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Whatever pelt you need at any given time. Sounds about rightšŸ˜†


youā€™re so right, just spent irl 2 days looking for the dammed cedar waxwing for Mrs Hobbs. Now iā€™ve found it, theyā€™re absolutely everywherešŸ™„šŸ¤£


Try killing all the Carolina parakeets


I didnā€™t even know there was Carolina Parakeets until I saw something on YouTube! So I went searchingā€¦.to this day I havenā€™t seen one, but I hangout in chapter 2 or 3.


I got mine near Sonny's house and finished the hunt outside shady belle and crawdad wilies house


50 feet north of Orange orchard boathouse at noon. Like 20 of them spawn at a time.


Oh yeah. I was looking for her rabbit carcass and was able to travel clear across the Heartlands without encountering a single one. Like, Iā€™ve seen thousands of these vermin in one go, and this time did not see a single one in over two hours. Was downright eerie!




Fort Brennand is your friend; it is the old wooden Civil War fort in Roanoke. All the rare birds fly in that area, you just need to wait a few minutes with some small game arrows.


I've spent the last 2 days gathering everything for the Legend of the East Satchel. Couldn't find a single boar until I moved on to the elks. Then I found a dozen of then and not a single Elk in a half hour.


I know that feeling. I spent an entire day searching for moose. Had elk everywhere but no moose. Then, finally found and skinned a moose and now theyā€™re everywhere. Currently searching for a panther and yep, not a single one found yet haha


Go to that special spot near braithwaite to catch your panther.


Hahaha it canā€™t be a coincidence, right?


Backbone Forest and Bolger Glade (the old civil war battlefield) have been my best spots for finding Boar that respawn. Happy hunting.


I was going to say exactly this. Itā€™s what ever one you are looking for.


Yeah, that's why you HAVE TO get the plumes for the Algernon lists before starting. They are already a pain in the ass since you only get 1 plume per bird


fuckin' a man


Did you buy him dinner first?


Bruh its fucking eh man you just said fucking a man lol


https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=fuckin%20a%20man https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Fuckin%27%20eh A simple Google search will prove you wrong


The comma is important though. Fuckin A, man.


im so glad im not alone on this. Even the Heronsā€¦ theyre everywhere until you look for them, and when you dont need them, poof, a billion herons.


Iā€™m on my 3rd play through. Trying to 100% it. Iā€™m on the 2nd taxidermy quest, and my oh my, the woodpecker is infuriating! I see one per in game day, and the ONE 3 star Iā€™ve found, was too high for a small game arrow to reach in dead-eye, and when it was close enough to reach, I had ran out of the small game arrows. Probably not the rarest but my goodness does the game make it hard to find an animal when you want/need it most.


100% accurate, the struggle is real for all of us




Male Moose to be exact.


The number of times Iā€™ve found one but itā€™s out of bounds just out of reach šŸ˜­


I guess if you shoot at it and miss from the right spot most of the time it will run back in bounds


This is it. When hes up past the line, fire a shot right near him and heā€™ll run down and across the tree line. Thereā€™s a tutorial on here somewhere. It did work.


I always bait them, that works well for me. Itā€™s a spot in the northern part of the map on a hill side. No water around.


I think weā€™re talking about the same spot. Itā€™s right near a letter on the map. I can see the ridge perfectly in my head. What a game. To have a memory created over a moose spawn spot lol. Iā€™ll have to try herbivore bait next time. I got a couple for the compendium and trapper clothes and that was it.


Mine always end up in the water ugh


usually you can lasso dead animals out of the water




i said ā€œusually you can lasso dead animals out of the waterā€




Key word is definitely usually. Itā€™s a finicky mechanic. I get it to work 3/5 times abouts


You can gently push it out of water while riding a horse. If it sinks, mark the spot on map, trigger an auto save or do a manual save and reload. Return to the spot and it'll be floating again.


I didnā€™t know there was a moose in the game


I didnā€™t know there were crabs!




I second the moose. They stopped spawning for me after chapter 2. Had to find a glitch spot where they spawn just out side of the map and have to be baited inside the map border. Getting them to spawn there is a total crapshoot let alone the fact they need to be perfect and a certain gender too. But it is a reliable spot.


