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To the best of my knowledge, FRIENDS was filmed live in a studio with an audience, with the exception of a few episodes that had unexpected plot twists.


To the best of my knowledge, if people paused for laughter in real life conversations like they were on TV, they would also come across as remarkably unfunny.


Yeah that’s why this is always a dumb “gotcha.” Of course removing the laugh track would ruin the timing and make it more awkward. I do hate laugh tracks, mind. Best use of laugh track I can remember is How I Met Your Mother. Filmed with no laugh breaks, but a subtle laugh track added in later if I recall? So it has the old school sitcom “feel” but with more natural timing. A good compromise. That show had other issues obviously.


This would be a good idea for a new string of hybrid shows. Want the laugh track/live audience setup without the weird writing style? Set up groups to screen the episodes for and add their laughs before it airs.


Iirc this is exactly what himym did. All the jump cuts made it impossible for a live audience to understand the jokes so they gathered groups and showed them the finished episode, recorded their laughs, and added them in


I think The Nanny started doing this after Fran Drescher got a really creepy stalker? Or at least they started limiting the live audience set-up somehow, to keep him from sneaking in to the tapings.


A lot of Japanese shows have a laughtrack that is just 3 or 4 guys in the room with you. It's like you're sitting on the couch with them chuckling.


The first season of HIMYM definitely has one of the most obnoxious laugh tracks. It's one of my favorite shows and every time I rewatch the first season it's such a surprise. Glad they tone it down eventually


I think with how I met your mother, they pre filmed everything since it had a lot of cut aways, then showed that to a live audience. Then they added the live laugh track for tv


The Ross edit is honestly scary, though.


Almost scared to ask... the what?


A scene where the laugh track is edited out and it makes Ross sound like a psychopath. iirc somebody ate his sandwich out of the fridge at work.


It's almost as if being over the top was the point. I find the absurdity amusing. Many premises in sitcoms become very unfunny, cringe and maybe even scary, if you're imagining yourself being involved as a regular person. I can look at quite a bit of comedy that I don't like and just take it at face value and think that the encounter would be quite disturbing.


To be fair though, if what happened to Ross and his sandwich happened to any normal person. HR would definitely be involved.


I also kinda get it. Not the outburst, but the urge to just let your frustration out at such reckless disregard for other people's belongings (and thievery).


Just make a Nutella/chocolate exlax sandwich and wait for the fun to begin. Or put black food coloring in the middle of a sandwich and look for the black smile


Yeah it's like people watch Glee and thinking, "These people are all mad!" Well, yes...


This https://youtu.be/4H6Ux3l75Rc?si=RyxZDCIQvB6Zr399


Thank you for your service. That is actually very menacing! Made me remember what an arsehole David Schwimmer played in Band of Brothers!


[It's terrifyingly hilarious. ](https://youtu.be/4H6Ux3l75Rc?si=_wO8OfB5lr3XWIwD)


Yep, this is why I hate seeing this all the time. It’s like saying “take two wheels off a car and see what a shitty motorcycle it is!”.


Like with many shows that do the same, they still added laughter. It was just recorded from the studio so it was a "live reaction", just not to that scene. Source: I used to have Friends, How I met your mother, etc. in the background for years. And after a while you *really* notice one specific laugh that appears in a bunch of episodes, and sometimes multiple times in the same one.


Is it the high pitch one that kinda goes huaaah huaaah


In Friends? Yes.


Yup, I can still hear it in the right audio channel several years later. It became like the Wilhelm or Howie scream for me.


It's the same with Big Bang Theory, filmed in front of a live audience but it is fashionable to hate on it and call it a "laugh track" even though almost all of the most popular sitcoms were filmed in front of live audiences as well.


With a huge sign that says {LAUGH}


Did they tho? I thought theyd rewrite parts that didn't get a big enough laugh.


