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Lemme guess, final pay is like $15 an hour too.


Restaurant hourly wage plus tips (on a tuesday morning)


I think they keep your tips


oy vei


At a shitty startup that no one has heard of




Prob an internship. Go through all that to get shitted on daily


Slave labor wage


Don't do it. That's fishing for free content and possible solutions to A/B test against their currently shitty web traffic.


Oh yeah I would never. I don't do interview tasks anymore without being compensated for my time. I made that mistake once in my 20s, never again.


I remember back in the '80s hearing about people who would drive 12-in nails into trees on property they owned but didn't occupy so that if someone came in and logged the property their machines would be destroyed. I'm not suggesting you put a bunch of "mountweazels" in content and deliver it with a smile so you can sue them later, but I'm not not suggesting it.


If someone is job seeking, spending money to sue over the use of content / intellectual property that they willingly created for a company’s interview process, would not only be a lost cause, but a waste of money. Unless there was an NDA in place stating that anything the candidate creates during the interview process is their own intellectual property and can not be shared or distributed, but that is rare


It is so easy to put water marks on videos. If you're making mountweazels, you can do watermarks.


The video was only one of the assignments and for companies like this, they may not use the video itself, but recreate it, stealing the ideas. That’s the issue, the intellectual property they’re asking you to hand over for free, not the media you create


Yeah, I wish I had it in me to say no to all of those, but the ones I definitely say no to is when they want me to do an interview task while they video record me and watch me, while I have yet to meet any of them and know what they look like. How creepy is that? People you have never met before, who may be the best co-workers you ever had or the most sociopathic, get to watch you in your home as you suffer through some task, nah thanks, I will pass. In fact, I just declined one today.


Programing their chatbot with your input




The grammar/quality of the questions is so crappy too. They could have at least used AI to write something that looks more professional.


An engineering firm in DC who got a free press release out of me in 2014 & ghosted me. I know free content/consulting when I see it.


Name and shamee


It was Louis Berger. They got acquired by another company 4 years later.


That was exactly my first thought


That was exactly my first thought


Yea there’s no way. I would laugh loud and obnoxiously in this recruiter’s face


Yeah I'm not even gonna respond to them to be honest. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.


>Yeah I'm not even gonna respond to them to be honest. Sounds like it had the desired effect for both of you. 1. The recruiter cuts down the size of the pool of applicants they have to manage. 2. Imagine working for a company that wants you to put up with this up front. What would the actual job be like if they treat candidates like this.


I can’t imagine what absolute lunatic would actually apply and do all this


Thats the stuff you leak to the news.


Who’s gonna report on that?


Insider would.


dont forget twitter blasts... can spread like wildfire.. I usually encourage folks to just make a dummy Twitter account and put these companies on blast. plenty of people on Twitter that's mad at the world and mad at the state of things that would gladly share someone getting screwed over by corpos or the bad job market stories. they are out there just got to tap into it.




Do you know this company? How do you know that the staff is young and female and what is that even supposed to mean?




You mean Avrillo LLP? And what does having a young female staff have to do with anything?


Do you honestly think it's the recruiter who decided this would be the process? If you knew and I'm being pedantic, then good. If you actually believe that recruiters decide these things, than I know why you can't find work. ✌️


Upvoted you to put a dent in your downvotes. Yeah, this isn't the work of a recruiter. This is the work of someone who doesn't know the first thing about hiring thinking they are creating a clever selection process.


Yes of course I knew.


Ok good just checking. 🤣


They have absolutely no plans to hire anyone. They’re just fishing for desperate suckers who’ll give them free work. The sad part is that someone probably wasted time giving super-detailed answers to these questions.


totally this.. there should be state or federal laws putting a limit on this. Either they actually hire someone or pay hefty fines, or they actually pay people for doing all this work for them.


Okay so you don’t work there, right. You probably know nothing about the company but need to make a video about their products and services. It’s all bad but this part annoys me more. Like the stupid recruiters who get upset when you don’t know anything about their company or culture. And write a cold sale opener for spamming linked in but don’t make it sound like a cold sale….


It's their job to fucking tell me about the company.


Exactly i actually work at the place now, but we were a start up and recruiter acted surprised i knew nothing about the company and how it runs. I nicely said that is your job to introduce me to the company. I did basic research to see what the company made but it was a small company at time there was no finding anything out about it.


It’s because most of the SaaS is unnecessary crap and the copy for it is all the same: “disruptive all in one platform revolutionizing [insert industry] and enabling you to drive digital transformation”.


They're taking the piss. I ignore requests like this.


Name and shame. There’s too much fishing information in there to consider this an assessment. They’re trying to brain drain you.