Had to have been moose & robins for me. They were a bitch to find.


robins spawn reliably on the bridge by the trapper's roanoke location


Fuck yes. Thank you.


That's where I eventually stumbled upon them, I believe. Well, it was a bridge at any rate. On a railroad if I remember. They'd spawn at the tops of the pylons & also fly over some trees near us.


Oh yeah, they can spawn all over, but that bridge by the trapper was nice cause you could sit just up the hill and spin the camera in a circle to change the spawns.


And....screenshot lol gonna come back for them haha thank you.


Why is my trapper only ever at Roanoke?


If you get out to the island near the Braithwaite gazebo, I think they keep spawning if you keep circling the island.


Panthers have a set spawn south of Bolger Glade. Once you know where to go they spawn fairly regularly.


yep know the spawn location to a T lol. they still donā€™t fancy spawning


Weird.. maybe it's time of day or weather?


perhaps. panthers spawn fine, but the Florida just wonā€™t appear


Oooh sorry I'm an idiot, didn't read Florida.


The little triangle made by the road of the east bath out of breath Waite manor is perfect for finding them


The parakeets.


oh goddd yes. i still havent shot and killed them all. theyā€™ve spawned once for me, after absolutely ages, and when i went to kill them i accidentally shot the rancher instead so i had the law on my ass and they despawned. annoyed me so much iā€™m yet to hunt them again šŸ¤£


What i did when doing the exotics and ms Hobbs request is i googled what i needed of everything before hand and went out and got the items before they were in the list. Unfortunately my ā€œsatchelā€ full of the last of ms Hobbs items didnā€™t transfer from chapter 6 to epilogue but it made the exotics way easier. The game locks out the items before you get all but i only needed 1 item per for each part of the quest


i wish iā€™d done this, just completed mrs hobbs, sheā€™s an odd character šŸ¤£ on request 5 for Algernon.


I just finished my 100% playthrough and i spent probably a month or two in chapter 2 and chapter 3 just knocking out all the challenges i could. For future playthroughs by the end of chapter 3 you can pretty much have all of the challenges done (save for the last 2 herbalists). You can do the van horn to black water prior to the epilogue you donā€™t have to make it into town thereā€™s a little penninsula north of that wonā€™t cause bounty hunters


I have been looking for them for like five years. Literally, five years. And I still can't get them to spawn. I spent probably three months straight trying to get them, using every trick from every youtube video I could find. And they NEVER spawned. I gave up. I'm so mad, too, because they're the ONLY missing slot in my animal list.


On the off chance you haven't already tried it, check out the post I linked in [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/s/LvFbyHMBWa) - I finally killed them all after only getting one or two on my first couple runs and three 100% completions. Edit: if you follow the link to the Comprehensive Guide, the top rated comment was the part which cracked it for me, about triggering the Hagen Orchards spawn. Took a couple of tries.


Someone once told me they stop spawning after chapter 3 I honestly donā€™t know if thatā€™s true but the moose stopped spawning for me after chapter 2


5th playthrough, still never seen a single one. Not even to study. I'm beginning to think it's one big trick that everyone's in on except me.


I saw some once by the swamp across from Caliga Hall(I think). Near the house you go to when the guy begs you to save his wife from those two guys. In one of the grassy spots, I saw a bunch


Time to saddle up my Boah, the hunt continues!


Be ready. They fly up from the ground stupid fast. I'm almost positive they were in a spot to the right(if looking at the shack head on) Probably best to leave the horse and walk in.


I found them while leaving the area with the legendary alligator.


On my third playthrough and just now saw my first pigeon.


bards crossing has a ton of pigeons, both on the bridge and on the rocks below


Thanks! I think I was down around NW Saint Denis when I finally saw them. I still have to kill one - only got to study it - so I will head to Bard's. Thanks, pardner.


Check north side of the Van Horne post office.


I love this sub for these tips. Thanks!


Moose, no competition.


ugh yes. took me days to find one of those bastards. eventually found one up by brandywine drop, shot it dead in the water and then had a mild panic when it sunk in the water and i couldnā€™t skin it šŸ¤£


The rarest animal is the one you're trying to find. Always.






Definitely Rio Grande wild turkey. I have seen only one of them, in about 500 h of playtime.


