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Valentine and Rhodes are my favourites for capturing their respective locales with a comfy nostalgic vibe. If I have to pick one then Valentine wins for the Chapter 2 memories and the majestic mountain backdrop


Yeah those really gave of the biggest "western" vibes and I love it


Armadillo has entered the chat


*cough cough* Cholera *cough cough dies*


A little generic


Armadillo is fun but only because i can just beat up/kill people with the plague. Idk why that entertains me but hey ho


I definitely wish there were more to do in towns. Valentine was so lovely, but there was rarely any reason to visit.


I sometimes ride all the way from Beachers Hope to Valentine just for a bath.


Amazing how from Blackwater to Tumbleweed you can't have a bath. You also have no fence west of Emerald Ranch, but three to the east of it (1/3 of the map). Rockstar truly forgot about developing New Austin and West Elizabeth.


One thing that really pissed me off is that you can't take a bath in beechers hope. Like, WHY?? THERE IS A BATH??


Yeah then Abigail could've been the best bath girl ; - ;


Or uncle could come in. But yeah a big missing feature in beachers hope


Step-uncle what are you doing?




Need any help in there?


Just 50c


This is something that irriates me, you should be able to bath at camp, in rivers/ponds or at barrels (have it in the menu where crafting/setting up camp is - tp to nearest water source). You even see Arthur washing in a barrel in Valentine so I believed it to be a game mechanic and kept attempting it on my first playthrough.


Literally unplayable. 1/10.


Doesn’t it make sense that the west would be less developed than the east?


Thats a good point, actually. And the red dead 2 epilogue is a few years before red dead 1 starts, so it would make sense there was a little less development then


>Doesn’t it make sense that the west would be less developed than the east? Fences would actually make more sense in the west, then - it's much more lawless than the east. Where are the fences? And come on, *one bath* isn't a major sign of civilizational advance. It does makes some thematic sense, but we know the IRL facts, don't we? Rockstar simply added New Austin much later in development - hence why we have zero Stranger missions in that state, the only one with such a distinction. New Austin only has one collectable (bones), with most others ignoring the entire area south of the Montana.




Same, really helps with immersiveness especially after you finished the story and got 100% and are just playing as a cowboy with no particular goal in game.


Chapter 2 is calm and peaceful. Only if you know what's coming next.


Chapter 3 is where you can get the perfect camp atmosphere, everyone is at camp (except Micah which makes it even better), everyone is happy and hopeful for the future, even Hosea, the gang is laying low posing as lawmen, quiet, beautiful and peaceful


Love Valentine - gives the strongest Deadwood vibes


Valentine is the perfect setting for the game/genre. Sheriff Malloy is fun to interact with too.


That poor man. My Arthurs are generally nice guys, but I just can't resist winding him up. Or provoking someone and then running up to him for safety. "I swear, all I did was ask him how long he and his horse have been married!"


Also has all the vendors/services you need in the town or close to it


Valentine sure looks lovely but i would never live there, it's a livestock, the stench would drive anyone away


Valentine and Valentine cause Valentine


My favorite is Valentine and my least favorite is probably Annesburg


at least annesburg’s mines are cool to explore


Bruh I got lost in there took me a solid amount of time to get out lol


Did you start getting claustrophobic once you realized you were stuck. Because I did.


Wait until you get stuck in the cave under the waterfall where you go for treasure hunting.


Next time just save and reload. Works if you’re too far from your horse too.


That’s not the fun way to get out, though


>!I know right, the best way to get out is to go back for the money lol!<


For some it isn’t even fun to get lost there


Did you have the miners hat on?


Whoa what? I didn't know there were mines


Even Mine Hats with a light. Great exploring the night swamps for night folks. You still can use the lantern or torch for extra lighting.


It's also seriously useful for train robberies in tunnels.