The name is right in one of the images.




wouldnt do it even if they paid me to


Add this info to Glass Door! There should be a law against requiring a submission for unpaid work to be considered for interviews. Hard No!


Yeah good idea, I will


"People just don't want to work anymore." - The recruiter


A recruitment reddit read on tiktok has a lawyer being asked a very specific pre-employment question for a research gig. She looked, and they were in court for that same issue. They were gonna take her suggestions, ghost her, and use it in court without paying for it. So she made a fancy first page, and as she figured the second page wouldn't be looked at, she did some Lorem Ipsum fuller intermixed with some real words about some adult themed, controversial topic. I know they got sanctioned, maybe even suspended licenses.


This seems extremely unlikely. They would certainly look over the product if only to make it conform to their style.


This is ridiculous. But until job seekers stop applying and jumping through all the silly hoops, employers will continue to make these requests. Refuse to participate in the madness. Once their supply of hoop jumpers dries up, they will be forced to reexamine their ways.


This is exactly why I quit tech and finance in the Boston area. I now make more money cutting down trees and building houses.


They can get fucked, thats absolutely ridiculous. They're just looking for free work.


There never was a job. They are using applicants like an ad agency


Lol how about “no”


These interviews are getting out of hand you do all thus get the job and then realise you have a horrible boss and leave the company


This is outrageous waste of time! It reminds me how Walmart asked me to video record myself answering their interview questions and that was also just for the 1st step of the interview before anyone from HR would spare a few minutes to speak to me as a candidate. No thanks


They are data mining for information. Information they will use for FREE.


Anyone who would be good at this job knows their worth and wouldn’t participate in all of this bs. A good employer knows better than to have quality candidates have to go through all of this to get a job.


I’m exhausted just reading this


My only reply would be a laughing GIF and telling to look for another fool who does free work disguised as hiring process.


> a laughing GIF I'm partial to [this one](https://tenor.com/bhCBe.gif)


So they want you to devote nearly two and half hours of your time to the job for free? Fuck that.


And I'm assuming it's all unpaid, too. That is fucked up.


One of the many red flags here is that they think these tasks take the amount of time they’re labeled with. A good 30-second promo that makes this subject matter seem remotely sexy ain’t gonna take just 45 minutes. If they expect that, and they clearly do, it means they’ll run this position absolutely ragged.


This is disgusting! 🫣 Recruiters treating candidates like bloody cattle is so EVIL. 😈


If you replied to every answer with a nice clear fk you, I'm pretty sure they will get the message. So for the love of god, somebody please give these guys the message....+ name them and shame them because we can't keep these bad actors in the shadows they will just do this to someone else. Workers haven't figured it out yet that we have to protect each other. Put these fools on blast. Please.


I get what you're saying and I agree, unfortunately the average person doesn't give a rat's about anyone but themselves. Corporations get away with too much and because the job market is so bad and there are desperate people, it just keeps enabling their shit shady behaviour.


I'd give the video software company a heads up what this company is doing.


I did one that was super similar but had a 4-hour time limit (literally, it was due at exactly 5:05). It easily super involved. This thing had five multi-part tasks that each could have taken four hours. I did it because it was paid (more companies should make their tasks paid tbh) but it was impossible to complete within the time limit, even with the help of AI. Absolutely fucking bonkers.


This is way worse than the one way video session I had to do. Never again.


Yep. I've been running into similar things just to be considered for an initial phone screening call. I hate all this and wish I could just opt out at this point.


This is the job that needs to be shared with everybody /s


I wrote a post here a few days ago on how I’ll be going to City Hall for an assessment, and it takes 40-45 minutes to get there and the test is 1.5 hours. All that for a CHANCE at an interview. Your post is definitely worse and more time consuming.


I mean all of that can be done with AI in like 10 mins total.


Less, just have ChatGPT fill in all questions with "Go and suck a big fat one".


Yeah. Do it only if you have the time and think you can learn something and or it's your dream job and or really want it. I don't think they're after ideas or something in this case. I did around 10-15 case studies in my recruitment processes. 1 was definetely stealing my ideas and they were rather good. I even volunteered to do 2,and in one case it got me the job. And in the other I think they wanted to go with an internal candidate and made them reconsider that, still in the process there, although I already accepted another offer. I did learn things from them. Now though I'll be much more selective. And once I have a job much more selective. And only for special jobs.


Bruh 😟


Their asking alot for your time that's for sure.


Is this a joke? I’m mean there’s vetting for the right candidate(s) and then there’s this nonsense. What recruiter in their right mind thinks to themselves “ let’s make the application process super complex, that will attract candidates!”. I agree with the original poster, recruiters these days have lost it in every sense of the word.