They did, it was more a sign to tell the audience to stop laughing, like when they started laughing it would be flicked on, and then off if it was too long


The audience would be mic'd though, so that's a separate recording. Booms would be another story, I don't know much about sound design but I think you could reasonably filter out a lot of it at the cost of reduced audio quality


Without individually recorded tracks of the cast and the laugh track, it would be kinda hard to get rid of the laughs that coincide with talking as both laughter and speech occupy the same frequency ranges. With individual tracks, it would be super easy obviously.


For single camera shows and a lot of modern sitcoms, they wear mic packs, where the mic is usually hidden somewhere on their collar with a battery tucked in their pants. I think friends was before then, but I don't really know when that became normal It's also not uncommon to re-record lines in a booth when they use a wider shot (when you can't see the speakers mouth) specifically for cleaner audio to dub over the scene, so all those assets would exist


I'd imagine the cast had their mic packs, just a matter of whether or not whoever is doing this editing has access to that or not


Well cheif, if I bought Friends for a bazillion dollars I'd be fucking suing for the source files if I didn't get them


Live audience really doesn't mean shit when they have signs telling people how to react. It was typically a normal practice. Big sign lights that says "laugh" and everyone would. Usually you had to sign an agreement in order to be there saying that you will react to the best of your abilities as they tell you to.


Many laughs seem genuine. They’re comedy shows with audience members that most likely already enjoy the show and cast.


I can force a laugh after a bad joke a friend makes and make them think it's real. I don't disagree that some people may have found it funny, but in reality it's not. I have an ex who LOVED friends, and I sat through it probably 7 times start to finish, and I maybe laughed 10 times in all of that. And not even a good laugh, usually just a small chuckle if anything. But I also say I don't give a fuck what people like or don't, just do you.


If I had a nickel for every time I’ve seen this reposted, I could buy the rights to the show out of spite towards whoever keeps posting this over and over. Oh, u/RepostSleuthBot !


It’s also lame as fuck cuz people don’t realize that the person who posted it has an unhinged obsession with trying to prove to people the show isn’t funny. It’s really embarrassing if you look into it.


I am so sick of this narrative and so sick of this snide post in particular.






FR I agree with their opinion. The show really isn’t that great but will I make it my whole personality? Absolutely not. Do you know why? Because I don’t like the show so I’m not going to talk about it! Wait, I’m doing it now. DAMN IT


Except it was filmed in front of a live audience and those aren’t laugh tracks


This the case for multiple shows accused of being unfunny and using laugh tracks. This one, big bang, fresh prince, etc. How someone can find Fresh Prince of Bel Air not only unfunny, but unfunny enough to make a post about it, blows my damn mind.


Is it referring to when the show had it’s initial run, or 20 years later? There is a massive difference in what is now funny and what isn’t anymore. I remember the watch parties, people racing home once a week to watch it.  Weren’t they the first cast to get paid $1 million an episode? Must have been super unfunny…. No wonder no-one watched it.   


who is this insulting, the television show? Yeah sure, it'll wipe it's tears with the millions of dollars it made.


We can argue its not the best show and that it had its bad moments, we can also agree that laugh tracks are cringe too but these mfs act like its the unfunniest shit to hit television. FRIENDS also had many funny scenes.


Friends was filmed in front of a live audience. No laugh track added.


Well, that’s partially true (and I’m someone who grew up with and actually likes Friends). Shows at the time that were filmed in front of audiences often had the audience laughter augmented or replaced with tracks. Because they might have done the scene a few times and by the time they got the take they wanted the audience just wasn’t laughing as much. Or simply because they thought something was a big joke but the in-person audience didn’t care for it that much. But yeah, there were 100% people there laughing.


I just rewatched it all within a year, and forgot how hilarious the 'funny' parts were. Sure there were some stinkers, but IMO they were outweighed by the funniest bits.


I loved that show and thought it was hilarious. I was high though.


For all of it?!


