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Took me well over a year to find one but I start Monday thank god. I was so sick of applying. GL OP!


Congrats! I certainly picked an interesting time to launch — I have to be positive. I am curious, are you working remote? It works best for us because I do want a presence on the east and west coast. I know what it is like working with the outsourced recruiters and that is one reason I would never outsource. The other is my feeling about keeping the money here in the US. Best of everything to you!!!


Yup remote. They did require est though. Oh and thanks!


Good timing. I am putting out two job postings tonight on my site, social media and several job boards. We are looking for someone who can also be an Account Manager. Do you have any experience there? My website is https://ethoa.com Or email your resume to me and I would be happy to talk with you either way. I am the founder… Sherri Moss [email protected]


Remote is going to be incredibly tough to land right now. The TA market is flooded with highly qualified TA folks from some of the best companies


Yes. A lot of companies and staffing agencies/firms (larger firms) are starting to outsource their recruiting to India.


I will never outsource. I have 27+ years working hands-on on project and product teams. I have been working thru agencies as a contractor all this time and it drives me crazy because so much of what they do is very unhealthy… I have 5 yrs in the business and our model is very different. We are truly transparent and honest. My take is that if you have to lie or not offer transparency, then you are unethical… I am very protective of the candidates because I have been one. I hope you will check us out…. Cheers!


Yep.. The TA market is flooded with the best of the best recruiters in the market. I've got 3 years of experience and sent out thousands of applications and only got a response from a few companies hiring for commission pay only. I'm not the happiest I've been but at least I'm doing what I want to do.


Best of the best *internal* Recruiters


Agency recruiters as well. The best agency recruiters still want to go internal.


It’s not a good market for remote. If you’re outside a major city, put you’re “willing and able to relocate” on your resume…


Just 2 things: 1. Only put willing to relo if willing to relo! (Not saying you were advising otherwise, but worth mentioning) And 2. Can confirm "remote" only will be the clog in the process!! I hired two TA Managers recently, one hybrid (general Baltimore area) one remote. Pay was much higher for hybrid then remote (120k vs 85k). Applicant volume to remote was 9x that of the hybrid!!! So if being remote is nice to have vs must have, applying to hybrid or onsite roles is going to get you much more visibility


I am curious why you said it is not a good market for remote?


There’s thousands of applicants for every remote role. It’s basically impossible to land a remote role, or it’ll take a very long time.


I have heard… a bit nervous to post because I have to read all the resumesemote:free\_emotes\_pack:sweat\_smile


Because it’s not. Majority of companies are going hybrid or full RTO. If there is a remote position, you’re competing with hundreds of additional applicants..


My team is all remote!


Anyone hiring at all ?


I am hiring - please read my comments above… thanks~


I am hiring… please read my comments above. Thanks!


Horrible time to be looking for work. I've applied to almost 400 roles since February, and I have 15 years of Recruiting experience, including 7 in management. Good luck hon!


Are you open to 1099 work? The company I started with is 100% remote. It’s a startup, working in the healthcare space mostly, but they have other opportunities available as well.


I’m looking for a position too but I’m not from the US. Do they consider international applicants? I’ve been a year ish without a paid job. I’m really in a bad situation here. If anyone knows a startup for the look out, let me know


Let me find out :)


I’d appreciate ur efforts, thx bro!


Hey y’all and ALL the job seeking recruiters on this channel. Recruiting has changed drastically and if you dont have thick-skin, it may be time to reconsider your career choices. My firm DOES help recruiters via our upcoming proprietary MarvelMakers™️ program and our upcoming Recruiter Recovery Group a Bounty Membership offering that will help everyone involved…really! I would be happy to help you AND my firm is hiring, as well, so i am confident that something will fit your job seeking needs. I sent you a DM, you can catch me over on Linkedin. WISHING ALL RECRUITERS MUCH ABUNDABCE AND SUCCESS! ✨💃


I’m looking for a remote recruiter message me?


I really appreciate all the comments and feedback. I actually took some time away from sm just to stop and enjoy the life I have. I’m going to go through all the comments and reach out! Take care everyone!