Where do you get these mine hats in the game? I'm so confused and I don't even know where the mines are


In Annesburg. I'm sure you know where the sheriff office are and all the housing for the miners are. Right across from the gun store and train station. Just go up that hill behind the sheriff office. Follow the road up there. There is a entry there, but heavily guarded. But there is a secret passage to get inside. https://reddead.fandom.com/wiki/Annesburg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZe8tMC37wI Just knockout a miner, get in a fight, kill them, tie them up. What ever you have to do, to make them drop their miner hat. Pick it up and now it's yours.


I picked up the miner hat in the Beryl's Dream mine just West of Mt. Shann. It's also where you can find the wide blade knife.


That's interesting as I definitely didn't get mines like that. I remember blowing up some rocks near the abandoned mines in strawberry and finding it with the bone knife


Yes, there are other places to obtain them. I can't remember where, in the woods or near the swamps. There was just a miner walking at night. I killed him, for his hat. I never worry about honor, when I became John.


Annesburg is cool if you are exploring but suck if you are needing to buy stuff.


My favorite’s between Rhodes and valentine but I hate annesburg and van horn, come to think of it I have a deep disdain for all of Roanoke


Lol, Van Horn is great, fire one shot and the whole town goes to war.


One time the whole town came after me cuz I killed a guy that robbed me


I love starting shit from the cemetery overlooking the town. It’s an anytime side quest go psycho with a scope at Van Horn


Great hunting spots up by the waterfalls, otherwise yeah


Van Horn is great. You can go in there and massacre literally everybody with little in the way of consequences. So much death. God bless dynamite arrows.


Roanoke best area


that or tumbleweed and strawberry


tumbleweed is just depression


In rdr1 it’s true depression


PTSD for RDR1 Online I'm pretty sure I had my worst PVP experiences there Fought hackers, whole posses, and gaggles of other weirdos that have taken 8+ players to kill. Roll up to Tumbleweed? Instant own by 3 different solo players simultaniously working the sniper rifles as if they're White Death themselves. Can't even get outta there reasonably because you die so fast


lavish unique voiceless agonizing murky shy gullible arrest ludicrous berserk *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Those fucking wagons slowly crossing the bridges and then the driver getting angry at me for trying to squeeze through.




I love Valentine but idk what it is about that place, I’ll try to just go into town for something and always end up with a bounty 100+. Maybe it’s the cattle rustlers feeling but it never fails


Yeah, I love Valentine. Probably mostly due to the fact that I just love the Heartlands in general.


My favorites are Valentine and Rhodes. Strawberry felt unfinished and Saint Denis would be good if it weren't for their military of law enforcement. The worst is probably Annesburg. (I never really explored New Austin)


Strawberry could have easily been the best town if the bar was open and some camps or something to explore on the outskirts


I wish I could upvote this more than once


I'll help you out on that


It really could have been, and I wish it was. I've spent a lot of time in the area for the hunting near Owanjila, and I wish Strawberry was a bigger part of the experience.


Oh now that you mention Owanjila so do I, I spend so much time up there and in the lavender fields, WE is really just a gorgeous area and it sucks there isn’t more to do in Strawberry!


It is unfinished clearly, but it looks so great. Pretty sad. Missed opportunity there


Don't they say in game that it's in the middle of being built? That would imply it's unfinished on purpose


Yeah the mayor is trying to turn it into a tourist area. Would sort of explain why there's not a lot to do there. No bar to keep the riff raff out and no camps or anything so the tourists don't get scared off.


I think the no bar is a religious/temperance thing. There’s mentions of it being a “dry town”


To be fair, Valentine was kind of being built as well. There are few buildings in town with a gold plate on them "survived the storm of X" (can't remember the year, but it was close to the year the game takes place)


Most likely R* kept it unfinished because of the >!Micah/prison!< mission and also put just enough in the town for >!the epilogue when you visit as John!<


Sorry maybe I'm just misunderstanding, but how would the events in your spoiler tagged text affect how much work rockstar did on the town?


