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Because another candidate replied 0.0005 seconds faster than you did.


Haha no. There was no job, they were just trolling. Maybe the real job was the corporation enemies we made along the way.


HR: sorry, it's for my KPI track of daily activities.


This. Or your competitor from xyz already submitted 3 top candidates and they put the job on hold


Pretty much, or the pyramid-scheme is involved, to which I say: "*HELLLL* NAHHH"


No, it's because you mentioned that you don't want to sit in a car all day, and they know you're not a good fit for the job because of it. They just don't have the guts to tell it to your face because they're afraid of confrontation. Instead they tell you that they will send you the job description, and then they don't. Yes, I actually found the job they were trying to sell me on. No, it had nothing to do with any job I have ever held.


Imagine being a door to door salesman. You knock and knock and knock and when they finally come open the door, you turn around and walk away. I fucking hate recruiters so much I even noticed I'm forming a bias so strong I blame them for most of America's problems. Maybe the job market isn't terrible at all, maybe there are tons of perfect people for perfect roles, recruiters just don't want anyone to actually get recruited. Maybe the economy is suffering because people can't get jobs because recruiters like it that way. I got spam called by a recruiter once and didn't answer because I was in a meeting. They texted me after the meeting ended and I responded saying yes I was interested. That was the end of that, never contacted again.




kindly ligma balls. agree?


Because they send a mass message to anyone who fits some kind of filters. The recruiter has no idea who you are and has never seen your profile. When you reply a summary of your profile is sent and someone filters that and decided who they want to reply to.


I got a recruiter messaging me about a role that required a PhD. I did not have a PhD


I got one similar to that - or that you need like a ton of high level qualifications but the rate in min wage.


Is this a feature that is built into LinkedIn or Indeed?




But don't they also have stats on how many and often we respond to recruiter messages? So we as candidates are being graded by our responses to mass messages sent out to a bunch of other candidates that requires little effort on the part of a recruiter? Do I have that right?


Your responses are most likely ignored entirely. A summary of your profile is sent with your response attached. They look at the profile and decide if they want to contact you. I would assume for many message blasts they get a ton of responses so someone has to go through all those profiles. That’s some effort.






They’ve been a mixed bag for me. Some are super responsive and incredibly insightful; on the other hand, some, you tell them their rate is too low or the commute is too far, and it doesn’t even register with them and they insist on submitting you. They don’t ghost me any more than American recruiters, though. In any case, it is super insulting how American companies outsource recruiting jobs to India and pay candidates less via second class employment statuses. And it sucks that American recruiters look down on people who have worked for them. It’s unfortunate that people need work and Indian recruiters aggressively contact us for decent opportunities.


From what I’ve seen they are used to pre-screen, if you fit the requirements you get moved on to the (invariably) American white woman recruiter (who then ghosts you)


Always felt that I'm racist for thinking that, but honestly, it's just always the case.


That is the problem, for every great Indian recruiter...you have to deal with 20 terrible ones. My issue with them is poor communication and follow-through. They also ask for very private information like SS# digits and a driver's license. Western recruiters do not do this.




Because recruiters, especially from India, are suck.


Well they gotta act like they are doing something at work


I get these non-stop for temp tech jobs. I ask about pay and length of the work and get no response. It's like they want us to work for free.


Legit question: why do external recruiters insist that you send them your resume / CV? Is it just so they have a database of candidates to reach out to later on? I always think there Is something more than that because some do not even take a quick glance of my linkedin before requesting that. Their system must be filled with irrelevant candidates!


Former recruiter here. They need your resume to send to the hiring managers of said company as a part of your candidacy submission! It was a very annoying requirement


I always wondered why LinkedIn is not enough 🤔


No shit, just send a link to my LinkedIn profile. The same info is on the resume. 


I think some of my recruiters did not even do that cause they didn't even explain the role to me after getting my resume (maybe my resume was actually bad but then again, why ask for my resume after you have checked out my linkedin).


LinkedIn doesn’t tell us enough, by any stretch. People misunderstand agency recruitment. I don’t need a good candidate, I need a candidate so good the client will pay for it. They can find “good” on their own. That doesn’t mean ghosting should happen, and in a perfect world it wouldn’t. But if you send a resume and the recruiter doesn’t feel you’re worth paying for, they’ll move on. They should tell you “no”, so you can at least put the opportunity to bed, but frankly the recruiter often doesn’t have a good reason to say no because you can probably do the job.. the client just won’t pay a fee for you. Couple this with the frankly ruthless environment agency recruiters operate in, empathy is often replaced by personal efficiency. It’s sales, not recruitment, really.  Again, not justifying the behaviors, but it’s not without cause.


Agree with your point. I guess I was just a bit sour that I took the time to read through the jd and share my resume as requested. But to be fair to the recruiter, that was not a lot of work on my part and the recruiter might be just revenue driven. Maybe that's it and I should not be too paranoid about such requests haha


Thats pretty much every recruiter I ever dealt with. I worked with at least 40 various recruiters in my area and I think 1 got me an interview. I got significantly more interviews when I directly applied to a place. They're just a waste of time to me. I consider them a job hunting red flag anymore because they'll only waste your time.


