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So they complain that we give no feedback and then complain when we do give feedback. Makes sense.


Exactly why feedback isn't given. However, with slight defense to the candidate, it's one thing to received exact and targeted feedback related to the interview, and how one might improve. Or in some cases why they were not chosen for things like lack of experience in an area that was necessary, lacking licensure or training in key roles etc. Giving a laundry list of 'helpful tips' related to job searching though seems a bit tone deaf. It sounds like the recruiter may be new, and thought giving some bland platitudes and 'hang in there's' might be received well.


Recruiter uses basic stock rejection message = Lazy POS, how cold and unprofessional 😡😡 Recruiter uses rejection message with advice on your resume and networking = So unprofessional! I can't believe the audacity 😡😡😡 Like be mad you didnt get selected but this is just getting yourself worked up over nothing