Same. It was the last animal I needed for the trophies. I finally found a group of them at Mercer Station.


itā€™s definitely a 3 star Western Bull Moose.


Panthers are the hardest to find in general. But I can never find a snake when I want one. And if youā€™re egret hunting they suddenly seem rare lol


egrets were the bane of my life when i was doing the exotics quest lol


Any tips on those ? I'm doing the whole " living in chapter 2 " right now. Currently just finished the legends satchel , I figured I'd go start hunting as many birds in the bayou now.


i would go to a known spawn locations, usually on the waters edge by the river, and i also found lots of snowy egrets by the rail tracks in the bayou, (the rail track right next to the B on the map) same tracks where you can find the gator eggs. shoot them all, skin and whatever. leave the area, set up camp and sleep for a day, ride around for a few in game hours and then return and repeat. they shouldā€™ve respawned by the time you get back there, if not either hang around and theyā€™ll spawn or sleep some morešŸ‘šŸ» depending whether you have the trinket that preserves three stars and the one that makes them more common, either use the bow and small game arrows or varmint rifle for a clean kill.


Egret groups hang out near a stretch of railroad tracks outside Saint Denis. If you take the road north out of the city, then go west, past that one house you can rob on a robbery tip, and continue west until the road winds south a bit near the tracks. There are red, great, and little egrets that hang out around that swampy area. The snowy egrets I find taking the north road parallel to the train tracks, or near that legendary fish you get off the railroad tracks at the south west side of Saint Denis


I've played this game for 400 hours and I do not remember seeing an egret at any point lmao


That exotics quest sucked. Whenever I needed Egrets, I only found Herons. Then I needed Herons and of course they'd disappeared from the map, but now look at all those Egrets...


Snakes are pretty common around Beecher's Hope if you're playing as John


Snakes will always spawn in bluewater marsh near were the phonograph is.


For snakes you just need to ride through the brush and wait for the red dot then dismount quickly with your bow and track them.


Moose & Florida panther Fuckers


yep, florida panther is the last one i need for zoologist and skin deep trophies. only time iā€™ve found it it killed me before i could study and skin it


Panthers love to attack me while Iā€™m chilling riding down the road, minding my own business. Always the same spot, the road that goes by catfish Jackson, heading east, right before it forks to go north to bulgar glade. If you just chill in that area itā€™ll pop up


not sure about rarest but the elusive PERFECT BADGER was a bigger problem for me than all of the O'Driscolls, Murfrees, and Pinkertons combined.


I totally agree! I could find 2 and 1 star sometimes but I RARELY can find a 3 star. It killed me! And then I went straight into Florida panther and I was pulling out my hair.


i only remember camping out in the old battlefield for days in wait of that thing to appear. and those weren't in-game days, either. those were days of actual life.


That's so weird. I was at the trapper by Riggs station, went down to the station itself and bagged myself 2 perfect badgers in less than 10 seconds


I find badgers and raccoons SO MUCH, but I can *never* find a 3ā­ļø skunk šŸ˜­


The panther definitely has a tendency to get bugged out. Otherwise, they are equally easy to find as I recall. Havenā€™t played in a long time.


Bull Moose, and some of the Guarma snakes since they don't have many spawns.


bull moose 3 star.


1. Parakeet 2. Rio Grande Turkey 3. Moose 4. Robin


That robin has been haunting me for a month now


It's always the last one you need for a satchel or trinket.


Florida Panther was actually easy to find. Itā€™s about timing & location. For me: three star bull moose. The females spawn more frequently than the bulls but when bulls do spawn itā€™s more likely itā€™s a two star.


The Panther but specifically trying to get it to spawn at Stillwater creek in new Austin


The only location I've never had a panther spawn yet for me




Best answer


Panther is not that bad. Iā€™ve gotten it back to back. Just sleep nearby til noon, go to spawn point, done. Thereā€™s a 3 in game day delay between respawn but I think thereā€™s a trick to it


iā€™ll keep trying šŸ¤£


Itā€™s 100% the moose if you donā€™t know how to force spawn them. I had 300 hours play time in my first play through and had come across 2, neither of them 3 stars. The panther at least has set spawning locations, you know exactly where to look to find it, the moose can spawn anywhere the crafty little shits.