I hear you. I was out of work for 8 months. I got the job I have now because I directly applied for it via their website. I got 5 interviews via recruiters. Most of my 20 + interviews/phone screens were because I did the leg work.


Last year, I had a recruiter from a staffing company reach out to me about a job opportunity near my city. At first, things went alright. She talked about the job description and salary and even prepared me for the interview. It was not until after the interview that things were weird. The recruiter wanted me to call her right after the interview, like the moment I stepped back in my car. I told her the interview went well, and I did everything she told me to. She asked when I would hear back, and I replied Monday ( I was interviewed on a Friday). I remember the employer telling me they would contact me on Monday. The recruiter didn't believe me but she said okay. A week went by, and I heard nothing from the employer the recruiter set me up with or the recruiter herself. I messaged the recruiter about the status of my application. She replied that the company was "busy," but I was still being considered. The recruiter ghosted me up until yesterday when she messaged me about another job. It took every fiber of my being not to write her a nasty message about her ghosting from the last interview she set me up with. Instead, I decided not to reply and deleted the email. The job market is ridiculous


Indian? Had the same thing happen to me before I knew about Indian recruiters. In a rush of 4 hours it’s phone screen, redo resume, one way interview. Then I don’t hear back for two weeks. They don’t answer emails. Then I get to the next round and I’m given to someone higher up. With the people from Meta she got on the line to introduce herself and me. Then immediately after I get off the call she’s blowing up my phone like “what did they say? Give me exact questions”. I knew she was squeezing me for her other candidates so I lied. Btw nothing she said about the position was true. Anyway then I hear nothing for a week and a half. And they’re allergic to email. EVERYTHING is a call. Now I live in France, I’m used to accents but I can’t understand anything when they call so I hate it. Anyway I tell them I have a job offer and I need to know and she’s like don’t accept the other job, just sit tight I’ll try to find an answer. Lo and behold she comes back with an answer within 2 hours (sus). I got the job. Then 3 days before start the offer is rescinded. I think it was a true offer because like 7 people from Meta looked at my LinkedIn. But who knows. Fucking scammers. No shame.


No, it was a recruiter from Kforce, a recruiting firm


Well basically the same thing. All of those companies are alike.


True, they come in all shapes and forms don't they?


The 3rd party ones are just the worst. It’s not even worth it to answer or apply to them


Keep in mind the staffing agency recruiter is not on site at the hiring company. She's at the mercy of the company and or hiring manager to communicate with her. They will often drag their feet slow things down, ghost her, etc. It sucks, but it's not uncommon. Sometimes the hiring company will treat agency recruiters worse than they treat candidates.


I loooove these types of recruiters.


This is my exact conversation with people at company's after applying and asking me what my availability is like. They ask, I respond, and then hear nothing from them.


My favorite flavor of recruiter is the “will submit you for exactly one position and if you don’t get it, you’re lower than pond scum to them and will never deign to respond to you again”


It's the LinkedIn version of "Hi, is this still available?" on Facebook Marketplace


The most incompetent, lazy and unskillful people on the planet are recruiters (most of them). How hard is it to maintain a list of outbound requests in an Excel? This can be done via a robot! You get the job description written out by the hiring manager. All you need to do is follow a simple routine: maintain a lead list -> reach out to x leads / day -> schedule interviews. Is that so hard to follow? How easy do you want your job to be? And to come on LinkedIn and blame CANDIDATES instead is wild. I think this is the most automatable job out there as it requires no creativity.


I wish I had a job description 🥲 My hiring managers give me 2-3 keywords (and a painfully low salary range if I'm lucky) and tell me to go find talent. It's so embarrassing to reach out to people and not have any crucial details to share. Thank God I'm leaving this place soon.


Because they are message blasting a whole bunch of people who met their search criteria. Someone(s) else replied first.


I applied for a job and got contacted within 24 hours. Obviously a top candidate by getting a quick response. Have had this a few times for jobs I am extremely qualified for. And I submit a salary expectation inline with what that type of role pays (market rate). Them: What is your expected salary? Me: I did not see a range posted. What is the budget? Them: It is open based on the candidate. (I already know where this is going. Most companies will openly provide a number at this point. For whatever reason they did not post it but they won't play games. I have essentially written it off at this point but decide to go along just in case) Me: $X Them:


I always advise to ask what is the salary range is currently. For sales it's on Repvue, Pay scale or Glassdoor.


Idk how true the InMail credit system is for recruiters gaming it, but I just don't respond to any DMs on LinkedIn from a recruiter.


never understood why recruiters ghost


I always assume Goodharts law. "When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure". If they are measured in first interactions, then they will just work in first interactions. If they are tracked by how many new out reaches they make, or they need to make x amount of outreaches, they will spam out messages. I assume they are just messaging their numbers so that they can keep their job.