I binged watched it a few years ago and I was hot most I’d the time. So gave me the giggles and reminiscing about the times that it aired.


No, not the unfunniest show, but unfunny enough. It’s a hill I’m willing to die on.


then perish




“I don’t like this” “Well it made a lot of money” “I still don’t like it”




How much is it still making? I'm genuinely oblivious to its current earnings.


Last time I checked, $20 million/year. Edit: Each one of the actors.


That's how much the actors make currently? In what, can't be all residuals?


I think the target would be unfunny people who liked the show.


This was always such a weird flex to me. "Look how miserable I am because I can't enjoy a show intended to make people happy and my personality is based on trying to ruin everybody's enjoyment of it" Comedy is subjective, nobody is making you enjoy that show. You're allowed to find Famaily Guy or Big Bang Theory funny regardless of what other people think because it makes you happy and that's all that matters. Just be happy


Exactly what I was going to say.


If you remove the laugh track from any show that has it, then it'll be really weird. The cadence of the delivery and jokes are done to match the live audience. I'm not a massive Friends fan but I do get a kick out of people getting angry that other people enjoy things that they don't. It's very sad.


I watched like one video on youtube with the audience laughs removed to make Ross look like a killer. Now it seems like every damn time I go on youtube its sending me reccomendations for the same type of Ross is batshit crazy no laughs videos. Its absolutely insane how much that one video has altered my algorithm lol


People saying Friends are unfunny are just desperate to be different and out of the norm. The show is extremely fucking funny for its time, it was filmed in front of a live audience, they constantly changed up jokes if the audience DIDN'T laugh and, eventhough it doesn't contribute to the comedy itself, has a huge nostalgia factor. It wouldn't have the cult following it does have if it wasn't good. And people are often bothered by the show, claiming they hate it, when they should focus on actually "un-fucking funny" shows.


I didn't think it was the funniest show ever, but it certainly was a feel-good show


Like vanilla ice cream


Vanilla is God tier of flavors and a luxury.


I don't mean Madagascar, I mean serviceable and widely available


I remember watching the show when I was like 11. I always enjoyed when Pheebs and Joey were involved and I always laughed at them. Never liked Rachel and Ross. It took me growing up and rewatching to realize why.


I have yet to meet a soul that likes Ross.


"So we agree? None of us likes Ross?"


Rachel and Ross are just shitty characters cuz they both suck as people. That said, David shwimmer (spelling?) is fucking hilarious. He is great at physical comedy. And the couch scene where he yells "pivot!" May be my favorite scene in the whole show.


David Schwimmer is an amazing physical comedian, and by all accounts was a really good guy on set. Ross is an absolute nightmare person; he's an unaware golden child with serious, unaddressed trauma from his wife leaving him for another woman and a little bit of anger issues, too.


> they constantly changed up jokes if the audience DIDN'T laugh I learned about this in Matthew Perry's book. It seems like they had such a great situation where literally anyone could suggest jokes and they'd use them if they were good. For some reason I just always assumed that would be the norm, but then he talked about other shows (that failed) where everyone had to stick to the scripts word for word.


The show started funny and then it just became relationship bullshit


People listen to Coldplay and voted for the Nazis. You can’t trust popularity.


You can’t trust people. The quote ends can’t trust people.


Jezzed it right up


Dude half that stuff British comedies have been doing since the 60s.


So friends isnt funny because the brits did some of the bits first? I dont get your point


Mypoint is that he said it’s funny for it’s time then begin rattling off things that the brits and he’ll probably a lot of American comedies have also done.I think adding in the for it’s time is stupid.if he finds friends funny then fine comedy is subjective so I don’t really care but acting like it was a trailblazer when it really wasn’t is just stupid


It was basically the highest rated cable tv show when it came on, has been a cultural mainstay for 30+ years, and has helped elevate the careers of numerous amazing actors and actresses but sure it wasnt a trailblazer!


