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Cried like a baby.


i cried, you crew, we all crode.


Who didn’t


I started when my horse fell


I stared when Arthur says goodbye to Tilly and Jack


I cried when it said "MISSION FAILED. MICAH DIED."


For real. I used the dlc thoroughbred bread for the whole game so it just hit so hard Edit: typo




I got the mission over and done with and then accepted Arthur was dead and got the death he wanted


Same. Knew exactly how it ended but fuck they did a perfect job at building up to that moment. When my horse died I knew what was coming, was pushing back tears until Dutch walked away, balled my eyes out while my ex stared at me like I was crazy


That's the first time I've ever cried over a video game.


I literally can’t even remember the last time I cried before his death. That did it though, easily.




Me too


For me the most emotional was the ride back to camp after saving Abigail when That's the Way it is plays. Arthur is the best. He just wouldn't give up.




I legit tried to save Arthur from his sickness with tonics. At the end I tried my hardest to kill Micah. I put my controller down, grabbed my whiskey and coke. Watched him breathe his final breath, heard him speak his last words, and thought this was the end. Took a break after John.


I think, for a lot of people the mourning was a gradual thing? Because we already started mourning and crying with him the moment we got the diagnose at the doc.. I think anyway, and when he finally passes it feels horrible but.. Peaceful. I think what made it worse is how he was treated before he actually did pass.. I also took a break. I didn't know what to do with myself.


I can attest the to “gradual” part. I’m a bit neurotic when it comes to germs, and so the moment I saw Downes cough in Arthur’s face, my guard was up. On my first play through, I had some crazy life stuff happen and actually took a 2 year break from the game in the middle (right before the gang moved to Shady Belle) but I’d think about it now and again, and how crazy it would be if Arthur contracted consumption. When I came back, I was pulling a robbery with Javier, and Arthur gave a little cough at the end, and I KNEW it was coming from that moment. So I had a long time to see it coming. And I was also so blown away by the fact that a video game was giving a Shawshank Redemption level storytelling that I didn’t get quite as choked up as I might have.


Oh yes same! Not a germaphobe perse but I already had a feeling by the way the scene was structured like "hm. Was I supposed to know something here?" Then he started coughing throughout the story I got worried... but I didn't went the TB route immediately. I thought maybe a cold or a flu cuz hell back then you could die to that too.... but then the doc said TB and my heart dropped. Knowing in those times that's a death sentence. Pff man. Rdr2 completely blindsided me with how good it was. I'm a huge metal gear fan and I haven't quite felt the same way about a story since then, then rdr2 came. I think I also bawled my eyes out a good bunch at the END end of rdr2. I knew John before this game from the first one, even though Arthur had completely broken me already emotionally, I wasn't ready to see John off into that same hel... EVEN THO I KNEW IT WAS COMING. 😅


I honestly at this point did not cry. His death was such an inevitability he was obviously so sick. And when the Indian dudes magic herbs didn’t help it was clear he wasn’t going to improve. Actually cried during his self reflection and then again when Jon was reunited because then I thought about the sacrifice. But at the very end, I was pretty much at peace with it I know that sort of a hot take


lol I got the “tonics” earlier today and have already forgotten them because it’s so very clear to me he’s going to die. (Go ahead and down vote me.)


Think my real "oh fuck this" bawling moment was when Arthur talked to the nun saying he was scared. I lost it man..


That was such a beautiful scene. Arthur up until then had always been a pillar of strength and we felt he was made of pure courage. The conversation with the nun was his first real moment of complete vulnerability. It was him confessing, reflecting, and doubting himself; a final moment of lucidity in which he was searching for purpose and meaning. The nun's take was just so simple in reminding us that we need to take a chance on people so to keep believing that goodness can prevail "take a gamble that love exists, and do a loving act". That's when you see it all come together for Arthur and what needs to be done. There are good people out there, and they need to be preserved so as to perpetuate love, goodness and decency. That's when he gathers his resolve and mounts his horse in his final showdown. God bless Arthur Morgan and his Rockstar creators.


I knoowww... It broke me to hear Arthur was scared and yeah I'm a bit emotional but I felt so hopeless in the moment cuz there's nothing we can do to help this man. So I agree, and I'm glad she was there to tell him what he needed to hear. It was a beautiful moment, and the words of the nun have stuck with me as well. From there on it's just a huge emotional roller coaster for both Arthur and the player, it always has been but I feel a bit of acceptance happens there, which is just as sad but.. Damn. Great fucking game man. Also throughout the story seeing how much he loathes himself, how he talks to himself to a mirror. Oh Arthur I'm sorry.. Dear god he's such a well written and beautiful character. It's kind of insane to me because he's purely fictional. He and some other characters in video games have truly impressed me and shaped me as a person as wel. To me that's pretty real, fiction or not.