They probably fulfilled a targeted quota of candidates to submit for the role. I’ve dealt with a plenty of these clowns since getting laid off, I’ve been up their asses for status updates as much as they’ve been up mine.


Yes this happened to me all the time!


I think most recruiters just get paid to do recruitment outreach with LinkedIn being one of the platforms. Doesn’t mean they’ll ever hire from there. It’s literally all about connections right now. I almost feel as if over the past few years since Covid everyone has gotten awkward and cynical at the managerial level and sees our generation being some sort of cancer to their organization.


It is ALL generations. I don't know your generation but I'm guessing you are in your 20's? I'm a lot older and am also not landing a job.


Out of curiosity what’s ur background and experience. Just asking because I’m trying to analyze the current situation with the job market. And yes I’m in my 20s.


Worked at a major entertainment co for 16 yrs. It was acquired by another company... mass layoffs. Subject matter expert for the DAM and website CMS and some project management.


Literally every time 😭😭😭😭😭 what is going on


The salary is poor.


They are a fickle bunch of people


They are a fickle bunch of people


They are a fickle bunch of people


I've kind of grown into the whatever stage at this point when it comes to recruiters. There's so many dickheads from India that are like the "Florida Man" of hiring flooding my phone that I'm just grateful when I'm talking to an actual professional. I'm more pissed lately with "promoted" jobs on LinkedIn lately. I have close to a decade of working with SQL (Structured Query Language), and most employers don't believe it's possible for you to pick anything up. So I search for that as a key. That's when I see a million related "promoted" jobs. Seriously, fuck you moran recruiters. SQL is not a programming language, and it isn't a catchy buzzword in IT. It's a real fucking thing. I see a million postings for software developers (not full-stack developers who do use SQL or Data Engineers), managers, DevOPs, Python Developer, ML or AI Developer. I want to strangle the idiot recruiters who post these jobs and a job for every fucking location. You didn't get it right on the first one. Why are we posting to like 20 location?!


My favourite was one I got a couple of years ago. Recruiter: Hi I’m impressed by your profile, and think I have a very interesting position available for you. (Send a job listing) Me: not interested at this time, feel free to contact me again should you have other positions. Recruiter: okay, can recommend anyone else for the position? Me: unfortunately I can not, in fact I am actively searching for 3 additional headcount myself. Recruiter: I can help with that, what do you work with?


Many recruiting agencies will tell you the salary range if you ask. Better to ask over the phone though.


This is how I make them go away


All the recruiters that contact me are "I have this contract job 400 miles from where you live paying 60% of your current rate and you'd be a great fit!"


Exactly! How to get rid of a pesky recruiter - or better yet - say to prevent double submissions you need to know the name of the end client.


They’re so fucking stupid. And they still expect us to treat them with respect. Super weird.


What I do is say, “Great, thanks for reaching out! I’m looking for 100% WFH at $xx.xx per hour, full time, with benefits. Is this something your client can offer?” If they can’t answer me on this, or if they send me a job and job description but the salary isn’t what I want (or close to it), I’ll tell them what my salary requirements are, and ask again. If they say “yes” I go forward. If I don’t hear from you on what is going on after that, you’re in my rearview. But if I tell you what I want in a job, salary, and what I want and you can’t meet it? We’re DONE. TBH, has anybody ever gotten a job from LinkedIn - job postings OR LinkedIn recruiters?




because if you try to get them to disclose details on salary it's not an open variable anymore, so if you disclose your desired salary they can just lowball you to high hell, or take some dude who accepts the bare minimum, or free.


I like to ghost recruiters.


Sometimes it's because they mass emailed based on keywords and once they saw your profile realized you weren't a match, so why bother? Other times the recruiter is trained to just ghost anyone who asks about salary. Other times it's how people ask. If someone asks me what the salary range is, I tell them, by email or phone. I don't give a shit, it's a reasonable question, our budget isn't changing nor are the bills they have to pay. But I also don't mass email because it's a stupid thing to do. But, if the candidate responds like this: "SALARY?!?!?!!?!?!!!!" Or, "What's the max salary?" Then fuck them, they're getting ghosted. People with such pathetic social skills and so little self awareness aren't worth moving forward with. I know because earlier in my career I looked past that, it *never* worked out. They always ended up being a fucking train wreck of an interview or employee if they actually got hired. If you're in tech in some capacity and you get an email or an inmail from an Indian recruiter, it was probably mass generated and it's likely the first scenario. They work in bulk.


Maybe you shouldn't fing mass email people if you intend to ghost them, brohonzo. Like, I get it. Candidate can be rude (i've hired hundreds of engineers as a hiring manager). But you are making a lot of assumptions. First, you (or the recruiter) already resorted to the lowest form of communication (spam) then you are sonehow offended when they don't demonstrate good manners and social skills? You sent them spam!! Plus, the candidate does have the right to know the salary - or they risk wasting everyone's time. FINALLY, unless you are specifically hiring for a position where social skills beyond the bare minimum needed to function on a team were required, you are placing a pretty spurious premium on social graces. Some of the most valuable ICs i ever had on my teams could barely string together a spoken sentence.