Just cause it was popular doesn’t mean it was a trailblazer.for example the Beatles were trailblazers of pop music.without them music wouldn’t be the same today as it is.then compare them to say Madonna.sure different music and all but she was also massive at her hight but the difference being she didn’t trailblaze new music.the same goes for friends it doesn’t really try anything new and just feels like any American comedy of the day.now does that mean it’s not good and that the people who like it are wrong of course not.but it certainly means it wasn’t a trailblazer


So you completely ignored my points about how it has become a cultural mainstay for 30+ years and elevated the careers of multiple very famous and successful actors/actresses


Those don’t mean it was a trailblazer hence why I ignored them.Madonna has also been a cultural touch point for 30+ years but she didn’t really innovate music did she it’s the same with friends just because something was big doesn’t mean it innovated anything and that’s fine not everything needs too


And just because it doesnt "innovate" doesnt mean its not good or high quality. OP literally never even said trailblazing youre just using that word to reach to prove some point that is irrelevant


In my comment I clearl state that not innovating is fine and my main problem with the original comment was acting like it was great comedy for it time when in reality it was a great comedy surrounded by other great comedy’s.I got annoyed at them acting like it was more amazing at the time than it really was.sort of like punching down to bring your thing higher.


With their three episodes per season?


"It's popular, therefore it must be good". Best argument ever. By this logic McDonald's is good food.


I'm not saying that. There were a million sitcoms with similar premises being made at that time. It's not for no reason that that's the one that stuck and is being watched even 30 years later.


You know what? I used to watch Friends 25-ish years ago until it became less comedy and more soap opera (relationship drama all the time) and I thought I'd give it a try when it popped up un Netflix. For nostalgia reasons but also because I thought the first seasons would actually be funny. Spoiler: They're not. It's absolute garbage. And not only because it didn't age well.


People have different tastes, it's that simple. A hell of a lot of people loved friends. Doesn't mean everyone has to like it or find it funny.


"it wouldnt have the cult following it does have if it wasnt good" counterpoint, Big Bang Theory. popularity≠quality


Comedy is subjective but no...Friends is extremely overrated. Id be lying if I said I never watched bc people around me watched it I never got it. Never saw or heard one thing that I thought was humorous. Relied way too much on oh heres Joey...hes stupid. Heres Chandler...hes sarcastic. Heres Phoebe...shes weird People tuned in for a few reasons. Ross and Rachels toxic ass relationship. Jennifer Anistons tits. And the familiarity of the characters doing their routines How you doin? Can you BE any more annoying? Smelly cat..smelly cat...Ross makes a stupid face I guess some people find that funny. Ive been to funerals that had more comedy


I enjoyed it. Maybe use the money to hire a Private Detective to track down your missing sense of humor.


Holy fuck, somebody has a deep hatred for this show. Maybe this stems from not having actual friends in real life? I've never thought Friends was the funniest show ever, but no sitcom is worth this much of your time & energy.


I hate humor snobs, like ok you you’re too good for friends, too low brow for you. I’ve only seen a few episodes late at night. But there were several jokes that had me wheezing. Just admit you have a diminished sense of humor or you’re a blatant contrarian.


Friends is funny. If someone really can't gleen any humor out of the show then I probably wouldn't enjoy their company. They'd probably be pretty humorless people.


I’d want it without the laugh track because I don’t like laugh tracks.


It was filmed live, no laugh tracks.


Let me rephrase. Background laughs.


Bet a good %age of the viewers tuned in to see Aniston without a bra


Yeah if you changed something that was a part of the show of course it would be awkward.   It's like those pictures that show people looking at their palm because the phone was removed and pretending it's deep.


Do people think that they're edgy or alternative for hating on friends, seriously like!


Not edgy, not alternative...just don't find it funny. And its extra weird bc so many people do. To the point of putting it at or near the top


Not edgy, not alternative...just don't find it funny. And its extra weird bc so many people do. To the point of putting it at or near the top


My brother hates FRIENDS for the laugh track, but loves Seinfeld…the irony.


