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rdr3 should be set in 1785 so john’s great great grandfather can build a barn


Game would take 6 months to beat


Ugh you don't beat a game dumbass! What do you think this is? 2018? We'll just make an AI beat it just like GTA 6


Game would have to be set in Scotland then


this would be cool




he needs to build a barn the old fashioned way




Micah is the absolute trash of a person in the game, but he's a damn well made character just like Arthur, John, Dutch etc.


not op but it’s gonna have to be ⬛️ Micah can’t be mentioned in any positive context (fr tho very well written character)


Not necessarily a hot take but it's definitely a true one.


Idk if it's really a hot take or not but John in rdr2 is mind numbingly dumb and honestly kind of annoying


He might be dumb but thats kinda the point. He’s basically still a kid and kind of a jagoff in rdr2. In the epilogue is when we see him start to become a man


In the epilogue he becomes worse


Stuff like that happens after getting mauled by wolves




I liked how they showed him struggling, but yeah I agree, something felt way off about him. We don't even for a second get a glimpse of his more stoic side like in RDR1, not even in the last couple of missions. Edit: Forgot to mention that, because we don't get to see his RDR1 side, it's kinda hard to believe that he went from the goofy guy from RDR2 to the absolute machine of RDR1.


Only in 1899 though


and yet i love him.


Most people's hatred of certain female characters is completely unwarranted and downright stupid. Criticism is one thing, but comparing them to evil is another.   This especially applies to characters like Molly, Mary Linton, and Abigail. None of those three women are terrible people for wanting out of an incredibly dangerous lifestyle.


Sexism???? In a video game discussion??? No fucking way I don’t believe it




WTF? Molly didn’t turn on the gang. It was Micah.


It happens in chapter 6 (well right before it but pretty much chapter 6) Edit: What I said was wrong, I missed a line or two of what Milton said.


But Milton said she kept her mouth shut in the 2nd last mission in Chapter 6.


Missed that line and didn’t realize


No she lied for attention? Milton confirmed that right before his head was blown off


Never mind then. Must have missed that line


RDR3 should have all new characters, stories and locations with absolutely zero to do with RDR 1&2




If they do that, it shouldn't be red dead redemption. Revolver was Red Harlows' story. Redemption is John's / Arthur's story. It would be narritively weird to have the next game be marketed as part of a trilogy while having nothing to do with the previous two entries.


Could be called something like Red Dead Reacquisition, that has you and your gang regaining control of the West after a botched job leads to nearly all of your gang members getting killed, forcing you to create a new gang of outlaws. You could plan robberies and even assassinations. Of course this would mean you wouldn't have the honor system, but that's fine because Revolver didn't have it either.


Red Dead Revival .... lol


Not a hot take, pretty much every fan thinks this


Jack's voice makes my ears bleed.




Rdr2 should have been game of the year although gow was good rdr2 can be replayed several times and still feel new


Climbing the damn mountain in GOW killed it for me. Felt like it was just endless waves of enemies and making no progress at all.


i played God of War and it was a great game. that said, i finished it once and only even touched it a few months after that for the combat. it’s significantly shorter than Red Dead Redemption 2, but i’ve still played the story of Red Dead Redemption 2 so many more times. The only reason i’m not doing it so much anymore is only because i don’t have the time i used to have.


I dont knowww, don’t get me wrong it’s an amazing game but GOW4 not only completely revived the GOW series from the dead with brand new gameplay and an amazing story only leaving you with more!


Edgar Ross never promised John that he would be left alone, only that his family would be safe. Given the number of crimes John has probably done throughout his life, it's highly unlikely that the Feds would ever just let John go about his life like nothing's wrong. Even if Edgar for whatever reason asked them to leave John alone.


John deserved to pay for his crimes but shooting up his home with his wife and child in it, mangling his body with tons of bullets and leaving him there to be found by his family is not exactly justice.


