• By -


Not a quote, but an entire speech: Stop! Everyone, stop! My son... my last son... don't. When I was your age, I fought. I saw death. I have killed. The men I knew were slain. My first born, your brother, had his head smashed by a drunken soldier. My wife had her throat slit. We made peace. I knew not to trust, yet I had no choice. Maybe you were right; maybe the slow death is worse than a fast one. Maybe none of these men are good. Maybe a world in which they came to us is a world that we cannot endure. But endure we must. Do not die for pride, my son! We have suffered too much in this trick! The earth, the water... they have no pride! They endure! And we must endure. My only boy... my precious boy... do not mistake my strength for weakness. As your chief, I implore you.


You implore me?


he implores!


I- I implores you to go back there and tell them to send someone just a little bit more impressive next time!


Yes, this lady implores you 🤣


Your words mean nothing to me father


Who said this?


Rains fall in chapter 6


During the start of the mission My Last Boy


This broke my heart cuz it was both a father and a chief of a tribe that was dying, you could hear how hard he’s trying to get his son and the rest of the “warriors” to not attack and make his son see reason.


Dying? He doesn't die


I meant his son,


Ok. I was confused because you said, "a father and the chief of the tribe was dying" but Rains Fall is the father and the chief, and his son Eagle Flies is the one that dies


Your good jus a bad writer on my part.




It is a nice detail that John most likely learned the word “implore” from Rains Fall when he repeats it to Bill in rdr1


When Arthur said to the Sister, “I’m afraid.” I felt those words hitting like getting hit by a truck. My heart felt heavy & sank deeper into my chest, a couple of tears came out. no other video character has had a profound effect like Arthur Morgan had.


Honestly this one hits so hard for two main reasons. One: Arthur has a very rare moment of pure, soul-baring vulnerability with someone. This man’s the biggest baddest gunslinger around. His whole job is to put up a front, act tough, and intimidate. Yet here he is, talking about his deepest feelings with this little old nun. Two: Arthur has been very self aware for the majority of the story. He’s known he’s done bad things. He’s known he’s likely going to die. He’s known he doesn’t deserve a happy ending. But now that that time has actually come, he’s not ready. Faced with his own mortality, he doesn’t want to go out this way; without a cause, without a purpose. Everything he thought he knew about what his purpose was is crumbling before his eyes. That’s what scares him. Until, Sister Calderon gives him a new one…


That cutscene is probably the best scene in the entire game.


“When a man with a sing-song voice tells me to fuck off, it always concerns me, boyo.”


His badassery in red dead one is just fucking unmatched dude killed people both with his gun and words.


"You sir, are a fish." - Arthur Morgan Shit changed my life forever




We all need friends, old timer. We die alone, but we live among men


'Tough is arriving in a new city...both your parents are newly dead. No one looking after you except some scumbags you meet on the street. Folks starving.....people desperate. Since 9 years old i've been living on my wits. A chance at sea?..that..well..that'd be a joy! **Now. I'll tell ya, sharks are nothing compared to human beings.'** --Uncle.


I don't remember this one. Is it a camp dialogue?




God, I love Pearson/Uncle interactions. A couple of goofy old men lol


"I know now that you don't get to live a bad life and have good things happen to you"


John's RDR1 quote "People don't forget. Nothing gets forgiven." Or Dutch's entire speech before he off-ed himself. Really powerful stuff.


Yea that John quote is my favorite too


"There are two theories when it comes to arguing with women, and neither of them work." -Dutch RDR2


John says it first in the first game. But canonically it is said by Dutch first in the second game haha.


"Some trees flourish, others die. Some cattle grow strong, others are taken by wolves. Some men are born rich enough and dumb enough to enjoy their lives. Ain’t nothing fair, you know that."


Came here for this as soon as I saw the title, some trees flourish..


This is amazing. When was it?




