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What the fuck?! Is this call center or MLM or something? You hire more in a week than I do in a year


It's a software house/digital marketing agency/call center


You have to be trolling. You can’t even hire 8 burger flippers at McDonald’s in one day


I seriously wish I was trolling. I'm giving them 3-4 candidates a day. They say it's not enough and they'll put me on pip if I don't get the desired number of candidates up. They recently opened a sales floor and are expecting me to single handedly fill it. The floor has a capacity of 100. 20 sales account executives and 80 sales development representatives. They're opening another floor of 20 and have told me that I'm expected to fill it too. I've never done mass hiring. I get all my candidates through LinkedIn, and job posting.. Is this normal? I'm seriously asking as it's my first job as a recruiter, before I was in HR handling admin, policy and compliance stuff (another company) and kinda never touched recruitment


Jesus. Well if what they want are people to dog a mirror then give them that. Don’t even do screens just email maybe 4 questions and if they don’t seem regarded, send them an offer. The company will quickly learn that their unrealistic hiring standards will get them bottom of the barrel talent. I’d say look for another job in the meantime but the market is absolute garbage for recruiters right now.


Unfortunately I cannot send the questions. I've to document the entire conversation in a CRM, and the CEO personally checks it to ensure all details are filled out/talent is relevant. I don't have any other job lined up and not sure what to go from here.


Bro this is an untenable situation. They have set you up to fail. Start thinking about doing literally anything else. Recruiting can be a good career although extremely frustrating (I had quite a difficult day myself) - this ain’t it. If the CEO is personally micromanaging your work than this sounds like a boiler room or at worst - a scam operation


They might also just want him to quit honestly


What should I move towards? Thing is. Market is seriously bad right now. I have experience in training, marketing, customer success sales, HR, quality assurance and virtual assistance. Someone said I should get a client, but I'm worried as I've never done that for myself, and dunno. I just want to get out. I don't know how. Each day I just want to go to sleep, and sleep. Despite my multiple experiences, I feel as if it's a death trap I landed in.


I’m not sure I wish I knew myself. Every day is some fresh bullshit that makes me want to just go be a roofer


Not normal, your company is using you as a mule which is typical for juniors but these unrealistic expectations are the issue, it’s designed so you make no commission. Get your CV to a better agency where you work towards something realistic.


He's not trolling. I used to do high vol call center recruitment and had 1200 hires in 12 months.


The fuck is a software house, Ive been in the software industry a while and that just seems like some bs name




Well. I've been here half a year and have hired close to 409 candidates, with 387 retained so far.


Exactly! I noticed many agencies and large corporations are requiring high volume staffing/recruiting in the job posting. That’s like a sweat shop. Recruiting has always been about #’s but this is ridiculous.


Walk bro ..


Dude wtf I consider myself fortunate if I make 2 placements a month


If I did that, the CEO would have personally strangled me lol 😂




and then you can claim self defense....


Are you confusing “hire” with “submitting”, no one is hiring 7-8 people a day. Submitting 7-8/day is entirely doable.


I do mean hire, not submitting. Their contract needs to be done and dusted with. Do you know of any methods or techniques or strategies to increase sourcing, while also increasing the submitting? I think if I work more on it, I can increase the hiring rate too.


Dude quit that’s the strategy here. This company is bonkers.


I've had 77 people start in 1 week. It took 168 job offers to get those 77 to hit. It's possible.


168 offers x 30min interview = 5040 minutes of interviews or 84 hours. So sure, if you schedule all inbound applications (assuming you have that many) and if you do 16.8 hours of interviews a day for 5 days and make offers after a 30 minute call you can do that in a week. Or more likely, you sandbag start dates for group orientation and spread that out over a much longer period. And I would assume these are menial entry level positions that require zero experience.


Who said my interviews lasted anywhere near 30 minutes? Connect with me on linkedin daniel panizza fenix parts


Yeah onboarding 7-8 starts a day would be impossible with a small HR shop, just getting their e-verify, I9’s, etc. in order would be insanity. In another post you said your whole company was 20 people. And no you don’t have any retention numbers you can speak of after you’ve been there for a month. This is trolling or a great big con shop hiring illegally, either way there’s a whole lotta faking going on.


......bro. that post was for another company. This is another one.