Ah but counterpoint: This is 1911 America. This isn't that different from how the Feds killed Bonnie and Clyde. They shot them both full of an army's worth of bullets on the road. John Dillinger they just shot in the head as he was coming out of a movie theater. I can see why the Feds here came in so hard. John is a highly skilled, extremely dangerous former outlaw. Granted this is me speaking retroactively with RDR2 knowledge but, the Feds already know that John has killed potentially hundreds of lawmen, bounty hunters, fellow outlaws, even both Mexican army and rebels. And when they first come at him on his ranch, he does manage to take down A LOT of U.S. Army guys. On top of that, the last time he was arrested, he managed to break out of prison. With help granted but still. The Feds clearly made sure not to underestimate John. Armed and dangerous is an understatement. For the time John was living in, after a while the official policy on bringing down bad guys would go from "arrest on sight" to "kill on sight".




I actually feel pretty bad for Strauss after kicking him out of Beaver Hollow. He may have been a scum bag, but he was just a crook like anyone else in the gang. It hurts when Tilly confronts you asking “are you gunna kick me out next?” as if Arthur violated a familial trust that the gang had. It always makes it especially sad to hear from Charles that Strauss was picked up afterwards and tortured to death and still did not give up anyone to the law. “Some people are strong in ways you cant see”


I’ve never heard that about Strauß but I’ve only ever played the game on XBox.


The information Charles gives about Strauss can be heard on X Box also. It's in the game on all platforms. Maybe you just rushed that part of the game where you rescued Charles and didn't get the dialogue.


Good to know. On my next play-through I’ll pay more attention.


Good to know. On my next play-through I’ll pay more attention.


I LIKE THE BULKY CONTROLS I like being a big clumsy cowboy who barges through doorways and can cause a riot just by banging into someone. I like that you drown so easily. the shire is my favourite horse for all the above reasons as well.


I absolutely love rockstar movement and controls I prefer gta movement the most


I wish they made faster and stronger large horses. I love the shire, but that huge and beautiful horse runs as fast as a Morgan or a Tennessee Walker. If they gave us a big horse that ran fast, even if they made it realistically slower than others, i’d buy that horse every time for aesthetics alone.


Sadie Adler got on my nerves towards the end of Arthur's story, asking a dying man to cover her revenge and also needing to be saved over and over again. Still love her tho


I always say no to that mission, and damn it feels good. Love her, but girl no.


Then you miss out on some touching dialogue between her and Arthur.




The blackwater area should be off limits, but not new Austin, so you can get to new Austin as Arthur but it’s really hard. Like you get chased by dozens of pinkertons on the way but once you get there you can shake them off, and you don’t get headshot by an invisible sniper.


I understand off limits, but I hate the invisible sniper. If i have inescapable pinkertons holding onto my horse’s legs, that’s fine, but at least give me a fighting chance.


Hosea 100% would've been a better leader than Dutch.


Honestly they’d probably have made it if Hosea was the leader. Maybe they wouldn’t have gotten rich but they’d have stayed low and just kept living this way, like forever in Horseshoe Overlook for example


Actual hot take: no, he wouldn't. He was the gang's conscience. When push comes to shove, he's weak, and their enemies would know that. Dutch had muscle to him. He wasn't someone you wanted to piss off in the heat of the moment.




1. Even if you only play the story Arthur kills hundreds of people in only a few months. He isn’t beyond redemption but he’s definitely beyond full redemption. He will be remembered by the world for his crimes not the love he showed near the end of his life and that’s probably what he deserves. 2. Bill Williamson is my favorite character in the games


The first one is completely true, the second one is an outrageous opinion bill Williamson was one of the most neglected characters in the second game and hardly had enough screen time despite being one of the main villains in rdr1


I feel like Javier and Bill we’re both neglected major screen time considering their importance in RDR1


I’d say Javier more so, you miss out on some of the reasons he stays loyal to Dutch if you don’t do the fishing camp event with him or see random camp interactions.


I just really like characters that are comically stupid. I can fully say he isn’t top 5 if you go by how well the characters are written, and that’s even if you only include gang members.


I wonder why we can’t skin Micah and get a legendary rat pelt. And I also don’t like Sadie as a character because of how much she try’s to be a badass because her husband was killed and got revenge. She’s not. 


