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Do you mind sharing the entire message here? I’d like to know how they phrased the email.


Yes. I'd also like to see it. I think op is avoiding posting cuz it might make him/her look stupid


100%. I usually really like when companies are proactive and provide me feedback. 


This post is tangentially related to something I did once when I was in TA so I'm sharing it now. I thought I was being helpful but maybe not? I declined a candidate for a lack of experience but I manually changed the automated email to let them know they had a typo in their resume making it read, "Shit Leader." I hope they didn't have the same reaction as OP? I thought I would want to know if I was the candidate in this scenario. 


You did nothing wrong at all. If I put that I was a “shit leader” for three years or whatever? I’d want to know! Hard to get a job when you’re saying you were bad at the position! But if I got a letter telling me “thanks for your interest, please ask your friends for leads in the future,” I’d be a little peeved too.


>Hard to get a job when you’re saying you were bad at the position! On the other hand, your résumé would probably look great when applying at a waste processing plant.


😂🤣😂 no argument here!


Doesn't sound like you did anything wrong. OP is the one who looks suspicious here without the screenshot. EDIT: That post history might explain the victim mentality.


What if it wasn't a typo? What if they were just being honest? No points for that?


Honestly this. I can't tell you how many people apply with resumes that look like shit. We even hired people to start giving people practice interviews to better prepare them.


Well that was nice, but honestly I fail to see why resumes need to look amazing. Good grammar and spelling, sure, but keywords, aesthetic formatting, and active writing?


So keep in mind, a lot of people looking at your resume are not SME. They will Crtl+F your resume for keywords often in your resume to the job posting. Example SQL. If the job requires SQL they will CTRL+F it out. THEN they will match the years of work history to that job description to see if you meet the amount of years. Lastly they will make sure you have at least 2 bullet points of information in that job. That is how a recruiter "mostly" verifies you meet job posting details.


Competition. There's only X amount of spots open, and you're competing against Y others to get it. If your resume is "good enough" but there are enough other people who made resumes that get attention better than yours, then it's NOT good enough.


Are we hiring for the ability to make a nice resume or are we hiring to do the job?


Does it matter what they're hiring for if you can't get a job? I'm not saying employers are hiring in a way that makes sense, I'm saying how things work now.


And I'm saying how they're hiring doesn't make sense, therefore they shouldn't be hiring that way


If you can convince them to stop, I'm all for it. Until then, this is how things work.


Do you understand the reason for pointing out things like this?


There was nothing in that comment about "look amazing."


Boy do you sound like a barrel of fun. Dude is asking a question.


wtf no that’s not it. I just have to remove the company name and stuff don’t assume things like that


Censoring company name is very easy to do, and usually done beforehand so you can upload an image as part of the post. Do you not know how to use Imgur or any other image hosting website? Why the delay with showing the actual email, with censored info?


I once had a recruiter send me a list of Computer Science Topics to "brush up on real quick" before an upcoming interview. I thought maybe they had some connection to the company and knew what they might have a particular interest in and be asking about. What I got was a 5 page list of essentially every computer science topic that exists. Yes thank you idiot, I'll just quickly reread the entire textbook of every class I ever had and brush up an entire 4 years of education in the next day for a 30 minute phone interview with an HR person.


Last week I got one of those emails with a bunch of links on how to a Zoom interview. Thanks for letting me know not to do the interview from my bed. Had no idea that was a bad idea.


I've taken interviews of people in bed or in cafes etc.


Solidly half of corporate jobs in America are useless make-work, like this.


Haha glorious. I would upvote but you're at 69 so I'm contractually obligate to not


They’re at 96 now so I hope there’s some humanity left in the world.


Now they are at 99 so I am contractually obligated to upvote them


After interviewing for a mental health support worker position, I got told that I was "too pale" and with my blonde hair, people might think I'm a ghost....so yeah, not all advice is good advice.


I'm pale and people always talked shit. Now I'm over 40 and my skin has no wrinkles so I win.


That's hilarious


Just stop being so pale, go outside more! /s


Isn't that racial discrimination?


Can we see the advice?, we might learn a thing or two


Without sharing there is no way to help


I recently didn’t get an interview for something I’d applied for, and was a bit disappointed/confused because they’d initially been very positive and the role was literally what I’ve been doing at a high level for years. The initial rejection was, “sorry, lots of great candidates”. So I asked for more feedback, because it’s helpful to know what drove the decision. They came back to me. It clarified a few things. Someone giving you that feedback or advice without it being asked for is a gift. You don’t have to agree with it or use it, but you shouldn’t be dismissive of it.


