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He was certainly cold up in that mountain!! Hahahaha...hey, where's everyone going?


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚bro this has me dying


he must not know šŸ¤”huh? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜… šŸ˜­Don't say it! šŸ¤«šŸ¤


Nah I finished it multiple times dw


>hey, where's everyone going? Bingo


Unexpectedly Leon (RE4)


i heard the same thing in my head, classic


Off a cliff, YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID, now for a reference, "long live the king..." It's me, I'm the king *spreads my arms and falls backward off the cliff*


Thats such a Micah thing to say!


How long are you here for? Cause I got a feeling it's all week


Coldest yes. Only cared for himself, and couldnā€™t handle people even thinking of going against him. Coolest? No way.. Arthur, Dutch, Bill and Hosea in that order is correct on the cool scale




Yeah WTH there were so many better options before Billā€¦..


Bill is not fucking cooler than Hosea, Hosea is the best


was about to say Hosea was well past his prime but could still be higher than bill


The fact that Hosea was past his prime made him cooler. Hosea got to old age (in them days) while living life as an outlaw. He was clearly a badass.


Fear the old man in a professiom where men die young


Charles is way cooler than Bill.


No. John, Arthur, Javier, & Charles are cool. The only thing cool about Micah is he is a good shot.








What about Sadie


Was about to ask that. I think she is objectively the coolest. Drive check. Passion Check. Badass Check. Loyalty Check.


Butt Check


Totally crazy check


In the mission where she dresses up like a fancy lady (and Arthur and Dutch dress up as cops) to oversee Colm Oā€™Driscollā€™s execution, she looks fine as hell.


My bad I forgot about her


Based on game sales, only 1/3 of RDR2 players played the first RDR. It's kinda sad because John is such a badass lead character in RDR. The way John carries himself in RDR, his quick-wit, he's funny, and a matured man vs the young man who lacks personality in RDR2. Shame people who only played RDR2 will never know how great of a character John was. Until The Last of Us and RDR2, John and his story in RDR was the grittiest, grounded, and best story I experienced in a video game. šŸ˜¢


his dual pistol shooting is the fastest of the gang.


You thought Dutch was cool?


how do you not? especially on the early chapters of your first playthrough


I loved Dutch my first time through, thought he was cool as fuck


me too. i even grew up with rdr1 so i knew what heā€™d become but his charisma is incredible. and thatā€™s due to the amazing writing and performance


I never liked Dutch because he kept getting me caught up in bullshit. I just wanted to hunt, fish, tame horses and wipe out the Oā€™Driscolls


Just ONE more job! And we can relax in Tahiti


Ngl, I too thought Dutch brutally strangling the frail old lady was cool as fuck


Yeah he definitely knows some Spanish.


Idk, I just never trusted him


Idk i think he got a bad wrap maybe we should give him another chance?


Username checks out


Heā€™s still a cool character. Thereā€™s no denying he has charisma and swag


Yeah, definitely has some swag hey


Just ask Miss Oā€™Shea bout that swag. Grimshaw too.


You mean you never had faith?


Itā€™s not like a big secret. lol He was the big bad guy from the get-go.




Dutch doesnā€™t have to be a good person to be cool and Iā€™m tired of being expected to pretend otherwise


Have you seen his outfit? That alone puts him at the top of the list. That outfit is so gangster, the man never took it off for 1 whole year. He survived a wreckage in that suit, survived Guarma in that suit, walked through the swamp in that outfit.


Yeah that suit had seen some shit. Just from the very get go I knew his words were empty and just didn't respect him or think he was cool. There's way cooler characters


The Mr Krabs of the wild west. Moneyyyyy


When I first played RDR1 I thought Dutch was the coolest, no matter him being a villain. And even now I still think heā€˜s cool in some regards. At least heā€˜s way cooler than Micah.


Charles would like to have a word with you on who was the coolest


No he wouldn't. Charles kept a low profile. DIdn't need to impress anybody unlike that yellow bellied snake Micah. Micah was one hell of a shot, that's for sure.


