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I trim my legs and armpits occasionally with a trimmer. I'll trim my labia and ass down bare occasionally and trim my bush too. I still will wear tank tops and shirts while being visibly unshaven, but it just feels a little tighter instead of wirey and sticking out in all directions. Trimmers also don't leave the blunt ends so the hair still feels soft after a trim. Works great for me


Can you please share which trimmer you use?


I’ve been painting my toes because, I’m not insecure about the leg and toe hair, but I am insecure that people will think I’m not “up keeping my hygiene “ or some BS because my legs aren’t shaved. Having my toes painted feels like, “ and look here folks! This is exactly how I intended to present myself today!” lol


I get the same feeling with using fake tan. It feels kind of like putting effort into your appearance.


Or you can just not care. That's the simplest trick. You're welcome 


I didn't tattoo my legs for this reason, but it turned out that having moderately tattooed legs made me feel a lot more comfortable with them also being hairy.


>I didn't tattoo my legs for this reason What reason? Because you didn't want to show them off while having hairy legs? I have lots of tattoos on my legs. They definitely break up the visual and makes hair less noticable. I've never once gotten a comment about my hairy legs.


I understood this as, OP got leg tatts cos she liked them and as an unintended side effect they disguise leg hair.


>I understood this as, OP got leg tatts cos she liked them and as an unintended side effect they disguise leg hair Yes, that's what I meant.


It says you "didn't" tattoo your legs. So I thought there was some reason stopping you for awhile. Hence me asking. Just a typo it seems then.


I read it like you at first but it’s not a typo, look: „I didn’t tattoo my legs for this reason, I tattooed them for another reason.“ and then the rest