This is better than a stock rejection, unless the advice was wildly condescending or incorrect etc. But it's hard to know without the email. Either way, something is better than nothing when it comes to feedback. You can choose to ignore it.


Are you sure this wasn’t a form letter? When I first got an interview from the temp agency that gave me my most recent role, they sent a ton of bizarrely obvious instructions like “don’t eat during interviews,” what not to wear (crop tops!) etc. It might just be what this particular recruiter does with rejection letters. I agree that it comes off as condescending.


No it wasn’t. My resume is very detailed and I’ve had people tell me it looks fine. This recruiter just was entitled af being like. “You can try something called networking”


That’s not really what entitled means though


Are you saying OP can try improving their English and comprehension skills?


I don’t want to piss them off by giving unsolicited advice, but it couldn’t hurt


Oh they were already mad at anything not handed to them.


Last time that happened to me they complained that I was late by a couple of minutes and wasn’t dressed as well as the’d have liked (they had scheduled the meeting for 1pm MST and were lucky I even checked my email when they sent me a message at 1pm EST asking if I was joining the call, apparently they had meant EST but still scheduled the email link/reminder for MST but never bothered to inform me so I was expecting 3pm EST). They then decided to tell me my resume was bad, no actual useable information or constructive criticism though just “it’s bad”. The kicker though was they didn’t even get my name right, they seemed to choose another random C name to plaster at the top of the rejection when they could have just scrolled up and seen my actual name pretty easily from the previous correspondence. Needless to say I didn’t take what they said very seriously.


People like you are never happy. If the ghost you, they’re evil. They take the time to write you a custom response, you’re still upset. There is likely an underlying reason in the attitude you display why you’re not getting hired.


Listen it’s because they made it as if I was stupid and didn’t know how to apply for a job that’s what bothered me. If they asked to give me advice that’s one thing. To write a whole paragraph as if I was dumb and didn’t know how to apply for a job is another.


>Listen it’s because they made it as if I was stupid How you feel when you read or hear something is *not always* a factor of how it was said to you.


If the shoe fits 🤷‍♀️


Maybe you were really terrible and they felt bad for you?


The more you post, the more it seems the recruiter was probably right.


It doesn’t take long to figure out OP is really not great at the whole professional interaction thing, and looking at their posts they’re dealing with a lot of tough challenges.


Only YOU are responsible for your reactions. If some advice made you feel stupid, examine that in relation to YOURSELF, not the recruiter. Otherwise, you just sound like a whiner.


People can't stop whining about lack of feedback, someone finally provides feedback and you're upset about it? get over yourself.


The email was passive aggressive idk what to tell you bro


What did it say


Others, including myself, have asked for a screenshot. But, of course, OP hides.


“Generally, addressing interviewers as ‘bro’ and citing corporate greed for gaps in your resume will not improve your chances for employment.”


Are you 15 years old OP?


Mid 20s with years of experience


So 2 to 3 years of experience? 


I’ve been working since I was 15


In a relevant field?


Lol at OP giving only short answers like we don't see through their lack of emotional intelligence.


god forbid someone not be perfect when they want a job to not be homeless


Well, you can now add complete inability to handle rejection and feedback to your resume. Congrats!




He’s right dude - you’re literally getting upset over advice. Come on now…


Not a recruiter but defo a hiring manager.    I pride myself on providing constructive feedback to employees so they can learn to be the best they can be.     Molly coddling or entirely omiting feedback because its 'easier' is letting the person down.  Do you not want to know how you could be more likely to be successful next time? (Isnt that just masochism?)


Who is Molly?


No one, spacing matters. It’s just a term referring to babying/spoiling someone. [But fun fact, “mollycoddling” did originate from someone called Molly as a slur, unfortunately.](https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/mollycoddle)


Interesting, I’ve never heard the term


People like you are hopeless. Sounds like the recruiter was trying to help you. If you don’t want the advice, ignore the email


Just getting a rejection is rare right now.


lol no matter what recruiters or candidates do, it’s like you can’t win for losing somehow.


Color me skeptical of your story.




Yeah the email was basically saying I’m not trying hard enough


Here is the thing, recruiters have dealt with so many people and you would be surprised at how many people do not prep for interviews, they dont research the company, they dont do linkedin research on the interviewers, etc. They wear tshirts and do not comb their hair and show up late to virtual interviews. Most people actually do not know how to interview either. Recruiters can only do so much. But providing feedback is one of the things that's beneficial so you can take that feedback on your next interview. Networking is also key to getting a job. If you aren't networking, your chances of finding a job are a lot harder.


