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He is a perv disguised as a revolutionary




John: “Luisa…”


I fucking heard this 🤣


“¡¡Viva a Méxicooooooo!!”


I'm glad this is the top comment. He's the worst of the worst. Even Arthur and Dutch, being the ruthless killers they are, have some redeeming qualities. Abraham is a Mexican Papa Doc.


Abraham was no better than the dictatorship he tried overthrowing thats for damn sure


being a revolutionary is a pretty big redeeming quality


Depends what your going to do if you win


Today's revolutionaries are tomorrow's tyrants. See also: Lenin, Mao, Castro


Viva la Mexico!!!!


Lol he obviously ain't. Guy cheated and showed false hope to people who trusted him. Fuck him.


Him not even knowing luisas name when she died right in front of him was really brutal. Jon definitely struggled not to shoot his ass.


Could you really blame him? Reyes was an asshole the whole time


I was hoping we’d get to shoot him at some point because i saw on the wiki that he becomes a dictator so when John died I was like “wtf I thought we were gonna liberate Mexico again”


what reason does john have to liberate mexico though?


He needed to find Javier so he kept switching sides to do favors for the leaders of opposite factions for information to find him. Abraham ends up helping him


i know that. they said liberate mexico *again*


oh sry i didn’t read it properly


In undead nightmare you do I’m pretty sure


John should have shot him


If I had chance to kill Him I will


Undead Nightmare is your friend


A lazy friend that won't open


Ah, you have the goty edition? That might be why. I bought the main game digitally and Undead Nightmare later as DLC, and it works fine for me


Goty edition Undead Nightmare is almost unplayable, you have to restart the game every 30 minutes or it gets too buggy


What i did, was if you have the goty edition undead nightmare, just play it with no update. You’re gonna have to play your Xbox 360/ps3/Xbox one offline so that the game does not download the update. The latest update for the game is the reason as to why it is buggy, making the zombies being headless. Playing the game offline is upgraded with the best version of the game before the new one which causes it to be buggy. Again, it has to be the goty version of the game. Hope this helps you play and enjoy the game😁


Not at all


Also a lazy friend that softlocks after completing a mission




He's an asshole I began to hate him when He says **MY** Escape from prison Also not caring about a girl sacrificed herself for him






I love the Irony that Reyes is a member of the Nobility while Allende was a Peasant.


Read the newspaper when playing as Jack


What does it say?


He became a tyrant just like those before him


Latin America do be like that


i wish i would’ve read the paper more on my playthrough it seems like there’s a lot of good lore


Just as terrible as the previous leader. Just hides it better.


He is a tyrannical narcissistic rich boy who think peasants are biologically inferior from him. He doesn't give a damn about the girl who was in love with him and sacrificed her life for him, right in front of him. He wants power but he has absolutely no plan of what to do with it. He is just after the admiration and the glory. With all that said, he did save John's life and helped him find both Javier and Bill. He probably valued John as an asset as he was the greatest gunslinger bar none and he also probably wanted to keep good relations with the USA.


> greatest gunslinger bar none *Landon Ricketts?*


Landon was old though, and I'd argue that he never had the sheer combat prowess that John did. He must've been the best gunslinger when it came to drawing faster than everyone but John constantly gets himself in impossible situations and always comes out on top. Of course Rickets would beat john in a duel but could he take on as many people in one fight?


Yeah probably not, it’s subjective what you term as the “greatest gunslinger” though. Guessing Ricketts was like Eastwood- Fastest hand in the West, whereas Marston was the one man army.


Well even so, Landon was too old to be considered a valid option.


All Landon did was teach John how to shoot a few bottles. Bro did not live up to the hype.


No. He's a frat dude with Messiah complex who thinks he's a great liberator of the people just to become the very thing he promised to destroy.


Sounds like anakin, just take out the messiah complex


So Dutch?