Licensing wouldn't give you the right to edit it. The powerball jackpot couldn't buy one season of the type of ownership you would need.


Reads like a dude w/ a Jennifer Anniston crush whose lewd fan mail never got answered.


When you’re filmed in front of a live audience or with a laugh track the actors are pausing to account for the laughs. It looks off and unfunny without it because the timing and delivery is completely messed up.


(enter pronouns) had a midlife crisis while typing this shit. The show wasn't great, yes, but it wasn't a shitty show for sure.


F*ck you


Wasn't that filmed in front of an audience?


I'd watch it anyway for the nostalgia and I genuinely like the characters and shenanigans they're up to. The actors did a good job and it was a great show for it's time imo.


What is all the pushback about laugh tracks these days? I hate to Seinfeld it here, but JFC, it’s history.


Thank you


They are true about the 20 year cycle. Making fun of friends was fun in the 00s, then it fell out of fashion, now the kids are picking it up as retro.


M*A*S*H has a box set that allows you to turn the laugh track off and it is SO much better.


Great idea. You can do this for Seinfeld, too, while you're at it.


I'm not a fan of friends, but do people really think it's funny just because there's a laugh track? Surely people would keep watching it because they actually think it's funny or entertaining, not just that there's a laugh track telling them to feel that way???


Watched as a kid and thought it was funny. Re-watched an episode a few years ago, and I couldn't get through it. The writing is pretty terrible. 


Laugh tracks bother me in any setting, will ruin any show, and were a horrible fad that needs to stay more dead than it currently is.


Joey is funny bruh...


Id say this is a rare insult if i didn't see shit like this all the god damb time. If you dont like it dont watch it, its not that hard.


Imagine getting this upset about something that brings others happiness and laughter.


There are some clips already like this on YouTube.


Would make it so much funnier tho


Not…: An unreasonable use of money.


I'm not defending the jokes but the pauses are deliberate to leave room for the live audience (not laugh track). If it was done without an audience or the pause it would hit differently.


Do it too big bang theory too please.


Comedy is subjective.


r/okboomer (boomer's love hating on people for liking things they don't like)


I actually agree with this post in that I find Friends incredibly unfunny. You know what I do with that opinion. Absolutely nothing, let people enjoy whatever the fuck they want. Who cares. Also this endless repost is even less funny than Friends. (Just my opinion...)


Posts about hating friends and hating pineapple on pizza are the biggest NPC moves in life


Lol right on. I support this message.


it was filmed in front of an audience (that was prompted to laugh, yes, but)...


If you can remove the shitty laugh track off big bang theory I’d let people watch it in my house again, but then again Sheldon’s vocal tone is probably still going to piss me off


This repost is literally older than some people commenting here.


After a rewatch with my daughter, I have concluded Friends was actually pretty damn funny.


“I’m gonna take out every fifth word of War and Peace just to show you guys how fucking terrible it is! Fucking losers. You guys are all so fuckikg stupid, smelly, and uglier than me!”


I’ve seen Seinfeld without a soundtrack. Painful.




I’d buy the rights to all the overplayed crappy music I hate and never let it be played again. …like the friends theme song.


Not rare. I’ve seen this criticism leveled at Friends as often as I’ve seen it mentioned in the last 10 years.


After that maybe he can do Big Bang Theory. One of the worst shows I've ever seen.


I’ll never understand why people waste so much thought energy on things that they don’t like. I’m sure there’s something constructive they could be doing.


There’s a few moments that I thought were funny (such as the bagpipe blooper) but for the most part, it’s…okay at best.


Do the same with TBBT please.


You can do this with every sitcom. Not one is funny. There is wild videos on youtube of sitcoms without laugh tracks and it is so cringe.