I currently am networking and my friends are vouching for me. I am under unemployment so I’m required to apply for jobs 3x a week just to have money. This was just a resume and cover letter.


If you don't mind me asking, what kind of jobs are you looking for? I'm work for a tech recruiting company and if you need help, would be happy to assist.


Maybe it was preemptive of any potential request from you for feedback? A lot of denied applicants request feedback. I would also read that advice like you may not interview well and therefore should like to apply where you already have a personal connection and may have someone to vouch for you.


I never did an interview it was just my resume and cover letter


Yes, unfortunately, some recruiters lack common sense.


Eh, they were probably trying to help. Don't assume negative intent.


They literally said it’s okay if you don’t want advice then proceeded to tell me everything wrong with my resume and treated me like a child. I was just let go after being assaulted at my job. It was the last thing I needed.


So, they told you how to improve your resume, and you’re mad with them?


You come across really badly in your post, in so many ways! If your style of communication IRL has even a hint of the entitlement / arrogance you projected in your post, I'm not surprised that people send you basic-level advice. You need to take the advice on board.


Hiring is broken and I feel like most ads are fake and all unsolicited recruiter emails are for internal metrics.


Everyone: I have had it with these automated job rejections, I want feedback! OP: No, not like that!


I would’ve been okay if I had asked but I didn’t. If they asked me if I wanted the advice I would’ve been fine with it but to straight up just do it without my permission and make me feel as if I was an idiot was another.


I’d kill for advice. I’ve asked and not received. Even if it’s condescending, just tell me WHY you didn’t choose me.


I think you’re probably more upset about the rejection than the advice, and that’s okay. Sounds like they were genuinely trying to help if they took time out of their day to include advice. Most won’t.


I'd like to read it, don't hesitate to share.


I mean - we bitch if they ghost, we bitch if they help, we bitch if they talk, we bitch if they quiet…. It’s like we only don’t bitch if a recruiter hires us immediately no questions asked lol


Recruiters can be frustrating, but they can never win. People complain if they get a generic automated rejection email. But people also complain if they get a rejection email with feedback and/or suggestions. At the end of the day, noting would satisfy you other than an offer or interview request.


Possibly op was just frustrated and responded here in this “safe space” to share a grievance! And instead got a barrage of you’re not sharing the letter because you’ll look stupid! Yea immensely helpful to a clearly downtrodden individual who was just rejected for another possible position and is clearly reacting out of emotion. No we shouldn’t coddle but yes we’d ought to be more understanding that many individuals are in a vulnerable and raw time of their life! This job search for me has as of today turned to an entire poop show! I get op’s frustration and wish them the best! It’s not easy and if any of the feedback was remotely useful use it and hold your head up as you push through! 


Thank you! I lost my job a few weeks ago it’s been hell on earth. Rejection after rejection. There was no need for the person to be as inconsiderate as they were.


Seems to me like a perfect oppertunity to reply in kind with a critique of their recruiting practices.


I have a feeling it would not have been a good match, your response to irrelevant feedback is a tantrum. You will get a ton of harsh and irrelevant feedback. You need to take it and ignore what you don’t need. If I get feedback, however crazy, I just say ‘thank you for the feedback’. If it is particularly irrelevant… or useful, I ask them to elaborate. Throwing a tantrum will not even make yourself feel better, let alone improve your image/reputation.


Jesus Reddit is so weird. Suddenly people just decided this person’s full of shit because they didn’t post the letter and are only giving short answers and because of that they lack emotional intelligence. 😂 Like wtf? How did y’all come to these conclusions so fast. Bro just wanted to vent. I’ve seen yall show so much more sympathy to people that sound FAR more entitled.


Thank you for your understanding. I literally got assaulted at my job and was let go because of it. It’s been super rough.


Just got one too! Cheeky dog, am currently employed just testing the waters in my RDO


Suggesting to ask friends for jobs. Lol You are the employment search professional and you suggest I ask Suzie down the street for work instead. Jfc


Well, maybe they were truly trying to help you, but. It’s unprofessional to offer advice like that unless it’s asked for. I’ve had recruiters tell me I’m not a good candidate because of my background, and I proceeded to get a much better job, so it could be that they are simply full of themself. On the other hand, look at it as free advice.


It’s literally a recruiter’s job to help people get recruited.


It was probably from ChatGPT