Bill was not cool at all. Uncle is cooler than Bill


Bill has waited his entire fictional life for this moment


Author, Charles, Hosea, Javier, Dutch, John, Sadie, hell fucking Pierson was cooler than bill lol I love them all except Micah, but bill definitely is lower on the cool totem pole.


Only 1 person in this entire chain of comments mentioned Sadie for the ā€œcoolā€ scale and that is a damn crime.




John is the coolest tho


Nah Micah is pretty cool


Nothing cool about being a racist tbh.


He's not even just a racist, he's also a creep towards all the women in the gang


He's basically all the bad things.


He literally says darkies in the second or third cutscene and he's a womanizer in a multitude of others Edit was darkness to darkies due to auto correct


Even the intro chapter when you meet Sadie. Before you come in Micah's terrorising her and it has major creep vibes. I'm sure Dutch has to shout to make him stop Especially bad if you think of the hell Sadie had been through since the O'Driscolls killed her husband


Womanizer? Guy was gonna assault Sadie if he had got his hands on her in chapter 1. Wish she had got a shot at him in the epilogue.


The guy is a mass murdering, animal abusing, implied rapist and racism is the thing you go to?


literally the entire gang is mass murderers and animal abusers but okay compadre


Dont act like they are exactly the same. The gang try their best not to murder unnecessarily. Micah murders for fun. Also how are the whole gang animal abusers ? Compadre


Some people on reddit seem to think that racism is worse than murder


Brother if this game was 100 percent historically accurate the whole gang would have been racists and Lenny would have been on chore duty the whole time. Lenny literally wouldn't even be allowed to walk into town on a horse and freely walk into establishments. It's a game.


This is nothing. You have said absolutely nothing here. Racism is bad.


Some gangs, yeah, but not all. Many gangs were very diverse, including blacks, Mexicans, natives, queers, etc. Many also weren't. Everything about gangs was the opposite of general society: white supremacy, anti-black, anti-queer. So what were many outlaws? *For* all of this. Again, not all. But many were.


Indeed. This sub is going to tear you apart though haha


He was not only a traitorous bastard, he was a coward to boot. No redeeming qualities, glad we got to blast his head off in the epilogue


dude literally got angry because Bill was laughing


Literally got tossed by charles


Had to attack arthur from behind even when arthur had TB šŸ˜‚


Don't forget the robbery in blackwater


Had to bring his little friends at the end so he would have people defend him


Dutch is obviously the coldest, Arthur is the coolest


Before the last scene, I only remembered micah because of the strawberry mission


He was almost knocked out by a man wi th tuberculosisĀ 


dude was so scared that he had to live in the mountains so nobody would find him


dude always tried pulling abigail then realized he was married to dutch


I mean they did say they would have a party when he dies


I think it's a running joke in the gang that everyone knows Micah is a bastard tbh haha


Dude was racist and rapey as fuck. Get better bait


Micah was one of my favorite characters for some reason, everybody always hates on me for that


Because of the bad things nobody wants to focus on the good things


Is this a shitpost? I'm reading the comments and you have yet to explain what "good thing" makes Micah cooler than the others. Gun skills are his redeeming quality, you say? Sure, but he's not even the best shot in the gang (that would be Arthur).


the fact that micah-likers are commonly hated on shows how well written he is as an antagonist. people are ignoring anything somewhat positive or cool about him because they hate him so much


whatā€™s cool about him though?


heā€™s a dual wielding wild west gunslinger with with a slick style. heā€™s cold and does dirty work without struggle. these qualities sure do make him a nasty antagonist, but if OP thinks itā€™s cool then thatā€™s fine too. itā€™s the same reason we like darth vader in star wars. heā€™s a really menacing villain who doesnā€™t care what his enemies have to suffer through. heā€™s a fascist leader who oversaw the deaths of potentially billions, but yet people dress up as him and admire the character. thereā€™s nothing wrong with liking micah as a villian, or admiring some of his attributes. but he is universally hated because of how impactful the story is. itā€™s really interesting when you step back and look at it from an outside perspective. no other game has such an antagonist that anyone who says positive things about him are questioned and belittled.