I shed a few tears in my first playthrough, but I full out bawled my eyes out over my horse's death in the last mission. I had had that horse since Chapter 2, and even though it was a default Tennessee Walker, Horsey deserved better ☹️


The saddest part for me was easily in the cutscene when Arthur kneels down over the horse and says “thank you”. Jesus Christ I’m reliving it now


Yeah I genuinely had to pause the game and cry in shock for a bit before unpausing and avenging my poor horse after that scene


I was riding Buell during that mission


Dude, same. During my first play through, I looked up where to get the White Arabian and immediately headed to that area and walked around for a good 20 minutes before spawning and I used her from the very beginning. Named her Lady Death. When I think of all animals carried, all the people dragged to their doom…yeah, still get choked up.


“Oh Arthur.”


“Oh don’t you Oh Arthur me.” :’(


It was 2am. I was absolutely sobbing. Tears all over my face. Snot running. Absolutely distraught, I couldn’t catch my breath. My husband thought I had hurt myself. I did, just not physically like he thought. It really felt like my heart was ripped from my chest.


I didn't cry in my first playthrough. It is what it is and I kinda rushed the main missions to see what comes next. But on my second playthrough, I take my time in everything, do every side mission I can, and see Arthur help people (side missions really help flesh out his character) and I bawled like a little bitch when he did die. I would always pick the Help John, Good honor choice over and over again. What a good man Arthur is.


Cried, I booked the week off work and ate beef jerky, drank a moderate ammount whiskey, and just got immersed in the world. It was this moment, and when he tells Sister "I'm afriad." that got me.


One of the saddest endings to a game I’ve experienced in all my years gaming


Legit cried, I was devastated since it was out of the blue for me :,) Got the white Arab as John and named her Art (Rip Arthur my boah)


I cried... Still breaks my heart...


Me and and buddy were playing at the same time. I walk in to his house one day and he was John. A knew then what had happened, I was devastated. Even though it was kind of spoiled for me, it still hit hard. Especially saying goodbye to my horse bullseye. The morgan I had since the Hosea mission. I thought the army guy with the vaccines (can't remember his name) would give Arther the cure, but no. Anyway, catch you later then.


I didn't cry at the actual death part but when Dutch showed up and stepped on the gun and he looked up at him and just went "Dutch!" in that totally wounded betrayed voice it fucking got me


To this day I won’t start another replay. “Oh, Arthur…” is plastered in my mind. Online is neat to romp around and see the places that the legendary outlaw Arthur traveled.


I shed the manliest tears of my life.


I didn’t cry because it was spoiled for me before the game had even finished downloading. But when I reached the end I was upset and I teared a little


I bawled my eyes out


For me, I found it more epic than sad as such. I knew from playing RDR1 that there was no way Arthur could be around logically and I remember clocking onto the cough very early on. Because of this and playing RDR1 it was quite obvious that he would die, and the fact he went out fighting for what he believed in made it feel profound and epic as opposed to just sad.


Failed at choking back tears. Dude, my wife was in the room… i never regained what i lost in her eyes that day


I didn't cry, I just noped out of the game and pretended that the game never existed for like 9 months before I slowly started to watch things about the game again.


I have been trying to finish RDR2 for many years but have been interrupted due to life’s demands. When I got to this point in the game I let out a good cry. Much needed!


still processing it years later


I cried like everyone else. Never cried cuz of a video game.


First time a game ever made me tear up


I was 58 when I played the first time and teared up like a bitch. And not just during his final scene, but during the ride back to find John. My wife never played it, but she wanted to see the end and even she choked up a bit.


I didn't cry. But stopped right there. I couldn't pick up the game to play the epilogue until I had a month to recover from Arthur's death.


Arthur Morgan is the only video game character who made me feel like I lost a good friend or family member. The only comparison I can make is when we lost Tony Stark in Avengers Endgame or perhaps Chadwick Boseman's T'Challa. Unlike in the movies though, we got to experience his struggles as if they were ours. Every action he made was made by us. In a way, it made me feel like I was somehow responsible for his death. I felt as guilty as Arthur did about beating Thomas Downes to death because I was the one controlling him. This game really does a phenomenal job at making you feel what Arthur feels in certain moments. I'm currently playing through it again because there's so much I didn't do the previous times I played through it.