As a guy that plays as Micah Bell in name, looks, clothes, horse & double-action revolvers when I'm playing online, that legendary rat pelt made me laugh out loud. 👍


Well in that case I might skin you too feller… ah wait you ain’t worth it.. your a 1 star pelt my friend.. 


Also glad I made you laugh.


Nah, I'm definitely at least a 3star. I generally spend my time inviting noobs into my posse to "assist me" with trader/moonshine wagons & bounties to give them money & gold


In that case I’ll take your word for it. 


Happy trails, Cowpoke


I do really agree with you on the Sadie bit. It disappoints me how her character was made to be such a gross person because of her ‘girl boss’ attitude, I love me a good strong independent woman but her character was just done wrong. I feel it was just pushed so hard and if they were to have dialed it back a bit and changed the motivation a tad her character would have been great.


John is way more attractive than Arthur, face and voice


Red Dead 3 is pretty much a lost cause. Not only would it be difficult to pull off without straying from the whole appeal or keeping certain mysteries kept as such, but the main writers of the stories have left. While I want Red Dead 3 as much as anyone else, it's just hard to visualize


Molly deserved better and Dutch is a stupid old man for what he put everyone through


RDR1 has a better atmosphere and western depiction then RDR2


Don't know if it's a hot take but John gets disrespected way too much imo.


People need to stop speculating for RDRIII


Micah was with the Pinkertons from before the prologue. The Blackwater job was obviously a set up (and was his idea), he was already on the lamb before he even met with the gang, he had a wanted poster with dutch's face on it in his camp outside of strawberry, and the Pinkertons find the gang right after he escapes. It works too perfectly. If the gang had vetted him even slightly before letting him get so close to dutch things would've ended very differently.


I wish Dutch got truly challenged by the gang, instead of people (for the most part) blindly trusting in him for the majority of the game. Everyone just takes his opinions as fact and rarely pushes back


i think it shows their characters. John and Arthur were each directly betrayed by Dutch, and Susan is more of a free thinker than the rest of them. Javier is told by Arthur that he is the more loyal gang member of them all, and Bill feels like he owes Dutch his life. Javier doesn’t aim his revolver at Arthur and John, but he picks his side and he picks Dutch. Bill aims straight at Arthur and John because he was just listening to Dutch. Dutch SAID that Arthur and John were betraying him, so in Bill’s eyes, the follower that he is, he trusts Dutch before anything else, because why else would Arthur and John be at the opposite of Dutch’s guns?


Lenny didn't need to die


The game would be much better if instead of outlaw, Arthur was a prostitute, instead of shootouts he'd have gangbangs and he'd end up catching AIDS instead of tuberculosis


We were robbed of naked Arthur😞


You should be able to kill the kids in Saint Denis. People say they’re too young to die blah blah. But they’re trying to kill other kids too. Not just Arthur


I do believe Dutch cared about the gang, not to say he wasn't an ego maniac n what not and he definitely held himself above the rest but i believe it was the amounting pressure that got to him + eventually hitting his head


The bloom when shooting is annoying


A seperate freeroam with zombies and special zombie themed free roam events that comes around from September 20th - November 10th every year.


How the fuck did the gang get to guarma, go through the story there, and get back all before the next month?


The gangs sacrifice was for nothing. in the end jack did the vary thing no one wanted him to do, he became a gunslinger, and killed a former agent, which would almost certainly lead to him getting hanged.


The Mustang is the best horse in the game


I like Red Dead Redemption




They could go to tahiti if they had some god damn faith. /s


Red Dead Redemption 3 should take place during the Great Depression after WW1. You'd play as a slightly older Jack Marston being forced to do more dirty work for the FBI after they figure out that Jack was the one who killed Edgar Ross.


Rockstar games presents... Red Dead... Investigation?


I was thinking more along the lines of like a gang infiltration sort of thing. Like the FBI forces Jack to go undercover in a gang sort of like Dutch's boys. Like Jack has to balance being a ruthless outlaw and following the FBI's orders so he doesn't get put in prison.


reverend swanson is such a good character and ppl that hate him for "being annoying" in camp r ppl who try to speedrun the game instead of enjoying its little quirks. idc im the #1 reverend swanson fan!!! hes so silly and his character development is beautiful.