People take this game way too seriously like to the point of getting emotional. I donā€™t mind Micah. IMO he was a well written character and tbh I donā€™t even hate him.


itā€™s a case of people holding a grudge on the character for his actions in the narrative, and then lashing out on others with those feelings. if anything, bravo rockstar games for writing such an impactful character


Say whatever you want about Micah, but letā€™s be real, if rockstar ever released a dlc where you play as him, weā€™d love that shit


The main issue I have with Micah is that I never understood his worldview, some elements of him almost make him sound like a cartoonishly evil punchbag for the player and I think he could have been more. Micha was always weird and creepy but didn't rat out until after Guarma, so maybe he still had some hope or loyalty towards Dutch before seeing him descending into madness and losing his grip on the situation; I would have liked to play part of the story as him just to understand him better.


Micah's worldview centers around Micah


Don't know if this is just bait, but I will say Micahs interactions with Arthur are actually some of my favorite in the game. Micah's VA does a terrific job of making every thinly veiled threat and insult sound like it's dripping with venom, and even at his best he has this quality in the way he speaks that makes it seem like he's just a small step away from freaking the hell out. You couple that with Arthur being permanently fed up with his "I'm your brother too Arthur, you can tooootally trust me" routine (until he just outright drops that) and I think there's a great rivalry dynamic there. That being said, he's an irredeemable piece of shit and I don't think he's cool at all, he's just a character that I love to hate, which makes him a very effective villain for the story.


Yall sayin "hes not cool" but the gun spins and taking on dozens of law?


Dude was a sexist, racist piece of shit who murdered children and women for fun (which is why Cleet abandoned him in the epilogue), killed a dog that was beloved by the gangā€™s only child, and implied he wanted to rape the women in camp. He is not even close to ā€œcoolā€. His corpse is pretty cool on the top of the mountain though Plus, he literally got tossed like a sack of rice by Charles in camp and struggled like hell to beat up a dude quite literally hours from dying.


Don't forget when Javier sent his ass to the dirt with one punch in camp


Bill would have stomped his head in they hadn't held him back in Colter, too


Besides him being a creep towards women,and a racist i think his worldview as a character is interesting.How he is always so focused on ā€œsurvivingā€.I think thereā€™s more to explore with his character for sureā€¦but then that would take all the intrigue out of it right? Its the things unsaid and all that.


Iā€™m sorry but have you heard of Arthur Morgan??


You mean black lung?


My take on it yeah Heā€™s a bastard But excuse an outlaw in a gang of outlaws for being and acting like AN OUTLAW Itā€™s kind of the entire point of his character. Everyone wants to be ā€œThe next RDR should be more Wild West in the ACTUAL age of outlawsā€ Thatā€™s Micah.


Nobody cares that heā€™s acting like an OUTLAW ; heā€™s a racist and a rapist, thatā€™s what makes him not ā€žcoolā€œ


I read "racist" as "rapist" and thought goddamn he's a *double* rapist?!


Lol well heā€™s a double **** sooo


He couldnā€™t even beat a dude who was basically in his death bed with minutes to live in a fight


He was the only one who wasn't a giant fucking hypocrite, but it turns out there are worse things than being full of shit.


love or hate micha, you can not deny peter blomquist did an absolutely incredible job capturing michas character and all his irredeemable glory


This mf shot me in da face šŸ˜†


2 words Dutchā€™s fit


You obviously never saw the skunk ass skin hat drip my Arthur was rocking


Despite all the hate he gets I think he's a badass well written ruthless villain


cold as in cold-hearted? sure. cool as in hella style points? sure. but not cool as in a cool dude to hang with. he would meet to drink with you as an old friend, and when you're half-cut, he cavalry draws and puts one in the back of your head I will give him hella style points though, he's just a bastard who doesn't care about anyone. i hate him as a person for his morals but as a character, I can't deny he's well written for folks to have such a hard time giving him any respect though lmao


This post is a perfect excuse for me to recommend Jacob Gellerā€™s video on red dead redemption and Micah specifically. Itā€™s really fuckin good I highly recommend it. I also highly recommend all his other videos, some of the best shit on YouTube. [to hate another](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=M9lacLc0WTk)


he was a really well written Villain, you can tell that by the fact everyone loves to hate Micah Bell


Yes, he is and I'm tired of pretending that he isn't.