This is a troll. At most I hired 5 people a week and that was impressive


Are you the only recruiter at this company? If there are others, have you asked them how they have made it work? Short of asking the jail to drop off their day release inmates at your doorstep I'm not sure how you'd be able to do t his! Okay, so high volume hiring isn't supposed to mean "hire anyone with a pulse". Which is the only way that you would be able to hire this many people per day. You need to sit down with management and have a serious discussion. Where did they came up with these metrics? If they say a previous employee, ask what happened to that employee. I bet they are no longer there because they got burned out or couldn't handle the stress. The second most likely answer will be that the CEO came up with it. If that's the case, you have two choices: try to explain the reality of hiring to a CEO, or leave.) To give you some comparison metrics, I worked for a national telecommunication company. Our department alone hired 12k people per year, primarily for call center roles. BUT we had metrics of 240 recruiter hires PER YEAR for high volume. At the rate this company wants it done, you'd have almost that much in a single month, which is outrageous. Of course, this might not be exactly the same. We sent out a logistics screen (it's a prescreen without CALLING it a prescreen) first to verify availability, etc. Then we did an assessment, then a video interview and hired based on that. Each interview typically took 45 minutes. On average, we were hiring about 5% of all applicants, so also check your candidate flow to make sure you have enough candidates coming in at the top of your funnel to be able to fill your hiring needs. Is this a temporary need or a permanent need? (i.e. do they just need butts in seats, or are they legitimately trying to build a presence?) Temp agencies, community connection, heck, even churches will sometimes advertise that you need to hire people, so hit them all. Overall, I think you are kind of screwed, my friend. I'm sorry you are in this situation.


First off, welcome to the wild world of recruitment! Your situation sounds pretty intense, especially for someone new to the field. To give you some perspective, hiring 7-8 candidates a day is quite high. Most recruiters don't have such a high target, and it can be really draining. Generally, the number of hires every day can change depending on the size of the firm, the function you are hiring for, and the industry. Instead than hiring every day, many recruiters may aim for a few hires each week. It's crucial to discuss these expectations with your manager and find out if there is any room for accommodation or assistance. Recall that in the hiring process, quality matters more than quantity. Recruiting a large number of unsuitable people can lead to greater issues in the future. Remember to look after yourself and let your team know about any difficulties you are having. You are not alone, and it is okay to ask your coworkers for support and guidance. Keep going!




These are permanent. This isn't for a US company.


I mean, you can either stay and be clear about your capacity or you can leave. That volume, variety, and speed isn’t tenable for anyone. To communicate capacity-do an audit of your recruiting activity. How many candidates do you interview for roles, how long do those convos take, how long does it take to document, how fast is the turn around time for offers, how long it takes you to source etc. then you track that against a 40 hour work week. Whatever overflow there is requires additional support. You may want to suggest bringing in another recruiter even in a contract capacity. But no, this isn’t normal and I’ve done high volume agency recruiting. You’re being set up to fail.


Do what you can do without making yourself ill. And look elsewhere. You have to make peace with the fact you have no ability to hit outlandish targets. It’s out of your control. Just do what you can do and be ready if the day comes.


Not normal. Not sure how that's even possible unless a lot of corners are cut.


The only way you can possibly do that many hires in a day is hold daily hiring events in person and advertise it. I've done a few back in the day with hourly production workers. But all in all, their request sounds impossible.


Just hire whoever applies to meet your quota.


50-80 candidates a week? Wtf.. Remote or onsite? So they're expecting 2500 candidates a year at a minimum? Lol.. You're at the wrong company.. Learn the recruiting game basics and move on. Good luck


You my friend, are in a true high volume recruitment position. While the numbers they have you targeting are indeed possible, its a constant grind and will most def drain you over the years. But, there's a saying we have from the high vol industry .... "If you can succeed in high volume, you can succeed anywhere" Some of the best recruiters ive met started off in high vol, myself included. Www.linkedin.com/in/dpanizza


Run for the hills dude.


I can barely hire that many nurses/cnas a day. That my total number of placements per week and it’s literally just getting bodies through the door. Are you positive it’s per day? Are you also a full cycle recruiter? How are you doing all of that plus the other parts of the job.


if you are still hiring im still looking :)


Either quit or stop trolling.


leave - you’ll be fine - you’re a top level grinder


I would look for another job if this was me. And I would get out of recruting lol


Do you get paid a placement fee for these hires?


I wouldn’t be surprised if a company thinks this is possible but in no world is this actually doable without pretty much killing yourself. I would walk away. That’s insane 


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