Dont you murder like half the population in that mission? Lol


I feel like there is a cut mission involving the mayor, the way that New Yorker suggests we look into him when you first visit. That and the storyline behind what happened to Emerald Ranch, Hosea suggest Arthur look into it more but nothing ever comes of it


You can still "investigate" him. You basically have to hogtie him and loot him to get some letters off him that reveal he's gay and fled the university he used to work at with his partner. They came to Strawberry where he was able to become mayor with his higher level of education and his partner is the clerk dude inside the hotel who you speak to about bath's and a room and what not.


Right, I totally forgot about that until you mentioned it. I remember looking into it pretty deep and it just turned up nil. Super weird! I wonder what kind of game RDR2 would be if they had fleshed out all the stuff that is clearly unfinished and/or cut.


Yeah Saint Denis should be the best because it’s basically the biggest, but you can’t get away with anything!


Saint Denis needs everything to be open. Every store, every restaurant. Stores to buy anything and everything whether useful or not. It is almost a living, breathing city but too much is closed. Dying to try dim sum at the Jade Dragon. Also would be good if you could play different games and stuff in the alleys and order coffee on patios and stuff


God yes, love Saint Denis but so many times I'm strolling through it and just see the entire Chinese side of it is just window dressing, no unique restaurants or games or anything.


Yep, I farted once in Saint Denis and 4 cops appeared outta nowhere.


My favorite is Strawberry. I love just going to explore and hunt and that is just the best. Theres Lake Owanjilla nearby for fishing. Plenty of great hunting spots, a trapper. Only thing I wish it had was a barber. And that's cause I like to keep the Walter White look going (Bald head big ass beard) The worst? Saint Denis. Too crowded. Streets a tad too narrow. Must've had 3 horses die from being run over by carriages while they were hitched. Edit: Thanks for all the love folks. 549 upvotes. Wow..


Wait the best and worst is strawberry?


Oh my bad. The worst is Saint Denis. What a brain fart.


It’s sad cuz even if you said strawberry, I knew it was saint denis based off that description. I’ll hitch up outside the trapper and next thing you know my horse is under a wagon


Worst for me is the small pub where you help the guy with the rats. Always getting my horse flattened


I do feel like the road through Strawberry is too narrow, though. Especially the bridge into town. I always crash into people there.


They’ve recently reduced the speed limit on that bridge, and there are speed cameras there now too. I got a ticket the other day. Just a heads up. Edit: tidied up typos Thanks for the awards guys.


Good looking out


Ah I really like Saint Denis too. I like to go to town offload my collection at the fence, get a haircut, a meal, a bath, get Fancy and go to a show. Armadillo and Annesburg are my least favorite. Van Horn hardly qualifies as a town.


You know, you can edit it, to avoid confusions I mean.


I found it. I'm sorry. I'm new to posting on Reddit lol.


Strawberry is beautiful I just wish it had a bar. I once saw a wolf swimming in Owanjilla too!


Strawberry in the morning is probably my favorite thing in the game. You can tell that it's brisk and cold. The skies clear, the fog over the mountains. I have literally had days where I came home from work and just went to Strawberry and just enjoyed it.


I agree, it's my favorite town too, it's just so beautiful. I still remember the first time I went there, I encountered a feller down the road that asked me directions to Strawberry and so I traveled next to him to the town. I hate that we murder half of the town with Micah tho, but at least we have the epilogue in which we spend a little time there as a normal civilian


I think what would make this game better would be being able to purchase property like in RDR1. I know it doesn’t make sense when you have Beechers hope but imagine a hunter cabin in strawberry etc. plus it gives you more things to spend money on.


Definitely need more to spend on. Could keep things stored there. I've always felt like you should be able to do more in Beechers Hope.


Lenny mentioned that It’s a “dry town” when he was there with the rat, kind of stupid of the mayor though, since tourists prob like to drink.


He’s concerned with “public image”


Love that you doing the walter white look! Take my upvote


Thanks! I can never settle in the beard length though. I'm currently rocking 7/10 but I like 4 as well


i actually got the random encounter of the guy with the arm that gets amputated and the road right in front of the doctor was impassable because of all the carriages, i crashed into one and the guy died.