I swear to god it can take up to an hour to find a panther when youā€™re looking for one. Cougars are never that hard to find but for some reason cougars just never spawn and when they do they pretty easily sneak up on and pounce you.


Probably any guarma animal


I was about to say, wasnā€™t sure if other parts of the game included the Macaw šŸ¦œ but I grabbed all I could while I was there.


From what I know, the Panther only spawns in one area of the map south of Rhodes. I know the Carolina Parakeet is also significantly rare for a bird and if you kill x amount of them they stop spawning (a nod to how endangered they are). I think the fact that they are designed to go extinct in the game makes the Parakeet the rarest of all. Panthers and moose will spawn if you try hard enough and know where to look.




shark, can only find them in guarma, i think


yeah the shark was supposed to be able to be found/sighted in guarma but it was cut unfortunately. donā€™t know why as i think itā€™s a pretty cool animal to add


This is technically the right answer I think


i cant tell if yur being a sarcastic asshole but if not then r/technicallythetruth




Male moose, only encountered them about twice in all my seven playthroughs, it was a lack of trying on my part but itā€™s still crazy how in all my travels I rarely see them.


That panther was hard but I think another one is opossum lol itā€™s so random when you come across them bc theyā€™re only in a couple places. Other than that the panther and moose for sure.


Parakeets. 3 playthroughs and only saw them once. There was some bird in Guarma I never found, but Iā€™m not 100% those animals count for full compendium trophy.


yep, same. no, the Guarma animals donā€™t count towards any of the trophies or 100% completion.




Itā€™s a wonder him and the Rev are still alive.


Either the Moose or some of perfect carcass tiny birds


Florida Panther is easy once you figure out it respawns in the same exact spot once every in game day. It's the moose for me. And badger.


Badger always spawned next to the battlefield to the east or just north of Strawberry near the short pine bluff. Iā€™ve never seen the moose, however.


I saw a three star Florida Panther yesterday for the first time and I let it go cuz I was like "ah the ecosystem needs it" šŸ˜‚ I also wasn't aware if I currently needed a panther pelt for anything


I wasn't near Bolger btw, I was actually near Sonny's house


Nah, I started ā€œif I see a perfect, bag itā€ because when I need it itā€™ll never appear again


after 100+ hra in the game i just got to know today in one side quest there's actually a lion


yep, i completed that quest and didnā€™t skin the lion. only to find out you need the paw for the lions paw trinket. apparently it automatically goes to the fence and trapper but i completed this mission months ago and itā€™s still not there so i think iā€™m screwed out of that trinket


Male moose or panther kinda. There is a guaranteed panther spawn every 3 days at a certain time of day (iirc around 7:00 AM). Way south of Rhodes, very close to the southern shore. It is spottable from a 3 point or T intersection, with a rock in the center. Now moose on the other hand... sigh...


Iā€™ve only seen an owl like once Iā€™ve heard them but just havenā€™t actually seen one in forever


Owls are usually found on the barn in valentine opposite Mail office and station. Head there at night and check the barn roof. Circle round a couple of times if needed, one usually spawns there


Moose. Iā€™ve only seen like 10 in my hundreds of hours playing story and online.


Florida Panther is almost always down Southwest of Rhodes in that little strip of forest near the house with the father and son that Arthur takes the money from. For me, it's a lot of the smaller birds. Also, for some reason, I had a hard time finding 3 star iguanas for my satchel šŸ˜‚ They are always on the island in Rhodes, but 2 star lol.


Catfish Jackson is the name. This is the place to farm panthers. I've never not found one here after a few attempts. It's one of the easiest spawns to exploit. This and the double beaver spawn by Owanjila.


A beaver whenever I need one. Or a badger.


Beavers always spawn in owanjila the lake past strawberry


i found 3 star beavers quite easily, the badger on the other hand. only ever seen like four 3 star badgers in all my play throughs. 200+ hours in to this one and not found one yet.


The one you're actively looking for.


yes definitely the Florida panther, seen it once then never again


For me is the moose. Big bastards are impossible to find for me.


I'm currently searching for the western bull moose to complete the zoologist and skin deep trophies and I have yet to find one in f*ck knows how many hours of looking. So I'll go with that!


