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This is one of those annoying “bottleneck points” in the story where you MUST take part in prescribed events. And it can seem unnatural because so much of the game is choose-your-own-adventure. It all boils down to this: RDR2 is a narrative-driven game. It *feels* a lot like an open world game, which is what we all ***really*** want, but it probably would have been far too complex/costly to implement an entirely plot-independent storyline. If Rockstar had given us a true open world game with complete autonomy and player agency, then the story could not have been so impactful. So it’s a trade off. So, that Polish guy: did you leave him his wedding ring (it is possible) or were you a complete monster?


Thanks. That answers my questions.


You ARE a total POS. That's what the whole "redemption" is about. Wouldn't work very well if you were a saint right from the start.


This. People seem to miss this *big point*. Red Dead REDEMPTION. Arthur doesn't start off a total evil bastard, but he's not a good person, either, in a lot of ways.