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I’m a firm believer that the hogpod podcasts curse whomever is the guest in their next performance. Hagen Smith was a guest this past week and turned in his worst performance of the year. 




that i’m probably going to wake up tomorrow


The fact that zero changes were made to improve our dismal offense the second half of the season.


Honestly, disappointed as hell. Top 8 seed two years in a row and we can’t even make a Super.


The worst for me is the fact that LSU is still alive!


And tamu. Also we were eliminated by a school from Missouri. Anyway, fuck this weekend.


Losing for the same reason. I'm not one to armchair much until it's just blatantly obvious and inexcusable. Well when we have competitive pitching year after year but bats are inconsistent year after year....kkiiinnnddaa hard to not blame the hitting staff.


We ran it back with coaches that were clearly not putting us in a position to win. If Nate Thompson isn’t fired, I will be apathetic next year (won’t go out of my way to watch unless it’s on national TV, probably won’t check many scores, and won’t go to games). Doesn’t matter how great of a recruiter he is. If the product he trots on the field continues to be shit, players will stop coming here. Also, Matt Hobbs should also probably be fired too. If the offense weren’t pitiful, Hobbs’ would be on the hot seat. DVH said it himself: take Hagan off this staff, and they’re average/not that great. Molina got worse with every start. Tygart has regressed year over year. How the hell did Gage Wood get WORSE this year? Pitchers last year had no idea how to field their position. We gave up 15 runs to SEMO over 2 games. We should be able to win both games by a dozen runs with depth players given the talent we bring in.


That is so true. Allowing 15 runs to SEMO is downright embarrassing.


That I expect our abysmal hitting coach to retain his job for next year and nothing will change.


Probably what most expected honestly


The most disappointing to me is if u take out the Fayetteville regional aspect and just put postseason it's waaaayyyyy more than 2 consecutive years


Being so bad in the postseason that the team doesn’t belong. That is hard to take.


Confirmation that DVH isn't a good postseason coach.


These threads


How do you learn to get “better prepared to play”? If you have specifics set up a meeting with dvh. He did his job putting a good team together. Sometimes you don’t know guys can perform in the spotlight, until they don’t perform in the spotlight.


The moment we scored 17 runs Friday night I knew our bats were spent. I felt even worse when I saw Kansas State put up 19 on Louisiana Tech on Saturday Morning. I knew it would be a dogfight getting out of the Regional even if we had made it to the finals vs. K State. Not sure we were beating them in Game 1. Both SEMO and K-States lineups from top to bottom were a threat... My takeaway? We HAVE to find a way to stop relying on just one or two arms to make it to the CWS... You need a solid rotation of three guys that can give you 5+ innings every day no matter what. I get Tygart was injured but you can't rely on just two starters to make it through a regional. Have to have dependent bullpen and closers to get you through lineups like KState and SEMO.


I still do not see how a supposed SEC and National power like Arkansas loses at home to a school like SEMO.


I mean at the end of the day it’s baseball. Anything can happen in baseball. I’ve always hated the college layout for playoffs. Too many 1-game results that matter but I get it. You’re tied to a school year and can’t drag it out any longer. At any D-1 college you have guys that are capable of hitting 85-95 mph pitches. Any team can beat anybody. Anybody can have an off day or two. Where your talent differential should come into play is your fielding and pitching. We couldn’t field better pitchers. Also as someone who was born and raised in the STL area. Eastern Missouri and Western Illinois are stacked with baseball prospects from both public and private educational systems. Our youth baseball clinics are some of the best in the nation and I say this because SEMO recruits a lot of players from the STL market.


That is some interesting local insight about SEMO. Of course big-time SEC programs like Arkansas are supposed to be able to recruit at a national level and have superior talent.


Finding out we do not have the pitchers or hot bats to get through. The inconsistency is palatable.


That I’m not surprised at all.


The fact that Nate Thompson and Matt Hobbs still have jobs


I think it starts in the SEC tournament. Goin through the motions sets the standard for play throughout the postseason


Having such a deep bullpen and not being able to capitalizing when it actually matters


All those players who got their hopes up, and the sorrow from the fans — particularly those with season tickets who attended every damn game.


It makes you wonder if the trend of selling out the stadium with season ticket holders will continue?


We stayed at or near the top of the national rankings the whole season, won a ton of games at home, and secured the SEC West title yet again. My guess is yes — those seats will stay sold for at least another year. But if we have a down season — or yet another major disappointment in the post again — most likely we’re going to lose some of those fervent attendees.


DVH is the John Calipari of Arkansas baseball except worse because he has 0 natty’s.


God how dare we have one of the best coaches in their respective sport that may have trouble making it all the way, despite it being a crapshoot. Let’s just go ahead and fire him and get some middling talent that might make it to a regional every few years Edit: let’s also shit talk the home run hire we just made for no reason. Are you sure you’re on the right subreddit?


Are you moronic? I love both. But it’s facts. Where’s the lie?


Mark Few*


My life is way better without Arkansas rowdy baseball fans cheering late in the night