I wish they did Thieves Landing a little better in this game. It was so cool in the first one.


Thieves landing is my favorite if you include both games. Arriving there in RDR2 was a huge disappointment.


Is it deserted or a bandit hideout?


If I remember correctly, in 1907 the Del Lobos are hiding out there.


Not deserted.


Armadillo in RDR1


That's the most western feeling town in either game


This is a goddamn great fact


I hate that it's a lifeless waste in RDR2.


Probably because they were running out of time when they put it in the game


Not really, Arthur was supposed to be able to go at some point, he’s got dialogue and all for stagecoaches and 1899 scarlet fever posters for armadilllo


He also has dialogue for completing the dinosaur bone quest line, which requires a trip to New Austin to complete.


I was sooo disappointed when I couldn’t visit there as Arthur.


The town I've spent most of my time at was definitely the smol town north of Tumbleweed in RDR1. I spent many nights playing liar's dice or poker there. My least favorite is probably Thieve's Landing. Always gave me a blech vibe


Rathskellar Fork! I was disappointed that there is nothing to do there in RDR2.


Me too!! I was so hyped to go back, and was too let down. Not even liar's dice 😢


I am still so disappointed that they scrapped Liars Dice in RDR2. I had sooooo much fun playing that in 1. They kept my least favorite though: five finger fillet.


Five finger filet is seriously so frustrating. It's the only thing that has actually made me rage quit the game. I'm starting a petition to swap that godforsaken game with liars dice


Here's how you beat it - watch the other guy do it, so you can see which buttons you'll need, then watch the controller, not the screen, when you do it.


I’d sign that! I hate button mashing mini games like that


Nobody ever remembers it but maybe it’s because it’s not strictly a town, or everyone just hates it because you get murdered by saying hi, but Van Horn is my favourite. Just love the atmosphere and everything, idk why. Least favourite? Probably Annesburg or even Blackwater. Annesburgs just too dreary and victorian and gives me “I’m gonna shove the boyah up the chimnay to be ah chimnay sweep go awn Timmy mah boyah” vibes. Blackwater just feels incomplete somehow, like someone served me a slice of Saint Denis cake and ramped the contrast up to 90. I love Armadillo, don’t throw shade on free canned fruit.


Some thing about the docks and the lighthouse just make me so happy!


Van Horn is a pleasant little drinking town with a fishing problem.


I love van horn as a place to just fuck shit up and not get a bounty for it. start a fist fight then suddenly half the town is on your ass. I just run over to the docks and have a shoot out, always a good time


I like van horn, i think its pretty badass. Feels like a place where tough guys would go to get drunk and shit. If only the didnt take out their guns at a friendly little barfight brawl.


I don't know why Saint Denis gets so much hate. I especially love it because for me it is the only town that feels like a city. Actually it represents the kind of cultural evolution that the gang is afraid of and I love it for showing the transition from wild west to living in a huge civilized communitiy.


Like it or hate it you have to admire how well Saint Denis is made, every little detail adds to the immersion of the whole game. You really feel like you're in an old New Orleans, every street, every district feels different, the cemetery is very detailed too


> Every little detail That reminds me of as I was walking through one of the rich districts of Saint Denis, there’s a blind homeless guy >!who actually isn’t blind, and uses sympathy from the rich to make money!<


Is the only town that feels like a city because it's precissely, the only one that is supossed to.


Just a riveting, splendid observation. I do believe you’re quite right.


I personally love THAT I hate Saint Denis. I feel like R* did a great job making me dislike being there in the same way that Arthur and the gang dislike being there, with an overbearing law presence and cramped spaces that can be a nightmare to navigate on a horse. Its without a doubt an amazing addition to the map, but the fact that I avoid it at all costs just goes to show how well they've made me connect with Arthur as a character.