I remember once Arthur put on his hat for his last ride, I handed the controller to my boyfriend because I was crying so hard and unable to play the game. I was an absolute mess. Sobbing for hours. Hell, I met Roger Clark and got a picture with him three years later and I almost cried meeting him just because of the impact this character had on me.


bawled my eyes out. Definitely contemplated my own future and defication to my life after that one.


I jerked off


My eyes


Thank you for the clarification


Cried but at the same time knew it was coming....


It made me almost cry and i felt a huge dreadful suffering on my chest




I'm Autistic so I don't get overly emotional. I was disappointed but didn't cry. But felt bad for not crying


I got Sad because Micah shoot him in the face and laughed.


I pooped.


Cry. Lots of cry


I cried not gonna lie. I grew very fond of him very quickly. Same when John proposed to Abigail over the lake or when Mary visited Arthur’s grave.


My eyes started to water alittle bit


The first time playing through. I didn't believe it. I didn't process it at all. I didn't believe it or want to believe it honestly. Not until my 2nd play through did it really hit me.


cried like a baby then restarted so i could have him back lmfao




I didn't care too much about Arthur's death, what bothered me was that Micah didn't immediately spontaneously combust into dusty cunt particles after opening his dumb mouth in chapter 2.


YouTube spoiled me with the fucking thumbnails, so when it happened I was at the very least relieved to have gotten the most beautiful ending to Arthur's story.


When my horse died, I just got angry, and I was like "man, I'm gonna kill EVERYONE," but then I remembered: I'm sick. I'm gonna die soon, there's not much I can do. And then the "may I stand unshaken" song played and that f*cking broke me.


I had just gotten my wisdom teeth removed and began crying with gauze and drool coming out. My ex walked in on me drying my eyes and basically told me it was embarrassing I could let a video game move me this way. Arthur’s death (high-honor play through) really got to me. I am a coward and have not played as John, yet. In my replay I hang out in Chapter 3 trying to prolong it as much as I can.


I was just really annoyed that I lost (A) a character I had grown to like and (B) a horse I worked hard bonding with etc. Then when you first few John missions were just shitty errands I stopped playing. In the end I never went back and completed, had to delete it from the hard drive obviously since it takes up about 80% of it.


I just knew that sick farmer had TB. When Arthur took a mouthful of bloody cough I knew that he had TB and was going to die. Knowing Arthur was going to play out his character arc and die at the end to set up John for RDR1 made the death seem forced and empty.


As bullets whizzed by, he ducked behind his horse, patting its heaving sides with a muttered ‘thank you.’ The horse, stoic and steadfast even amidst chaos, seemed to nod, as if understanding the gravity of their escape. Tears like a river fellers.


I was so sad and confused. I checked right before and I saw that I was like 75% through the story


I wept like a child for an unreasonable length of time, and then I died on the inside, which allowed me to continue living, not in a constant state of crying.


I turned the game off for about 18 months.


I got spoiled and I was just... Emotional, but it was ruined. Fault of Yt thumbnails.


Damn bro, that's awful


Tears started pouring down my face for proppably 20 minutes ( when playing games i always cry over the deaths of people that didnt deserve it )


I never played another game for like a month. Felt like I lost a friend.


Not well


Cried my eyes out


it didnt bother me much that he died, because that was completely in the books and established, but the way he did it. what really broke me was >!when he thanked his good boah. basically his last breath was an act of kindness and acknowledgement.!< i wonder how this will fit in with my current playthrough where i play him as an unrelenting asshole who will die in the deep red honor zone. maybe in a way that >!his good boah was the only living being he unconditionally valued and trusted.!<


Honestly, cried. I think, if any ending can make you cry, it’s a good one


Genuinely grieved for three days. Pure devastation.


I was definitely teary eyed. I felt more empty and numb more than anything. I felt like I had lost a piece of me.


To be perfectly honest, I bawled.


I cried got so angry and left the game literally my favorite character ever played as and broke my soul watching him die


I remember being in denial once he got the diagnosis for TB. In my mind I knew it would be fatal but the mental gymnastics I was doing in order for everything to work out and Arthur to be alive in the end was insane. I legit remember thinking "What if towards the end he gets on a train and travels to a more modern state with better doctors and gets treated and lives happily ever after" The gut wrenching sadness I felt when everything started to fall apart and I realized he wasn't going to make it out alive..... Jesus. I think the devs did an amazing job of capturing what Arthur felt in those final missions before the epilogue, where it's clear he's knows he's going to die and fully embraces it, while taking one last second to fight it. Up until that point it felt like Arthur KNEW he was going to die, but didn't want to accept it. And of course, I was crying from the point Arthur said goodbye to Tilly up until John Marston first arrived in Blackwater during the epilogue. I think I cried so much I had to take a break and drink some water lmfao I would genuinely give ANYTHING to experience this game for the first time again


I died inside


With sobbing. I then took a shot of whiskey in his memory and said damn what a good story


Bawled my fucking eyes out. My wife left the room because she knew it was coming. We both knew but it hit me hard when it happened


I wasn’t reacting immediately, I was still raging at Dutch for leaving Arthur alone right after he dropped him for killing the legendary rat.