Heā€™s a great, well written villain but the polar opposite of ā€œcoolā€ imo. He flips out constantly and is just a hateful, manipulative little rat who is terrified of a fair fight.


People hate Micah. The reality is we hate him because he is a well written antagonist. RDR2 just wouldn't be the same without him... And RDR3 will have to come up with something far more compelling to out perform him.


I hate Micah but I also really like him because his VA is a cool dude and also Iā€™m just like Micah when I play games. Iā€™m a psycho.


He is hilarious, to the point where I don't even hate him anymore. Yea, he ruined the gang, but the gang were bad people too. "They used to he like Robin hood, giving to the poor and helping them." The only one who did that in the actual game was Arthur, after he found out he was dying. They hadn't actually helped someone, aside from people who ended up joining, in years. Years of killing innocent people and robbing, couldnt erase what he did but he tried to make up for some of it and did honorable things. Bonnie talks about it with John in the first game after explaining they weren't normal outlaws, she said something along the lines of "there's nothing worse than a man killing innocent folk and what not and saying he has a secret moral code behind it." And I don't even blame Micah, I blame Dutch. Micah saw through Dutch and manipulated him so badly, showing how weak minded he was. Shit was falling apart in events we haven't even seen. One day people will realize the gang were the bad guys, some turned good but Milton and Ross were right even if they were evil.


If Micah's cooler and colder than you then you're playing the game wrong.


This guy has a beer belly bigger than my dad


Arthur is cool, John is cool, Sadie is cool, Javier is cool, Lenny is cool, Charles is cool Micah is a selfish, stinking rat, the opposite of cool


3 headshots with barely a look, probably only gained Dutch's trust because he's a really good shot. If Micah was playable he'd have full camera dead eye


PrOvE mE wROnG .......


Arthur good Micah bad šŸ‘


Cold? Yes absolutely full on psycho Cool? Uhh....hell no, he has no redeeming qualities whatsoever


I've never hated a character in a game more than I fucking despised Micah Bell lol


The only thing cold about him was his corpse...


Dutch and Hosea exist. Micah is a wet oily rat, Dutch and Hosea are the kind of men you'd regret insulting sooner than you can think about it.


Thats a good karma farming technique


coldest ā‰  coolest


Miss Grimshaw was colder


Nah he was useless racist ahole who got my favorite people killed. To the pits with him.


Did Micah write this?


cold?...Yes cool?..No


Jesus šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Im not so sure about coolest but he was probably the coldest character for sure. Dude was unhinged and didnt have any remorse or regrets whatsoever. Also his skills and accuracy with weapons is unmatched.


Idk that gut and hernia say otherwise


I have no problem with Micha, but I will forever hate BillšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Coldest? Yes. Coolest? Absolutely fucking not. Micah acted like a self centered rat long before we knew the truth.


I just did this mission. I think he was blatantly fake, and filled with false pride. What for, I wish we knew.


Coldest, probably. Coolest? Dude lost his cool almost everytime we see him.


Coldest character yes, but he was never in the gang, he was only ever on team MicahĀ 


coldest yes, selfish absolutely, a snake? even more


For about 3 seconds in Rhodes, Micah was probably the coolest character in the game. I'll give him that.


Coolest? absolutely not Javier and Dutch have him beat in the drip department. He was definitely the coldest because he didn't care about anybody but himself hell even Dutch was good at at least pretending to care about people


Coldest in the ground maybeā€¦ fuck micha


This dude was a certified piece of shit


Didnā€™t he shoot a woman in the head?


Charles' cooler tbh.


Fuck no, cold characters donā€™t have a annoying af laugh!


That sure is an opinion. A wrong one mind you, but an opinion. For real though, Micah was a horrible piece of shit. He was cold, yes. Cool though? Only time he was cool was when his corpse laid on that mountain.


He may have been a piece of shit but you can't deny he was the 2nd best gunman the gang had next to Arthur.