Saint Denis during night is so beautiful


I always like Saint Denis. I usually dress Arthur up to be all dapper in Chapter 4 to make him blend in with the rest of the folks in the city.


My favourite is Strawberry, even if there's not much to do there. Just the entire atmosphere and foresty aesthetic, literally had me with a big goofy smile riding in the first time I played. Least favourite is Annesburg... at least Van Horn has a creepy vibe, and in my game it rains there a lot, which adds to it. Annesburg, with all the pollution and poverty and all the houses stacked upon one another... kinda just makes me sad. Love the guy working at the gunshop, though :)


That gunsmith is the reason I use gun oil.


That's the syphilitic gunsmith right?


Annesburg is such a sad reminder of what we've done to the world, but the layout is pretty fun to run around so I don't mind it too much. Love a good staircase.


Honestly, I love Rhodes for it's look and feel, and Saint Denis at night is a marvel to behold, narrow streets be damned. But I hate Annesburg with a burning passion.


I think I dislike Annesburg because I have to go through it sometimes and it’s weirdly difficult to sprint through it without having to run someone or their horse down. I don’t know why, but the streets always end up clogged on the fringes of town when I’m in a hurry to get up north. At least with St. Denis I can go around easily.


Yeah, it's annoying, but I think the reason I hate Annesburg is because how bleak and musty it feels, it isn't like the smog of Saint Denis, it just feels depressing in Annesburg


I think that’s what I like about Annesburg. I don’t necessarily feel good when I’m there surrounded by the miserable miners, their desperate families or the oppressive company guards. I just appreciate the atmosphere that R* captured with every location, no matter how dark it gets. I’ve found every town/village/etc. can be a bit depressing if you look closely enough.


Oh yeah same here. I hate Annesburg and it's a place I visit if and only if I'm short on ammo on my way to do some good for society - eradication of the murfree brood from their caves.


>narrow streets be damned I can't tell you how many times I've been wanted for unarmed assault for accidentally stomping the hell out of someone with my horse.


I detest Strawberry 'cause it's where I meet most of the asshole players I ever encounter. I love Van horn because it's a great place to blow off steam, and faces.


I’ve killed the blackjack dealer in Van Horn out of pure frustration more times than I care to admit.


I love fatally retaliating against blackjack dealers and poker opponents. lol


Valentine because when you throw a stick of dynamite into Sheriff Malloy's office, his deputy yells out "I'LL KILL YA" in a really funny voice and it makes me giggle just running away after doing that. Van Horn is a shit hole and honestly I only ride through there if I'm bored and want to fish or shoot people.


I might have to try that lol! XD


Best is Saint Denis cus you can do so much there worst is armadillo because other than a few del lobos encounters it’s pretty boring


Strawberry is nice spot to stay when I go out hunting or fishing at Owanjila. Saint Denis has a lot of amenities but also can be...let's say, *stressful* to navigate. Valentine and Rhodes are both solid little towns that have a good mix of rural *and* having most everything you need. Then there's them two on the coast, Annesburg and Van Horn, and those in New Austin. None of them are all that great--bottom of my list for sure, despite their *unique charms*. Blackwater and Strawberry may be my favorites, but neither one has a gunsmith which is sort of irritating, but I been doing okay working around that!


Blackwater really should have a gunsmith for how large it is.


The best i think its valentine, and worst saint denis. My opinion


best are blackwater and valentine, the worst is annesburg


Yes finally someone mentioned Blackwater


Online I spend a lot of time in Saint Denis and tumbleweed idk why. Sometimes tumbleweed can feel a bit lonely but it’s familiar to me at this point. But I think Rhodes is probably my fave in terms of how beautiful it is, especially the saloon but Saint Denis comes second as it’s very beautiful at night especially.


my most favorite is Armadillo, or at least Armadillo as it appears in RDR1. my least favorite is probably Van Horn. Thieves Landing in RDR1 did the ‘lawless town’ shtick better.


Armadillo is my least favorite in this one. It's just so disappointing coming from the first game.