Drank my weight in whisky and ale for about a week, but then I mustered the strength for a second playthrough and all was well, can't believe it's been 5 years, RIP man.


I was so dumb I thought I could actually save him by crafting that herb the Indian gave us, I knew RDR1 ended tragically so it wasn't totally unexpected


Almost cried when they shot Hosea…but Arthur’s Low Honor death sent me over the edge bro. Tearing up rn just thinking about it


I cried when my horse died, I’d used the same horse all game.


Tbh last time i got to this point i was very inebriated and i zoned out for the cutscene. I was rather upset when i realised i had missed it lol.


I love the story of me completing the game. Did a bunch of side stuff to get enough money to buy the best horse in the game, did it on the way to the final mission. Had her for less than 10 minutes, she dies and I burst out laughing. Then the finale happened and I sobbed.


i was tearing up reading all the replies here and then i see this LOL bless


I didn't cry cause I was fucking spoiled by a friend.


Cried. Like a baby. And I don’t even care.


Hated the ending




I cried and every time I thought of him I cried for the next few days


Knew it was gonna happen. So it didn't hit me too hard. But the second playthrough, I did cry a little bit.


When John said “You’re my brother” after Arthur had given him his hat and satchel and yelled at him to go be a goddamn man just broke my heart.


Died inside


Knowing that he was going to die from TB ahead of time made his passing less traumatic imo. RDR 1's had me shed a tear because it was pretty unexpected, brutal and downright sad.


If you didn’t cry at this part, you’re truly dead inside.


Mainly pissed because there were so many ways that it could've been avoided if the plot and the characters' actions made more sense.


I just sat in silence, I paused the game at that gorgeous sunset still and I just took a minute to process that he was gone


I bawled


I cried so hard 😭😭 not me sobbing with tears streaming down my face because I wanted Arthur back


I came


It almost felt like a relief. I could feel it coming, and when I started up that hill I knew Arthur wouldn't be coming back down it.


I cried. So much 🥺


that entire mission broke me😭 first the horse and then him 💔


For me the emotions started building up just after landing at Van Horne Trading post, then that ride up the mountains, the music, the foggy mountain road and everything after just about made my heart explode. Then when my horse died and finally, that last sunup up on the mountain cliff just pulled all my plugs. Dammit', the tears start welling even thinking about it now, several weeks after I've finished the game...




I would have cried if I didn't watch videos of rdr2 that spoiled the game Yes it's my fault




Sat there. Contemplated how the death of a great character made me feel. Weeped a bit. John


First time I played I wasn’t really a cryer. Now I’m ball at stupid shit and right now I’m on my 4th playthrough and it’s my most in depth one. I’m gunna lose it. I just know it 😭


My experience was spoiled for me, which is even sadder than the story :'(


Cried as much as I did as my breakup with a fiance.. same sort of pain same sort of sadness... Like I lost someone close... Like .. how rockstar ?? And am one of the guys that was raised to not cry no matter what.


I was crying on the last ride, but when he ACTUALLY died, I just sat there in complete silence. I was shocked. I was expecting a happy ending 😭


I didnt cry. I just stared at my screen, no words, no thought behind it. Just a blank stare. The music kicked in and i was just admiring the moment and i was very upset though.


I cried. Then went online and found out I got the worst death, and I cried some more.


I already knew (don't open the internet while you are watching or playing something) but I cried, Twice


I beat my meat to the scene.


Cried for an hour


I knew he was going to die because it was spoiled to me but I really didn't expect this ending. It was emotional. But John's death in RDR1 was more shocking to me and kinda more sad. I really didn't see that one coming


I reacted more to Arthur passing his hat onto John than I did of his death because I knew it was coming when he decided to give away his possessions to Marston.


the first time i cried A LOT. the successive plays simply gave me a heartbreak


Cried my fucking eyes out is what I did.




first playthrough I was like 12 and was just there for the shooting, second playthrough I cried for like 20 minutes


I think the one where Micah shoots him in the head should be canon. Not necessarily the circumstances leading to it but definitely the ending seemed more realistic than being left to die staring at the sunrise.