Rdr3 should absolutely be about Sadie post rdr2. I made a comment on ActMans video with a long list of reasons why but theres A LOT. I think having her be the next is the best course of action


Charles is a boring character. All he is, is Arthur's Yes Man. There's no dark side to him, where we have to make up our own decision if hes good or bad. He's an unfailing Mr goodguy with no room for growth. He's the most unwritten character in all of RDR2. Yes. I like him too. That's litetally all he has.


Red Dead Redemption 3 shouldn’t be a prequel within the Van Der Linde gang because the lack of good plot twists and internal conflict would make it look very disappointing compared to Read Dead Redemption 2.


We don’t need a “Red Dead Redemption 3”. The story is perfect the way it is. It’s complete. We don’t need to see the Blackwater massacre, we don’t need to play as the Callander brothers, we don’t need to play as Jack in World War I. Just like how Revolver was Red Harlow‘s story, the Redemption games are the Van Der Linde gang’s story. Which is done. I think that Rockstar is aware of this and it’s the direction they’re gonna go in, since I’m pretty sure one of the people involved with making the Redemption games has said in the past that they’re going to continue the *franchise*, but never said they were going to continue the *”Redemption series”*. I really hope that once GTA6 has been out for a while we’ll start hearing more about their continuation of the franchise and they’ll announce that it’s gonna be Red Dead Resurgence, or Red Dead Revenge, or Red Dead Reincarnation, or Red Dead Rhubarb I don’t fucking care what it’s called as long as it means they didn’t cave into the very vocal braindead portion of the fanbase who doesn’t understand that not all good things have to go forever with reboots and prequels and sequels and shit.


rdr2 is the most overatted game ever made its a game carried by graphics and story the gameplay and combat is repetitive boring and annoying and death stranding is better


Arthur's redemption was good, but it was not even equal to half the pain and suffering he caused.


I think John’s treatment in 2, his writing and how stupid he was is all done to make Arthur look better.


Chapter 5 shoulda of been set in New Austin


Am i dumb? I dont understand this template


Cattleman is actually pretty good


RDR3 should take place circa 1865-1870, either during or just after the American Civil War.


You should play as unlce in rdr3 frfr


Explain why


I feel too Connected to the characters


Ah so you want RDR to turn into Call of Duty with the same recycled characters and locations?


No call of duty is bad last good call of duty was cold war


Call of duty reuses the same locations and characters, apparently you want that to be the case for RDR3


No no i want there to be completely new locations and new characters but not all new like that its another universe


Wait im going to edit message


To those who wonder the original message said "RDR3 shouldnt be about new locations and characters"


Rdr1 is a great game, but it isn't really about redemption. John doesn't really change, and the only reason the story starts is because of the government threatening his family.


RDR3 should be a post civil war slave tracking down his separated family and killing the people that hurt them.


Arthur is great and all, but imagine having a minority as the main character. Interactions would be so much more interesting. Maybe even set it further back in time where someone who is constantly ridiculed is just this badass gunslinger and nobody can mess with them


John should not have killed Micah, as him doing so led the Pinkertons to him.


He didn't kill Micah. Dutch did




Dutch shot Micah in the stand-off with Sadie & John on top of Mt. Hagen. It wasn't John who shot him


Dutch shot Micah, which made him loose balance. After that, you are put into deadeye and you shoot him


You are right. But in my eyes he was a dead man walking


Yeah, that wound would’ve probably killed him eventually


Rdr3 will give us the ability to switch between different characters like in gta 5, all gang members. I hope


Micah Bell lll had more principles than most of the gang. Just because his principles did not align with the rest, didn't make him any worse. They were all outlaws. & he was not the rat. Milton lied to get the gang to turn on each other. Together we stand, divided we fall


Micah’s the best written character


Grimshaw was annoying and sometimes downright stupid


hot take#1 my pancake can play a guitar TUNE IN NEXT TIME!


The game is nice and well done and all but I feel my life screeching to a halt when I actually try to play it.