Van Horn hands down. Grab a drink at the bar, queue up an Irish bar fight song, call someone a simpleton and enjoy the ensuing chaos. Maybe finish the day with a deluxe bath with a homely meth addict to get all the mud, blood and soot off. Then ride off with $0 in bounties.




Great answer!


Any town in New Austin is trash. I like Valentine or Rhodes. Just something bout their set up


armadillo and tumbleweed are complete poggers


Best is Valentine. No game location has hit me more with the wow factor than when I first saw Valentine, and I’ll give a worst as well. Guama or however you spell it. That mission IMO was such a drag


Saint Denis, has the most railroad tracks.


1911-1914 Armadillo


Colter. That place is my Zen home.


My favorite town is Strawberry bc of its “Montana / Wyoming lodge” vibe. My least favorite is probably Van Horn or Annesburg, bc despite how far out of the way they are, there’s really nothing much to do in either place. Same for Tumbleweed, but we spend so little time there in story mode that it doesn’t bother me much. If the entire Epilogue were a town, that’d be my least favorite. 😉


Colter supremacy. Best town. Come at me bro.


Yeah it's a chill town.


I wonder how Limpany would've been like.


Whats Limpany?


A burned down town, between the dakota river and horseshoe overlook


Strawberry is probably my fave because it’s close to the grizzlies, lake owanjila, and the trapper. Love spending time out there exploring and hunting. Least is probably van Horn because the ppl always look for problems and I end up wasting the town lol


For Rdr1 it would be Thieves Landing. I've spent hours there playing pokers, liars dice, blackjack and five finger fillet. Plus it has a strong sense of atmosphere that a lot of the other towns from the first game don't have. For Rdr2 I would choose Saint Denis. Even though it's hard to navigate around there's just so many good story and stranger missions tied to it. Plus it has every type of shop which is very helpful.


Not a town, but an area. I really enjoy The Grizzlies East because of the the quiet and solidarity.


I love Annesburg. I dont know why..Also, Armadillo (RDR1) is dynamite


I spend a majority of my time in San Denis, steer clear of Annesburg. Edit: Spelling


My fave is Emerald Ranch, just because it's so pretty. However, there obviously isn't much to do there so valentine is my very strong 2nd place.


Saint denis is definitely the best. There is some stiff competition between annesburg & armadillo for the worst one imho


Best: Armadildo (RDR1) Worst: Saint Fucking Denis.


I like new austin, it gives me true western vibe. But the best town is blackwater and worst saint denis


I like blackwater


I feel like Blackwater is underrated. I love both Strawberry and Blackwater, so my Moonshine shack's in Tall Trees and my camp I put near Blackwater. Both towns are great and have everything you need. And the Great Plains make for wonderful hunting ground.


My least favorite is Strawberry. I love the look and location of it but I am cursed in that town! I am always hitting people with my horse and then I end up wanted for disturbing the peace or some crap! I love Valentine, probably because you spend so much time there in the beginning. I also love RDR1 Armadillo but it’s a bummer in RDR2


I like Saint Denis cause it feels like they just slapped a mini GTA city in the RDR engine. Idk Armadillo is prob my all time favorite cause of HERBERT MOON!


Best is Rhodes, it reminds me not only of home but of the American South as a whole. Amazing. As for worst it’d be Armadillo. Nothing much to it.


I like Tumbleweed because it resembles the wild west you hear about. I don't like Van Horn because they shoot me for winning a duel or bumping into a guy!


Rdr1 new austin/armadillo


My favourite is valentine because I like the atmosphere and my least favourite are annesburg and tumbleweed. They feel unused


Favorite is probably strawberry just because I really like the vibe with the water mills and forests and its hotel is pretty sweet. Least favorite is Armadillo because theres nothing to do and its just a depressing place


I love rhodes hate annesburg


favorite is prolly saint denis outside of the soft ass people that report you to the police for saying “watch it buddy.” place is just really nice in the downtown area. least favorite…hard to say. probably annesburg or van horn.