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Nah it's just really not your business, there are so many reasons for people to be open to work. When I started recruiting, I let myself be "Open to Work" on LinkedIn Recruiter to be visible to other recruiters. I wasnt looking, but this allowed me to see how other recruiters did outreach messages. I also have the same technical background as my candidate base so I was able to get a glimpse of the messages they are receiving alongside mine


According to LI you shouldn’t be able to see OTW employees at your own company. My personal experience would indicate this is true as I’ve never seen someone OTW at my company, although we’re small and I don’t look for it so maybe I could have missed it. I’d personally never look for it and even if I saw it I’d never report it.


Mind your business. Don’t report OE’ers either.


I haven't updated my Linkedin in like five years so it probably still says open to work.


No, you cannot see


I can see because our corporation is made up of entities with different names. I'd rather not see.


Well if it's a different business then, yes


Nope. Mind your own business and stop wondering if you can potentially fuck with someone else’s livelihood for the sake of being nosy.


Nope. Never ever. I don’t even tell my clients if they have a current employee that’s open to work. It’s not my business and I could end up ruining someone’s livelihood over a misunderstanding. So many reasons someone could be open to work, including someone that doesn’t know/forgot that it’s on their profile.


At very most if you have a good relationship with that person I might ask them about the change if it was made recently but certainly not your place to be a whistleblower. Also we all know how hard the job market is, I’d hate for you to say something, they are let go for it, (which most are at-will employers and a bs reason can be made for termination) and the only had the change due to seeing what was available in the market/if their skills were transferable.