Epilogue Sadie is way more annoying than epilogue Jack


Micha has autism


scrawny nag is the best online horse


The epilogue was so mid imo


Andrew Milton wasn't entirely evil, just a guy obsessed with justice. He gave the gang plenty of chances to run away and live normal lives and made it clear that he only wanted Dutch. I also don't believe he tortured Mac. That was just an act to rile Arthur up. He was also 100% right about Dutch; more specifically "maniac with a silver tongue" and "Who made you the messiah to these lost souls you've led so horribly astray?"


Red dead revolver is a folktale


Uncle is the best character in rdr2


Micah is an amazing character


I kept cattleman revolvers as my handguns for the whole game


Author shouldn’t have broke da gah damn wheel


Dutch went crazy in the end. It’s mostly went to shit right after the trolly job where he got his head bumped , I refuse to believe it’s the same man that said Arthur was his son that did all that in the end


Dutch was crazy in the end, he went crazy in the beginning


Abigail is annoying and I never liked her


Milton was just doing his job


Charles and Hosea aren't that good persons as people say they are.


Micah is not a “great” villain. Amazing performance by the actor but like he’s just a high school bully, rockstar really shoved him as this big bad when he aint shit The gang would’ve ended with or without him


Micah isn't entirely evil, he gave information under the threat of torture. Yes he hurt the gang, but self preservation was the main focus.


Strange Man


RDR3 should be the story of the New Austin sniper.


The game is bad because you can't kill kids and you can't rape kids and women


I hate the illusion of choice in this game. For context I love the game and I have 100%d it but holy fuck not even being able to choose to let the bounty go because he has a family and left the crime life behind? I understand not being able to have control over the main story, but they could at least make me pick things that wouldnt have an impact on the storyline. EVERYTHING feels so scripted and it is.


The German immigrants Arthur and Charles found when they explored Dewberry Creek should've joined, at least for a while. It would have shown Dutch's tender/idealistic side but also would've exposed his psychotic side (which would scare them off at some point). I think it would add a lot more fun interactions, like Jack having peers to play with, or Arthur trying to teach them English, the outcome being honour-based.


I find Sadie quite annoying. Certainly not a favourite character of mine.


I felt bad for kicking Strauss out of camp, idk why but I did. I hate how the fandom hates a lot of the female characters for no reason (Sadie and Abigail) and this isn't rlly a hottake but rdr1 had a DIABOLICAL ending for me I'm still recovering lol


RDR1 is better as a game than RDR2


Sadie Adler is a comically bad written character


I don’t like Sadie Adler. She goes from a housewife to a almost unrivaled gunslinger in no time. Plus she’s always looking for revenge


Molly is the hottest gal in the game.


Arturo should have survived Sadie is dead by the time of rdr1 because of her reckless Lifestyle in South America


I believe rdr3 should be about jack marston, which is the only person who has something to do with rdr1 and 2, the rest should be new, like jack following into a gang or some sort, or its about world war 1


No, it shouldn’t. It’s too far in the future for outlaws


I really just don’t like Sadie. I feel she’s loud and obnoxious and always had a very gross attitude, I get how she’s seen as a strong independent woman and I do see that as well but I feel her character was played up in a way that made those traits her only ones in such a stereotypical and annoying way. I know people love her so I truly expect to be destroyed for this take😅


RDR2 isn’t canon, the original painted a much bleaker and gritty picture for what John’s past had been. What we got instead was just some serviceable, PG-13, uninspired, crap


I haven't played RDR1 in a bit, but wasn't it just "I was in a gang, I got shot, they left me, now I'm hunting them down or something idk I just want to have my family, John Marston wooooo."


It’s not narrowed down to dialogue, but rather the overall tone of the campaign/world/characters. Dutch’s recollections of the past, Abigail’s illiteracy and her recollections of the past, Uncle’s stoicism, John’s scars (then unexplained), Ricketts’ perspective on humanity, cannibals in the hills, the list goes on. The **Music**


Oh, okay, that... Actually makes sense.


Micah wasn't even that bad besides snitching


RDR2 should have had preset outfits like in RDR1 instead of customizable outfits




I would've chosen black.