He's a rapist btw


Amalgamation(keeping that here cause I had a stress seizure, and thought it was funny). Micah is an amazing character


Heā€™s the most historically accurate one


Na. Fuck him


My friend is playing for the first time and he doesnā€™t really play video games so heā€™s not used to long games like this. He spends almost all his time hunting and fishing, but the point is is that he thinks Pearson is the coolest person in the gang. We were playing and having a few drinks when he said ā€œPearson is so coolā€. Never really got a reason out of him on why but weā€™re all in agreement now Pearson is the coolest


He is the personification of an outlaw


2 words, Charles Smith


Bro didnā€™t have any drip


Heā€™s a rat. You know it, I know it.


Maybe the coldest, but he's far from being the coolest!! Sadie is miles ahead cooler than him, not to mention Hosea, Dutch, and Arthur.


Consider his shit ass died face down in the snow, sure. I guess heā€™s ice cold.


uh no he was just an asshole


Def not the coolest


In no particular order: Arthur, Sadie, Charles, Lenny, Hosea, Sean, John, Tilly, Grimshaw, Eagle Flies, Rains Fall as far as the cool factor goes. Micah, Bill, Javier, Strauss, and Dutch can eat my shorts. AM and the people that rode with him shoulda broke away whenever possible but wouldn't be the sweet story that it was without all the unnecessary drama and outcome.


He was yellow, he only served himself and to top it off he dresses like a clown.


Fuck that rat


Nah, shouldā€™ve let his ass hang in Strawberry


I donā€™t find him to be particularly cool, not even on a villainous level, he is nowhere near as cool as Dutch or Bill He is a coward with no redeeming qualities and heā€™s explicitly written to be as unlikeable as possible


i love him hes so underrated but also like for a good reason


Nah, this ain't it. Unless you think being a snitch, a racist, a mass murderer (yeah, I know the rest of the gang has no moral high ground here, but he's 100 percent worse), and almost certainly a rapist is cool ... and in that case, good luck to ya.


He was definitely the most realistic.


At shady bell when jack was gone he tried to get a good night with abigal I was disgusted and wanted to kill him then.


Youre the kinda person that robs newbies on their first wagon mission in red dead online arenā€™t you.


He was a sniveling coward that did nothing to ever benefit the gang and was always hiding out in the middle of nowhere doing his own thing. Cold and cool? Yeah maybe if you didnā€™t actually know him. But I wouldnā€™t even call him a gang member, he was all but useless unless everything went to shit and you needed an extra gunman but even then he barely hits anything.


I personally love micah


You're lying Black lung , you're talking crazy The coolest character was Dutch cuz he always had a goddamn plan And the most cool character of the game was Gavin, He's so cold that he became liquid nitrogen and got evaporated


Coolest character in the game... Charles Smith. Chill guy, always thought about the others, basically located and buried every member of the gang and others who died, buried them in an honorable spot and with dignity. Helped Arthur, helped Rains Falls, helped John, and others. Never did a bunch of senseless killings, or outright dishonorable things to people. Low profile, low key, and chill. Arthur is my favorite, but Charles is a cool dude.


If getting shot 15 times in the dick is cool this man is Miles Davis.


He for sure is very cold, easily one if not the best villain in any game IMO. I love Micah for how cold-blooded he really is. His whole character and personality is perfect. Yes, I hate how he is towards Arthur and John but besides that, heā€™s great.


He's definitely the character I quote the most.


The first time he said "You're gonna do yourself a mischief *cough* hehehehe" I wanted to kill him. The second time I laughed


" I wanna play an outlaw game" bro he's literally the most outlaw of everyone in the gang


Sadie Adler, Javier Escuella and even Uncle are cooler than him. Prove me wrong.


You're not better than me Morgan. You're trato.. Cool character but not better than Arthur hahahaha


he was a sniveling little brown-nosing spineless ā€œum ackshully šŸ¤“ā˜ļøā€ ass mf


Definitely not the coolest on the account of him wanting to either fuck kill or both every member of the gang but cold yeah for sure


you must live in the clouds