Thank youuuuu!!!! I’m like I can’t be the only one who thought that the more Reyes showed his true colors he just kept getting reminded of how he and the other members of the Van Der Linde Gang also bought into the same utopia bullshit that Dutch was pushing just as Reyes is.


I think he is a great character because he is the perfect satire of revolutionary leaders/communists. Someone with a seemingly great idea for a country, that turns out to be a corrupt asshole that is exactly as exploitative as the opposition. Not a good guy, but a great character nonetheless.


Nope. He was a womanizer who said it was his duty to spread noble blood, and once he gained control he began starving his people. built a luxurious palace, delayed democratic elections, and had protestors murdered in the capital streets. Not to mention he was a bit of a dick too.


In the words of Blaze Foley: ”What an awful shithead.”


One of my biggest issues with RDR1 was how unlikeable like 85% of the characters you meet are, this shithead being a shining example. All very realistic, all that stuff, but it got sort of less like I wanted to keep playing and more like I felt like I had to finish what I started. (The lil band of guys you collect to help you in Mexico are alright but after Mexico it’s just John having to deal with total assholes for the rest of the game 🥲).


After Mexico its just John getting ripped off by Ross and the whole detective agency/army/government. It was kind of a honest ride in New Austin, less so in Nuevo Paraiso, least in West Elizabeth and then the betrayal at Beechers Hope


Just taking repeated Ls the rest of the game. ):


Absolutely not. He is a complete jerk to that one woman whose name I have ironically forgotten. He also turns into a ruthless dictator once he comes into power.


I love the character, but morally he ain’t good


Is he from RDR1? Yes? Then he's a bad guy.


What the hell are you on about


Nearly every person John meets in RDR either dies or is a bad person.


Goes double for Mexico... The only good people there were Luisa and Landon, and one of them ended up dead in front of John's eyes, with the other dying a few years later


‘Cept Seth, I guess. Seth a good guy.


‘Cept Seth, I guess. Seth, he a good guy. And who could of course forget mr. Ricketts. Bonnie & Drew McFarlane. The Marshal.


Seth was not a good person


I mean yeah kinda true


The only people I can think of that weren’t bad people are Bonnie MacFarlane and Marshall Johnson. Maybe even throw Shaky in there. He does provide Low Honor missions in RDO, but he just seems like a drunken idiot, kinda like Bill minus all the robbery and murder.




He ain’t no better than Allende.


No he's just a precursor to modern Mexican politics. Praising socialism but not giving a care about the peasant class


He’s fighting for a good cause, but he himself is a slimy piece of shit. He’s a brilliant character though.




No. aside from his obvious cheating on Louisa, He is a tyrant who is simply grasping at power while trying to wrap himself in "the will of the people". He literally uses fascist rhetoric when he tells John "Their energy is like food to me", which is a quote that Mussolini also used. The epilogue also reveals that he had soldiers open fire on peaceful protesters, after he was made president.


Anyone named Reyes is a POS lol


Fuck him, I don't care how dope the Reyes' rebel outfit is!


No, he was a false revolutionary that didn't give a shit about anyone but himself, unfortunately


The whole idea of him is that he's just exactly the same as the guy he's over throwing and the cycle will just continue until the next guy just like him who rallies the people and gets him into power, which is confirmed in the post game newspaper. Its another example in these games of people ultimately being drawn to war and using people. Even if you while heartedly believe that not what you're going to or what you're doing, nearly every character good or bad, just does the violent thing that leads to the destruction of the the world they're building for themselves off of the violence. No one chooses the path of peace and the ones who do are betrayed and killed by someone who is insulted by their belief that they could choose it.


His facial hair looks like a house I drew in kindergarten


Idk about "good" but he's funny as shit, I'll give him that.


Also after the revolution succeeds you can read in a newspaper that he is even worse that the previous government. I wish I had a choice to shoot him.


Who thinks he’s a good guy lmao


idk I don't lol


Just a question for discussion


Ass hole killed bill when i wanted to lol


He was probably once a good guy but the war corrupted him by the time he took power.