It's a scam. Its free work and using their IP they get to keep it if you willingly submit


There is no actual job




Someone here wants to have a few marketing campaigns and materials created for free. This seems like a “internship” interview. I would not apply or even consider answering this. And I worked in the marketing industry for over 15 years.


Recruiters dont decide this, it's the manager's decision here.


Was about to post the same thing. This type of thing is my worst nightmare. Recruiters hate anything that impedes/slows down the interview process, including assessments, tasks, and presentations. Some recruiter somewhere is dealing with an out of control hiring manager and I feel for them.


glad someone said it


Don’t spend time thinking about it especially if you’re not super interested in the job but sorta are - Do a Hail Mary - Get ChapGPT to make up some stuff and send it in.


How is this effective? Looking for the perfect candidate= we don’t want to train the new employee.


It's effective at one thing only — reducing the number of applicants to a reasonable amount. Jobs like this, eg social media manager which doesn't require a degree and can be done remotely will get 10s of thousands of applicants. Is it fair? No, but from their perspective they want less than 100 people who will be able to do the work. Unfortunately, this process is going to weed out a lot of potentially great candidates in favor of desperate ones. Thing is though, the best way to get this type of job is to not apply at all, know the hiring manager or have a strong portfolio of work and network your way in. You bypass all of this.


Those are all made up times. There is no way any of them are being done well in the estimated time.


Fuck them


Just no


“They’re gonna take our shitty offer after all this because they’re so invested now”


i was asked to do a test project before interviews, hell no!


Jesus wept and so did I.


I went to apply online for a warehouse position and the application was 37 steps and nothing was optional. Might as well just interview me at that point.


Reminds me of a company last month that wanted me to make a 5 minute video about where I demonstrated the value for 'Passion for Service' that'd be watched by a 'team of interviewers'. I just deleted the email as I refused to be someone's monkey for a 20 an hour job.


Omg I had the same thing happened to me! They wanted a few display banner ads done and the client didn’t even give me all the assets needed for a reasonable “hour project”. In the end I turned down the assignment. If a client wants free work and can’t decide if they even want to talk to me despite my portfolio and resume speaking for itself then you know it’s a scam! NEVER DO FREE WORK FOR A INTERVIEW!


This is hysterical. I’ll happily invoice them for the hours of labor required for this nonsense, immediate 50% deposit required upfront. They won’t pay because this is nothing more than theft and a scam for free work. And the time estimate on the video is wildly underestimated. Clowns.


An HR rep just asked me to complete a 2 hour assessment BEFORE FIRST ROUND INTERVIEWS. I responded with "I won't be doing that thanks anyway"


Dang. With all the AI stuff out there, this stuff could easily be created. Why mess with people seeking employment.


I would be interested to see the output from chat cpt generator with those questions lol


Are you guys just blanket saying yes to anyone who contacts you? I haven't seen even one of these kinds of bs interview things. Might be an industry thing? I'm rather specialized, technically.


This was after I applied on Indeed. Naturally the job posting had no mention of it


They want free work. Nope.


Interesting that they worded it "there is no RIGHT answer" rather than no WRONG answer. Really selling the idea that you will always be wrong no matter what you say.


we all need to revolt by setting the precedence that free work is unacceptable and that resumes, portfolios of past work, interviews, and references are all we’ll provide


What’s the point of a recruiter if you’re going to do their job for them?


Bruh, I don’t even want to read


It's amazing that anyone can deny with a straight face that companies are job posting just to get free labor from interviewees who they can then ghost and claim they found another person to hire. This is very obviously an attempt to get free usable work from someone they have no intention of hiring.


I am 100 convinced this is the strategy at very large corporations. They get all this data aggregate it and no need to hire. Thats why all of the people here, including me were or have been unemployed for more than a year. It was 16 months for me. White collar. Left degrees off some resumes. Left experience off. Just to not get the former VP role. Not Director. Manager. I’m not ashamed or have an ego. I’m so happy to have it. I am saying, there is something fake about all the alleged job openings. This administration, like all the ones before, is playing a game against us all. I am really hoping everyone wakes up and sees both parties hate us. We gotta be good to each other. I hope everyone on this thread gets a job soon. I can’t say how much you need to stay positive. It will get better.