Honestly, I cried for a weekend in random bursts like he was a real person. My boyfriend thought it was funny at first since he had to be there for me, but then shared how impressed he was with Rockstar. If the developers could make someone grieve like this, then they must have made quite the masterpiece.




I mean.. I put the spoiler warning on and didn’t specify who got killed in the caption 💀 those who doesn’t want to get spoiled, don’t click things that say spoilers 🤦


Pure shock i immediately went back to a previous save to try for a different outcome


How I reacted to his death? M'dude. I still can't even remotely talk about it. It's still too soon. Does that help?


I was definitely more sad with the horse, because Arthur dying was an inevitably, nobody is going to escape a bad case of tuberculosis in that era, and I'm in medical field too so it was pretty obvious he had tuberculosis the way he was acting before he got to the doctor's office back in the city I just really wanted him to be the one to kill Micah (and Dutch even honestly), and I'm just disappointed he didn't get to do that 😭


One single tear(the saddest of all tears) Had the same reaction a few minutes earlier to the death of the horse and the way he knelt over it


Even though I knew due to playing the game years after the release and having it spoiled, it hurt so damn bad. I just couldn’t accept that he’s no more. I immediately started another play-through so I can keep him alive as long as I want


I was so impressed by the fact that a video game was this good, it some how overrode my ability to make the emotional connection I normally would have made. Which is funny because sometime I cry from RECALLING a sad movie or book, etc.. I’m a real softy. But really, the pacing, performances, aesthetic beauty (and the fact that they never ran into the territory of style over substance, when they could have gotten away with it… and STILL managed to make things look cool or beautiful) it all kept hitting me every couple of seconds. So I was EXTREMELY touched by the story but I didn’t cry. I did tear up for what has become my favorite moment in the game… “Miss Adler, ride with me!”


i knew him death so i wasn't surprise


I didn’t cry. I was like: “damn, this game is so fucking good”. This game was one of the reasons I stopped smoking weed, cause I couldn’t understand the story when I was high lmao.


Ugly crying.


Complete denial!


I cried. First time for and in a video game.


I was 25 when I played it, and 17 when I played the first game. For John’s death I just sat in silence for a while, broken inside because his death was a total surprise and I wasn’t expecting it at all. With Arthur I was a little sad but already knew he was gonna die after he got diagnosed so I was already prepared for it. I’m just sad that he died like right at the time when he was ready to change his life around and be a better person but he died “trying in the end” RIP Arthur


Cried like a baby. My boah.


Sobbing my eyes out while I clutched my dog, sobbing into his hair. He runs away when I sniffle now though


I will never stop grieving.


I cried like a little bitch…


I had already cried my tears out during "the last ride" and seeing my horse die. During Arthur's final stand I already knew how things were going to end so his death didn't surprise me at all. I didn't cry but I felt a type of sorrow and acceptance.


The things I would do to get to experience the rdr2 story for the first time again.


Had a tug


😭that's how


I laughed when he got a bullet in the head because of the irony. I've shot so many innocent people in the head, it's just funny to me


I Was Shouting Obscenities At Micah & Dutch, Turned Off The Game, Balled My Eyes Out For About An Hour, Went To Bed, Fell Asleep For 3 Hours, Woke Up A 6:00 That Night, Went Downstairs, Mom Was Cooking Dinner And Asked Me “Hey How’s Your Day?” I Responded With “Awful”, Turned On The Game Again And Said “Fucked This Shit Let’s Do It For Arthur”


I don’t know that I cried, but I was in legit mourning for a few days.


I cried when i saw it on YouTube but when i made it to the ending i just took Pictures and didn't cry


For me, the hard part wasn’t seeing him die, it was the ride back to Beaver Hollow because i knew it was soon to be over for Arthur.


Personally, I regretted my decision to go back for the money instead of helping John. When it came time to decide, I froze like a deer in headlights and ended up making the very morally wrong decision :(


Well, be shocked then, because I didn’t cry.


Same. Tho that "thank you" to the horse made me tear up.


It’s just a game.


Cried a bit and was shocked


I only cried on my first play through, and even then it took me a while for his death to hit me, so I didn’t cry immediately after playing. I did cry a lot a few hours later though


I knew it would happen, especially after his last interaction with John, I seriously didn’t play the epilogue for a two days, I mourned a video game character 💀


I was annoyed with the lack of proper chord changes in the soundtrack too much to care about the moment. Very underwhelming song choice for that scene


Honestly nothing,took me 6 days to finish my first play through.Didn’t take anything in