that his no-movement clause ended when her residency was supposed to end, so if he got traded she could find a job at a hospital in the city where he works. It's implied in the article that he's willing to simply not play hockey so he could stay with his wife and newborn. If we're OK with management being completely ruthless, we need to accept that players can do it right back. I'm hoping he comes back and he plays with a fucking chip on his shoulder and is worth something close to the money we signed him to. Would I have been happy about him being traded? **Absolutely**. But I'm fine with just hoping he has a good year, is a pro, lights up a few rats, and maybe we move on next year when Shesty's massive deal gets signed, and Dr. Tyson-Trouba is going to be a badass neurologist wherever she ends up.


Teams have a right to make whatever roster moves they think are best, within the confines of what's allowed by the players' contracts. It seems clear to me that moving Trouba is what's best for the Rangers right now. More than that, a GM in a league with as tight of a salary cap as the NHL has a responsibility to the team to try to move bad contracts off the books, and Trouba's contract is inarguably a bad one. So Drury is well within his rights to be trying to move Trouba and I don't think that Trouba or any of the other vets in the locker room should be surprised by what's going on. That said, if I were in Trouba's shoes I also would not want to leave New York and I would be mad at Drury for trying to move me - that's just human emotion. Trouba doesn't have some kind of moral responsibility to play ball with a trade if he doesn't want to go.


We had the most wins in the league and in franchise history. Do you really think we could have done this if trouba was as bad as you guys say. Three years down the pipe and he wins a cup with another team and you will all be crying.


This is bullshit. If the Rangers don’t want Trouba or his salary the. They should trade him or waive him. I don’t care what his wife does or hurting his feelings. You can replace the name with any players name.