That’s because they literally time the dialogue around the laughter, genius. Those videos prove nothing other than some think they’re super smart with their “gotchas”.


I hate that show


Seems like they confused "FRIENDS" with "The Big Bang Theory"...


Billions of dollars just to yell 'stop liking what I don't like' into the void? I can think of better things to do.


and what, us masochists...we're like chopped liver?


People don't understand a laugh track helps you feel like you are at a live performance. This new generation who hardly ever go to live events have forgotten that they are human and it's natural to laugh when other are laughing. This take screams Zoomer and it's pathetic.


Like this? https://youtu.be/4H6Ux3l75Rc?si=VJircz-eYmraDZJe


I used to think like this, but nowadays I think it's discharitable. Old-style, canned laughter sitcoms like Friends, TBBT and HIMYM aren't necessarily 'unfunny,' it's just a different style of comedy. Of course it doesn't work if you cut out the laugh tracks and leave in the 10 seconds of everybody sitting there in silence after each joke, it'd be like saying Star Wars duels aren't well-choreographed because they look goofy if you cut out the fight music and just leave in all the grunts and lightsaber sound effects, or that a romance movie isn't well-directed if you cut out the swelling musical score during the big kiss scene. You're radically changing something about how the media is being presented, of course it's going to change the way it comes off.


This a dream I dreamt when I was younger


To add to all other bashing the repost idiot no lottery winning could buy rights to Friends. In US, because taxes are included in the winnings, you would need to win like $2bn to even be able to put up a bid.


I really thought OP was gonna say “Buy Friends and cancel it” but then it took a far more savage turn… lol


I really tried to watch it. Couldn’t get to episode 2.


Maybe just don't watch it and let others enjoy what they enjoy? 🤷‍♂️


I made myself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich today. Everybody always talking about how good them PB&J’s are. Just for shits and giggles, I did not put jelly on my peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I gotta tell you, based on this sandwich: peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are overhyped and not that tasty at all. PB&J’s tastes like regular old stale peanut butter sandwiches to me. Isn’t that just crazy?


While I do tend to agree with you for the most part, you must remember the fact that a door hinge is a mechanical device that allows two objects to rotate relative to each other about an axis of rotation. The most common type of hinge is the door hinge, which is used to attach a door to a frame. Hinges work by rotating about an axis, which allows the two objects that are attached to the hinge to move relative to each other. The axis of rotation can be either internal or external to the hinge.


I actually never understood why Friends is called comedy when there wasn’t a single funny moment, just actors saying cringe after cringe between some outsourced laughing inserted randomly


Your profile avatar fits your comments very well


An angry vegan. Shocker


Who is woke and promotes cancel culture. It doesn't get any more mainstream than this... Propaganda byproduct at its best.


I liked joey and Chandler's Interactions. If everyone else was axed from the show, I think I could turn out well


Almost like different people find different things funny or not funny.


Because of the laugh track


He’s not wrong. It’s Seinfeld for dumb people.


Or another show to enjoy for people that also like Seinfeld but aren’t pretentious assholes




Same with Seinfeld and Big Bang Theory.


Seinfeld didn't use laugh tracks. Neither did Friends, for that matter


Neither did TBBT. All live audiences.


Yeah was never a fan. Didn't get it


Me either. The show they bit off of was better. And actually had laugh out loud moments.


I don't find a single episode funny. I just simply don't watch it or I hit uninterested if clips pop up on social media or YouTube. This is a different level of hating like the repulsive baron in a house on a hill somewhere 


My gf thinks it's the best show ever and cries at the end. Personally I'd give the series a solid 4-5/10. It's boring jokes and unfunny jokes with added laughs. I just don't get it. Most characters are absolute shit too.


Freaking hate that show. Every character annoys me


This is genius... That show was not funny and overly incestuous.


You can literally go on YouTube and see this for free already


Friends’ fans. Nostalgic for a time that never existed.


Like the show never aired? Pretty sure it did.