RDR 1 John talking with Abigail at Beechers Hope


You eat babies


“There is no point arguing how we got here, this is where we are, and we are going to fix it.” - Dutch An underrated quote that helped me get off my ass when my life wasn’t going so well at the time.


Right when Dutch confronted Leviticus Cornwall: "I rob, you rob. I kill, you kill. The difference I see is that I choose who I rob and kill while you destroy everything in your path."


Arthur's final moments: "I gave you all I had dutch"


Oh tears for real. ESP when the next Line was something like you know I did. And he really did. God I hated Dutch from the moment I saw his slimy face. I knew nothing about the franchise when I started and still hated him and knew he was gonna be the worst.


“You can only shit on a man so many times before he decides it’s his turn to pull down the pants”


When Arthur said “I like you mister you have a kind face……the kind I like to PUNCH”


Lack of something to feel important about is almost the greatest tragedy a man may have.


“Thank you, feller. You know there ain’t enough kindness in this world that’s for sure.” There’s just something about how he says it and how it’s heard during the last ride.


I especially like the fact that Arthur writes down in the journal that he still remembers his poor face. (I will update later to the correct quote) From the beginning of the mission, Arthur just wanted to take money and get out. But after seeing him and his pregnant wife, something snapped in his head, starting to see the world and his actions differently


“Im a survivor. That’s all there is, living and dying.”


“There are good people here. Good and bad. The sad thing is good people do bad things.” Just a random camp interaction from Hosea to Dutch, but it stuck with me as soon as I heard it.


“Why is it like that? I have always wondered… why ain’t we better?”


"Be loyal to what matters" If you like or love someone/something like friends family and stuff then dont be afraid to show that you pay respect,love and have loyalty towards them/it.


"Lenny !!!"


I broke the god damn wheel. Nah but rlly like when Arthur is talking to abigale as she gives her to Sadie before he goes back to the camp when he tries to comfort her it’s so sweet.


I dont know... sport i guess




Kind of an underrated quote: "Don't go twirling it around your mind. You will get yourself in a dark place that you will not leave." Arthur tells it to John when they are going to Shady Belle for the first time and John worries about his son. The whole convo is amazing honestly.


"we're more ghosts than people." and "I gave you all I had"


"People don't forget, nothing gets forgiven"




"It's a toy boat!"


Most profound saying in the game - Seamus (to Artie): “COCKSUCKIN’ MAGGOT!”


“Out of the damn way”- Arther Morgan 2017


I have three favourite quotes: 1. "Why is everything said differently then from how it's spelt in english??" - Javier Escuella 2. " Stop singing about geography!" - Arthur Morgan 3. "I'm Rip Van Winkle." - John Ma- I mean Rip Van Winkle


It was RDR2


“Some trees flourish, others die, some cattle grow strong, others are attacked by wolves, some people are born rich enough and dumb enough to enjoy their lives ain’t nothing fair.” - John As someone who’s had a big problem comparing himself to others this quote was gold to me. Made me realize everybody has a different hand and to play yours the best you can.


'You sound like Hosea' had me crying actual tears.




"you sir, are a fish" still gets me every time


"Anger is a complicated emotion to let go of." Arthur said it I think


"It smells like miracles back here!" -John, rdr1


you sir, are a fish


You sir, are a fish.


"You're my favorite parasite... No, wait, ringworm's my favorite parasite, you're my second-favorite parasite... I lied. Ringworm, then, rats with the plague, then you."


When I'm gone, they'll just find another monster. They have to, because they have to justify their wages.


The entirety of RDR2 had a profound effect on me.


"Has anyone seen Gavin?!" 🤣


The Gugu gaga mission for sure. It gugu'd me up real good.


"Revenge is a fools game" It always makes me think of the last of us part 2


“You filthy little man.” Hits with purse*


"Thank you" - Arthur "Take a gamble that love exists, and do a loving act." - Sister Calderon "There's a good man within you, Arthur, but he is wrestling with a giant." - Mary "I wish I had acquired wisdom at less of a price." - Hosea "If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop diggin'." - John


"If you ever win power remember why you wanted it."