I killed one yesterday..up where you find the white Arabian. Lake Isabella


The Carolina parakeet I have over 700 hours on story mode and I've seen only once


the animal you need to find and the mysterious moose


Carolina Parakeet. Only spawn at a couple locations at a specific time and there's only 25 of them. After you kill 25, no more will spawn


The parakeets


Crazy for me it has been the Badger. Havenā€™t seen one for weeks


I never see them until the fuckers bite me


Itā€™s easily the male moose


Itā€™s that bird that, if you find and kill it, it becomes extinct.


Those damn parakeets


Freakin moose! I've gotten the legendary moose but I have yet to find another regular moose lol


The Damn moose, and the Carolina parakeet


Rio Grande Turkey


People say that the silver fox is one of the rarest


The last bird you need for either the taxidermy or the fancy hat quest


I found a Florida Panther when I was last playing in a place I would never think to look. I was riding south from Annesburg from Van Horn along the coast and my horse got spooked, saw a red dot on the right where the trees were and it ran out across the road to the beach. It was just walking on the beach and I shot it with my rifle. Im guessing they spawn in those woods there. Try it!


I have yet to see a Carolina Parakeet. I am certain I am being gaslit by everyone that they are in the game


What weapon do you want to use for the small birds,? Just shot A blue heron with the varmit rifle and it went from 3 stars to 1!ā€¦


As someone who has completed the compendium, the only animal that gave me trouble was the Rio Grande Turkey. Seriously I read forum after forum, tried strategy after strategy. It took me numerous reloads and locations. 8 whole hours to find this damn turkey. Form previous posts in this sub im sure some will agree.


The goddamn robin


Iā€™ve never had an issue spawning the panthers. The bull moose on the other hand and the rio grande turkey. Those were the last two I needed on the compendium achievement. Parakeets too. 2,000 hours and only had them spawn one time lol.


There's a specific place and trick to get the panther to spawn. If you want DM me for details.


I've spent irl DAYS trying to find a damn panther recently. Still haven't. Played over 1,000 hours and the only panther I've ever come across was the legendary. Finally got him last week for the first time.


Red Footed Booby. Only spawns in Guarma the shore. Since the time system is glitched in Guarma, it usually doesn't spawn. To fix this you first have to lead the soldiers to your camp. Then, you have to sneak to the shoreline, take out your binoculars and look before you get caught.


The Legendary Bipedal Rat


On my save file (over 300 hours I think), I have seen 1 moose. Iā€™ve followed every moose-hunting guide, camped at every spawn location, etc. Only seen the one.


The fucking woodpecker it's always a struggle. I can find moose cougar panther robins all day. Although to be fair right now I am having more problems than I ever had finding a three-star badger pelt. Finding lots of badgers just not a three star.


whatever im trying to find at the moment




The Carolina Parakeet!


That legendary catfish.


Some birds. When I did my full clear playthru and killed every animal I spent hours and hours looking for 1 damn bird. Looked up every guide I could to find where it spawned. Damn thing just didn't want to spawn for me. Don't recall the exact type but damn it was annoying.


Gavin in a Racoon hat.


I've been playing this game for 6 years and just found out if you head back to the lady near the large waterfall north east of butchers Creek. There is a small cut scean where she talks to John. I would say the hardest animal for me would have to be that damn jila monster. Still haven't found it. Now all left is to get Roger Clark to sign my Gunslinger barking irons jacket.


Whatever animal you're looking for at the time. They suddenly become endangered.


Carolina Parakeets, you can actually hunt them to extinction.


3 star armadillos šŸ˜‚


Those little shits, Gila Monsters, almost never appeared when I needed their hide for the Hunting Challenges, but now I see em left and right, after I finished the challenge. So the rarest animal is the one you need to find.


Muskrat, I hunt them for fun and food but can rarely findem


Painted box turtle


3-star moose


Moose. Those damn things are so freaking hard to find!


Moose. I have put days into finding them and maybe got 1-3 a playthrough at most.


Everyone always says the moose but ngl, in my newest play-through, Iā€™ve ran into like four bull mooseā€™s is out in the wild. I honestly agree with the other comment and say the Florida Panther is is more rare


Rainbow Boa probably


This probably isn't it but it took me so long to find a perfect muskrat


Right now, a stupid robin. But overall, the Carolina Parakeet