I came across a company like this. The initial Indeed post was very vague of what the company actually did, but they were looking for people with construction management or real estate experience. For background, I ran a small business for 19 years and managed crews, subcontractors , etc. They wanted a team leader, mid to upper management, so I figured why not. I got "hippies in an echo chamber vibes" - like this company moved into a 500-person town, and this person kept comparing it to Silicon Valley or "something that would happen in Seattle", and that it was so great of them to pick this rural trash heap. Name dropping people that no one has ever heard of - upstart stuff. At this stage, they revealed it was construction and inspection software that they "innovated". So my answers and essays and their "psychological profile" landed me a virtual interview. No mention of what part of their upstart company i would be managing. That turned into two, then a phoner with the person I was replacing - who was pregnant and not returning. Finally, I found out I would be doing customer service for an upstart home warranty/home inspection program. The person I was replacing wasn't leaving, but it was easier to attract candidates @ $60k management and see if they'll "get their foot in the door" for $44k customer service. She was particularly ageist, too - I was reminded that they had x amounts of clients with an average age of 26 in their core. I'm 41. She got mad that I referred to "onboarding" customers as "training customers to use their software." Ah, yes, they didn't teach us about onboarding when I was in college at the turn of the century. Their last ploy was telling me how great I did, but because I've been "out of the industry" for so long (no gap in my resume?), I'd benefit from starting in sales for $36k. I declined, wish I got the "other candidate" email instead. If this story seems odd to you, rest assured it did to me as well. So yeah, if it starts out with a huge time investment just for consideration, the whole process is that way, and it's a sham. I'm sure there are some great upstart opportunities out there, but I would have stayed in my business if I wanted that risk again without jumping through these hoops. I'm done hijacking the post, but 7 months later, they've changed names and contacted me about that $60k position with the same "she is pregnant and isn't coming back" story. She must be 13 months along now.


Get all your responses written by Chat GPT in 10 minutes or less.


That's a little much


I would only answer the first question, part b- by saying "Well, I ... Wake up in the morning feelin' like P. Diddy. Grab my glasses, I'm out the door, I'm gonna hit this city Before I leave, brush my teeth with a bottle of Jack, 'Cause when I leave for the night, I ain't coming back"


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I had a recruiter ask me to complete “a few” screening questions before a first interview was scheduled. All fine and well until I opened the document and saw almost 2 pages worth of very in-depth and specific questions about how I would execute tasks in a certain CRM they were using…. I was like?? Are you trying to find a workaround to get consultations for free?? Absolutely not. That was insane.


I don’t think this is the recruiter. To me the questions wreck of a lack of leadership at the company. The company should not be looking to new employees to tell the company how to address these issues. The company should be saying here is how we see it. And your role is to work inside the company to influence these conversations. It also shows me they don’t have a true sales process and identity. No wonder there is an issue generating sales business the company cannot articulate a value proposition, it requires new people to handle. Any answer is completely subjective to each persons backgrounds and the their independent values. I am not surprised the company does not have a mission statement or values. So this means there is no guiding principal for people to use as a touchstone.


"How long is a long time?" is a good Hinge prompt 😂


Don’t worry, the starting pay is $27,000


I have no say about what we post. It isn’t the recruiter’s fault if that is in the application. It’s the hiring manager or executive team, FYI. I just post what they tell me.


I know recruiters have no say in this. I suppose I should have said HR, hiring managers, or something but I didn't really think about it at the time.


Ah, the good old "we're too cheap to pay a couple of hundred bucks for someone on Fiverr to make a video for us, so let's get desperate job seekers about to lose their homes to do it for us for free" gambit! Actually they're asking you to do about 5 unrelated pieces of work in this. Amazing.


What’s is their email so I can bombard them with advertisements?


My partner received a reply from an application asking him to answer 15 questions. There were very explicit instructions on how to complete them and return them, I'm assuming to gather how well they follow instructions. They even requested that they let them know when the email was received, so I'm guessing that they were timing how long it took him.


This is actually an old technique used effectively under Jim Crow. Set criteria no one can meet and use it as an excuse to hire who you want. Back then it was used to keep POC out. Now, it's generally used to justify low cost H1B hiring or to source jobs overseas (we tried and no one was qualified.) As King Solomon said, there's nothing new under the sun. IMHO tech firms and modern HR are the slimiest, most dishonest and most miserably misanthropic organizations I've seen in my long lifetime. What a relief to be retired.


That's contract work. Not an interview process. They need to pay for those services.


"Great work on doing all thar effort and getting the job! You'll be making 11.50 an hour with no tips"


Doesn’t have to be perfect. Just capture the essence!


U gotta be kidding


don’t do it. If I have to do all that shit just to get an INTERVIEW, I’m not wasting time on it.


Sounds like to me if u don’t get the job they have your work to use as they please advertisement new projects etc think real hard first


They just want free work that's insane


Chatgpt and edited, until you get paid for the job


Lol, skip


Tell us how to do our job.. job posting 101


Vail Resorts is known for doing things like this.


yes sir i know how to use Chat GPT.


Mind blowing that any of you actually think is from the recruiter because they’re the ones that sent out. 1000% this was demanded from the hiring manager with likely significant pushback from the recruiter on this being insane.