I’m not sure if this is a good comparison, but I see him as the Mexican version of Dutch, except he doesn’t try to be a good person at all. At least Dutch tried to help people in the beginning, and he saved Sadie. Reyes does save John, but that’s literally the only good thing he does. He constantly makes speeches like Dutch does, and he ends up turning into a complete lunatic in the end, just like Dutch did. I think Reyes reminded John of Dutch a lot simply because he supposedly had an ideology to set the Mexican people free, just like Dutch did with the American Frontier, but in the end lost his way and started murdering people for no reason. There’s even a newspaper that you can get as Jack that details how Reyes denied being a tyrant, but at the same time had a group of (I think) protesters massacred.


I think the comparison was supposed to be obvious, John looks agitated but never surprised when Reyes shows his true colors in front of him.


Well he’s kinda both, he has an ego and is unfaithful, but he is fighting for the people and also saved John’s life when he didn’t have too, as well as help him get Javier and Bill. He’s not bad but he is an ass


If you read the newspaper as Jack at the end of the game, it’s revealed Reyes is now a dictator, the poor in Mexico are starving and there are uprisings against him which he responded to by ordering mass shootings. So he turned out to be even worse than Allende


“He’s not bad” haaaa that’s a funny joke 🤣🤣🤣🤣


He's just another Dutch, another Allende, another man corrupted by greed and power.


Well he saved John so he did something right


More of a disillusioned antihero


He is a power hungry MF who is also a perv. What a prick he is


He bacame a tyrant by 1814


What is this?


It’s what the title says, asking if you think Reyes is good or bad


No, he pretends to be in front of his "pesants". When you play RDR to the end and you read newspapers articles it mentions that Reyes became just another dictator and he's no better than Colonel Allende and President Sanchez.


Of course not that’s his entire character




Loveable rogue.


He shot bill in my game


No he's a pretty bad guy


He was funny but an asshole. The story would be still good without him but with him it’s just million times better.


The newspaper says he was worse than any leader before him. He was a terrible dictator, and saw Mexicans as peasants


He is bad man, very bad man


Fuck no


He's a sleazy piece of shit.


What I think is that John should have shot him when he had the chance


No, he's a gigantic piece of shit who deceives and manipulates people for power.


He's a cunt


He's a douche.


Nope. He’s arrogant and a pervert. Not to forget he became what he fought against


"is he a good guy?" Are you joking?


He is a piece of shit


He cheats on his lover and is a guy not looking to make his country better but just wants game glory and power So NO


I always felt that the game foreshadowed him becoming just like the regime he overthrew. He's a douche canoe.


His character is basically a less violent caricature of che guevara. So no. Not a good guy.


He obviously wasn’t. John would have killed him immediately if he didn’t need to find Bill and Javier


Just an annoying asshole who came into power he didn't deserve. You know, how the rest of them do. 😉


Bad, keeps getting luisa, the girl he’s marrying name mixed up with Laura and all that, he also was a greedy fucker trying to gain invincibility to rule Mexico in UN


He means well but the power got to his head


The only reason john didn't kill this crazy communist bastard is because he saved his life. When John was betrayed by de santa and scheduled for execution it was reyes if I remember correctly who organised an ambush to free him.


Meh Reyes’ men were around during their last talk so John would’ve gotten blasted prematurely, also John made it pretty clear the whole game he doesn’t care about other peoples business especially politics. He just wants to see his family


He's a lion in sheep's clothing, just another Tyrant to replace Allende, he doesn't care about Mexico.


"Mexico is mine!"


He’s a drunk, hardly a revolutionary.


I thought the game did really good at making you like him and hate him at the same time, I love the Mexican arch in rdr


I always shoot the TNT with him in it just to see him die


He’s a hypocrite


Reyes is wild bro even though he turned into what he claimed to hate in Mexico we all have to admit he had some of the most out of pocket lines that was to damn funny. " I defeated a hundred of his men" when all he did was ride bitch on John's horse


Daddy. he's my daddy. End of question.