You and me. We're more ghosts than people.


Very similar to yours, but mines the Arthur quote about how not long ago he would have seen Rains Fall as weak and pathetic man, but now he sees him as a kind and wise man.


“Take a gamble that love exists, and do a loving act” If I ever get a tattoo this is what I want. With a little Arthur hat next to it


"We can't change what's done, we can only move on."


RDR2: Arthur: “Outta the DAMN way” Lmaooooooo


"While there are guns and money, there won't be any freedom." - John Marston


Don't know how it does sounds in English bc I just wrote on my language, but it's during Dinamite's steal with Bill to explode the bridge "Killing a bunch of people, to stealing a carriage with dynamite and blowing up a bridge... Does that make sense to you?"


When Arthur said "I guess... I'm afraid." I lost my mind.


Arthur’s conversation with the Religious Sister at the train station


"You sir are a fish" Made me realise I wanted to identify as fi/shes


Arthur's confessuin session with the nun from rdr1 will ALWAYS hit me hard, seeing the big brute badass Arthur Morgan fighting back tears while admitting hes afraid, fuck man I get damp eyes just thinking about it


That whole cutscene where Arthur is telling sister that he's afraid. "Take a gamble that love exists and do a loving act." I also remember vividly when Dutch first starts going crazy in Lakay when he says to Arthur: "I ain't got a final plan yet. Arthur I ain't got a... I just need time." You can hear the desperation in his voice.


"You don't hire a Saint to catch a crook." I think this was after the first bounty, said by valentine sheriff


One of them machines could turn mem into angels


Be loyal to what matters


"We die alone, but we live among men" John Marston


'Life is full of pain, but there is also love and beauty... ...Be grateful that's for the first time you see your life clearly'


“I HAD A GODDAMN PLAN” -The one and only


Be loyal to what matters


“Arthur saved us didn’t he pa?” Or something along those lines by Jack. To jack those words don’t mean much but to John and to an extent Abigail those words mean so much


Beginning of rdr1 the entire John and Bill exchange is so good.


"I gave you all i had"


"you couldn't shoot a fart out of your own ass" by John and "I tried... In the end, I did." By Arthur both destroyed me


“You don’t get to live a bad life and have good things happen to you” -Arthur Morgan-


The main story writing and such is amazing, but I always loved the first bounty mission in Valentine, Sheriff Malloy's quote, "You don't hire a saint to catch a sinner." It embodies frontier justice and the wild west so well.


Maybe next time let the wolves eat all your brain , then you'll be a genius, arthur to john before train robbery. paraphrasing ofc I can't remember exactly what he said


I like the moment where Arthur sort of Asserts himself to a crazy Dutch. “Maybe life ain’t such a thing to cling onto so tightly” “No doubt, What’s our move here?” “You sound like Hosea, I miss…..him” “I asked you a question” “What do you think?” “We can’t stay here, that much is obvious. But where we gonna run to?, They chased us from the west, They chased us over the mountains..They ran us into the sea” “Arthur, Do you have my back?” “Always Dutch, but there’s more than your back to worry about”


The journal entry for the old church in Bolger Glade: “Saw an old church, found it interesting. Not sure why.” It hit me in a way I can’t explain. Something about the open honesty to yourself and the medium of a journal to reflect? The journal adds elements to his character that will forever be unrivaled.


You can’t do bad things and expect good things to happen


I'm afraid


“You ain’t nothing but a loaf of wet bread” An insult used when antagonizing a stranger- what a burn! I intend on keeping this in my back pocket for use when the time is right.


It always breaks my heart when Abigail has been kidnapped and Micah convinces Dutch to forget about her, Arthur simply yells “Dutch!” The pain and betrayal in his voice speaks numbers.


"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness"


“ Revenge is a fools game “ Arthur Morgan